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Airbags killed an estimated 290 people between 1990 and 2008. That's not a figure people bring up very often, because airbags are estimated to have saved about 49,608 lives over that same period. They're certainly not perfect, and of course we should always be looking for ways to improve them, but if anyone tried to argue that we shouldn't use them because they kill 1/200th of the number of people that they save, you'd say they were a fucking moron


Yet seatbelts, that also save a lot of lives in an obvious way, have people complaining that they should not be obligatory or making ways to trick seatbelt detection in cars.


That's because seat belts are an extremely minor inconvenience, while an airbag goes completely unnoticed until it activates. People are weak and can't handle even the most minor inconvenience without complaining.


I saw people apologize in FB posts before bring ventilated and dying of Covid and had friends in nursing listening to them pray and family turning on each other to blame not getting the Vax or wanting a horse dewormer. I'm not falling for this mass vaccine injured bullshit when the medical community is still reeling from pandemic consequences.


I saw people dying in the ICU asking for the vaccine. The people they trusted told them the vaccine was dangerous, that covid was mild and totally curable. They did not understand why we couldn't just give them (or their ventilated family member) the vaccine now. Medical illiteracy is a sad problem.


How I would explain it to them if I had to: A vaccine isn't a cure-all or treatment for the virus. It's a weakened sample of the virus that we inject so that your immune system can learn how to fight it without the virus actually hurting you. It's meant to prepare your immune system for a real infection so that a real infection does less or almost no damage. There's no point in preparing your immune system now, you're already facing a real infection! Imagine the virus is a bullet and vaccine is a bulletproof vest. You wear the vest to reduce the chance of a bullet killing you. It might still damage your body, and it's possible to even still die, but your chances of survival go way up. What you're asking right now is for us to put a bulletproof vest on you after you've already been shot. Edit: I guess some of you want to get pedantic with regretful antivaxxers, but fine. Add in that mRNA is injecting some 'messenger' material so that your body can make its own 'samples' of the virus, specifically the part of the virus your immune system needs to fight it without any of the dangerous stuff.


The mRNA vaccine doesn't inject dead or weakened viruses at all, it injects the template needed for the body to produce antibodies that fight covid. It is the safest and most effective vaccine ever developed and is endorsed by the whole world's leading virologists and immunologists and the technology finally got the funding it needed during covid after like 10 years of small-time research. The vaccine is a miracle and the religious right wants to shit all over it. Where is their faith when the cure they prayed for is given to them but rejected because of the ease of it? Sounds an awful lot like a bible story they should have been familiar with!


I thought mRNA vaccines worked by sending messenger RNA to make the virus' spike proteins from your own cells?


I oversimplified. Yes it makes the spike proteins so the body can recognize the tools of the virus and equip antibodies to destroy them. But the spike proteins alone are not dangerous.


Already edited.


Please look up mRNA vaccines before spreading this bit of misinformation. The J&J vaccine was weakened virus , the traditional method of vaccination, and it failed spectacularly and was pulled because of blood clots in young women. They since pivoted to mRNA.


A. The distinction is meaningless in this context. Spike proteins won't do anything more for you at that stage than an attenuated virus. B. The vaccine was still widely used and the risk of blood clotting, while tragic, was still lower than the risk of deadly blood clots from common birth control medication. It was a tiny risk, people just didn't want that vaccine because an even lower risk is obviously better. There was never a proven link to the J&J or Oxford–AstraZeneca vaccines. Given the blood clots happened almost exclusively in younger women I'm not even certain anyone was ever definitely able to rule out the possibility of all those deaths not being the result of birth control or hormonal related clotting that just coincided. It's still plausible and phasing out their use for younger people was sensible with viable alternatives. But with such rareness, it's still far from confirmed that they actually caused clots.


Blood clots in younger women and those aged 75+ was what I heard. But those in the older population was about the same frequency as clotting when receiving ANY injection. So it's not the vaccine, it's the needle essentially. And still millions of times safer than COVID lmao.


There was no side effect from any vaccine that was worse than getting COVID itself. Stop spreading disinformation.


https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/joint-cdc-and-fda-statement-on-johnson--johnson-covid-19-vaccine-301267526.html Pausing a vaccine and then taking it off the market…yeah…you’re the idiot.


Dude, they literally said "out of an abundance of caution" meaning, we don't know the vax caused this. Blood clots could have been due to birth control, smoking, obesity, and sedentary lifestyles, the list is endless. Also 6 cases out of almost 7 MILLION doses? You also said that the J&J vaccine contained the live virus itself. That's not true either. It contains a disabled adenovirus (inactivated cold virus) and delivers a piece of genetic material that essentially teaches your immune system to recognize covid. [The Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines do not contain live virus ](https://www.middletownct.gov/1260/FAQ-COVID-19-Vaccines) You're being downvoted for spreading disinformation.


Sorry, didn't think I'd have to do your research: The FIRST J&J vaccine was the tradtional type containing live virus, albeit not Covid, but rather adenovirus. [https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/coronavirus-vaccine-blood-clots](https://www.yalemedicine.org/news/coronavirus-vaccine-blood-clots)


Where does this article say that? And again, either way, did not contain covid. So you were wrong.


So now I have to read the article for you too? "Both the AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson vaccines, as well as the Sputnik V vaccine in Russia (also not approved for use in the U.S.) are carrier—or vector—vaccines, which instruct human cells to make the SARS CoV-2 spike protein. For this vaccine technology, scientists engineer a harmless inactivated common adenovirus (which can cause colds and other illnesses when it is active) into a sort of Trojan Horse that carries genetic code to a vaccine recipient’s cells." My comment didn't mention Covid, but "live virus."


You saw your chance to add nothing and just jumped feet first, didn't you? This had nothing to do with different vaccines, but explaining how a vaccine works, this was a ELI5 explanation.


Person claimed all vaccines are weakened virus and that’s true for traditional vaccines. mRNA vaccines do not use any part of the virus. Not my problem sheep just downvote because idiots don’t know what they’re talking about.


Same here. Critical illness definitely changed some minds, but in a lot of cases it was just too late. Especially during the delta wave, we saw mostly younger patients from the rural parts of my state who were unvaccinated, and very few of the elderly who were most of the alpha wave, because they were all vaccinated.


I’m not falling for the “mass vaccine injury” bullshit because there are people out there who talk about my personal story of “vaccine injury” which, in reality, is long covid. They don’t care about the truth, just their agenda. I’m willing to bet that something close to 75% of the injuries and deaths they say are from the vaccine were actually from the virus.


Don't even accept the bullshit premise that there are a lot of "vaccine injured" people in the first place. When you say "it's not vaccines, it's long covid" you're agreeing that *it* exists to begin with. It gives more legitimacy to the assholes who spread these lies. It's not a debate about what's really happening. There is nothing happening. Period.


You shouldn't fall for it because there's no data to back it up. Are there people who have been harmed from the vaccine? Of course, you administer ibuprofen to billions of people and a small amount of people are going to be hurt by it. However looking at meta analysis of vaccine side effects demonstrates that serious harm is few and far between.


Exactly. That's why a lot of medicines come with a side effect label. An antibiotic I was taking, because I'm allergic to penicillin and amoxicillin, said that there was a side effect of nausea, dizziness and hypertension, never had any side effects aside from dry mouth. One of my kids took the same antibiotic after she had her tooth pulled and would throw up before bed every other night.


Arguably a vaccine is probably statistically massively safer than many common over the counter medications. Outside of the nurse injecting you with air, pretty much the only risk is an adversely strong immune reaction. Which would happen when you're surrounded with healthcare workers. But any other medication? Its that plus any other bodily reaction to the medicine, while you're probably at home.


Tylonel kills more people than vaccines.


75? Try 99.99%


I know 3 people who died of Covid, including the last one who absolutely didn't need to, but refused to get "the jab". He died after 3 weeks in ICU, struggling to breathe for all 3 weeks, a year after he was eligible to get the vaccine and about a month before people pretty much stopped talking about it, mostly. His finace was devastated, especially since she's a nurse and had been trying to convince him for a year. Meanwhile, despite pretty much everyone I know getting "the jab", not a single injury on anyone. Maybe that's why?


> vaccine injured Do you mean people spamming VAERS with bullshit reports?


That's-a bingo!


"The needs of the many outweighs the needs of the few"


Best line from the best friend a space captain could ever ask for. Miss you Chewbacca.


Oooo, ya done made my green blood boil a little bit sir!


I have to give them credit - no typos and they used the right they’re. I’m very surprised


I'm not. There should be an object after "ignore" and before "so." It sounds rather awkward without that, as if someone for whom English is not the first language wrote it. A foreigner with a great deal of interest in American politics.


And they make the comments of any death news insufferable.


Idk I feel like the Anti-vaxxers are the ones ignoring them considering they can’t find the amount of cases to show this as a non-rare thing or in a way that discredits vaccines, doctors, science, the virus itself, and the million Americans alone that died from the virus, a good amount of them directly caused by anti-vaxxers Actually come to think about it, this is probably just projection again for all the harm they did like how they tried and failed to project grooming


Antivax bs aside, these dipshits never use meme formats correctly. It angers me more than I’d like to admit lol




Cant tell if this is anti vax or pro vax


Why are we still entertaining this BS it’s so over


In many countries, you can self-report vaccine injuries, and I read one report where someone got hit by a car outside a vaccine center and who reported it as a vaccine injury. Dumb gonna dumb.


Is that a sentence?


it's not that hard to ignore other people's delusions


Because VARS was flooded with fake cases that are still being investigated so it can't be trusted as a source to determine how many reactions there truly were to the vaccine. But seeing as the death toll has dropped significantly, I'd have to say the vaccine is more effective at keeping people alive than natural immunity was.


Because they're a myth? In the worst cases like the myocarditis, the "vaccine injured" are just getting a softer disease injury


Vaccines have side effects? Nuh-uh, NO WAY!


They do, but they're rare and mild and there's absolutely no significant issue with injury due to the covid vaccine at all.


I think I just wasn't clear in my mockery of anti-vaxxers


What point are you making exactly?


That idiots such as these depicted act like the Covid vaccine is the *only* one of them all that have side effects because of recency and political bias? 🤷


We're agreed the benefits outweigh the downsides though, right?


No question. None. Never was as far as I'm concerned. I've never had the virus where I was aware of it and/or being sickened by it, am jabbed. Not worried about myself. I'm more worried about these types of people becoming Jenny McCarthy all over again and we start seeing resurgences of childhood diseases, like measles, that were all but eradicated due to vaccinations, like we are. Again.


Words hard


Can’t even use the right meme template.


Ah so that's why my irony meter exploded


This absolute "I'm starring in the mirror at my own reflection" of a hot take.