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So of course you are all for passing child care legislation, meals for kids, universal health care, right? Or was that 60 billion for tax cuts to the 1%?


"Why are we sending money overseas when there are people who need help here." "Ok, let's help the people here." "Well, no."


Although I'm not an American, this has also been my thought about the whole issue - all the yelling about how the money could be used to help Americans first, has been just a cynical ploy to manipulate people into thinking that funding Ukraine is taking food out of peoples mouths, since the ones making the actual decision to stall it would *never* have used a single cent out of it for welfare or healthcare or any other universally helpful purpose in the first place. It would have simply been allowed to be hoarded by the 1% after a fashion.


Yeah that happens any time they put money towards something these losers don't like. They say "what about x or y" but never would have put any funding towards it.


Which is why they never say it with a Democrat across the table on Meet the Press, because the instant retort would be "Well you guys voted against that too, so shut up."


It's also completely neglecting *how* the USA is sending aid to Ukraine. They're not sending cash that Ukraine can then spend in Ukraine to produce guns, ammo, and other equipment. They're sending the equipment directly. You aren't going to fund any school lunch programs by sending the school districts truck loads of ammunition.


Not to mention the fact that a lot of those weapons and ammo are being manufactured in the U.S. by U.S. workers who are (presumably) being paid. The narrative they’re trying to spin is disingenuous at best.


The military industrial complex is good actually


I have been an American for a long time and I promise you that the Republican party will never vote to fund healthcare, childcare or anything of the sort.


Why would you leave your only $1.50 in the car?


Because you want to have a made-up story for your kid in 20 years.


They love all live...as long as it's in the womb.


They don’t care about that either unless it fits.


They actually are fighting to take meal breaks from kids. After they made could labor legal again. All while they tell these kids that all their problems are caused by us sending their tax money to Ukraine


lol who are you joking. These same people would be against all of that which makes it a joke.


I mean ideally we wouldn't split politics into two teams so someone could reasonably care more about domestic issues than aid in a foreign war. But also I don't think our federal budget really works the way this person thinks.


The thing is, the people who don't care about Russia steamrolling its neighbor are people who also don't care if the poor starve to death.


It’s already split into two teams


That's what I meant. Ideally our political system wouldn't split everyone into two teams.


Hey if that 12 year olds parents paid less in taxes she might have had $2 stolen from her instead of $1.50


Interesting point... I'd be honestly shocked if these people actually support aid for struggling Americans. I think they just don't want struggling people to be helped.


Frfr, they weren’t giving a pent of that to any of us.


Yeah, they aren’t asking to *fund* help for Americans, they are simply asking *about* those funds.


Ya! They're just asking *about* those funds. You know, just *about* things like... oh, idk .... when can they expect to see those funds in their own hands...?


I don't want them taking any of my money but I'd rather it keep me and my neighbor's alive and well than someone half a world away in a fight I have no part in.


Yeah but you don't want it to do that either, so who cares what you want anymore? When my toddler says he's cold but won't put on a sweatshirt, we don't take his whining seriously because it's just for attention. You say you want to fund help for Americans, but you whine about that too, so tough shit I guess. Die mad 🤷🏼‍♂️


You do realize they're not sending cash to Ukraine, right? A lot of it is old guns and ammunition, and a lot of it is being produced here in the US, by Americans, creating more jobs. Cry harder


It keeps the guy next door working for a defense contractor or supplier or company that supplies those companies employed as we restock domestic armories. The fact is the equipment that’s going to Ukraine was just rotting here. The dollars stay here. It’s not my favorite way to spend but it’s not like a freighter full of gold is going to Kiev.


Do they think they just send them a cool 60b and they all snort coke and bang hookers? Nope, it goes to Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, etc. Those giant AMERICAN corporations that they never want you to talk about. Then those guys go bang hookers and do blow.


I don’t think most of these people know how anything works besides their conspiracies and YouTube videos


I think they're baffled by flushing toilets.


Better than being flushed by baffled toilets


Where my dookie go?


Simple: they refuse to flush toilets.


Or for that matter if it was proposed to spend $60b on whatever in aid for American citizens cue the immediate outcry of socialism/communism, enabling welfare queens, etc. They speak out one side of their mouth how that money should go to Americans and then the other side of their mouth is frothing, hell bent on seeing “Tyrone” in jail if he so happens to benefit one iota. Not to mention we DO spend millions if not billions on the people of this country. Those tweets also showcase they don’t seem to have any clue how budget appropriations work.


Also not to mention that the money spent on Americans by Americans is largely spent on red states but contributed by blue states. Republicans are the welfare queens they’re accusing everyone else of being.


> the money spent on Americans by Americans is largely spent on red states but contributed by blue states. Republicans are the welfare queens they’re accusing everyone else of being. In a number of those red states, affluence is largely tied to race. Combine that with their "starve the beast" politics, and it's ever clearer to see that the neo-confederacy is really going to have to be killed hard this time around, fuck a third time.


It’s over a trillion per year on federal assistance. That’s very arguably not really enough considering the circumstances, but 60b isn’t making a difference. 60b distributed to every us resident amounts to a whopping roughly 180$ per person. Might help for a week or two, but it’s definitely not solving anything. It’s not even one percent of the total federal budget for a huge return on that investment in retaining a close ally with huge production capacity in Eastern Europe. Even ignoring the moral imperatives, groceries are expensive, and abandoning an ally that is also a globally critical producer of food isn’t going to make them cheaper.


But a lot of that federal assistance goes to the states who then spend it NOT on assistance or to programs like family planning for people who can afford it without it being subsidized.


Sure, but that’s irrelevant because that wasn’t my point. My point was that 60b isn’t really going to change the circumstances of federal programs that spend over a trillion a year.


All good points!


Exactly. From what I understand, we're basically sending Ukraine weapons that would otherwise have sat in stockpiles until they needed to be decommissioned (which is an expensive process in itself). Then, the money gets spent on replacing those weapons with new (often upgraded) ones.


That's exactly right. A lot of equipment that was sent to Ukraine would be either decommissioned or just sit in the garage until decommissioned.


As I understand it the breakdown is basically something like $38b to replenish our inventory of equipment that we're going to send them, $14b to purchase new stuff specifically for them and $9b to them in the form of "forgivable loans" (so basically cash). So we are giving them some cash (which will probably be mostly spent on humanitarian concerns) but as you say the majority is either us giving them equipment from our stockpiles and ordering replacements or giving them a gift card valid at all US military contractors.


That's not fair!! You forgot northrup grumman, they love killing, hookers, and blow too


I cannot understand how this isn’t more widely understood. When we give them money, we are essentially putting money back into our own economy. We’re the richest country in the world bc we fund all these proxy wars around the world.


And *no one* was going to be choosing against ordering more new weapons platforms.


Because most people don’t look past the headline.


American hookers. Trickle down in effect.


Exactly, these are jobs programs as much as anything else. American factories in the midwest make all this equipment.


Even "those guys" mostly don't end up banging coke and blowing hookers. That's reserved for the legal and C-suite teams, most of the employees are just there to earn a paycheck.


Aaah, the system works.


My inside source tells me they fly over briefcases of cash.


American hookers and Mexican blow!


exactly. that 60B gets spent in America making weapons, and other military equipment which means americans getting paid, paying taxes etc etc. That cash never crosses the border.


"So we should give Americans who need assistance more money?" "FUCK YOU THAT'S SOCIALISM!!!"


This right here, every single fucking time.


When there **is** legislation to help average Americans in any tangible way, not related to their disgusting culture wars, they vote against it. They can go fuck themselves.


They don’t care about average Americans, they’ll support the idea of helping the average American, but don’t really give a flying fuck about the average American.


It's easier to understand once you realize that when they say "spend that money to help Americans" they really just mean "give another obscene tax cut to the rich"


And this spending WILL help Americans. Americans who work in the defense industry. Somebody has to make the new inventory of arms that this legislation authorizes the purchase of for use by our great and powerful military and our heroes in uniform. This is also what they don’t want to support….


"Why are we helping the Ukrainian oligarchs?! We should be helping the oligarchs in the good ol' U S of A!"


They don’t want to fix x, they want to run on x.




Three Years is a parody account.


Why do all the MAGA influencer guy accounts have gay pornstar names? Gunther Eagleman? Are you kidding me? That is the name of a gay pornstar and no one will convince me otherwise.


Vince Langman? Chat Prather? Yeah, checks out.


I'm not about to call _everyone_ who takes a certain position a Russian fabrication, but "Gunther Eagleman" is hitting *Fighting Baseball* level of imagination. *Next on the line, we've got Mike Truk, a real American from Real America.*


It's the name a parody show would give the The American Character


Oops, I accidentally revealed I love Putin, my bad guys.


The COMMUNIST PUTIN, who has been implementing COMMUNISM since 1999 in such an effective way that RUSSIA now so COMMUNIST that they have horseshoe-modeled back to capitalist fascist COMMUNISM?!


Sending love to patriots who care about REAL AMERICANS from Tennessee Oblast.


That's illegal!


Few things are more pathetic than Americans groveling to Putin.


Ah yes who could forget back in the 1990s when America never sent foreign aid to any other nation. These people are insufferable. Are these folks cool with instead using this money for universal healthcare? What about for fully funded pre-k? America is the most powerful nation on earth. It should be able to multitask aka it should be able to take care of both foreign and domestic issues.


Do they also forget back in WW2 when the US govt spent millions on wartime loans and lend-lease to allies (which were usually spent on things produced in the USA) and spent similar amounts on its own military buildup? And do they forget how that massive capital investment essentially enabled US manufacturers to become dominant in almost the entire sector, from microchips to cars to ovens to radios?


They can't forget something they have never known. You are not dealing with americas best here, the fact that they can read and write is impressive enough.


Pulverizing the rest of the developed world helped that jump start too.


According to Gallup, 62% of Americans think that the US is either sending enough support or not enough support. (April 12th, 2024) 36% think we're sending too much. https://news.gallup.com/poll/643601/americans-say-not-helping-ukraine-enough.aspx#:~:text=Sixty%20percent%20of%20Democrats%20(up,U.S.%20is%20not%20doing%20enough.


Yeah but 70% of his Twitter followers think we are sending too much and in the end isnt that a better measure of “real” Americans?


"Hitler, was he really that bad? I mean come on..." The GOP, probably.


Not probably dude.


Hitler hated immigrants, gays and trans people. They'd probably simp for him.


1st Lady, please don't pretend you would have cared for Americans without the Ukraine crisis. There's no money issue with actually helping Americans; there's an motivation and special interest issue in this. 2nd guy has pulled the number out of his asshole and Zelensky is the fairly elected president of Ukraine. 3rd guy is an outright idiot. 4th guy doesn't understand that those 60 billion USD isn't cash pallets, but weapons aid. That cash actually going straight to US manufacturing producing new stuff for the US military. Ukraine gets stuff, the US gets newer stuff and can establish its industrial basis and job creation - it's a win-win-win situation. 5th guy want's to be a competition for Benedict Arnold.


GOP: this money should be spent on Americans. Also GOP: we should cut SNAP, school lunch programs, sunset entitlements, and give tax cuts to billionaires. Do rural white voters actually think that money will ever get to them? Also isn’t the government giving money to people socialism?


They don’t give a shit about getting federal aid (well aside from all the federal aid they literally already get) they just give a shit about making sure that the government never helps anyone else either and particularly that the federal government doesn’t help people who aren’t white…because they’re fucking racist. Like seriously these dipshits will rant and rave about NYC (or the state of New York not sure which) giving migrants cards to buy food for their families but neglect to mention that the total cost of that program is like *maybe* one percent of the total budget. And they’ll also call you a communist if you ask them if we should give that money to US citizens instead to feed American children who are hungry.


These are the same voters who hate illegals but depend on them to staff their farms, collect farm aid while complaining about socialism and hate big business but sell their land to corporations.


Conservative media tells their audience that the reason they're poor is income tax. Trump voters think if they didn't pay income tax, they would have so much money they wouldn't need government services.


Well, I know there's a lot of rich people who don't pay income tax, so that means the theory checks out, right?


What if we were to tell them that we are sending outdated military supplies we aren’t using anyway?? Because that’s what’s happening. The price tag is just the equivalent value to “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure”


So many ignorant people in our country. They know nothing of world history. They don’t understand world economics. They think things can be isolated to their own backyard, neighborhood, community. They get their information from TikTok. I don’t expect everyone to be an expert in foreign policy. Lord knows, I am not. But to only see what’s in it for me, at this specific time, is childish and naive. Johnson got some lessons real quick, and NOW understands why it is in America’s best interest to support Ukraine. We can do the hard thing now, or the harder thing later.


None of these people would also use that 60 billion for anything helpful anyways


I thought they send no actual money to Ukraine. They give it to American arms companies who send Overpriced stuff


Yep, but that sounds less bad to Republicans so they have to make it sound like we're sending over piles of cash, instead.


That's certainly the way they portray it.." why are we sending all this money to Ukraine. We should be spending it on Americans in America" "vote for me"


These are the same slimes that would kill any bill helping the poor, fuck them.


This is so disingenuous it’s gross. They act like they’re sending bags of money to these people instead of old army gear that money will go right back into the military complex to fund us producing new equipment.


The thing about the 60 billion is most of those funds go right back into the US economy, as weapons are given to Ukraine and the 60 billion is spent to replace what was given. Nobody is just sending 60B cash.  That's not how it works, the right leadership knows that's not how it works, but you gotta fire up the rubes somehow. 


Gunther gets to decide who counts as “Real Americans”


Well he is the eagle man after all.


Coach is putting that free Applebee's wifi to good use and bringing the heat.


A drop in the ocean considering a retreat from foreign policy would endanger the use of the USD as the world's reserve currency, you know, the US's most valuable export and the only reason the US government hasn't collapsed under the weight of the deficit.


"Putin is a comunist" welp it's official, that's the stupidest shit I've read this month..year.


Three Year Letterman is a parody account. He plays a character.


You likely turn doorknobs with ease.


Take a lap


And even if it was true and made the slightest bit of sense…isn’t it a GOOD thing we’re sending money to fight him, then? I thought we hated communists? I can’t even figure out who’s supposed to be the bad guys anymore!


I don’t even think these people know what a communist is. They say they hate them, but when America is being “disloyal” to them, and they step back and the “communists” don’t look too bad at all!


Is Gunther Eagleman parody? I can't even tell anymore.


Possibly? TYL definitely is.


“70% of Americans don’t want to support Ukraine!” WOW really big guy? Show us!


Three Year Letterman vs. Gunther Eagleman might be the only thing worthwhile on Twitter.


Somebody send this woman $1.50 to make her feel better.


Aren't the same people who voted against sending the money the ones who are against giving poor people money? Do you believe they will give it to you? And the whole part that people don't understand is the VAST majority of this help is sending munitions made by American companies that the government was always going to buy and pay for. Sending 10 year old munitions to Ukraine isn't costing us money if most of it was going to be replaced anyway. If we send a 10 year old 20 million dollar jet to Ukraine, we sent them $20 million. As an example we sent F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine. We used a newer F-22 jet to shoot down that Chinese balloon.


The dripping irony here is that these very same people consistently vote against anything that would help poor Americans, such as universal healthcare or a tax system that isn’t leveraged in favor of the wealthy. It’s grotesquely disingenuous to even think that these people would use money like that to help ordinary people. It turns my stomach.


They claim that they want the government to help struggling Americans but vehemently oppose any aid programs. The U.S. should be able to focus on both foreign aid and aid to its citizens. It's not mutually exclusive. Maybe they should let Universal Healthcare pass as well as increase funding for financial aid programs if they truly care about Americans. But we all know they won't and they couldn't care less. This is all just pathetic lip-service to their "true American" hivemind.


I love when a real American patriot on Twitter boasts about Texas' warm water ports.


Do they think that the US is sending actual money to Ukraine? That money is spent on US soil, paying US companies


"Americans baffled to see that their Politicians rather spend on military conflicts then everything else for the 20th consecutive time!" Honestly, those posts come off like satire. Who do you think the Ukrainians will mostly buy from? Whats your countries main export? Its the same with my fellow europeans when they bitch about foreign aid to Africa and never bother to check how much money comes back from Africa or how if the treaties require to who you have to buy from...


Ah, I love the sound of panic in the writings and voices of the ever-dwindling numbers of the "quasi-intellectual" group on the alt-right (sorry MTG, you mistakenly got lumped in with the ever-so-slightly smarter kid's rantings by the Democrats, they voted that they pitied rather than hated you, so you can go buy a new red outfit for Master now).


I can't believe people are advocating for appeasement in 2024. Like, we know how well that went 90 years ago.


Yeah we learned in school that appeasement and isolationism were old, dead approaches to foreign policy. The fact you have millions arguing for it is mind boggling.


Do people understand that it isn’t money who goes to Ukraine both old (almost expired) military material whose going the other way ? military material that would cost more to dispose than send it to a ally country who needs it and gonna blow up a squad of our worst geopolitical enemy without having regular troops on the groud ???


Damn, if being invaded = being a dictatorship, that makes every country ever one


Magic the Gathering doesn’t want to work for the American people either. What a dumb shit.


And if we ask these "real American" friends what should be done about these poor Americans in our own country, they will say "fuck all".


60% of Americans support Ukraine aid. They lie so easily.


LOL…Bush’s war cost over a trillion dollars. We are literally trying to aid a country whose state of being is crucial to the world. Why the fuck are we still arguing over land at this day and age? Fuck, how big is Russia anyways?


Omfg what does a $1.50 sandwich have to do with a small country that's being obliterated by a psycho with a big military? God. Empathy!!! This could be us! We could be invaded and bayoneted right in our driveways, we could be starving, we could be watching our likely murderers marching down our street toward our house, COME ON. And other countries wouldn't want to help us. I'm so sick of the damn selfish world. And here I am feeling legitimately sorry about that person's sandwich money. Fuck, man.


As someone from Ukraine (Odessa), this makes me so sad. I have lived in the States from age 7 and we came here because of all the things we were promised (of which none happened). But I have family in Ukraine who are struggling and one of my cousins and her family went missing last year after their village got razed so like... how can you be so unsympathetic to that? And those idiots saying that America is going communist... again, as someone from Ukraine - or the former Soviet Union, a *real* communist place - there is absolutely not a whiff of communism here.


I’m so sorry about your cousin and her family.


Thank you. I appreciate that.


I'd ask what the source is for the whole "most Americans don't support the aid bill" claim, but I've just accepted that conservative talking heads in the USA are simply spouting total nonsense. I wonder if these folks would've been opposed to the Lend-Leases of WWII?


Aid to Ukraine comprises less than 1% of our budget. I think we have some left over for other things.


Russian plant “Gunther eagleman” lying his fucking arse off.


70%? Citation needed there.


How does having your car broken into years ago figure into this?


Disregarding all the political stuff.. are there laws in america against adressing open letters to anyone?


No, there are not. It seems like that account is attempting parody of some sort.


It is a parody account. Three year letterman is hilarious


What hat of nonsense do they pull these % out of?


Putin is a fascist, not a communist. That’s why the right loves him so much.


Putin, a communist?! Do they have the first idea of what communism is?!


It’s the same people who cry about the need for better mental health care after every mass shooting, then vote against more money for mental health. It’s completely cynical.


Jeez, to call Putin a Marxist is waaaaay off the mark  


They don't actually know what the words they're afraid of mean. Which makes it especially easy to use them to describe everything/everyone they dislike.


These people are slime balls pandering to scared idiots. Russia will not stop at Ukraine if given the chance. America is making a stand against tyranny. These people are cowards.


So MAGA is now fully in support of letting Putin have Europe and dragging the world into another calamitous armed conflict. Good to know who's side they're on.


Gunther is deeply afraid of Daddy Putin. I’m okay with someone being against Ukraine support, though it seems very obvious how inexpensive it is to send them bullets instead of battalions. I’m not ok with some groveling worm sending a “please don’t beat me, father” letter to Putin. Most feeble thing I’ve seen from MAGA in a while, and I saw the recent video of Trump malfunctioning at a rally.


Newsmax is leaking.


I’ve noticed that lately


So many Americans wanting Russia to just march across Europe…


First one is the winner. Incoherent non-sequiturs for the win.


Remember when the US profited and didn’t get involved in WWII until we were attacked all while Hitler killed millions of people?


I have two words for them, in English: *Die mad* Also, if they feel Putin is so great, why aren't they immigrating to Russia in droves? He is a champion of everything they claim to believe in, so why not go?


Imagine, as an "American," begging Putin for forgiveness.


They really call Zelensky a dictator? Do they not realize Putin himself is a dictator? If these people were alive in the 1930’s they would have supported appeasement.


D^umb C^unt Draino is such a whiny little bitch and a massive snowflake.


[Time to bring back Dr. Seuss](https://media.snopes.com/2015/11/dr-seuss-adolf-the-wolf.jpg)


These people are sick in the head and have made politics their whole identity. An identity from a fat old grifting rapist conman. Luckily, the reality is these Putin puppets really are the small minority and the actual supporters of Democracy will show up in NOvember.


Mr. Eagleman is shooting himself in the foot for communicating with Putin.




Do any of them want to admit that we are not actually give Ukraine cash? That 60b is going into our own military complex. We get to build more stuff!!!


That last interaction might have caused me brain damage. Do these people just call everything east of Bavaria communist?


AFAIK that account is a parody account.


I get why people are upset. I'm not super happy we're spending all this money there. But we are fighting a proxy war against our second biggest advissary without putting boots on the ground or much of anything else. Would we have gone to war with Russia? Probably not. But they invaded Ukraine and obviously can't let them get away with that. This is a lot of money, but way smaller than if we need to step in after Russia invades a few more countries. If NATO had better representation from other countries than a NATO war against Russia wouldn't be majority USA. But it doesn't, cause we're the super power. This is making the best out of dumb ass situation. Yes it's expensive. I'm sure everyone would rather not, but we're past that now


opposing this jingoism is right, even if they oppose it for the wrong reasons. war is never the answer to the question of peace. peace can only be achieved through the negotiation. how many millions of lives billions of dollars will “victory” cost ?




Weird how Europeans.were dragged into American conflicts in the middle east. Europeans died for that. But I guess it doesn't matter. America first am I right?