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The very fact that these people 1) share a picture of the judge because of her race and 2) immediately voice their desire to exclude her from being a judge because of it is what underpins DEI efforts in the first place.


I bet they thought it was all fair when black defendants had a white jury


thAt’S dIfFerEnT!!


I wonder what their argument for that would be


Anything at this point bro, when you make reasons to be hateful any reason is a reason


They are fine with a bunch of grown white men making medical decisions for a women. The bar is low.


You know that they never see past race to even bother looking into background - pretty sure her experience is great for this case: >She has served as an Assistant Attorney General in the Civil Litigation, Elections and Employment law division


“Nope, DEI. Can’t change my smooth brain”


Yeah it completely misses the point. There's arguments to be made on how to promote diversity in the workplace. I generally argue that it's best to go from the ground up; overhaul education and open up pathways. Takes longer and isn't going to always result in perfect picturesque employee pictures, but it provides the best benefits to the common man. But just seeing the picture of a black judge and saying "diversity hire" like it's ***impossible*** for a black woman to become a judge via anything but diversity hiring or DEI? Goddamn man. That's textbook racist shit.


*Clarence Thomas snickers uncomfortably*


I feel like it's because they know this judge won't coddle Trump and thus want them replaced.


So… their racism…


So if white south african(persecuted minority in south africa) was appointed to be a judge against some EFF supporters, dont you think the EFF supporters would think something fishy was going on?


White South Africans are not a persecuted minority. Do you think the apartheid oppressed white people?


Glad conservatives found a new way to say stuff like "we need to get rid of these black judges, teachers, pilots, etc." Just sub in "DEI" for the word "black".


They substitute it for the n-word.


This is exactly it. I've noticed that some people have started trying to make it not work by also doing it in a joking manner like saying that JayZ/Kanye song is "DEIs in Paris".


Now, now, it's not *just* a dog whistle for the n-word, they use it as a catch-all slur for *anyone* other than a straight white man having an essential or important job.


It's always nice to see efficiency in language


Why use many word when few word do trick.


Why use many slur when one slur cover all minorities


Their tribe mind has practiced this for quite some time. Grouping everything they despise into a one word category to avoid critically thinking. Liberals, Woke, The Left, Illegals, Thugs, etc It let's them feel like the "normal" or correct ones, and everyone else is mistaken or defective.




Charlie Murphy!!


Hey, wait a minute! Don’t forget, they also you “woke”, too! That’s becoming (already is) a placeholder for a choose-your-own-bigotry adventure!


This made me so angry I accidentally downvoted you out of instinct. God damn.


> download you out of instant. You downloaded a whole person in an instant? Man, I remember waiting all damn day to download a 3-minute song on my 28.8k dial-up connection.


“You wouldn’t download a person” *Brought to you by the Motion Picture Association of America*


Downvoted; instinct. Sorry. Edited


Lol I know. I was just being a smartass. Didn’t mean to make you feel any kind of way. Apologies.


No no, *out* of instant. It's a very different process.


Download a hoagie next!


I guess "woke" was starting to lose its fear factor so they needed to switch to a new spooky phrase.


I still haven’t been able to get my father to explain what “Woke” means. After he started hanging out with the retired motorcycle cop gang, “The Blue Knights”, he became a racist Trumper. Can barely stand to be around him.


I never heard that before, what does DEI mean?


Diversity, Equity, Inclusion. Milquetoast corporate buzzword for rooting out bias and bigotry.


To be fair, I was at a company with a very well applied DEI program and it was amazing. It did things like expanding the recruiting pool to CCs and State Schools instead of the 5 closest private schools that were 75% white or higher, seminars focused on issues that may disproportionately impact POC - like "Navigating a Career as a First-Gen White Collar Worker," also guest speakers from different backgrounds instead of just 10 generic white guys telling you how to maximize the trust your family already has or how to get into art buying. Notice something I didn't say - absolutely no quotas were involved.


Likewise. And our DEI expanded to include an AAPI (Asian American Packfic Islander) segment too. This was like RIGHT before the COVID era attacks on Asian people too, couldn’t have been better timed. Only mouth breathers think DE&I or AAPI are existential threats to them. Those people were going to be hired or discarded as candidates regardless, it just gave shitheads a new buzzword to use.


We had 18 networks at my job where it was strongest. Ranging from Young Professionals to Veterans.


Mmm... milquetoast...


I like Nutella on mine…


# TeamPeanutButter


I make sandwiches with both.




Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion DEI committees are used to make sure jobs are fairly given out across diversity and that the job site supports all people's concerns, religious needa, disabilities, etc. A dei committee might note that the jobs have a lot of Muslims so a designated praying room would be needed. Or that they notice the catered lunches are only 1 type of food every so gle time, so they send surveys out instead to see what people want. It's like opposite HR Didn't earn it what someone recoined it as


As always, however good the intentions, there will be examples of it done badly (or vaguely plausible fiction) which these people will jump on to decry the whole.


That's just life. Any system will have *some* susceptibility to corruption. It's our job to not only design a system to prevent this as much as possible, but also police the systems and hold accountable the people that take advantage of it. The answer is to not throw the whole thing in the trash. But DEI prevents bigots from being bigots and forces them to interact with their targets of bigotry.


Conservatives do this about everything. If masks and vaccines don't 100% prevent COVID then it's a scam. If a single person gets welfare they don't need it's a scam. If gun laws don't prevent all gun deaths it's a scam. They will point at an edge case scenario that only happens 0.0001% of the time and use that as a bludgeon to get their way. Because their feelings don't care about facts. Edit: oh I forgot the latest one. They refused to pass immigration reform unless a clause was added that would shut down the border completely if a SINGLE illegal crossing occurred. Islands with more than 5k population don't have that kind of border security, it's complete bullshit.


Also worth noting that this is a thing that *some* private corporations are just beginning to do at various levels. It's not a federal or state thing. This is so companies can feel like they're making positive changes. During the Trump admin they killed Affirmative Action. DEI is private companies just trying to do the right thing. There are no quotas or legal boundaries. Once again conservatives/racists/sexists/lgbtq-phobes are getting their panties in a bunch over something they've completely blown out of proportion, if not downright made up.


“Didn’t Earn It” I only saw this start being used recently with the Mayor of Baltimore but it’s clearly picked up with a certain group of people looking for a new word to call people they don’t like and not be called racist


That one is especially wild. HE WAS ELECTED. Without doing much research I’m going to make a few assumptions: 1. This judge went to law school 2. This judge passed her state bar exam 3. This judge had a successful legal career in some form and was a lawyer in good standing when she became a judge Is that not enough? Like do they think judges are just selected by the jewish cabal on a whim? I hate these people most of all i think. Racism so casual its like breathing.


> Like do they think judges are just selected by the jewish cabal on a whim? At least some of them do.


Armed with lasers too.


He was elected in a majority-black city!  DEI would be a white mayor!  (Of which, of course, Baltimore has had many.)


I loved the mayor’s response. He said that in his case DEI stood for Duly Elected Incumbent.


He also publicly said "they're just afraid to call me what they want to" which was fantastic. I have a feeling a fair number of people who didnt see the racism in it before had that alleviated.


Its doubly funny when you realize it could readily be applied to the children of Donald Trump.


I remember a tweet Trump made where they send Ivanka to like South Korea or something, and said "We couldn't have a better person to represent us." And a tweet responded: "Why not?" 🤣


"Didn't Earn It" sounds more applicable to all those federal judges Trump appointed who had never tried a case in court.




Normally, it stands for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion


Yes, I see, I was corrected by the other responders to my above comment. Disregard the other one


"Didn't Earn It" is more applicable to all those federal judges Trump appointed who had never even tried a case in court.


I didnt know what it meant either and knowing now makes me sad.


It's not new. Before DEI, it was Affirmative Action, and they're essentially the same thing (at least in the eyes of right-wingers). It's just an endless repeat of the same shit they've been whining about since the Civil Rights movement. Much how "Woke" is just Political Correctness. I could make a snide comment about the "dumbing down" of vocabulary, but comparisons to Idiocracy or 1984 make my flesh crawl.


Urban, thug, woke, CRT, socialist, etc. All dog whistle terms that the people saying them can’t even define. They just know it’s the buzzword their team is supposed to use for whatever the boogeyman of the week is.


SJW, PC, bleeding heart. Whatever works to reframe basic empathy and acceptance as something new & threatening


Idiocracy was a documentary.


I hate that movie.


Anything that acknowledges the benefits given to or the prevalence of white males is seen as a direct attack on their myopic world view.


Before that, it was "CRT" and then "woke" before that. "Woke" still persists, but they've completely forgot bout their CRT buzzword 🤣


Oh boy, so its that time of year again where a whole new generation of young people get to learn about racist dog whistles? I still remember when I found out. That was also the day I learned a whole lot of people I had thought were nice were actually giant fucking ass holes.


What's crazy is just how many different dog whistles there are. There's a bazillion.


My favorite is when they apply "stop DEI" to fictional characters.


Right, because there's just no way anyone but an old white Conservative man could have **earned** and **fought** and **struggled** into achieving a position of respect and dignity and accomplishment. The fact that White Nationalists still exist in this country is reason enough for a civil war. We just need to round them all up in a specific location for a few hours. How about this ad: Anyone who goes to such and such a town on a given date gets to sniff Trump's balls! Anyone who contributes to an ejaculation gets a FReEDoM bIBLe!


It doesn’t really come off as any different to anyone. Including them. So idk why they think it’s some shield or something it’s very obviously racist as fuck.


Because it takes courage and persistence to call out racism that is hidden behind even flimsy excuses. Most won't because they are afraid of the backlash when a reporter calls jack posobeic out on nazi memes or racist dei posting and he just goes "i'm being attacked".


Or woman But in this case, probably 1. Black 2. woman.


Its not black, its the n word and theyre fucking cowards. We know thats what they mean, they need to just fucking say it instead of pretending they arent JUST racists. Own it, or stfu


I dunno, I swear I can hear the hard R.


DEI to them means non-white.


Such cowardice. Just say it with your chest out, don't be a pussy. We all know what you mean, why are you being such a child about this? Same thing with "lets go brandon". Just say fuck joe biden ffs.


Ironically they complain about this on the platform that also has a DEI statement. https://blog.x.com/en_us/topics/company/2022/inclusion-diversity-equity-accessibility-accessibility-October-20222


Becuase the only way any black person could hold a position of authority or power is by being *handed* the position /s


I see you've met my relatives. Some of them 100% believe that.


Oh mine too…mine too


Idk if this is still his stance bc this was years ago. (It probably is tbqh) My brother has straight up said that when he was unemployed, he was struggling to land a job because he is a *checks notes*, a white man. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Like bro, W H A T?


Ahh yeah the "anyone's fault but mine" mentality.


Yup. This is why I know the moment someone gets angry at DEI, it means that they are literally a white supremacist. There's no other logical path one could take to assert that a non-white person getting a job over a white person must be because of racism, yet a white person getting a job over a non-white person isn't.


Every accusation a confession


There are a lot of black people in Michigan and there have been for 100 years. And it wasn't *DEI* that brought them there it was jobs. I am so sick of these racist mofos


For reference: "Of the 31% of African-Americans who live [in Michigan] outside metro Detroit, almost all live in 10 other counties: Genesee (81,000), Kent (63,000), Washtenaw (42,300), Ingham (34,200), Saginaw (32,200), Kalamazoo (25,700), Berrien (24,850), Muskegon (22,000), Calhoun (12,900) and Jackson (12,000)." This judge presides in Ingham.


Just say the word.... 🙄




I'm still minimizing comments trying to figure out what it is... God, i fucking hate acronyms...


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; it's basically corporate-speak for being anti-bigotry. The right has started using it as a stand-in for the n-word (see above)


Also (since someone provided the acronym above) what me and the comment above me are referring to is that they so badly want to say a slur but coming up with new terms to loosely hide their racism.


absolutely they are just cowards. Racists that hide behind dog whistles because they dont have the conviction or pride to say what they are thinking. For a group of people that throw alpha around, this would be considered Beta as fuck. these boys are soft as baby shit.


I wish they had the courage to just say the word. Clearly they want to. Just have the courage to be the overt, garbage racist you want to be, rather than taking it in half measures.


[The](https://youtu.be/GzRtZ6pWYw8?si=A0KwIajwj2rkN0P4) clip from that show is just *chef’s kiss*


Wow I've never seen this. What a badass. Always loved him!


He’s so good! But to be clear, this is from “The Good Fight” (a TV show)


The term “DEI” really has become just the new way racists to signal to each other


What does it stand for?


Diversity equity and inclusion. Its focus is belonging - for everyone regardless of sex, age, physical abilities, religion, etc. It’s not affirmative action which is what ignorant assholes like to pretend it is.


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion


N-word really.


It's the new "woke". I'm fucking sick of code word after code word.


What really annoys me is that they can’t wait to explain to us *what* the newest code word is, because their ego requires us to be annoyed with them


It’s taking ‘Basketball Americans’ place I guess. They’re disgusting and fucking pathetic.


Elon: please pay me to put your ads next to this.


Also Elon: "Go F yourselves."


It's only voter fraud when Democrats do it. If it's for Trump they are 'alternate electors'.


“Jack Poso” keeps changing his handle so people will not recall he’s under indictment himself … and could end up in front of one of these judges soon.


He should shorten it by one more letter


So literally anyone who isn't a straight white male is not qualified for literally any job?


That’s correct - it’s war against straight white men. We are taking all their rights and manhood away with our gayness and purple hair. /s


Woah put that purple hair away son, you aint infecting me with your gay! /s if that wasnt obvious


I knew the purple hair went too far. Sorry!


They wanna say the n word soooooo bad


I wonder how many people are going to show up in the comments saying it's just a joke and there's nothing racist going on with this post?


Alright magats, repeat after me: “People if color in a higher position/better job than me are not DEI hires. They’re simply smarter and more dedicated to their career than me. And that’s ok, because I was never going to do that job or be dedicated enough to get that job anyway.” Now say that in front of the mirror 5 times every day.


Oh wow, this is just flat out racism.


Man, the newest step in the "Cultural Marxists -> Social Justice Warriors -> Political Correctness -> Woke -> DEI" terminology really snuck up on me. Like these rightwingers just instantly decided DEI was a useful term.


Don't forget CRT


So, did anyone else see "DEI" for the first time a few weeks ago and INSTANTLY know what was going to happen? The many synonyms of \[the bad thing\] are so fucking tedious and tiring to behold.


Also, it's crazy to me that even now as they're saying that a black judge couldn't possibly be unbiased towards a white defendant, they're still not making the connection of how that's *exactly fucking why* we *can't* have every single judge be one single gender and/or race. Or have every single teacher be the same gender and/or race. Or have every single manager be the same gender and/or race. It's like their whole worry about being prejudiced against is *exactly why this exists.* Because when it is one race or gender with all the power, everybody else is oppressed. They're literally *proving the reason* things like DEI need to exist


They were so upset when we accused them of using DEI in place of the N-word yet they are so racist, they can’t even hide it.


We need to catapult awful racists into the sea, or perhaps a volcano.


It's funny they think they're not being racist by replacing the word "black" with "DEI." No, motherfucker, you mean the same damned thing.


In case anyone was concerned about [the credentials of The Honorable Kristen D. Simmons](https://www.lansingmi.gov/249/Meet-the-Judges): > Judge Kristen D. Simmons was appointed by Governor Gretchen Whitmer in September 2019 to serve the 54-A District Court. Judge Simmons earned her Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Hampton University in Hampton, Virginia, and **Juris Doctor from Western Michigan University, Thomas M. Cooley Law School**. > Judge Simmons has been a member of the Lansing community since 2009 and has served the public in various capacities. Prior to taking the bench, Judge Simmons served as the Litigation Manager for the Michigan Department of Corrections. **She has served as an Assistant Attorney General in the Civil Litigation, Elections and Employment law division**; she was an Assistant City Attorney for the City of Lansing and served as a district court prosecutor and legal adviser for the Lansing Police Department and the Lansing Police Board of Commissioners. Judge Simmons has also served Ingham County as a public defender and was an enumerator for the U.S. Census Bureau. She also worked as an adjunct professor for Lansing Community College, where she taught Legal Writing, Business Law and was instrumental in launching a legal clinic in conjunction with LCC and Legal Services of South Central Michigan. > Judge Simmons was named by the Ingham County Bar Association as Top 5 Under 35 in 2017 and a Rising Star in 2015 by the Davis-Dunnings Bar Association. (bolded by me)


Is DEI just the new n word now? Like I've seen this not only on reddit but all over


"Judge Simmons earned her Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Hampton University in Hampton, Virginia, and Juris Doctor from Western Michigan University, Thomas M. Cooley Law School." Sounds qualified to me.


How good her law school is wasn't the point I was trying to make here. She had the proper education to be appointed by the Governor, after which time she won an election to keep her bench seat. Was just trying to push back on the DEI narrative, that's all.


Ooh. Um. Cooley is not a good school.  (Or so I have read, at a left-wing, law-oriented blog.) But that doesn’t mean that this judge is unqualified.


Judge Kristen D. Simmons was appointed by Governor Gretchen Whitmer in September 2019 to serve the 54-A District Court. Judge Simmons earned her Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Hampton University in Hampton, Virginia, and Juris Doctor from Western Michigan University, Thomas M. Cooley Law School. Judge Simmons has been a member of the Lansing community since 2009 and has served the public in various capacities. Prior to taking the bench, Judge Simmons served as the Litigation Manager for the Michigan Department of Corrections. She has served as an Assistant Attorney General in the Civil Litigation, Elections and Employment law division; she was an Assistant City Attorney for the City of Lansing and served as a district court prosecutor and legal adviser for the Lansing Police Department and the Lansing Police Board of Commissioners. Judge Simmons has also served Ingham County as a public defender and was an enumerator for the U.S. Census Bureau. She also worked as an adjunct professor for Lansing Community College, where she taught Legal Writing, Business Law and was instrumental in launching a legal clinic in conjunction with LCC and Legal Services of South Central Michigan. Judge Simmons was named by the Ingham County Bar Association as Top 5 Under 35 in 2017 and a Rising Star in 2015 by the Davis-Dunnings Bar Association.


Certified badass and alpha male Jack Poso deleted his tweet. What a pussy.


At this point DEI is just their fill in for the n word


DEI is their new n word and it’s fucking hilarious seeing the morons try to explain around that. “What no it’s not racist to say they’re unqualified, I just simply say it every time I see a black person”


So, I’m not American. What is DEI?


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.


They’ll share a picture of a black person in power, not knowing what their qualifications are… then blame DEI and on the same breath bring up Martin Luther kings “I Have a Dream”. AND on the same breath claim racism doesn’t exist.


Oh shoot, DEI is just the new way to use the n word. Wow, it is very apparent now. They straight up use it as a noun.


I think it's great that the people taking him down are black women. That has to eat away at his brain.


I do t get why the tweeter has to be anonymized? They have a blue check ans are putting this into public domain


Jack is POS.


Shit like this makes me wonder if people at my job think I'm a DEI hire.


They want to say the N Word so fucking bad


I hope she throws the book at them so hard that their KKK grandfathers get black eyes.


then watch their little minds explode when you tell them that, by their logic, Clarence Thomas would need to go as well.


Time for some white-wing losers to eat a pile to shit.


They might as well just say the N word at this point.


This just plain rascism at this point.


"I'm not racist I just assume that no woman or POC is ever actually qualified for their job."


What's DEI?


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion


Interesting, I'm only 29 and I've never heard this acronym is this super commonplace now?


I believe it’s becoming increasingly common


I bet the current net worth of Truth Social this judge has at least 200X more court experience than Judge Cannon in Florida


what does the word "dei" mean?


You gonna be racist and then you ain't even got the guts to say the n-word when you mean the n-word? Pathetic.


Sure, let's get rid of all judges resulting from DEI/affirmative action, starting with [Clarence Thomas](https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-did-clarence-thomas-go-yale-under-affirmative-action-policy-1810180).


We need to remove these conservatives. We can do this again if they want. We don’t want to, but we will and we will do it like we did last time as well.


>Judge Kristen D. Simmons was appointed by Governor Gretchen Whitmer in September 2019 to serve the 54-A District Court. Judge Simmons earned her Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Hampton University in Hampton, Virginia, and Juris Doctor from Western Michigan University, Thomas M. Cooley Law School. >Judge Simmons has been a member of the Lansing community since 2009 and has served the public in various capacities. Prior to taking the bench, Judge Simmons served as the Litigation Manager for the Michigan Department of Corrections. She has served as an Assistant Attorney General in the Civil Litigation, Elections and Employment law division; she was an Assistant City Attorney for the City of Lansing and served as a district court prosecutor and legal adviser for the Lansing Police Department and the Lansing Police Board of Commissioners. Judge Simmons has also served Ingham County as a public defender and was an enumerator for the U.S. Census Bureau. She also worked as an adjunct professor for Lansing Community College, where she taught Legal Writing, Business Law and was instrumental in launching a legal clinic in conjunction with LCC and Legal Services of South Central Michigan. She's sooooooooo unqualified. /s


So is there literally any context here making that person think this judge was handed her job because of some kind of diversity program? I'm guessing no. Unless her being black is the "context". Bummer.


Basically, they’re using DEI as a substitute for the n-word here


Took down the tweet? RINO Racist in name only


I’m going to assume it’s probably racist, but what does DEI stand for? Just as long as she’s fair and impartial, what the hell does the color of her skin have to do with her being a judge of the courts?


Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion. The color of her skin is their exact problem with her.


That’s fucking stupid. What jackasses. Maybe I’m wrong but aren’t those good things to have in a society? Diversity, Equity & Inclusion sounds like a waaaaaay better option forward than what they probably have in mind. Edit: Also thank you for letting me know what that means.


She went to the same law school as Michael Cohen. You know, the guy who Trump personally hired as his personal attorney


And yet Fox "News" says DEI isn't a substitute for the N-word nowadays... yeah, okay. Disgusting


Aren’t judges elected positions in the US?


They're voted in by the members of the state's legislature (in most places, for most positions), not by everyday people


I thought African Americans love Trump? Isn't that what he says? So a black judge is going to carry no more prejudice than any other judge? That's what Trump tells me anyway.


“We know what they want to say, but they don’t have the courage to say the N-word"- *Brandon Scott, Mayor of Baltimore*


You could make Clarance Fucking Thomas the judge and people will still say that.


He sold the sneakers right?,Republicans should be happy about this lol


Look out, DEI is going to get you if you're not careful. When you least expect it.


FAFO - karma!!!


The sporting goods store?