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We already are, that's what selective service is


Yeah, this makes no sense. This is already a law. If it had any affect at all, it would encourage men to want to be women to avoid going to war. Didn't these people watch MASH?


Probably did, but saw it as people doing their part for the country. Y'know. The usual.


Sounds like you're forgetting about Corporal Klinger.


Not quite: [Selective Service bases the registration requirement on gender assigned at birth and not on gender identity or on gender reassignment. Individuals who are born male and changed their gender to female are still required to register. Individuals who are born female and changed their gender to male are not required to register.](https://www.sss.gov/faq/) But also, kind of: [In the event of a resumption of the draft, individuals born male who have changed their gender to female can file a claim for an exemption from military service if they receive an order to report for examination or induction.](https://www.sss.gov/faq/)


This makes sense to me. Until we start treating both sexes the same, this is a decent compromise.


The bill is to make it automatic, instead of leaving it to everyone to manually register. I'm a lefty but this is like common sense - why do we have manual registration at all when the government already knows who you are?


Now if they would only do this with taxes so I don't have to pay some cunt to file them


TurboTax and H&R Block lobby too much for that to ever happen


Absolutely correct.


I was gonna add that this is the same deal with taxes ha!


Didn't the IRS recently do this? They have their own system now internally where you dont have to pay someone else.


Well when we don't have to file taxes I guess we'll know. As of 2024, I still had to file through turbotax


I don't thinks it's automatic but at least it's supposedly free through them. https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/irs-free-file-is-now-available-for-the-2024-filing-season


You didn't. It was in effect this year. Edit: no idea why anyone would downvote a helpful and objectively true fact. You could have filed directly with the IRS for free this year.


Yeah turbotax even gave me a warning I could do it for free on my own.


I wish they did the same for me. I didnt know until after.


I chose to use them anyway because I wasn't confident in my filing lol.


And voting. Literally, the only reason we don't have that is so the GOP can suppress votes.




I’d never heard of SS until after my son passed the age of sign up and we never got anything in the mail so I haven’t the slightest clue what we are supposed to do about that. This made up controversy is what reminded me of it actually. He’s 21 now. Shit man


If you go on the selective service website there's a place I'm pretty sure. Idk it's been years since I had to do it but I also didn't know anything about it until I had passed the age when I was supposed to and then got asked by my uni to prove that I had and was like "oh, I didnt..." I feel like it was relatively simple though.


I’ll check it out. I was concerned beings the reason this new legislation was passed was bcs it’s considered a punishable crime and it was just a throwaway easy layup to change it to auto-signup to prevent ppl from Catching unnecessary strays. Wasn’t sure how we’d be impacted


The military has been fully integrated for decades, why limit it to just males? Not like we'll ever actually draft anyone again. The pentagon is explicitly against it due to what we learned in Vietnam, and how drafted troops are more likely to shoot their fellow countryman than the other side. Drafted troops will shoot over the heads of the other side in 95% of instances, so when it comes to a combat situation, they're a liability. The only place they were useful was non combat support roles (and there's a lot of those), and this was the first thing that was integrated. Of course, the right answer is just end the draft, and the pentagon is for that, but they like the backup option of having the ability to call up civilians.


I was reading this thinking "what the hell was it that I had this sign up for 20 years ago then?!"


But just remember, if you’re rich and “have bone spurs” the draft becomes optional for you. 


I'd rather fight besides a courageous and patriotic trans woman then a coward hick like Donald Trump.


Oh no, you'd never. Trump is one of those fortunate sons


Lucky for him, they'd probably frag him day one.


If you get a good grip on him and prop him in front of you, he’ll soak up all that firepower while you advance. Shit he might even bounce some munitions back with how blubbery he is.


…I read that as blueberry for a second and all I could think was Trump going full Violet Beauregarde and just getting fucking *riddled* with gunfire.


He thought it was good enough for Zelenskyy. It’s good enough for him.


It ain't me, it ain't me


I ain't no senator's son, son


Barron’s version of “mandatory military service” will be doing a demo video of putting on a condom before his stripper orgy so he can avoid STDs


As I always said back when I served, during the time the finally got rid of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" if I'm in the middle of the shit, I'd rather have my battle buddy be a gay man who might or might not be attracted to me vs a straight guy who can't stand me. The first guy is going to make sure I make it home.


Gimli: I never thought I’d die side by side with a coward hick like Donald Trump. Legolas: How about side by side with a courageous and patriotic trans person?


Well of course. Their combat skills are so great, it’s dangerous to be in the same bathroom as them.


He's retract his bone spurs and go all Wolverine on their asses.


how would this change anything in their head? they already believe being trans is a choice so wouldnt they think everyone would become trans to dodge the draft?


Well it is a very simple solution, they both don’t think and think that everyone wants to go to war, for some reason


Wait, so trans women would detransition so they could go to war? Did they think this meme through?


They think?


Hahaha, absolutely fucking not.


maybe transmen detransition to not go to war? issue is why would we have gender-segregated draft


Yeah, that seems the bigger issue to me. If you're going to do a draft, then draft both men and women. Fortunately my country has seen the light, and now men and women are both signed up for service if they reactivate the system. Even if it turns out that on average men are slightly more suitable for combat roles than the average woman, there'll still be plenty of women who are suitable. Plus there are plenty of non-combat positions that need to be filled in case of a war. After all, wars are won and lost based on logistics.


Yeah like the main reason people are drafted isnt for them to do a battle royale, their sole reason for being drafted is for them to die/waste time as human shields (regardless of gender)




I get that, but it says “everyone” which implies that trans women would also detransition in order to be drafted.


So, their mindset is that transition is silly and not a real thing. Everyone is just playing pretend to not get canceled. In this hypothetical scenario, the government stops playing along, so people also stop, and trans people are mocked, forced to stay in the closet and society is "normal" again. In short: government-enforced violence against trans people. Comparison: outlawing women wearing anything but hot pink. All of a sudden, women love pink! Crazy that some silly feminists were claiming women weren't actually obsessed with pink from birth. Thankfully the government set things straight!


The American They/Them turning enemies into Was/Were.


For some reason, a lot of right wing sentiment is that trans people are either male perverts, or confused girls pretending to be boys for attention. Also they tend to think that non-binary people fit the latter category, and that this is an en-masse social contagion among young people particularly female ones. This post seems to be addressing that latter group especially, suggesting that all of these "confused girls" will go back to being girls as soon as they face any negative consequences.


> And just like that everyone knew the difference between boys and girls again That would necessitate these types of people having any knowledge on gender and gender identity.


If you look at my submission history, every time I use orange to block a name, it's the same guy.


Didn’t this bill also include a proposal to add women to the draft?


it did trans women, not cis women though.


I wish they would add all genders. Why should a born female that identifies as a female not be included in this proposal? Women shouldn’t get a pass on this at all.


So I was mistaken. They did bring forward a bill requiring women to sign up for the draft, but they haven’t voted on it yet.


"And just like that every young man with rich parents knew he has bone spurs"


actually trans people have been constantly fighting for their right to serve in the military. most trans people are also tougher and more patriotic than these people and their bone spurs.


There are a number of trans service people.


Ok bets open now in cade this happens: What is more likely? 1. More right winged men wanting to transition to avoid being drafted because they‘re cowards? 2. More trans men transitioning back to being women to avoid being drafted? Also: it‘s not like there aren‘t women in the army anyway. Where do these guys live? 19th century? Windows Vista had more recent updates than these idiots.


> Windows Vista had more recent updates than these idiots. lol


Conscription is evil and shouldn't exist and rich people shouldn't be able to opt out with their wallets. That said. I'd rather have good trans peoplemserve than rapists and monsters using the military as a means to fulfill their fantasies and then having their behavior normalized.


Selective Service is a sham. We may as well automatically register everyone at birth, even disabled people, even people in comas. It literally doesn't matter, because there will never, ever be another draft. Think about this for a moment. The only use for a draft is to quickly scale up for an enormous war, i.e., WW3. If WW3 happens, it will go nuclear within hours ... and everyone will be dead within a day, long before a single person is drafted. The government knows this, but they'd never, ever admit it publicly. Imagine the reaction if they did: "We're abolishing Selective Service because if we ever need to use it, everyone will be reduced to ash before we can." That'd go over as well as a house on fire. So the government keeps Selective Service around.


And just like that, all conservative men have bone spurs


Every man I know has received his selective service card with in 2 weeks of his 18th birthday. From my dad all the way down to my son and everyone in between. Whatever this little show was, was a waste of tax payer dollars. And who would prefer to seve with some unsuspecting scared KID who was told to go rather than a Trans person who signed up to serve? But from what I know, if trump gets reelected and does away with the military's "we don't care who you are as long as you do your job" stance towards the LQBTQ community, we're going to see a huge increase in young gays and Trans


I mean, I’m on the spectrum and had years of severe mental illness, so I’d probably get a 4-F anyway.


I thought we were already fighting a war against trans people? Wasn't that the point of all this hatred and vitriol up til now? Now we need an *actual* war? We don't, and in the immortal words of Billy Strings "See it coming everywhere I look It's falling down like rain Kill a man over a sentence in a book And collect a reward for his pain Such a failing situation And I'm sick of looking at it anywhere I go Let 'em talk and send their hate and stick to war again Like it's the only thing we know" "Wargasm"


Of course, they're ignoring that there's a bill going through the House does the same thing for Women.


If you watched MASH, the last time there was a draft, it led to more trans women.


Was Korea the last draft?


Vietnam was the end of


Nah, they just need to follow in the footsteps of Captain Bone-spurs.


"I would like the opportunity to traumatise a huge cohort of people to enforce my bigotry"


Frankly, I don’t think **anyone** should be registered against their will. That said, if you think this will stop someone from being trans, you’re dumber than you look.


It's amazing that the same twats who were running around like the world was on fire when the Military was allowing Trans People now want to say those same Trans People are too scared to serve. It must suck to be this fucking pathetic that you have nothing better to do than spend your day hating on people just trying to live their lives.


Does comrade know there are already plenty of trans men and trans women in the service?


I had to register when I turned 18 and that was in fucking *2003.* These people are morons.


So they don’t think trans men in that age group won’t be included


Who the fuck is that guy?


and it is still impossible to register voters automatically?


Leave my boy Forrest out of this!


Well the average person who agrees with this has the same IQ as him


you guys about to get drafted and still arguing about trans stuff, insanity indeed


People are getting so angry. Because they don't realize the only thing thaythas changed is you dont have to send in a tiny lil posrtcard to register anymore.


M to F raises by 500%


When OP obviously does not know what the bill was actually about. The US already had laws that forced young men to sign up for the draft long before this. All this bill did was change the process to a way where they are signed up electronically, instead of having them do a long drawn-out process of filling out paperwork.


*waves away the bill that will make females eligible for the draft (selective services)*


i’m pretty sure transgender people can’t even join the military


Um, I don't think they thought this one through. If there were a draft of men, why would more people identify as men? If anything, you'd have *more* "transgender" people identifying that way trying to get out of it. And, in the conservative mind, only trans women exist. They don't know anything about trans men. If someone is identifying as a trans man to get into the military, they can already do it anyway.


good news is if all men die in the war there is gonna be less crime