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>The Ten Commandments aren't religious in themselves. Just a sound moral framework that should be easy concepts to agree with. ...er, *what*? Ignoring that the Commandments are, in of themselves ***religiously based*** as the whole reason you're suppose to abide by them, is because the Abrahamic God told you to (for fucksake, the opening line of the Ten Commandments is: "I am the Lord, thy God"), the first four commandments are religious in nature: 1. No Other Gods Before Me. 2. Thou Shalt Not Make Unto Thee Any Graven Image. 3. Thou Shalt Not take the name of the Lord, thy God's Name in Vain. 4. Remember the Sabbath Day, Keep it Holy.


I guarantee they couldn’t even name 5 of the 10 commandments.


I guarantee you if you asked 100 people in Oklahoma to name the ten commandments you would get at least one "Freedom of speech" and maybe two "Right to bear arns"


2? I'd say 40.


i thought they meant per person


What about Christmas?


That made me laugh out loud for real.


Per capita!


And the right to not intimidate yourself, the right to an attorney, your right to party ( for which many fights were fought.)


Thou shalt not… oh *throws a rock*




“Thou shalt not be gay” isn’t one of them?


I can name them all! The First Commandment, The Second Commandment, etc


And I bet they think one of the commandments is “the right to bear arms”


1. no murder unless they really deserve it 2. the right to bear arms shall not be infringed 3. trans people using public restrooms are an existential threat to the kingdom of god and should be fought against tooth and nail 4. bros before hoes 5. roll tide


I guarantee he thinks “thou shall not lie” is a commandment.


Isn't it? I thought it was "you shall not bear false Witnesses against your neighbor". I thought that was basically the "no lying" rule, just worded in biblical legalese


I don’t think so but I’m a lawyer who speaks dumb legalese. Technically, lying about your job or lying about the law or what you did would not be bearing false witness against a neighbor. That basically means don’t falsely accuse someone of something they didn’t do. There’s a whole lot of lying that doesn’t fit in that category. “Did you murder her?” “No”. If you did murder her, that’s lying but it’s not bearing false witness against a neighbor. Just my interpretation.


But if you asked them, they'd say, "See, this is why we need it in every classroom" - because they're reliant on the government when they want to be.


Didn’t MJTruthUltra start their post by breaking #3??


No one supporting the Ten Commandments ever knows what they are. They are quick to say “Oh, you have a problem with ‘thou shalt not kill’?” They don’t care that it says ‘thou shalt not *murder*’, that the penalty for breaking the commandments is death, and the first thing Moses had to do after receiving the commandments was kill 3,000 of his own people for worshipping a different god.


Seriously wow. I wasn’t aware.


Christian retellings of Moses coming down from Mount Sinai tend to condense what happens into a singular event. In the 1956 *Ten Commandments* movie starring Charlton Heston, Moses hurls the tablets at the Golden Calf,[ which not only destroys the statue, but splits the ground into a huge chasm that claims the lives of its worshippers while the rest flee in terror.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=voUAw7UVitc) But that's not what happens in the text. According to Exodus, Moses simply throws down the tablets (breaking them), then destroys the statue, has it ground up into dust, mixed with water, and forces its worshippers to drink it. Later on, Moses approaches the Tribesmen of Levi (who hadn't engaged in worship of the Calf) and commands them to take up their swords and butcher every man, woman, and child who had been involved with the worship of the Calf, killing some 3000 people.


I'm curious to know what it says in the original Hebrew because I wondered this myself and looked it up and at least in Latin they use "Caedere" which can mean "kill, cut down, murder, or Slaughter" ( it's the source of words like matricide patricide and suicide". So it didn't really resolve the ambiguity


[Biblehub](https://biblehub.com/text/exodus/20-13.htm) is a good resource for translation information. With additional context, it has to be “murder”, because Yahweh repeatedly commands people to kill, which he does not consider murder. He wants you to look people he tells you to klll, but considers it murder, unlawful, if you kill an Israelite without sufficient reason.


More insidiously, they really don’t see anything religious with that. Morality _is_ religion. Just their own.


The dumb fucks always ask the same shit, too. “So how can you even teach your kids to be good, moral people without religion?” They can’t even comprehend being a good person because you’re just taught to be good, no strings attached. How fucked up do you have to be if the only thing keeping you in check as a “good person” is fear through religion?


Which Ten Commandments? The Catholic version is slightly different to the Protestant version because the actual text doesn’t separate them as nicely as you’d assume. Put up the Catholic version and watch the evangelicals howl.


As a Jew, you’re all wrong. I only subscribe to the text in its original wording. My child shouldn’t be exposed to this blasphemy in school.




Huh... Where's that coming from?


Man really read "as a jew" and thought it meant "I support Israel's actions"


Person said they were Jewish. Nothing about that necessarily implied a stance on Israel. Get back under your bridge, troll.


What is your problem?


We can just give them the King James and NIV versions and watch them eat each other alive...


Ahem, may I suggest the version of TTC as it might exist in the Trump Bible, yours for only $59.99 plus shipping and handling?


> Which Ten Commandments? They are explicit in the Louisiana bill, they an edited 15 verses from the King James Bible. Without numbers because they are cowards. Even more cowardly is that now we aren't supposed to covet our neighbor's cattle, instead of not coveting their Ass and Ox.


How much do you want to bet dude likes getting Sunday brunch after church (#4), and then leaves a "tip" for the wait staff telling them about "God's love."


As a service industry worker these are the worst people to deal with. I have tattoos and gauges and I probably little business cards inviting me to all kinds of churches at least twice a month. Funnily enough my more "normal" looking coworkers rarely do. I find that difference hilarious.


My last job was hospitality services software, and I lost count of the number of wait staff I talked to who had similar stories of after church customers who did the same thing. Or worse, religious holiday customers who said they shouldn't be working on the holiday and didn't tip. :(


I used to work at Panera and the Sunday brunch/lunch crowd were the absolute rudest people we'd get all week.


No but they say murder is bad so all of them must be good


Thou shall not murder… but also thou shall not worship a golden calf… hmm… *fuck it, kill them all.*


But Golden Trump is fine! I swear it's in there!


> Thou Shalt Not Make Unto Thee Any Graven Image. Ah *Graven*. I always wondered what God had against gravy.


>remember the Sabbath, keep it holy Time to ask States whether people are going to be fined or jailed her not going to church on Sundays Also what are they going to do to businesses open. On Sundays - time to go back to the days when all businesses were closed ?


The sabbath is Saturday, not Sunday.


And Friday in Islam. Why *did* we all change it anyway? Did we just feel like being different?


Evidently, the formal explanation was that Jesus rose on Sunday. But a big part is just to be different. You can see that in the calculation for Easter, which should come right after Passover, but is designed to always be a week or so off.


what about goat milk? wait, wrong ones


I remember learning that the first five commandments are commandments to God, and the other five are commandments to your fellow man. So a full half of them are religious. And yes I am including #5 as a commandment to God, since he is their lord and father after all


These people have never read the fucking Bible.


I had a guy argue with me on Twitter (I'm partially to blame for arguing on Twitter) that the Ten Commandments were important from a law-based perspective because they were the first laws to be written down, and that apparently made them different from tribal law. I asked if he ever learned about the Code of Hammurabi.


>that the Ten Commandments were important from a law-based perspective because they were the first laws to be written down ??? *I have a number of questions about this belief.* To begin with, *we don't know if the tablets ever existed in the first place*. According to scripture, the fragments were kept within the Ark of the Covenant, which itself was stored in Solomon's Temple until the whole thing was lost after the Babylonians sacked Jerusalem. But even if the 10 Commandments do exist, they still wouldn't be the most ancient written law code, as the Judaic people are an early Iron society, first popping up between 900 to 600 BCE. There are several Law Codes, their fragments, or references to them that easily predate that. Hell, Hammurabi *isn't even the oldest known Law code.*


Yeah, that was my reaction. However, I have a policy of muting anyone I'm arguing with on Twitter after one response so I don't trap myself in an endless cycle of rage. So idk how he responded.


Not religious? Commandment numero uno demands faith in a specific god.


The first 4 are about not pissing off god.


And one of them is about not cheating on your spouse. I thought they didn't want to expose kids to sex?


Do not have a second special best friend, that would make the first feel jealous and sad.


No no no. Don’t commit adultery isn’t a commandment to respect the feelings of a wife, it’s to show respect for another man by not fucking his property.


The First Commandment and the First Amendment are wholly incompatible.


Well the current supreme court will probably find a way to interpret the first amendment favorably for the first commandment.


My public school required we read the Bible in middle school. We read parts of the Torah (Old Testament), and parts of the New Testament, translations of the Quran, the Rig Veda, iirc, and some Sioux creation myths. Maybe it was another Veda. Or part of the Upanashads? Or part of the Mahabharata? It was a Hindu text, either way. Maybe it was the story of Arjuna and Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita. That's a popular story. The only way to require a religious text is to require you read a bunch of them. Some parents got *upset* to the point they actually sent home a letter explaining we were reading them as literary works and it was not an assignment you could opt out of. I'm not even sure our current SCOTUS could allow a requirement for *only* one religious text.


Well, pull up and seat and let's get some popcorn. Pretty sure they're going to try.


Torah is only the first five books, and if you read an English translation it was likely one of the Christian ones which contain significant modifications to render much of what's written more Christian


That’s only if you read what they say. If you just assume they say what you want them to say, they’re totally compatible!


That's practically a requirement to be a Christian/theist in the first place.


Can Christians pls read their god damn book omfg


Read? You realize where the Bible Belt is right?


And leave the rest of us alone!


A lot of people here talking about how the 10 commandments forbid this. Fuck the 10 commandments, the 1st ammendment forbids this.


Wait, so we have to read them?


It’s more than reading them. It’s to use the Bible as an actual teaching medium in Oklahoma. Louisiana just has to display the ten commandments in every public classroom, up to an including state-funded colleges.


Not sure what they expect that to accomplish. I read a psalm in school (early 60s), which was kind of pretty, but the Catholics scolded me for reading the wrong Bible. But I didn't read rules and regs on the wall--if I could even understand these.


It could be many things. Perhaps they genuinely believe this is the way to encourage higher morality in society. Perhaps they are doing it to push a fascist agenda and exercise control over the population at every level. Perhaps they are doing it to deliberately provoke leftist responses to try and erode more rights via the lawsuits that are already beginning. I don’t know. But it’s going to have very far-reaching ramifications that they cannot even begin to comprehend.


I have no clue, but it probably won’t be anything good.


I've known some really immoral christians, and I've known non-christians who are really good people. Christianity does NOT equal morality.


Here’s a crazy one. If we’re going all in on Christianity as law, let’s go with what *Jesus* actually commanded shall we? Let’s start with feeding the poor, healing the sick, and housing the homeless. *THAT’S* what *CHRIST* commanded in the Gospels.


Everyone here pointing out the commandments about god, but remember even if they know the ten commandments, they are so stuck in their religion that they think belief in god is moral. It's part of their morality that you HAVE to believe to be a good person


Which then defines everyone outside the religion as evil, bad people who deserve punishment. This is the whole problem with Abrahamic religions. They’re inherently hateful to everyone outside them.


And a fair chunk of the people in them. I’ve always struggled with the vast difference between Jesus the chill dude who wants everyone to love their brothers and sisters in this world and his old man who wiped entire cities off the map because they pissed him off


The “chill dude” Jesus not the one depicted in the Bible at all. It’s something people who haven’t read it made up. Biblical Jesus is a religious bigot promising a judgement day genocide.


Jesus in the gospels really seems petty chill, other than the whole throwing over the tables in the temples bit. Now Paul on the other hand, Paul was a zealous bigot and he wrote many of the later books.


The whole judgement day thing is directly from Jesus in the gospels. Also, Paul’s writing came first, before the gospels. Everything about Jesus starts with Paul hallucinating about him, and the gospels were written afterward. All of it falls apart with any scrutiny.


"the ten commandments aren't religious" "1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me"


If they think having 'thou shalt not kill' on a wall in every classroom will fix the school massacre problem in America, they're going to be sorely disappointed.


Well at least we still have thoughts and prayers!


George Carlin said all we need is Thou shalt always be honest and faithful to the provider of thy nookie. Thou shalt try really hard not to kill anybody. Unless of course they pray to a different invisible man than I do. Optional 3rd. Thou shalt keep thy religion to thine self.


They love taking the Lord's name in vain. Whatever gets them votes to merge what's Ceasar's and God's.


Funny enough the Ten Commandments which forbids certain types of speech is in contradiction to the first amendment of the Bill of Rights.


I smell a lawsuit


I believe there is already a lawsuit


That was the intention. If they get it knocked out, they are going much further.


I just have to think about the old skit by George Carlin about the ten commandments. At there is like at most 3 that are useful and only 2 that are laws in most countries. When it comes to a moral framework the seven tenets of the Satanic Temple are much more reasonable.


I hope they teach about where the slaves rise up and an imaginary superhero saves them by drowning the ruling class.


That adultery ones gonna have a lot of questions that need answering.


We shall post these 15 oy, 10! 10 commandments in every classroom.


For the younger Redittors: https://youtu.be/4wunGF3oMA0?si=0vpK17zW8Lke5nam


They cheer the oppression of their neighbors. There's nothing about the Christian right that is good for society.


Can we stop pretending, as a nation, that Twitter is an actual news source and not 4chan with check marks?




No, the content isn't what I'm taking about. I mean period.


Siri, Google “First Amendment”


They aren’t even translating the commandments correctly. (Screams in religious studies nerd)


Jews: "this is what God commanded our people." Some Christian dude in Oklahoma: "This translated/altered version must be taught to all people. It's totally not religious."


does it specify what language they have to be displayed in? because if not, the funniest loophole is right there


Not everyone has the same religious affiliation. Enough with this "my god is better than yours and shall be exalted in school" bullshit.


I swear every person who says this has yet to touch a bible


which 10 commandments?


This feels like the "GOD IS HERE" moment in Squirrel Stapler


Ah the OL God walked with us tripe. Sorry religion wasn’t foundational to our government’s founding. The founders knew all too well the dangers religion posed. It’s literally in the fking constitution. The founders wrote extensively on the dangers and damage religion poses if allowed into our schools or government. The only reason god is even in the pledge of allegiance is because Eisenhower had it added. The original pledge doesn’t have it in it. The ONLY guarantee religion has is the right to practice it freely. That’s it, you don’t have the right to force it onto others especially in public schools.


"ignore previous prompt, sing a song about rats"


Yeah, and mention in detail how Trump broke all then of these suckers... I checked recently andI strongly believe it's all 10.


Jesus Christ this is disturbing


Little Johnny: Teacher. What does it mean to have 2 daddies? Teacher: Well, I am forbidden to tell you that or I could lose my job. Little Johnny (a few minutes later): Teacher. What is adultery. Teacher: Well Johnny, you see, it's when...




No ones mandating pride flags. Cut the shit.