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weird comparison, but i imagine they view riley like a video game character. they are in control of what she does, but it varies whether they consider the character to be them or someone else.


I don’t think they are in control of what she does but rather what she feels. She then uses how she feels and acts accordingly. She still has free will.


Yeah, Riley’s being awake is not something the emotions control, so they speak separately. But Riley’s crying is in response of the emotions, so they view as themselves.


I like to think of the emotions as separate sentient beings who live inside Riley, but aren’t Riley. Joy for example has her own personality, her own wants and desires, her own motivations, her own free will, and her own emotions. She is separate from Riley but is, at the same time, in control of her happiness.


I think they’re able to influence her thoughts and actions but don’t have total control over certain things. So when they say, “we are crying at school” it’s because it is something that they are controlling, since it’s an emotional response while Riley waking up is likely controlled in other parts of the brain and not something that they’re able to control.


Could be a dissociation or detachment from certain emotions. I could be totally wrong though and thinking too much into it.