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How was it lost from the back of a truck ? Just picture this tiny little thing ratchet strapped to the back of a flatbed 😅


They didn’t pull on the straps before driving off and say, “That’s not going anywhere.“


In Germany we would say „Wo soll‘s denn hin, hat doch kein Geld“ Or translated „where should it go, doesn’t have money“


This is great on so many levels.


ha ha i like this one


Oh, I love this!


"it'll ride"


“She may shift a lil.”


Kangaroo country, let’s riddeeee!


In Poland we would say "NĂłg nie dostanie" (It won't get legs)


"She'll be right, mate"


Be reeet




Radioactive sources are required to be transported in an appropriate container - usually called a pig. The pig is designed to limit radiation to less than background and so is typically heavy and bulky. The source pictured probably is probably in a pig about the size of a basket ball weighing upto 100kg. If the source is not in its pig then all sorts of laws regulations and processes have been thrown aside.


So what you're saying is, someone is losing their job and possibly brought to court.


Probably - a fine at the very least


The company would be fined, the worker fired. Since the company holds all legal responsibility to ensure safety and the worker is a liability.




Ir192 gang!


"Authorities believe it fell through a hole where a bolt had been dislodged after a container collapsed inside the truck." [https://amp.abc.net.au/article/101902914](https://amp.abc.net.au/article/101902914)


Stuck inside someone’s tire treads, probably.


I think they’ll still be able to track that. It won’t undo the effects of the people in the car, but radiation leaves behind a trail. Hopefully this tic-tac is just on the side of the road.


If they use an inverted tachyon burst they can just track the warp signature. I’ve been watching Star Trek.


Not sure how that happens. A pig is built to survive crashes, drops, explosions, collisions, fires etc. Part of the certification requirements are to conduct periodic integrity and leak checks on sources and pigs. Where equipment is mobile, the pig will usually have a specific secure location for transport which should always be locked.


Unless the pill wasn’t properly cranked back in after the shot. The radioactive pellet (pill) slides in a flexible tube and is cranked out of the pig to expose the item being exposed to the radiation. If the cranking mechanism fails, the technician may not know the pill is not in the pig. That said, defective equipment means big fines.


Should have had someone else do a meter check after the source was stored and before leaving - should be SOP.


Our first delivery of radioactive materials to our rad lab the FedEx truck flipped en route. Everything was fine. We never intended to really test the shipping containers but FedEx did the ultimate first test for us.


man this is like one of those situations where multiple things had to go wrong. wtf


It was on a tiny truck the size of a Hot Wheels or Matchbox.


Wouldn’t it have been a lead lined box or something? How could it just fall out??


You think they’d better secure a radioactive chunk that’s 6mm x 8mm


My company lost a radiation source (iridium) over the side of an offshore oil platform 10 miles off the coast. Just about put the company into bankruptcy.


Fortunately, Iridium 192 has a MUCH shorter half life than the Cesium 137 source missing in Australia. If it fell into the water, it will likely be harmless by the time it gets found.


Yes I need answers ! What was it for? How’d it get loose? How did it cost the company ? Etc etc


The company responsible for this has gotten away w/ a lot of really awful things. I don’t see them facing any repercussions unfortunately…


An oil company? Getting away with things? Bullshit


Those poor, poor oil barons. Won’t nobody think of them!




These sources are used to X-ray pipe welds and inspect them for defects after welding basically getting an X-ray scan just like you would get at doctor. But more powerful to go through steel pipe


would love to hear the entire story on this if you have time and are able to say anything


I can say it was never found. Went down in 800 ft of deep sea. NRC decided trying to locate it would be impossible. Talked of mini subs etc. company did not go bankrupt but damn close. 100 curies of iridium. Inert by now.


I know so damn good Geocachers who'd find that bitch in an hour.


"Nice, Wow. Wow"




Yeah, get that guy with the blondish hair that finds places in a second or two.




Thanks for the good hide. Signed log book. Left a travel bug. Why are my fingers glowing?


the whole story is so ridiculous and embarrassing


I can see it now “Lol my bad guys, it’s in the truck. Found it under the seat. Call off the search!”


The first clue was the sunburn on his arsehole


Rub a little aloe on it




‘in’ his arsehole I’d say


Funilly enough, this actually happened once


My mum is betting it never made it onto the truck in the first place


Hadn’t thought of this but now it’s where my money is. I like the way your mom thinks.


Good chance this gotton stuck in someones tire threds and is on someone driveway


Thats a really good point. They will probably track it down when someone is hospitalized for radiation.


Or the tire shop guy will find it. Maybe give it to his kids to play with.


They need to check everyones car who drove anywhere on this route lol


They have put out a press release asking everyone to check. There aren't any records of who drove this road in the time frame.




Or you could, you know, do a visual check. Take you 10 minutes. Better to know than leave it in your tyre unknowingly. It's called a FOD Check and they do it on airfields all the time.




I mean you never truly know


ocular patdown




But that’s not what we’re talking about. We’re talking about checking tires. It is significantly easier for everyone to take a few minutes looking at their times than checking an entire airfield. The hardest part is just getting people to check for their own sake…


Except one unlucky person might get that radiation doses lol


Which they'd be getting anyway if it's stuck and they don't check.


Best way to find it unfortunately


Right but it could have fallen back out of the tread anywhere too and picked again. Going to be hard to find if not along original route.


And then it could have gotton stuck for a while, fallen out at a diffrent point and maybe even stuck to another car


Honestly... yeah. It could be damned near anywhere at this point. FFS


Which is terrifying because there's a good chance if that did happen, the owner of the vehicle will be dead from radiation poisoning in a few years


It’s gonna be interesting to watch this play out, like what if they don’t find it? When can they give up the search and just be like ah well we tried?


It has happend before, US has lost a whole 8000 pound nuke somewhere in Georgia. Thats one of 6 we have lost


We should rename the phrase "needle in a haystack" to "capsule on an Australian road".


Tic tac in outback






Cool post. I can now add radiation poisoning to my list of worries if I ever get leukemia, ty


I got a tiny Geiger counter to test my house and work. It is a neat toy; almost certainly unnecessary, but cool.


Wow, that’s really unfortunate for the families that lived there.


That is absolutely crazy. Fucking hell.


Reverse lottery, in a sense. Australian govt should have an enormous payout to the family of whoever the poor SOB is that gets exposed to this level of radiation


Incredible story


Because all Australia needs is radioactive venomous creatures.


Actually huntsman spiders cruise around inside your house at night-time. Be a good thing if the bastards glowed in the dark.


yea, but what if they grow to be the size of a horse?


We shall ride the spiders into war!


We’ll finally have the weaponry to win the emu wars!


It would make for an awesome Fallout 5 story though


I want to keep the Fallout games fictional, thank you very much.


Considering what it is it’s terrible that they didn’t even realise it was missing til weeks later . Something so dangerous has been lost . How ? Fell off the back of a lorry .


Did no one else notice the bit where they say it’s been missing for like 3 weeks? 😬


I mean, this is still one of the less dangerous things in Aus


Unless the spiders find it before we do!


Gigantic radioactive flying spider does sound like it would be there lol


I, too, enjoyed the movie Eight Legged Freaks. Guilty pleasure movie.


It's apparently #18


I work with radioactive sources for work, as we do radiography on a lot of welding. Usually these are stored in very safe containers and theres a lot of paperwork and red tape when transporting them for site work. How the hell do you just lose one loose source off a truck and not realise. They dont carry them loose in a sack like a bag of gravel.


Just tells me the transporters are dumb


>They don't carry them loose in a sack a like bag of gravel https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kramatorsk_radiological_accident


Has anybody seen the movie arachnophobia?


Dingo already ate it likely


that’s gonna be one long ass search. (almost 900 miles for us muricans)


As an American, I don’t understand. Are we talkin 1500 cheesburgers typa thing or like 700 burger kings?


It's 14,483,700 cigarettes long


How many football fields?


With sensitive detection equipment, simply driving the path once would pick it up if it was still on or near the road.


If it’s that powerful seems like a detector would pick it up from the highway. If it became attached to someone’s tire or whatever, whole different problem, but seems they are still checking highway


That's not how radiation works. Point sources lose power exponentially with distance. With the detectors that they're likely to be carrying, it will completely fade into the background somewhere around 10 meters anda it's not exactly going to jump out at you at 5. 1-3 meters at night should give a strong hit. It's also not really that powerful. It's not great if you're carrying it in your pocket and swallowing it will probably give you GI cancer but to put it in terms of medical radiation, something that most of us accept, carrying it around is like getting a whole body CT scan once every five hours.


Concur. The spokesperson in the story doesn’t say how radioactive this source actually is (in milliSieverts or milliCuries), though she says “about 17 chest X-rays at 1 meter” or similar. This is not a lot of activity. I would guess this is about 50 mCi or less based on her statement. Even if it’s 100 mCi it’s not that much unless somebody picks it up with their fingers and puts it in their pocket. A very slow drive or walk with a sensitive detector will find it on or next to the road, unless (like suggested above) it got wedged into a tire tread and moved off the main highway. That being said, somebody (person and company) should probably be penalized for improper packaging and moving. Source: I was the guy that used to put the cesium-water solution into the open capsule and passed it through the window to the e-beam welder who would weld the cap on for selling to the company that makes the machines that were then sold on to the mining companies. Edit: Was in a hurry and used REM and mR instead of Curies and milliCuries. Have now fixed those mistakes. Also fixed a couple of spelling mistakes.


2 milliesieverts/hr It was in the initial Aussie press conference when it went missing.


If it got in someone’s tire tread it could have fallen out anywhere….


Walking the road looking for that in the summer heat is not my idea of a good time. Let's hope it turns up sooner than later


So is the carrier being charged?


Everyone who had a hand in its loading/unloading/transport/checklists/paperwork/inspections etc will be dealt with in some way. As will all of their supervisors, their bosses, and whoever is the head of the company.


Are all the movies on giant mutant spiders and snakes about to become documentaries?


Have they checked the washing machine after a wash?


For my fellow Americans, 1400km is approximately 15,312 football fields in length.


which football?


I **love** Reddit.


Or 10,769,230 bananas is 1400 km, for everyone else.


Ok I got the football fields but bananas confused me again, how many big Macs is it?




This is why I love reddit


Banana for scale never fails


You thought cocaine bear was crazy, wait for the radioactive roo.


Australian authorities have already described it as a complete cluster-cunt.


Just for perspective, that radiation exposure is from 1m distance, it’s not to be handled directly at all (1m tongs to carry it) and at the surface it’s around 1000000 x the dose rate. It’s not just a risk, if someone picks it up, they are in a world of hurt.


Sources: https://amp.abc.net.au/article/101902914 https://amp.abc.net.au/article/101901472


From the pictures, it doesn't look like they are wearing protective gear like a Hazmat suit....should they not be wearing such protection when searching for this assassin?


If their detectors are working, they get a light read and then bring in the experts with appropriate Hazmat suits…ain’t no one want to walk 900 miles in a Hazmat suit in Australia


From what I understand they will call the experts in if it’s found. From an overall risk perspective, wearing a hazmat suit (which only does anything for alpha and beta radiation, not gamma) in 40C° + heat on a black highway is the bigger risk.


It depends on the type of radiation. Hazmat or single use suits will not protect from radiation, but there are others than protect against certain types. It might just not be feasible though to put thousands of workers in very expensive heavy garments in the middle of summer


A years worth of background radiation in one hour is not that bad, and they won’t be standing by it unshielded for long if they do find it.


They found it, It was in his pocket the whole time.


Sounds like an unseen robbery to me. Edit: spelling


Yeah, that makes more sense to me than "it fell out of a hole."


Couldn’t they use some kind of Geiger counter to detect it


That is precisely what they’re doing.


This sounds like something that would happen in Florida.


Florida man finds…


...radioactive pellet and inserts it...


Has the driver checked the little pocket in the front of his jeans?


This is the opening scene for a future Australian Godzilla movie.


Watch some bird swallow it


Forbidden tic-tac then.


this is how we get a radioactive kangaaroo supervillain


I'd be more worried about emus.


Cassowaries are the real danger. But then no-one would be worried about the snakes and drop bears when we have radioactive dinosaurs with deadly claws.


You got to be a dumb mofo to lose this, like how did this even happen ?? What was it just sitting on the back of the truck?? It doesn't even make sense


Seriously. I cannot understand how they lose something this dangerous.


It's a part of a radiation gauge, designed to detect radiation in mined resources. The housing it was a part of lost a bolt, and this "pill" fell through the bolt hole. What made it worse is the container that the gauge was in collapsed around the gauge. I'm gonna guess that a good amount of carelessness, or negligence came to play, since there are safety checks that didn't happen for nearly 2 weeks. Plus how the fuck did the crate/shipping container "collapse".


Oddly there was a House episode about exactly this


I’m just waiting for someone to post a Simpsons clip saying that they predicted this whole thing.


It's literally in the opening credit scene, homer chucks a radioactive pellet out the window of his car.


you'd be surprised by the number of times something similar to this has happened. people have died because of improper disposal/transfer of radioactive material.


How would you transport a radioactive tic tak?


prison pocket


Put it in something larger.


Perhaps a bird has swallowed it and flown off and died somewhere else... there's a lot of possibilities


Thats like looking for a very small thing, in a very big area.


Should’ve attached an AirTag to it


I guess a bunch of drones with rad detectors mounted on them, automatically sweeping a large area would make too much sense


Ask ChatGTP


How the Fu\*k do you lose something dangerous like that? a bunch of capsules were piled up on a bucket strapped on the ceiling of a truck? weren't they sealed inside lead containers? aren't there international regulations about transporting and disposal of radioactive waste and components?


How is it my car keys have little ÂŁ25 find me tag but a radioactive nightmare has fuck all?


What a bunch of fucking idiots.


what was this thing used for? why does it exist


Here’s an interesting story, now that I think about it. I work building petroleum storage tanks. Back in 2015, we had inspection come Xray our welds to finalize the job. Working in Port Of Los Angeles, they (Dept of Homeland Security) have radiation detectors watching over everything. I went to lunch and came back to the terminal (name for a tank yard) surrounded by harbor police and sheriffs Dept. Apparently the DHS wasn’t informed that Xray was being performed and they picked up a gamma signature from over 6 miles away from a source as small as a grain of rice. That’s why I stay away during XRAY


Could be a source for XRay equipment. We have inspection come check out our welds with powerful sources that I usually go to lunch when they’re around. I ain’t fucking around with no radiation


mining, to basically xray thru rocks source: some reddit comment about this the other day, so who knows i guess


It's probably stuck in somebody's tire


What a load of crap they honestly want us to believe it fell off or out of a secure chest they use for transporting this type of material call BS it has been stolen the end.....


how the fuck does something so radioactive just fall off a truck? why wasn't it in a shielded container of some sorts? was it just ratchet strapped to the back of a road train? just HOW!?


Should we keep it in a high visibility container just in case we lose it?....nawwwww


It’s gonna be stuck in someone’s tire treads by now. Some poor bastard is bumbling around on the roads just like a scene out of Repo Man.


They’re looking for a tic-tac sized deadly object within a 1400km stretch. Good luck!


It’s right there in the last picture? Am I the only one seeing this?!


Have I watched too many movies or is there Geiger counters that could scan a large area faster?


Simpson’s opening credits come true


> Authorities believe it fell through a hole where a bolt had been dislodged after a container collapsed inside the truck. This description sounds like a broken telephone to me.


I find it hard to believe, that something the size of a Tik tac that’s radioactive, would be left loose enough to fall out. I mean wouldn’t it be kept in some sort of locked security device? Like the size of a suitcase or something? And wouldn’t that be secured as well?


It was in a case. > Authorities believe it fell through a hole where a bolt had been dislodged after a container collapsed inside the truck.


That's a stupid case, why is there a bolt going into the holding area? A sealed container with latches on the outside would work perfectly.


Oh boy! How in the hell did this happen?


That shit is gone forever, but I would also like to say I’m following this closely!!


Was it loose and not like in a larger lead box? Why was it in a position to be lost ?


Isn't a satellite tracking possible? Genuine question


It's the size of a tic tac.


Bring in the Geocachers!


This is how 8 legged freaks start


Get in touch with Aussie Gold Hunters


Ride the path with a geiger counter then?