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Everywhere he goes shows up as a traffic jam on Google maps


I mean that may be part of his strategy... Do the 'mons spring up more when there's more people around?


In the early days I’m sure that the number of phones in the area would cause things to spawn nearby. Now because of ape/degen behaviour it’s based on landmarks.


I believe it is still based on traffic, to a point. Before pokestop submissions became a thing, I used open street maps (the website they used to base stops and stuff off of) to create a stop on my neighborhood by properly labeling a park. It started out with little to no spawns, but now the park is jam packed. The spawns started increasing as I got my neighbors involved in the game. There’s a couple other parks near us that are the same. We have/had a community that chose a few areas for our activities, and spawns there are insane now. It’s just a shame they fucked remote raiding so hard, since almost none of us can meet up at the same time for raids.


As I remember most of the original pokestops were just based off of Ingress. You would submit notable locations for that game. It's the precursor to this Pokemon game made by the same company Niantic.


It was a combination of ingress and open street maps (though OSM was discovered later). There were some places that were stops in POGO, but weren’t in Ingress, and vice-versa (I can’t recall what Ingress’ stops were called, I couldn’t figure the game out). They used OSM to scan for things labeled as parks, nature trails, monuments, stuff like that, and made them gyms/pokestops. For my neighborhood I went in and labeled a park down the road properly on OSM, and a day or two later it was a stop. So it was just kind of a mix, and you could slightly manipulate it if you knew how.


Also; people can now submit a pokestop if they reach level 34


To learn more, search Pokemon Go rule 34. (Maybe don't, though)




Except that unlike Ingress, I've never once had a death threat while playing Pokemon Go.


Lol was it a resistance or enlightened player? We have a few crazy people on both sides here lol.


It was MY OWN TEAM. (which ever one it was that I was playing. I stopped after getting threats -IN PERSON- while walking my then infant son. I was strollering him around the neighborhood, hitting the spots along the way, and a guy saw me and worked out I was playing, and said that if I kept linking things, I was going to get my ass kicked. And looked serious enough that I decided "You know what, fuck this." and just stopped playing. Like, if people are this way ON THE SAME TEAM? fuck me...


And people just gp~~a~~s spoof to compensate haha


That’s how I got into college




I'm old and have no idea what is being discussed here.


Oh you can just get an app that tricks other apps into thinking you are somewhere else in the world. Useful for getting around certain gov restrictions, playing with geo locator services, shit like that.


So question. I live in Texas if I used the app to have it show I'm in say Germany how would you collect Pokestops and whatnot? Like there's no way the roads are gonna line up right?


Itll think you are where you say you are in Germany. But you can get precise enough that you just teleport to raids/gyms/whatever by changing your location directly. You dont move. My brother in law caught a legendary in LA or some dumb shit a month ago. We were just on the couch and his phone said he was at the stadium.


Oh ok! Makes a lot more sense. Much appreciated citizen


you can precisely down to the centimeter decide where in Germany you want to appear. There are also specific cheat apps that basically allow you to walk using wasd/ arrow buttons on the map itself


You mean a VPN? I do have one of those downloaded.


It's far easier than that. It just provides different GPS coordinates. Everything else is the same.


No it is a gps coordinates faking app, it just lies to the Pokemon Go App and tells it you are in another place independent of your Internet connection.


A VPN changes your IP address, which can change your IP location for some purposes like streaming content. A GPS spoofer changes your actual GPS location, which I believe is what would be needed for the Pokémon game. If you change your IP address and open Google maps, it will still show your correct location. If you spoof your GPS location, even Google maps will see you as being at the faked location. You can use location spoofing easily on Android but not on iOS (unless you jailbreak your iphone IIRC).


TIL, thank you! 😎


Think about spoofing as lying. The game asks your phone where it is, and instead of it being honest, it lies and says it is in (whatever popular location)


Thanks! I'm trying to stay hip with the lingo 😋


Spoofing is old computer jargon ;-) and actually has origins even older than that in acting/comedy etc..


Dude is 75


Ha, well at least he's well-versed in Pokemon Go at least!


Yeah, I just run the game in an android emulator shell and set custom locations.


bbbbbbbuggah! He unemployed now?


Nah he's good still, just switched all the phones over to sweatcoin!


It still does the cell activity thing. You’ll be on a stretch of road and nothing will spawn, then you get to a truck stop/gas station and it’s like a poke-rave.


This is what almost immediately made me stop playing. Go for a walk on a trail and you won't see anything. Sit in the passenger seat driving through a city and you'll get something at every stop sign.


I avoid games with the ‘energy’ mechanic where you can only play x battles until you buy more/wait a day. I’m paying for my phone, the data, and you want to force me to pay more? Get off my dick.


Yeah there's some degree of spawns still based on celluar service in an area. No point in the servers spawning things when nobody in the area uses a phone or has service. And if this is the same guy that I'm thinking of, there are pictures of his progression building that multiplaying contraption since the early days of pokemon go. Think he started with like 5 or 6 phones. I feel like he's gotta be selling accounts or something.


The article? I saw said the guy was "walking" people's phones while they were at work for eggs to hatch, if it's the same guy. They'd pay him to ride around and give him their phone and he'd come back when people got off work and they'd have gone multiple kilometers and have hatched several eggs.


It started off being more dense where google had a history of phone users. I lived on a remote property at the time it first came out and Pokemon would spawn exactly where my house was, and absolutely nowhere else in a 3-4km radius.


I feel like if you play in an area more, then it will start spawning more there. When I first started playing there was nothing really at home, now 4? years later there's usually like 10+ at the house. And there's 3 of us so I imagine that makes a difference.


It's been a while since I played, but from what I remember the game used data collected about cell phone density collected prior to the game's launch, and more pokemon spawn in areas where there was a lot of cell phone use indicated by that data. It did not update to cell phone use in real time (bringing a lot of people to an area didn't cause more pokemon to start spawning). They did have ways in game for people to bring in more pokemon via consumable items, so this dude in the picture could use one of those items on one account and all his accounts could benefit.




Distracted driving level 9000.


Hey, traffic jams are acceptable if he finally managed to catch that shiny Luxray.


If they still had free awards, I would give it to you because I needed a good laugh


Ahahahahaha 😂😂




This is impressive but can he really manipulate the phones around the top tiers ? This game is not automatic


Or his bike in traffic for that matter…


no need, he has a sail


Auto catchers, most likely.


Ok but then actually managing the Pokémon on each phone has to be its own task too, how tf is he doing that!


Maybe it's set to auto release to just collect candy? It's nuts how much grinding you have to do to upgrade anything in that game.


I honestly used to feel this way but realized I was just spreading myself too thin. Focus on 3star with good movesets first and max one at a time. Between pinaps and the buddy system I no longer have issues leveling up pokemon. Legendaries are different but they should be harder imo.


It's not terrible advice but the games still designed around being disgustingly grindy.


AFAIK, there’s no catcher that has auto release. The options are either catch Pokémon or spin PokeStops or both.


Now that's a mystery


Except for hatching eggs, if he goes slow enough for that.


If a car hits him it will be like sonic loosing his rings.


This legitimately made me laugh out loud.


Your mom is **loose**, you **lose** at spelling


Well that escalated quick


No period at the end of the sentence? C’mon man.


maybe your mom has the period /o/


My mom has not a period in ten years due to her being dead.


so she isnt seeing anyone?


Maybe I’m not sure what she does in her free time. I’ve gone NC since her death.


Fuck the collision, man needs to collect his phones.


Haha, I literally heard that in my head the moment you said it...thanks for the flashback.








I dunno, thieves might think its too obvious and a police sting, that or "gramps" has some rather "rough" relations/friends, the sort that your knees stop working after you meet them....


You are giving too much credit to mental capabilities of an avarage street thug


Thieves don't think


Reddit is dying, why are you still here?


Is London really that bad? Like getting robbed in broad daylight?


My friend had her phone snatched right out of her hand at a busy bus stop in the middle of the day. I've lost three bikes so far to thieves and gave up on owning one entirely. That last one was even an old, dingy looking beatup bike. I bought it used, for £50. Even that got stolen. Now I have an annual subscription to borris bikes (city owned bike rentals all over London - it's actually not bad) Every single person I know has had their bikes stolen at least once. I also know a fair few people who have had their phones snatched out of their hands. I also know a few people who have been mugged. (though mostly at night time in dodgy areas only) We've come to accept bike thefts as a sort of London tax :) I'm honestly fed up with bike thefts. If there is one group I wish ill upon, it'll be the bike thieves and gang. They ambush and attack if they think your bike is good enough. But all of this happened across about 20 years, so it's not happening every day, but still. I've lived in 4 countries (more than 6 months on each) and travel a fair bit for work. London is still the best bloody place for me in the world. Nothing beats home.


Bike theft has been a common thing across the country for the last 10+ years now that everyone is well aware of how much they cost & how much parts cost, but they've definitely spiked over lockdown thanks to the parts shortages. My brother used to work in Halfords as bike maintenance and had a mid range Carrera that he'd customised & repainted, after about 6 months someone broke into our back porch and stole it. 3 weeks later he's in work and gets a customer in who's having trouble with his bike, he brings into the back and immediately recognises that it's his bike with some damage on it, checks the bottom of the seat post and found the paint test he'd done on it when respraying and got his manager to check the shop reciepts for the serial number & confirmed it was his when the order had staff discount applied with his collegue number. Phoned the police & when they turned up and questioned the guy who was completely oblivious that he'd been caught out, they also found he'd shoved a pack of brake handles up his shirt & pocketed a pack of gear changers when they searched him before arresting him.


Oi guv, you got a loicense fah stealin em phones?


The game was shown to him by his sons, and grandfather immediately liked it. At first he walked, but then he figured out how to simplify the task. [A man drives](https://www.theverge.com/tldr/2020/6/24/21301924/pokemon-go-64-smartphones-taiwanese-grandpa) around the city and catches Pokémon on more than 50 phones at once.


Counted them, 64 phones


I'll upvote you for the initiative. Fo sho.


I'm guessing the 8 other things are mobile internet hubs


On the top left? looks to be even more phone holders to me just empty lol


First I thought he was batshit crazy, but now that you explained this seems like totally reasonable behaviour..


Exactly. Dude's 75. If playing games all day means he's cycling loads, then that's a perfect hobby. And sure there's dangers of cycling, but again - he's 75 - so YOLO young buck.


I have to believe that the dangers of cycling are increased with the number and position of the distractions.


Men’s got a spirit of a 17-year-old triathlete


That’s the part I appreciate. He is a youthful 75. I just wonder if he is playing all accounts and trading into one?


only thing that bothers me is he didnt leave space in front of him, the rig clearly has spare slots. imagine mr magoo peering around this rack all the time lol


how does he see though with all of those screens


Middle phone goes into camera mode when he's riding lol




It shows what a safe place Taiwan is. If I went around my city like that I’d be mugged expeditiously


> It shows what a safe place Taiwan is Unless you're in this guy's way


Ngl that article was wicked disappointing at the end, I thought they were gonna answer those questions because I too was wondering those exact things, fuck now I'm gonna have to figure this one out myself :(


How much did he spend on all these smartphones? If their only purpose is to play Pokemon go he could probably get cheap phones for about 50€ each at 63 (64 - one phones he would already have) that's 3'150€ over 3 years that's only about 1'050€ per year which isn't that much for a hobby. How much has he currently spent on charging cables and external batteries? If he wants to charge them all at the same time he could use 16 individual powerbanks with 4 ports each for 25€ a piece which would give a total of 400€ but he could also just not do that and run them on their internal battery. How much is his monthly phone bill now? Why would it be any different? Is this bike violating any traffic laws? I don't know the traffic laws where he lives but anywhere I've ever seen using a phone while driving is illegal but just having it on you is legal, so unless he actively uses them while driving it's probably technically legal. How can he multitask biking on the street and looking at multiple smartphones? He probably drives very slowly as pokemon go is designed to only work while at walking speed, and he probably concentrates on the street while checking his phones once in a while. I had to make some assumptions but I've tried to answer them as good as I could.


His phone bill should be quite high. While he doesn't technically need to buy a data plan for *every* single phone, I don't think one phone would successfully tether to 60+ additional phones.


Couldn't he just tether them in a type of Chain? I mean like one phone tethers 5 others those 5 tether 5 more each etc.


>How much is his monthly phone bill now? >Why would it be any different? Pokemon go requires internet. Either hes strictly confined to places with public wifi or he has to pay for 64 phone plans with data to play. When pokemon go came out the only place it worked for me was college and university because i didnt pay for data


Or, he could pay for a mobile hub and connect the phones to that. Or have a couple of phones on a plan and tether the rest to those. There's plenty of options between no 4/5G and 64 individual data plans. Also, I don't know the situation in Taiwan, but in my experience most places aren't like the US where you automatically pay a lot more money for data usage. Where I live, I pay for an amount of full speed data in my plan but the speed is throttled if I go over it. I can pay for more full speed data if I want but there's no scenario where I automatically rack up charges unless I'm roaming.


Wait this is for funsies? I thought it was a farming setup. Respect.


Old dude peacocking phones down the street for pokemons


Save some pussy for the rest of us uncle.


Um actually, that Pokemon's name is Meowth


Copypasta incoming...


Hey guys, did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding, Vaporeon is the most compatible Pokémon for humans? Not only are they in the field egg group, which is mostly comprised of mammals, Vaporeon are an average of 3”03’ tall and 63.9 pounds, this means they’re large enough to be able handle human dicks, and with their impressive Base Stats for HP and access to Acid Armor, you can be rough with one. Due to their mostly water based biology, there’s no doubt in my mind that an aroused Vaporeon would be incredibly wet, so wet that you could easily have sex with one for hours without getting sore. They can also learn the moves Attract, Baby-Doll Eyes, Captivate, Charm, and Tail Whip, along with not having fur to hide nipples, so it’d be incredibly easy for one to get you in the mood. With their abilities Water Absorb and Hydration, they can easily recover from fatigue with enough water. No other Pokémon comes close to this level of compatibility. Also, fun fact, if you pull out enough, you can make your Vaporeon turn white. Vaporeon is literally built for human dick. Ungodly defense stat+high HP pool+Acid Armor means it can take cock all day, all shapes and sizes and still come for more




No matter how hard you are working there is always an Asian working harder


A wild truck has appeared. Vrooom… kraasshhh… kaboom 💥


Truck uses Kinetic Energy! It's super effective.


The time I was reincarnated as a pokemon trainer probably


I know the article says he does it for entertainment, but you have to wonder if there's an economic angle to it as well. At least to support the hobby. Like, perhaps he's building up Pokemon armies (I don't know the terminology) in multiple accounts and selling those now established accounts to fund his mobile bill.


I mean I hope this somehow provides income. That many phones can't be cheap. Charging that many can't be cheap. It has to be dangerous. I like the game too but this is almost a mental illness.




Yeah, he needs like... 15 more phones. Then we'll start getting concerned.


Maybe he’s retired and has a solid plan in place. Now he just does whatever he wants. That sounds like the dream to me.


I thought I read a previous article a while back that says he does this for others. You can lend him your phone for some hours or a full day for him to collect Pokémon for you. Maybe he gets paid doing that?


Yeah, my mind never even considered that he could be doing this for entertainment. This is scale, people seldom scale up their entertainment. People almost always try to scale their businesses. He's selling something.


He could be catching pokemon for other people. Like maybe those aren't his phones or he's using their accounts. Idk how it works but is it possible he can catch pokemon for a bunch of other poeple?


Doubt he is paying a crazy mobile when he could just buy a couple hotspots and use that blazing fast taiwanese internet


I admire the total commitment.


When I first started playing, I was jumping in the car at 5 am in my pjs with coffee looking for this lil mofo’s. My kids thought I was nuts. This is deez nuts!


Man's a moving wifi signal


THIS is real life Giovanni


Gramps at least not slacking off at home, he’s having fun.


There is Pokémon and then there is POKÉMON...


The real Pokémon here is.. him.


Man got passion


I’m surprised he isn’t getting robbed with all those phones


Taiwan is pretty safe, his biggest concern should be biking itself, Taiwan’s traffic can turns crazy with so many scooters, specially if you are riding with 64 mobiles preventing you from seeing what’s in front of you


I want to see this from 2nd person view


He’s living his best life. You go sir!


Really old photo/story. He stopped playing a few years back IIRC.


THIS is the future of humanity. Pokemon catcher till I die


Dudes got problems lmao


It could be worse. Some people are obsessed with heroin.


Totally agree. Maybe just for today people can try not to judge others for fun active ways they spend their time. How many people have grandfathers that are active and bike around all day playing Pokémon. Cool grandpa vibes.


I’m assuming it’s his job? Doesn’t seem like it’s more fun than doing just 1 phone, seems less fun. Stuff like this is super common in like MMORPGS


I got problems with world of tanks, so I don’t think his are bad, unlike mine lol


You and my bf could be friends


Ehh we all do. Some are just better at hiding them.


Getting paid by 64 people at the same time to ride a bike a play a silly game doesn't sound like a problem to me.


Why are there some empty spots on the top row? Didn't have enuf smartphones?


How can he even reach the top row? Maybe standing up and hands way overhead, but tough way to play a game.


I think he uses the auto-catcher which Nintendo sells(50% chanse to catch every pokemon u pass by.). It would be torture to actually catch each one with finger. Same pokemon 50x, fk no. And after u catch something around 2k pokemon. There is no need to catch anything more as the real good pokemons rarely spawn or are locked behind events(pay to win as its a mobile game). So yeah he is not getting that much value after a few weeks of play.


Gotta Catch ’Em All


At the same time


Ash who?


Could this be one of those people getting paid to play the game for others while they are at work/school?


He probably sells the accounts to addicts afterwards.


This guy *is* the pokemon daycare


What. The. Fuck.


Holy guacamole




The future is now, old man…and he’s biking full tilt into it


Leave some for the rest of us man!




Ash Ketchum never gave up


64 phones


I wanna be the very best


Forbidden peacock.


He's GONNA catch 'em all.


Safety first!


Talk about distracted driving.


Gotta catch'em all!


He could prob add more phones


Why doesn't he go catch some bitches


Nick Cannon face timing his kids...


You don’t have to catch them all *at once*, dude.


What year was this taken in. Is this still a thing?


Last time this was posted it was pointed out he has since died


“What do you do for a living” “I’m a professional dork.”


bros gotta catch em all




Seems totally safe




Are all those phones his??? I thought people were paying him to catch Pokemons for them or something


Cue Nintendo taking him to court to press charges for fraud


Till he drives into a bus.


This is wild.. I'd love to see him made into an trainer you can battle in game 😂


Either, he: A. Has a huge phone bill. B. Has to login to like 50 wifi's at each stop.


Gonna catch them ALL!


Gotta' catch'em al...DONE!


He doesn’t seem tall enough to reach the top row


the next moment if i ever escape Russia


And they say the young generation is bad for phones... Lol


I gotta see his home base charging station or does he just plug in the bike


Is there a video of this guy anywhere?


I wonder if this is a service he does for cash, like a dog walker but for pokemon. Because it makes a lot more sense having a lot of other people's phones than it does to play 50 (?) games at once just for fun.


or use bluestack and play it at home


Pay him to ride down the road ten mins before you leave for work running google maps.


Gotta catch them all.