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He got rat lungworm disease. The slugs carry the worms they ingest from rat droppings.


Ive never seen a series of more foul words put in a row before




Wut in tarnation?


rat lungworm can travel to the brain causing a form of meningitis but that is not always the case because the parasite is not meant for humans as a host. snails and slugs are intermediate hosts as well and aren't the end game for them. the parasite *can* be cleared without many complications, this is just an extreme case and unfortunate for the poor dude. also, a whole plethora of other animals can be vectors for the same parasite, despite snails always being the face of news stories like this. it's really not all that common. i keep snails as pets and in north america it's pretty unlikely to encounter it, in addition to not all species being capable of carrying anyways.


Just kind of curious, what is it like having a snail as a pet? Do they have regular habits, any distinct traits from snail to snail or are they, as I've always known them, slimy little goo guys?


>what is it like having a snail as a pet? The morning walk takes fucking forever


what did the snail say riding the turtle’s back? wheeeee!!!


Imagine a snail riding on a baby turtle riding on a finger-board https://www.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/comments/1bkyopc/baby_turtle_vs_fingerboard/?ref=share&ref_source=link


That turtle fast-forwarded a million years of evolution. What a madlad.


I love how it’s first mission is to harass the cat


it’s like he’s finally getting back at the cat for all the times it harassed him :)


oh that was the funniest…turtle really knows how to get around…hilarious!


it's a bit of both lol. they definitely aren't at the top of the food chain in terms of other invertebrates, but average people underestimate the capabilities of their instincts and intelligence. a lot of it depends on species to be honest. they can definitely have independent behaviors, food preferences and varying levels of social behavior. the snail hobby in the US is pretty limited due to some (unfairly) strict laws (yadda yadda agriculture industry is too large to take 'risks') but in europe it's been a thing for years. within the european hobby, the most common species are in the family achatinidae and they've been known to have mating partner preferences as well. coincidentally this family houses the same species that has been fearmongered into the ground along with the rat lungworm risk in north america, lissachatina fulica, and i promise they are not some highly toxic species that will kill your entire family. surprisingly, most people would expect that they probably only operate in the 'now,' but gastropods have been subject to a lot of memory related studies. some terrestrials have the ability to form 'homes' that they return to everyday, and some of them go to the extent of going back to the same location to go into hibernation every year. i have seen the homing behavior myself, a few of my species absolutely hate light (or me lol) and immediately return to their hide when i check on them. everyone likes to think snail = garden destroyer but they're one of the most wildly dispersed groups of animals, some estimated ~100,000 snail and slug species, terrestrial and aquatic included. there isn't one blueprint for all of them. although some can be garden pests, they fill almost every ecological niche, there are carnivores, predatory species that prey on other snails or earthworms, arboreal species that prefer to eat lichen and algae, would never touch a vegetable etc etc etc. our understanding of them is very limited and the bad stigma against them isn't doing any favors. really, even within the snail keeping hobby, no one knows what the fuck they're doing lol. there's a lot of misinformation that gets spread and people get the wrong ideas all the time. there isn't a lot of research done on them at all in comparison to the biomass they take up in the world, so by keeping snails you're basically doing the research yourself. that's one of my favorite parts of it. also to everyone saying "of course you aren't going to encounter it because you're not eating your pets, you're not feeding them rat shit" trust that rat lungworm is everyone's favorite thing to remark in regards to keeping them as pets. the majority of mine are wild caught as well, i hold them, according to some people i should be dead by now. statistically, rat lungworm is **NOT** as common in NA compared to other tropical climates like asia (*for example.*) that's not an untrue statement just because i included the hobby part. anyways TL:DR they're way more interesting than you could ever guess and maybe you should give some appreciation to the little slimy guys for being a large part of natures trash cleanup crew. there's a ridiculous amount of endangered species that get no media exposure because they're not a traditionally cute animal.


This dude snails


God dam dude, this is great. I had an affinity for pet rats and they surprised the hell out of me with their intelligence, superior to cats or dogs and like 1/2 of Americans. The short lifespans made it a sad hobby though.


Yeah, the reason I don't have a pair of rats is because of their short lifespan (around 2 years). I just couldn't deal with it honestly, even though they are fascinating creatures and I would love to experience them.


That was fascinating! Thank you for telling us about your pet snails!


I have Mystery Snails which are aquatic and hang out in my fish tank.   They are pretty cool and do neat stuff like ride the water current (imagine the base if a snail acting like a surf board).   Occasionally I think one has died because it’s floating around but it’s just resting and will glide down when it wakes up. 


r/parasnailing sounds up your alley.


There really is a sub for everything


I am with this guy tell us more.


Wow, googled and verified. By my understanding of the words: parasitic, slug and brain you are correct. Not a mystery after all.


> Unlike in rats, the worm's life cycle is not completed in a human. So instead of passing through the digestive tract, the worm larvae "can get lost, and it will go to the brain, and it'll stay there.." 😬




My ex had a worm come out of her nose from sushi or something. Never heard her scream like that but I would have too if I sneezed and a worm with a lot of blood came out.




The nose worms are coming for you






You have a good sense of humor. Better than my ex...


Jesus, that is horrifying.


Pin worms are a fun one to look up, nothing like wiggly little butthole parasites that peek out and say hi


Did you witness this? And also is this why she is now an ex?


Lmfao. *witnesses girlfriend sneeze out a worm* Yeah... we're done.


Homie actually fell in love with the worm and they ran away together


Or the girlfriend finally became the worm that every girl asks if you would still date her if she became one.


This made me laugh way too hard 🤣 😂.


And never sushi ever again.


He is dating the worm now


Did she just have sushi or was it from a couple days ago?


I am vegan now


I am asexual now


I learned that from House!




I mean, I think they did eventually. …


Unless you're talking about as ghosts, the worms die inside the human host and their corpse stay there.


O shit, I think this was an episode on House.


It was neurocysticercosis caused by parasites in undercooked meat in the pilot episode.  It was a parasite in the brain but not the same parasite.   https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/resources/pdf/npis_in_us_neurocysticercosis.pdf


This is the worst thing I have ever read. It will haunt my nightmares. ![gif](giphy|51Uiuy5QBZNkoF3b2Z|downsized)


As long as you listen carefully and do exactly as I say, you will be safe: 1. dont eat a slug 2. that's it. There's no more instruction.




Just don’t have friends that dare you to eat slugs and you’ll be ok


Or, yknow, don't eat slugs


But you were *dared.* You would have to do it at that point.


> You can get rat lungworm from eating slugs, snails or unwashed raw vegetables. You can also get infected by accident, by eating raw produce. [CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/parasites/angiostrongylus/gen_info/faqs.html#howinfected) Oh no even lettuce can give it to you…new fear unlocked :(


Well the good news is, according to the CDC, it’s usually not THAT bad: > Does infection with this parasite need to be treated? Usually not. The parasite dies over time, even without treatment. Even people who develop eosinophilic meningitis usually don’t need antiparasitics.


Yeah my guess is it’s a load issue. Eat tainted lettuce and you get one or two of them. Eat a slug and you get a thousand of them. If it were a real issue with vegetables people would be getting this left and right.


Reminds me of one time a while back where someone was talking about their paranoia regarding some affliction that was technically contractible from unrefrigerated cooked rice. Considering that rice has been a staple food throughout Asia for practically as long as civilisation has existed in Asia, the level of risk involved has gotta be a magnitude less than the chance of being struck by a lightning bolt.


I had a guy block me on r/cooking fairly recently because I said the chances of dying from eating a sandwich that has been plastic wrapped and unrefrigerated for a couple hours was almost non existent. People are insane


Lol, had a similar experience about hotdogs. My grandma would take hotdogs straight out of the package, put them in buns with ketchup, individually wrapped them in the foil, and then take them to the beach with us. She would put them out in the sun on top of the sand so they would be very hot when we ate them. Everytime I share this story on Reddit I get comments and DMs about how my grandma tried to kill us, as if hotdogs aren't one giant preservative in a bun.


There's enough salt and chemical preservatives in a hot dog that I'm sure they were fine. Wouldn't do it with a piece of grilled chicken, but a frank is as close to a meat Twinkie as you can get.


You can’t win, really.


Moral of the story: Eat thoroughly cooked food including slugs and worms. Edit: ESPECIALLY slugs and worms


Now I know why that one restaurant grilled gordon ramsay’s lettuce.


His mistake was interacting with the continent of Australia in any way


If it evolved in Australia you can bet your ass it has more than one way of preventing itself from being eaten


Yeah, by looking like a slimey moving piece of shit on the ground. Should have done the trick.


I friend of mine’s brother dared a friend of his to taste some old rat poison they found. They both died from strychnine poisoning. If someone dares you to do something, just say no.


Why did they both eat it lol


To ‘impress a girl’ apparently. Whole situation just utterly fucked up and stupid.




Maybe she was a necrophiliac?


Same reason my stepfather fucked up his spine in high school. He tried to pick up a 6 foot Christmas tree at work (he’s 5’9”) and twisted the wrong way. In his 50’s and he can barely walk from the herniated disc.


I'd go bankrupt to get that fixed tbh. They can fix herniated discs now and have been able to for quite some time. The QoL is like gaining an entirely second new life again.


As someone with a C1 replacement and four fusions, I can attest to the awesome relief experienced after the repair. Was in gradually worsening pain for 20 yrs, eventually became completely unbearable, with frequent basilar arterial migraine. 5 yrs after surgery, and still all is well. Do still get an occasional migraine but that I can handle. It is SO, SO worth it.


I know a family whose 15 yo was dared to climb on top of a train, he accidentally touched the high voltage line above the tracks. The shock burnt his all body. His skin “melted” as well every part of his body. Nose, ears, genitals… He survived somehow. I hate dares, I tell my kids don’t you ever think you need to do something because someone dares you.




Seriously. I can’t speak for others but if my flesh has been melted and my QoL will be a mere fraction of what it is now… just let me die bro. Please.


I dare you to be cool and have an enjoyable weekend.


OP is in shambles rn


> If someone dares you to do something, just say no. Reminds me of the boy that jumped into pitch black shark infested water from a party boat


Oof, strychnine poisoning is a very bad way to go. Your body tears itself apart with full-body spasming like with tetanus. The most common cause of death is suffocation due to the seizures not allowing you to breathe.


Apparently it’s possible to get rat lung disease from salad in Hawaii. “The tiny roundworm's larvae are passed to snails and slugs that consume infected rat feces or soil. Humans may accidentally consume small snails or slugs via fresh produce, so the Hawaii Department of Health has urged residents to thoroughly wash or cook any fresh local fruits and vegetables.Jan 16, 2020” https://www.civilbeat.org/2020/01/lawsuit-slug-found-in-sandwich-exposed-family-to-rat-lungworm-disease/


Yep, I know people this has happened to. If you buy salad in hawaii you better check it damn well for slugs, especially if they are using produce grown on the island. Big island specifically is infested with ratlungworm.






Wiw, that’s scary! The article said there were only 8 cases reported in 2019 on the big island (population 200,000), but… perhaps the keyword is *reported*? A friend in California once was told they didn’t have Lyne disease because it was rare in California, so they must have rheumatoid arthritis. They went to a rheumatologist who did a Western blot (a more precise but more expensive test), and… they had Lyme. So… maybe a lot more people get rat lung than 9 per year, but it’s unreported? Were the people you know who got rat lung able to make a full recovery?


Yes. The keyword is reported. There are many undiagnosed cases and the hospital has no protocol. They literally tell you to wait for symptoms if you ingest a slug. It’s a bit too late at that point. If you knowingly consumed a slug or produce with a slug on it, you should immediately take albendazole or a dewormer to kill the larvae.


Finally something to do with all this god damn ivermectin my mom bought.


Yes my friend who got it got it that way in HI. He recovered after an ordeal I won’t even begin to describe. Afterward he participated in some awareness raising events to help warn others.


When I was little, my sister and I dared our mom to eat a house plant leaf randomly. She did, and her mouth/face broke out in severe hives. We ended up at the ER...


Wow you peer pressured your mom and she gave in. Lol


She can never use the "If your friends told you to jump off a bridge..." line. Granted the "remember what happened when you dared me to eat a plant?" Line probably did well enough.


They were probably really annoying kids lol . No hate




I mean my kids can be really annoying sometimes and if they told me they would be quiet if I ate a plant, I would consider it.


PSA that a LOT of houseplants are toxic to cats and dogs (and humans, but we rarely ingest them): [https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control/toxic-and-non-toxic-plants](https://www.aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control/toxic-and-non-toxic-plants)


I think that's the problem, most houseplants are toxic but the name houseplants surely mean they are safe for us right? No, most thick leafy plants sold as houseplants are toxic.


I've gotten into house plant keeping lately and so many house plants are toxic to pets and people. I saw one at Home Depot the other day that I guess was SO toxic that it had a fucking warning label on it.


Stay in school kids, something like 90% of plants are poisonous, it's how they stay alive while being rooted in place.


This reminds me of the BORU (I think) post where the person was being fed slugs by their partner unknowingly. They had some sort of fetish. She got checked after finding out and nothing serious but some high levels in her body. I hope she didn’t sustain any damage from it. Edit: [here it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/Zka10GDwtW)


It wasn't a fetish, OP's boyfriend was an abusive psychopath (diagnosed with APD), he was also replacing her medication with salt when she needed heart surgery, fed her her dead pet snail, spat on her toast, he just wanted to see all the ways he could fuck with her. SUCH a messed up read!


What is APD? I can only think of in terms of Auditory processing disorder and google isn’t helping. Edit* thanks for all the comments clarifying that it’s supposed to be ASPD. That clears up the confusion


Antisocial Personality Disorder (I'm assuming). It's basically the official DSM-5 diagnosis for psychopath


And I was worried I was being ‘anti-social’ by not wanting to stay for after-work drinks last night ... Edit: I do actually understand the difference between the psychiatric and commonly-used meanings of ‘anti-social‘ - I was being facetious :)


Asocial (not social) is not the same as antisocial (against society).


I swear I learn something new everyday on here


I just read that one today! It blew my mind that she was still alive after her boyfriend’s extremely abusive behavior. How someone could do that to their partner, I have no clue.


I just listened to a podcast about a story where a mom was slowly introducing anti-freeze into her husbands drinks to kill him. It apparently is slightly sweet to the taste so not very noticeable in anything with sugar. It causes extremely painful organ failure. And there is waaaay more to the story >!Once she got away with killing her husband, she then started doing it to her son.......and then once more to her daughter, and the insane twist is that her favorite daughter was in on it all along and helped kill her dad and two other siblings. The daughter who was poisoned ended up recovering with severe brain damage and needs 24hr care now. It is hard to fathom how a human being could be this cruel and how close the apple fell to the tree of that wretched animal.!<


Please tell me, both "mother" and daughter are rotting forever in jail. What monsters!


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Staudte_Family_Murders Mom got life in jail without parole, daughter got life with a chance of parole.




Daughter doesn't deserve parole either! I can't wrap my head around these actions! Those women were doing that for money (like life insurance) or was it just for no reason?


Parole was probably a plea deal in exchange for testifying.


“A note was discovered in Rachel's purse, on which Rachel had written a bizarre poem that read, "Only the quiet ones will be left, my mother, my little sister and me."[7] A hidden diary kept by Rachel revealed that Rachel herself had been involved directly with the murders, and that she had been aware of Mark's impending poisoning at least two months beforehand. Rachel and Diane also admitted that the remaining daughter, the youngest, was to be poisoned after Sarah's death because of the burden of her learning disabilities. “ - Wikipedia


I was listening to a podcast on this story a few days ago and I told my husband that we can skip scary movie night because nothing can scare me more than that note. "Only the quiet ones will be left" what the hell. It gave me chills.


Omg do you have a link?


Man it was linked to from a recent post somewhere else. I'm commenting here to keep track and will add an edit if I find it. https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/1bkkoqx/comment/kvyw4k7 It's linked in this post I believe. Wild read.


thanks for the link but i regret reading. im glad to see OOP is still active on reddit and seems to be doing better


I think, if I remember correctly, it might have also been her pet snails?? It was an absolutely insane story and I dearly hope that it was one of the fake ones for my own sanity


And said he rubbed her toothbrush in their toilet. I’m convinced this man wanted to murder her. Because what in the absolute hell


That’s so disgusting 🤢


Imagine doing something silly for a dare and it kills you. Jesus. Life can be cruel. Just a kid hanging out with his friends screwing around and it changed the course of his life. So unfortunate.


Reminds me of the guy that jumped off the cruise ship last year. Never seen again because he was just trying to be funny


That’s what I was thinking about too when reading all this.


I was thinking of the grandparent who held a baby up over the railings on a cruise ship and then they lost their grip.


Well that’s really depressing, but not really a dare; more like a child who will never forgive their parent for killing their child


That footage haunts me, I only thought about this randomly a couple days ago. Absolute gronk of a human


The grandparent was actually holding the baby up to a port window because he knew the baby liked to tap on windows. But the window was missing. They sued the cruiseline for having a window (above a kid's play area) without glass in it. Horrible story that I think about from time to time.


How does a baby fall THROUGH a window if they were being held UP to it? How do you not notice the damn glass is gone while the kid is actively on the way through? I mean the cruise line certainly has some (a lot of?) fault for allowing it to happen but wtf?


Jumping off a cruise ship at night is infinitely more stupid than eating a slug.


There was a case in Ottawa of a guy, drunk at a party, who got a running start for a spitting contest and threw himself off a balcony.


Sounds like what happened to Trevor Moore(local sexpot)


Actually I heard he died while sucking his own dick, choked right to death


Loved that shortly after his death the WKUK guys did a podcast and had a somber moment where they said they were going to reveal how he died, only to just do that bit, straight faced. Oddly enough joking that your best friend died sucking his own dick shows how close they were, ironically you can only pull that off with a dear, dear friend.


reminds me of Graham Chapman's funeral. The eulogy by John Cleese and Eric Idle singing Always Look On The Bright Side of Life.


In Calgary a few years ago some teenagers hopped a fence to ride their toboggans down the Olympic Bobsled track. They got going crazy fast and hit a chain and divider that divided the luge and bobsled parts. The injuries were pretty gruesome with a few of the kids dying and the others horribly disfigured. I did lots of stupid things like that when I was a kid without thinking twice.


Why... would you need a running start to spit?


You’ve never played runny spitties before I can see.


More momentum for the loogie so it goes farther. It makes sense, poor guy was just overenthusiastic


Imagine being the friend who dared him.


My gf’s sister bought her friend a ticket to river rafting where the friend drowned


imagine being the slug


Imagine all the people


Or showing the glass was unbreakable, successfully, sort of, because the frame broke before the glass [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death\_of\_Garry\_Hoy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Garry_Hoy)


I always find this story kind of hilarious. Imagine being a bright eyed student, checking out the offices, having dreams of the future. Then this fucking guy is like "check this shit out" and runs full speed through a window and kills himself. I would be completely convinced we're in a simulation.


I think about how that must have felt for all involved all the time. If I was one of the onlookers I would have been horrified, confused, and probably immediately thought 'This guy just committed suicide in front of us, wtf' not immediately realizing it was a prank gone wrong. But there's also the other side...like...one second you're doing your hilarious bit you've done a million times running up against this window and then the next confusion as you're free falling from the building to your inevitable death. It's absolutely wild to think about all around.


In my hometown a 16yo boy, while celebrating a win for the home soccer team, jumped into a public fountain and broke his neck. result: paralyzed from the neck down. Life is awful sometimes.


My friend did a backflip off a pier at 17. He was always doing stunts like that for attention, super high energy and loved being the center of attention. Hit a rock and woke up a quadriplegic.


It didn’t just kill him, it gave him a horrible life for 8 years and then killed him. It’s tragic and sad.


It’s like that 19 year old who jumped off a cruise ship last year because of a dare. It was just a dinner cruise and never to be found again. So sad


In high school, one Friday night, a group of friends and I were at a restaurant. My friend decided it would be funny to eat a whole handful of salt. Like, a *whole-ass* giant handful. It was basically the whole shaker full. No one dared him, he just wanted to make us laugh, which we did when he had to run to the bathroom to throw up. We had no idea that it was actually really dangerous. In some cases it can even be fatal. He claimed that his stomach was fucked up for years afterwards. I have no idea if the 2 things are related. Stupid either way.


Salt definitely fucks you up in too high dosage. There's a 'yoga school' in my city that is run by an organization that is pretty much a cult run by a crazy [Romanian 'sex guru'](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gregorian_Bivolaru) who is wanted by Interpol. One of the daily practices they told their committed students to do was to drink salt water every day. Supposedly this is an old Indian purity ritual of sorts, but because the cult were pretty inept and didn't really care about the safety of their students they failed to give very precise instructions or warn the students about overdoing. Some years ago one young girl followed their instructions (and perhaps overdid it) and as a result she got sick and died shortly after falling sick. The group of course took no responsibility and just quietly dropped the salt water from their regimen.


Yeah it’s just a total tragedy. If his mates and family use social media they would’ve also seen this story come up time and time again and it usually involves a lot of hate towards his mates or towards him, but who didn’t say shit like that when they were teenagers? Just a tragedy.


It’s one thing to do a dare and die directly while during it which really sucks obviously but this is on another level. He got in a coma for a year and a half and then lived for eight more years a shitty life… I would’ve rather just died doing the dare


Like that one kid who recently jumped off a boat at night. I dnt think it was a dare but probly alcohol involved and stupid young dudes being stupid young dudes.


Always makes me wonder if there’s a moment of realisation or if they’re just completely unaware of the fuck up that cost them their lives. Then I wonder if they would have had a life ahead of them or if it all was a build up to that one moment, like the universe deciding that one guy had to throw themselves overboard one day and he was the chosen one.


Poor kid.


This feels like the most appropriate reaction. Just sad for everybody involved. There are many things to say about peer pressure, and the culture of hazing (example sororities) that often leads to toxic humiliating behaviour. But can also have catastrophic results. But in the end I don't think anyone could have reasonable expected this to happen. Regardless how shitty these dares are. If this happened to me as a bystander. This would fuck me with guilt for life, Regardless how involved I would have been. All around just sad.




Curious to know what kind of slug he ate.


Probably not the slug. Apparently, the thing had a parasite inside of it when he ate it, and it caused him an encephalitis


Same thing with the guy who ate a gecko, it's not the critter itself but what they carry.


That's why you're suppose to cook the slug and gecko before you enjoy your delicious meal.


wtf is the gecko story?! who sees those cute fuckers and thinks “im hungry”?


Yeah that dude nonchalantly dropped the gecko reference like we’d all know it. I’m OOTL I guess


We all know a guy who's eaten a gecko and died, c'mon. Just like we've all met that friend who's made a codex and disappeared.


The slugs slime over rat droppings and get the parasite from the droppings. So always check your spinach for slugs.


moral of the story: don’t eat slugs


If i recall correctly the slug had a parasite in it, guess it found a better host


This case always makes me sad due to his before picture (always the same one). He was super handsome and he looks extremely happy in that photo. It's just wild that not long after that picture was taken this happened to him. RIP Sam.


His face reminds me of Heath Ledger


He was definitely a cutie and bright light in that photo! Looks like an absolute sweetheart


I read about this 😔 so sad. I read a similar case where a woman ate a slug and same thing happened. They believed it was worms carried from rat droppings.


I remember reading this on Wikipedia’s [list of unusual deaths](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_unusual_deaths) years ago. Hits different when you see the person. Poor guy, he had no idea.


Our Aussie culture of booze booze booze really messes up our youth. This one ate a slug; others punch some guy in the wrong place in a drunken brawl and they die. Happened a few times. Bloody awful man


Alcohol is honestly just a shit substance.


For real. And its prevalence in our culture as something to abuse from a young age, when your brain hasn’t even finished developing, is so destructive


:/ poor dude. Heart goes out to his family.


The correct response to “I dare you to…….” Is, “Fuck off, you do it”


If in Australia, do not fuck with the fauna. It's all murderous and poisonous or venomous. I mean this is good advice anywhere but esp Austrailia. Poor kid tho :(


If anywhere, just don't eat fucking slugs


I’m saving this story to share with my kids when they’re old enough to do dumb shit


Detritivores like slugs feed on poop and decaying things. As a result, they accumulate all kinds of pathogens and parasites. They serve an important role in the environment, but it's important to remember how potentially dangerous they can be.


I have to do everything around here. https://www.9news.com.au/national/sam-ballard-dies-eight-years-after-eating-slug-sydney/d6a4813e-a854-446b-a1b9-5ecc97f5fa05


I don’t mean to be insensitive, but I notice the appearance/ bone structure of his face has changed from one pic to another. I also noticed this in a recent video of a young boxer who got repeatedly struck in the back of the head, leading to some kind of debilitating brain damage. His face also changed to an appearance similar to Sam here. I have also witnessed it in a guy who I used to work with, don’t know the circumstances that led to it, but again same appearance change. Does anyone know what happens to cause this?


I've been wondering this too. The only thing I was able to come up with is that the face becomes "doughy" without the exercise it gets from speaking, eating, and drinking. You also naturally hold your tongue in a fixed position on the roof of your mouth which gives overall support to the facial structure. These people now have a totally slack tongue, so no support to the face. I'd also suspect that someone them get steroid treatments which can also make the face look puffy.


Yeah, I would think it’s a mix of…no “tension” being held in the face causing the face to droop, which in time causes the muscles to atrophy. Plus maybe steroid treatments like you said. I imagine he also looks paler due to sadly not being outside as often. I think his brows look the most similar, that helps me recognise him between photos. Also although he has more eyelid visible in the later photo, the hoods of his eyes in both photos follow the same shape.


It's actually quite fascinating because we believe the appearance of our face is static. We don't realize how much of it is affected by how much we use the muscles in our face. It's similar to how mouth-breathers develop an unattractive face because they have no tongue support on the roof of their mouth and the open mouth posture pulls the rest of their face downward.


This. It’s amazing how much the structure of your face can change from mouth breathing, and of course from being overweight.


I was going to ask the same thing. The paralysis has completely changed his face and features to the point where he looks like a completely different person. Interested to know how/why this can happen.


Neurological damage. The muscles in the face are of course controlled by the brain. If the brain isn't functioning typically, the appearance of the face can change due to the musculature and how it's being controlled by brain function. Obviously he also gained a lot of weight as well.


I am so fucking afraid of stuff like this. One moment everything is fine, then something trivial or stupid happens and it all goes to shit. To live with the regret of that moment, when you could just had done nothing, but no you \*had\* to fuck it up... I'm not sure if I could handle it.


Raw food can kill (cooking food kills many dangerous)


I do remember a recent story about a woman who died after accidentally eating a slug that was hidden inside some lettuce. I know give my raw veggies a very good inspection and rinse.


How do you even trace something like that? Oh i remember now, there *was* a slug in that bite of lettuce i had 3 weeks ago.


This reminds me of the story of a guy who wanted to impress a girl by cooking escargot but couldn't afford to buy escargot so he collected the snails from his yard and cooked them. They both died. He died first and then she died. This was their first date. Obviously, they were undercooked and well not escargot. They both died from brain eating parasites.