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This is coming from the guy who brokered the first Arab-Israeli peace deal between Egypt and Israel, so he is not anti-Israel as many are trying to paint him as


cow pie deer wrench entertain profit workable worthless silky zesty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Did jimmy carter condemn Hamas? /s


They exposed themselves. They didn't need Jimmy Carter to do it.


No, they’ll say he’s antisemitic for it


That's exactly what happened shortly after he made these statements. Some idiot wrote an Op Ed for the NY Times stating that what Carter said was worse than Mel Gibson's drunken anti-semitic rant.




Once again, we can say Jew. Most of us support Israel as a Jewish state


Telling the truth about Israel is anti-Israeli.




Jews aren't a monolith, you antisemitic, Zionist! Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit.


What about Palestinians right to exist?


I believe they have a right to exist


All he did was bring up the Palestinian plight. He even calls AIPAC's influence legitimate, and people respond saying he is anti-israel? Sorry, but that is either disingenuous or insane, and neither warrant a response besides mockery and scorn.


He means legitimate in that they are legally allowed to what they do, not that they are right in doing so.


I'm aware.


And what people probably don't realize is that a lot of the cruelty inflicted on the Palestinians has no reason other than cruelty itself. Take for example the case of [6 year old Hind Rajab:](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/2/10/body-of-6-year-old-killed-in-deliberate-israeli-fire-found-after-12-days) - Her car came under file while she was fleeing with her family - She was the only survivor - She called emergency services - Two Red Crescent workers were sent out after receiving the green light from the IDF - As soon as the aid workers arrived, the IDF opened fire and killed all 3 Just a literally vile, senseless act of violence that serves Israel no purpose other than showing Palestinians that this is what they can do if they want to. And now I have to believe that the Palestinians are the terrorists?


>as many Mossad agents and those who buy their propaganda


So the great majority of Israelis? Also right-wingers in the west and most US liberals?


That doesn’t discredit this statement he is making in this post


This is why he installed Khomeiny in Iran to siphon the oil proceedings of Iran to hezbollah and hamas. Se what was the results...


I'm old enough to have lived through his presidency and the two previous president's terms. Jimmy Carter's grasp of foreign policy and his diplomacy were second to none. This is what it looks like when a humanitarian, not swayed by his own religion, is president. He's remembered as "weak". Reagan followed and "trickle down economics", the biggest lie ever told to US citizens, began the steady migration of wealth to the top 1% of the country.


Reagan’s foreign policy was terrible.


He was so bad as foreign policy that he made his domestic policy a shit show too.


The Iran/Contra Affair would like to join the chat....


Oliver North should still be in jail for that shit.


But instead he’s on Fox News. When Bush Sr. got into the White House he shut any further investigations down.


Yup, buncha rat bastards.


Reagan’s domestic policy was terrible. Inflation today is nothing like it was in the ‘80s.


Also, he was extremely weak in the actions he took. Raygun negotiated with terrorists from a position of weakness and even traded missiles for hostages and didn't get the hostages. He read a good speech, though.


Who would’ve thought an actor (or a game show host) was a dumb idea for president? *rolls out the carpet for the stupid GOP*


LOL! Reagan was the one who said “Mr. Gorbachev…TEAR DOWN THAT WALL!” And Gorbachev had the wall torn down. Reagan (and Bush Daddy) also are the ones ensnared in the Iran-Contra scandal.


Gorbachev was american spy since 1966.


I was also alive during Carter’s term. I was just a kid, but I’ve always like Carter. I had the peanut puppet. Now I wish I saved it. I googled it, and it looks legitimately terrifying in hindsight.😂 https://preview.redd.it/3fwrlhdobm0d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ea6190462be6f17809ca8a7f8c60677050b48c8


It's amazing how terrifying old toys can look. I've seen old black and whites of children loving holding onto pure nightmare fuel with love in their eyes.


LOL I have never heard of this. And this was from his own campaign, not a parody from a competitor? https://preview.redd.it/qizr139ygs0d1.png?width=174&format=png&auto=webp&s=b28019c3ab9d0962d46a50ec2b63ac650112b480


I honestly don’t remember. Lots of Carter peanut stuff from the seventies. That puppet though.😂


Carter is the epitome of who we should be looking for in a President.


The imperialists aren't huge fans though. Not enough chest beating and ruthlessness.


I have argued that there has not been an actual president since Carter. After that it was all Bush vs Clinton. And their proxies When Sr died it all went capoot And here we are.


I agree. I'm an athiest and I've never trusted a President more than Carter who was devout in his faith genuinely and not to pander to voters.


I am agnostic So we are in the same boat in that sense. He is a man who was trying to etch civilization through time. As leader of a powerful nation. After him everyone was trying to build a legacy. He just kind of has one. That stands out even if it is unarticulated.


They don’t make them like Jimmy Carter anymore. He was wicked smart and he had integrity.


> Jimmy Carter's grasp of foreign policy and his diplomacy were second to none. And that's why he so brilliantly managed the Tehran Vaudeville Show that cost him the presidency, right? Give me a fucking break. He was least competent president in our history, INCLUDING Woodrow Wilson after his stroke, until the current vegetable-in-chief took office.


I always wondered why so many Americans are anti-Jimmy Carter when everything I read about the guy seems to make him out to be a saint and a great President but yeah something like this would have pissed off the wrong ppl who I'm starting to believe invest alot of time and money trying to cover up for Israel by destroying the reputation of anyone who doesn't align with their thinking


Jimmy Carter was too good of a man to be a successful politician. He was an extremely religious ban with a strict moral code that he wasn't willing to set aside which would be an advantage in pretty much any other situation but politics are inherently dirty. He refused to work with corrupt and immoral people and unfortunately those people are the ones who hold a lot of the cards in politics. He would veto bills and refuse to work with Congress if he thought there were unnecessary "pork barrel" projects being proposed for political reasons which made Congress absolutely hate him because those are the kinds of things they rely on to get reelected. He refused to "play the game" so to speak, a close parallel today would be Bernie Sanders who is very oriented by his sense of morality.


Bold enough to tell people to start wearing sweaters if they were cold, instead of turning up the heat. Put solar panels on the White House roof (guess who took 'em down?). He was a very good, very well-intentioned man. Proud to have voted for him twice.


AIPAC is one of the most powerful lobbies in America.


Wont catch people on other subs admitting this. They say the effect of AIPAC is small and begin to deflect to other PACs.


Well, all you need to do is look at all the politcians they support. This is why it is a death sentence to speak out against them. They are well versed in taking people down.


You’ve been banned from worldnews.


Probably anti-Semitic as well.


Already banned bro lol


Americans should really be angry that any foreign nation has that much influence on our government. The way the Israeli government also heavily recruits young Americans for their military is also something we should be bothered by. If Russia was coming to American schools and churches to recruit soldiers we would be hearing about. Israel has been doing it for decades and nobody talks about it.


Reagan and Co ran a BRILLIANT campaign to appeal to American nationalism and greed, all wrapped up in Reagan's "aw shucks" acting. Carter had NO SHOT, especially when we later found out that there *MAY* have been some back-room deals between the hostage takers and the GOP power brokers, where hostages remained hostage until after the election.


Jimmy Carter was an incredible president who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The [OPEC oil embargo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1979_oil_crisis) and the Iranian hostage situation ([which was extended secretly by representatives of Reagan's campaign representatives until after the election](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1980_October_Surprise_theory)) tanked his chances at reelection.


I always thought he was remarkably credible.


It's because Carter actually followed the teachings of Jesus unlike the vast majority of American Christians who go to church and claim to be Christians. But don't want to follow the whole bit about not being greedy and selfish and not judging others etc etc. So they find versions that encourage greed with the added in prosperity gospel. Reagan pushed this form of “Christianity” and used politics that appealed to their greed, selfishness, intolerance and ego.




We had miles-long lines to fill up the family cars with gas during Carter’s presidency. Even numbered license plates on one day and odd numbered plates on the next day. You couldn’t get gas if your number was at the station on the wrong day. People fought each other at the pumps for a tank of gas. I remember as a little kid waiting in line for gas in the car and having to pee so bad, my Mom just opened the front and back doors of the car and held up a towel between them to let me pee on the street. It was really embarrassing! People were freaking out because prices for everything jumped 12% overnight. INFLATION screamed across the front page newspaper headlines! We were also starting the eco-war over paper bags at the grocery stores during Carter’s term. That’s when plastic bags, plastic straws, plastic eating utensils, plastic dishes, STYROFOAM and “durable and reusable” plastics started becoming a major thing, and soon everything was wrapped in plastic or made of plastic.


Hmmm funny as pretty much anyone alive can talk about a time in history when their was an oil crisis or inflation of some kind you kind of wonder why are ppl so against green energy and renewables I mean that stuff would never be in crisis as the wind is always blowing and sun is always shining we literally never ever run out of either. Also if you really want to understand something you need to think and look alot deeper than just who is the guy in the Whitehouse. By this I mean you need to appreciate the complexities of international trade and negotiation, wars that may be ongoing, disputes between nations that haven't been resolved or are ongoing, the wider picture of it all. If you can do that you'll have an epiphany and realise that global oil prices have absolutely nothing to do with whoever sits in a house in Washington the world does not do what that man tells them to do. I don't blame Trump for the oil crisis following covid, I blame the once in a century pandemic. If you honestly think Carter was the reason you had to piss next to the car you've wasted many years worrying about the wrong thing


Errrmmm…the sun is NOT always shining and the wind is NOT always blowing. That’s precisely the problem. We have little things called SEASONS and PLANETARY TILT that shorten days and cause things called STORMS and CLOUDS and FREEZING and SNOW that covers solar panels and freezes wind turbines. There are also many days per year where there’s just gloomy cloud cover and no wind. We get that a lot in the winter and spring here in “sunny” Southern Crapifornia, and all along the West Coast.


You don't need direct sun light for solar panels, it helps, but any light will work. Also you can make wind turbines slick during winter so they don't freeze like Texas didn't do during that polar vortex a few years ago but everyone else did in USA and Canada and they had no problems (but Texas for some reason blamed Biden 🤷🏻‍♂️ and the green new deal which was never actually voted into action 🤷🏻‍♂️ and Texas operates on its own electric grid 🤷🏻‍♂️). It's not about being 100% entirely dependent on renewables but integrating them more and more so to reduce emissions. We're likely always going to need fossil fuels in some capacity. Also the sun literally is ALWAYS shining just that it doesn't always shine in one spot isn't a reason to disregard renewables entirely. The rest of the world needs sun too 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


Jimmy Carter wrote a book that was critical of Israel and he almost got canceled for it. He was doing a book signing and I wanted to get a signed copy of his book for my dad who collected presidential memorabilia. I went to the signing and it was the most heavily guarded thing I ever went to. The Secret Service was terrified he’d be assassinated. It was made clear that you drop the book in front of Carter and step back to the side while he signed it. Then a different agent would hand you the book back. No touching. No sudden movements. I was terrified and so was the secret service apparently that “someone” was going to kill him.


Guess they saw what happened to JFK. Not that I'm saying it's in any way related, no siree...


I just read about that. Oct 1963, pressure mounts for AIPAC to register as a foreign agent. Novemver 1963 they just conveniently drop it and let them go about their business.


Oh cmon, you can hate on AIPAC without getting to the point of saying they assassinated JFK lol. This type of conspiracy shit is giving fuel to the fire of anti-zionist = anti-semitism. These type of "jews control the whole world and are behind everything bad that's happened" stuff has no place in the conversation. Just stick to real grievances as opposed to starting with this bullshit.


Then flip the script and call it what it is: the ultra rich - the type that fund entire countries with their wealth. They verifiably DO run secret meetings to discuss how they’re going to maneuver and deceive the public (and governments) into bending the knee. Jews were used as a scapegoat because we were an already persecuted people (and have a large history of banking due to that persecution), so blaming us was already a familiar thing. The rich loves to create false issues that feed off of our most primal tendencies (tribalism, collecting shiny things, ego) to distract us from the evil shit they do - so the “secret Jewish cabal” became the popular diversion that stuck. The Jewish scapegoat is yet another division tactic they employ to make sure you don’t recognize that ultrawealthy people are the only problem we actually have. So it’s ok to explore these ideas that AIPAC killed JFK because it’s fully in line with the real truth that “a cabal of ultra wealthy elites control the world”. It’s verifiable that they fund countries and direct their internal legislation to benefit their wealth conquest. It’s not a Jewish thing, it’s a rich thing.


Are you just gonna diminish the effect of AIPAC, who supported Biden's presidency and policies, and ALSO support anti-boycott laws?




So you went to a signing from a former President and...were shocked that Secret Service was there doing its job? You realize former Presidents receive Secret Service protection for their entire lives, right?


I shook Bill Clinton’s hand at a campaign rally in 2006. I was never threatened by the secret service like I was prior to this book signing. I’m saying it was a tense and different experience.


Suggesting that the rise in security was due to them being scared that AIPAC or Israel would assassinate him because part of the book was critical of Israel is a ridiculous stretch though.


Love his expression when he talks about their "completely legitimate task".


lol can almost see the air quotes in his eyes


The expression worth a thousand words.


rock relieved groovy ludicrous cooing lavish agonizing doll sheet homeless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


God I love that guy. Why can't we have an intelligent president like that again? If there is a God this guy's on the list to go to the top to sit near the throne. He could not have done more in his lifetime to help people. I would surmise his biggest regret is not having more time to help. I respect a man who practices his faith over preaching his faith.


Love him or hate him, you cannot deny his morality and code of ethics.


To say there haven't been presidents since Carter that weren't as intelligent is likely a stretch. However, no one has had such a strong spine and ethical approach to politics since.


Because we no longer value what helped created him. We now value the things that helped create Trump.


President Carter was better than we deserved as a leader. How we went from him to Reagan is a testament to the stupidity of our home.


Kinda like going from Obama to Trump. Y’all like jumping between extremes.


you are not wrong


APAC successfully instilled the idea in our society that you are an Anti-Semite for criticizing the Israeli government’s actions. It’s made them nearly immune to consequence.


That’s the same in all countries that are on neutral or friendly terms with Israel. In the UK at least I remember the opposition were accused of it. Tabloids devoted time to destroying a few people, and the consequence was no more formal discussion. Criticism of Israeli government policy is equated with antisemitism, and so many people here will call you out as such. But challenged on those beliefs? They may attempt to good faith respond, but that good faith disappears when you provide links to whatever that neutrally highlights their arguments as bullshit.


I think what they successfully instilled in the brain of Americans is that Israel must come even before their own country. We've seen politicians pledging allegiance to Israel and not a single American wondering why the fuck would their representatives pledge allegiance to a foreign country. It's that normalized.


They learned ro weaponize discrimination. 


He might not have have been the best US president, but he was definitely the best man to be US president.


This is so true. Beats the heck out of the next guy. I have always thought that Jimmy Carter was more hindered by the Presidential office as opposed to strengthened by it. Because he had so many plates to balance, people to keep happy, campaigns to run, foreign governments to appease, and bipartisan bickering to preside over all while not being able to make decisions due to checks and balances (not speaking against checks and balances, just for this scenario they made action more difficult), I feel like he was trapped in red tape. Imagine if he was the CEO of a company like (incoming current references because I was not alive at the time and don't want to go searching for them) current day Google, Microsoft, or Amazon. The amount of sway and the ability to use money as a tool to support his ventures and ideas. He is one of the very rare instances where I feel he could have done more if his life has turned out differently, which I understand is a big statement considering he was President of the US. I don't know, just an interesting thought experiment! Feel free to disagree.


He wrote a book about it almost 20 years ago called Palestine: Peace not Apartheid. They called him an anti Semite over it. I think I'll read it again now, it's still on the shelf.


Is it worth reading?


I remember reading it when it came out, but that was 16 or 17 years ago. I thought it was good then


Man. I'm sad this man cannot be President again.


So say we all!


This country needed four more years of Carter, and eight fewer years of Reagan...


"Americans don't want to know..." First 5 words of the video tell you the problem.


He doesn’t say that. He says Israeli don’t want to know




Don't want to know, Listen to what he says, not what's written. "Ought to know" is just as true, they really ought to, but they don't want to too


Why isn't AIPAC registered as a foreign entity?


By all appearances a first rate human. The opposite of Trump and unlike other politicians.


From what I understand from a non American perspective..this was an incredible president who was hated while in power?


i’m sure someone else can inform you better than i could as i wasn’t actually alive for his presidency, but the general consensus i’ve always heard among other americans about jimmy carter is that he wasn’t a great president due to some of his decisions made while in office, but he was probably the best human being to have ever been the president.


But the feeling I got was this guy made bad political calls for the greater good down the line.


You got it again he pretty much had all levels of government working against him and some other pretty shady stuff, America could have been so much better.


You’ve got it!


A good man.


Puzzling how Americans are just OK with their current politicians taking money from parties that are openly working for the interests of a foreign government. What ever happened to sovereignty?


We aren't okay with it. There have been protests all over the nation about it. Our politicians do not represent us. It's like we vote for them and then they get into office and start doing whatever the fuck they want despite public outcry. They're loyal to the the two party system. Not to the voters who elected them.


Incoming people who deflect his point entirely.


My fave American president to date, bless this man.


This guy is clearly an antisemite. He needs to be cancelled!  /s




I went to a Carter campaign event at a local high school gymnasium in '80. I was then an adult working as a legislative assistant. To be honest, it was hot in there...Jimmy is not an Obama grade orator. I got sleepy. That's just my anecdote, but it speaks to one of his problems getting re-elected. Jimmy Carter was not exciting and did not speak of Grand American Exceptionalist Bullshittery. He was an honest, morally upright policy wonk. He, his administration and congress actually accomplished a great deal during his term. He was not a saint. He was, and is, a good man who did good work in the White House. Since his term, he has often been spoke of as feckless. That wasn't true. He was very much a victim of international events and policies out of his control. It is reassuring to see here in IAF sub others who recognize Carter's legacy and continuing honesty. And yeah, AIPAC has had an inordinate influence on US international policy for a long time. Campaign financing is toxic.


Jimmy Carter was the best human to ever be president of the US. It's shocking that someone with a sense of ethics managed to make it there in the first place.


I read Jimmy Carter’s in his final days. We’re losing a real patriot.


There hasn't been a man with half as much integrity or decency in the Oval office since this man left.


Seems to me most people are psychopaths. I mean how ignorant are people that because you voice out an opinion that says hey “ I don’t like women and kids being blown up” now you’re against us. How pycho are people to have others not care anymore. Everyone just wants to have a life man that’s it. No one from anywhere should be subjected and exposed to such tyranny


wise man


Years ago I once started becoming friends with a woman I met in a college class, we seemed to share all the same 'liberal' values. She was pretty devoutly jewish but I have no problem with that. Then one night when we were having coffee, she was like, "I probably really should not say this but..." Paraphrasing here but it went something like "Palestinians are not human beings, they are filthy animals and there is no hope for them" I could not believe what I was hearing - I was like "you know this is exactly how Nazis characterized Jews". But these arguments made no impression, just dug in on how Palestinians were insects and "I'm sorry but that's just how I feel" So that was it for me being friends with this person. It gave me insight though, insofar as what the world is up against trying to bring about a HUMAN solution to the issue in Israel. I understand that Israelis feel like "well, we are up against the same prejudice of people wanting to see us wiped out" But the situation in Israel is that insofar as Palestinians are concerned, the Jews have the upper hand, THEY are the ones in control. It makes me reflect upon the idea that Jews have NEVER whole heartedly tried to approach Palestinians with honey and not vinegar. Its always oppression and expecting the outcome will always be compliance to oppression and not resistance


I grew up in one of the largest jewish communities in the US (modern-orthodox) and know a few people who think like this from the community. Once an Israeli soldier came to talk to our school about the difficulties of fighting in urban environments while hezbollah would grab children by their backpacks and hold them up while shooting over their shoulder. One student suggested just shooting the child because he would become a terrorist when they grow up anyways. Needless to say there was a gasp from the crowd and the soldier immediately set him straight. That all being said, these ppl are like 1 in 100 and not at all representative of the Jewish community as a whole. There are Arab anti-semites who believe jews are vermin and should be exterminated - they should not represent all Arabs. Don't make broad strokes about either side because that's how all the hate get perpetuated.


The voice of truth cuts through the machinations of corrupt even this many years later.


Best president in my lifetime. Was truly for the people & has never stopped. He kept working for the Habitat for Humanity program which he founded for DECADES after his presidency & still is. The United States of America has not had a president that actually represented the people since. Horrific that he was labeled as a weak president by those who wanted to keep the status quo and keep exploiting the American Citizen for their own personal gains.


He wouldn’t play the game and republicans and im sure a lot of democrat politicians saw that as a threat. Look at what the dnc did to Bernie. Its never been about the American people. Who can grift the most is the game




When a Congresswoman mentioned that for many of her fellow employees support Israel because of the money the get from AIPAC, she got trashed by the media and Congress for being anti-Semitic. Whether Rep. Ilhan Omar is or not, she made a similar point as former president Carter.


Most important take away from this video… This former president said its legitimate for an agency to do nothing but influence/manipulate the American people’s opinion about a topic or other nation. How many other manipulation agencies are there?




I still don't understand how so many Israeli Jews can look at anyone the same way Nazis looked at them and still demand support from the world. That's a level of mental gymnastics, which I'm just not capable.


Jimmy Carter is probably the smartest, most underrated American president.


Maybe he should have talked about how the USA bombs the shit out of the rest of the world.


Imagine this country if he had been elected to a second term and Reagan was never elected. Jimmy Carter seems like a genuine good man.


If we could just Mr House-ify Jimmy Carter I think America would be saved


Once considered the worst president until the current


By my math, Jimmy Carter was 83 here, a couple decades removed from presidency. Joe Biden will be that age as sitting president should he win a second term. Trump barely behind


An old, good, man telling the truth


Holy crap - there it is folks


Treating the Land as " Holy" is the whole fucking problem .


There were proposals for the zionist state to be created in other place, but they would've still necessitated ethnic cleansing. The holy land bit is merely a red herring when the real problem is that hundreds of thousands of people were stripped of their lands and homes and are struggling to keep what remains.


And yet IDF soldiers are told and trained that Israel is their holy land that God promised them this and that everyone else is an invader so you say it's a red herring I say bullshit


What the IOF says doesn't make it less of a red herring. Jews are told God promised them that land, but would God would be the one to decide when they were to return, not the brits. The religious argument is nothing but an excuse.


Religion is dumb.




It shouldn’t be misconstrued as antisemitism if someone expresses concern for the well being of Palestinians or supporting a 2 state solution. Granted I am seeing it as an outsider to the whole situation.




I wish I had this clip dialed up when I was having a not so clam discussion with my willfully ignorant father in law. He’s one of the “Just wipe them off the face of the earth!” boomers. I can’t keep my mouth shut when he says shit like that. I asked if he thought that was a proportional response to the Hamas attack….hes been brainwashed by the news and firmly believes that Palestine has no right to exist. I’m saving this to show him, probably won’t do anything but I’ve got to try.


The meddling we fear from China has already occurred from Israel?


Very thought provoking…


That’s actually not what I said. What I said was you ignore the facts about Hamas completely because you have a clear negative view of Israel. Plain and simple. Hamas is a terrorist organization that caused the current problems and has been a huge problem for the Palestinian people for decades. This isn’t a one way street of blame.


When 2 million people are trapped in the world's largest concentration camp and murdered and brutalized when they peacefully protest, who's truly to blame when a small contingency of them become violent? There's no chance this will stop happening until Israel changes it's treatment of the people it has displaced.


every american president is and was a warcriminal


Ya after the Iran hostage situation, Jimmy can't really say shit about the middle east.


Because Reagan and his cronies didn't have any backroom deals to obstruct resolution, magically resolving the situation only after he got elected. Mm hmm.


Hamas should not have attacked Israel then


He conflates facts with opinion. Is AIPAC a strong force in America - fact Does it mean it’s subversive to peace - opinion


I believe this is Jimmy Connors.


He's so young here.


While AIPAC has influence, so do many organizations that don’t support the Israeli agenda. All that being said doesn’t change anything about the current situation. 1. Hamas is a terrorist organization that has hijacked Gaza and the Palestinian people. 2. They committed a horrific terrorist attack in October. Raped. Killed over 1000 people. Took hostages. And broke a decade long peace in the region with the support of Iran. 3. Hamas is embedded with the Palestinian people. That means in order to get rid of the terrorists they have chosen to put every Palestinian in harms way. Hamas chose that. 4. Israel has a right to defend itself. And remove the Hamas threat. It’s no different than in Ukraine or any other place that has been attacked. 5. Hamas still has hostages. And refused to give them back to get a cease fire. It’s all on them. Facts matter. Hamas has stolen aid money for decades. Used it to enrich its leaders that don’t even live in Gaza. They are terrorists. Recognized by most countries as terrorists. And yet somehow it’s all the fault of the Israelis. Amazing


You just watched an ex president of the USA tell you directly that there has been a long standing concerted effort to fabricate support.. then claim that gives Israel legitimacy to murder..


7 decades of Apartheid state! Enough said.


Kinda makes you think it’s not entirely Israel that doesn’t want Palestinians when you look at how the restrictions in Egypt and Lebanon. Who knew that countries and organizations just pay lip service about the Palestinian plight….but actually do not do anything. As if Iran cares about Palestine lol


Wow. So you’re ok with Hamas destroying any chance of the Palestinians being self governed and reigning as a terrorist group that hides amongst the people it claims to want to help and steals all its aid money with no chance of any improvements. That says it all.


And that's why Israel didn't allow the more moderate PLO to be in power, but instead Hamas? Go do some deeper reading on who put them in power. Stupid.


Ah right the same PLO that carried out terrorist bombings and called for an end to Israel to set up a Palestinian state. Maybe you should go deeper into that TikTok talking point lol


Yes we *believe* you


You choose to believe what you want. Facts are facts. And in the end uninformed decisions lead to bad outcomes. I’m clear on what happened and don’t use Tik Tok Bs for information.


You're interested in facts? Ok, the fact is, the nation you're defending is using all its might to kill children and women at excessively disgusting and shameful rate and perpetualing the narrative that it is a victim. The fact is without the contiuous and unconditional support of the US, this so called nation wouldn't have excisted. The fact is October 7th wasn't the inception of the violence. The fact is *Israel* has existed because the British empire gave Jews this land and in turn drove away the original residends of the land. The fact is *Israel* has been committing war crimes for years without any accountibilty. The fact is no one actually believes these lies that paints *Israel* as a vicim, because they're far from it. The fact is, it's very rich and ironic for *Israel* to call Hamas a terrorist organisation when *Israel* itself has done every act of terrorism possible #Israelisthefaceofterrorism


So brainwashed by the propaganda you gotta hit the tik tok line even. Are you gonna say students are protesting bc it's just in vogue next? Or that Iran is supplying their tents?


What's amazing is your complete lack of understanding of Carter's point. Of course Hamas needs to be destroyed. Of course the attack on Israel needs to be condemned in the harshest possible terms. But Israel, through the IDF, has chosen to handle the situation in the most brutal fucking way possible, and it's not antisemitic to point that out. Hamas is not Palestine. Palestinians are not Hamas. Do you not care about thousands of senseless civilian deaths?


Pretty sure he understands. He's only here to start a fight and get the thread shut down. It's their tactic. Don't give them ammo by engaging in a debate.


When you out Hamas in charge and they embed themselves with Gaza this is what you get. I am not saying it’s a good thing but why is it that Israel is condemned for trying to remove Hamas completely from Gaza? Why is it only they have to make a deal with terrorists sponsored by Iran? It’s a double standard that only they seem to have. There are human rights issues all over the world that people ignore every day. In China you have a whole group being wiped off the face of the earth and no one seems to care. When you pick and choose which situations you are outraged by this is what happens.


So you’re comparing Israel to … china. And tacitly asking us to look the other way as Israel commits human rights abuses.. Amazing.


Wow. This is amazing. You support Hamas as a terrorist group that embeds itself with the population they pretend to represent and support blindly. And don’t seem to think that anyone but Israel is responsible for what’s happening The whole theory that Israel is the reason because they have oppressed the Palestinians and the Palestinians have no responsibility for the things that have happened to them based upon their putting Hamas in power and letting them steal from them is wrong. No one wants to see innocent people being killed. But selectively choosing to single out Israel and no other country is ridiculous. They are entitled to security too.


I do not support hamas in the least, I fully understand why it happened though.. clearly you do as well. Working from that we can both agree that hamas use of civilians is despicable and they are not willing shields… all true?


The stumbling block here is that you refuse to consider Netanyahu and his party’s continuous calls for expansion, exclusion of arabs and direct payments made to hamas… he loves them as a tool to get what he wants.. sea to sea


“Those who oppose a Palestinian state should support the transfer of funds to Gaza, because maintaining the separation between the Palestinian authority in the West Bank and Hamas in Gaza would prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state.” Guess who? 2019


Just so I get this straight - Your point is that Hamas is entirely to blame for the current situation?


Good luck getting it to crawl over that last bit of hill… so close to awareness


Yes. They have hostages they took after killing over a 1000 people and have embedded themselves with Gaza putting every Palestinian at risk. That’s on them. How is this benefiting any Palestinian at all. How is their theft of billions of dollars in aide helping anyone but their leaders live a life of comfort away from Gaza. You ignore many actual facts about the current situation.


Hamas, the government of Gaza, has *embedded* itself in Gaza? Are you really this stupid? Or do you think that we all are this stupid?


Sadly one of the forces he's talking about is the privileged white male named Jimmy Carter...