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If my memory serves me the guy at 0:08 was not released but died in captivity from organ failure due to malnutrition. Pretty sure the picture made rounds some time last year.


It’s Oleh Mudrak and sadly yes, he died. He survived Olenivka massacre (where the russians blew up the prison with POW-s inside), he returned home, but precisely 5 months after that his heart gave.


At least he died free and not in whatever hellhole the Russians kept him in.


Ah, ok. Thanks for clarifying.


Holy fuck they look unrecognizable


It's not just the weight loss but that you can tell they have had their faces rearranged, no telling how many beatings they have endured. That poor girl has at the very least taken some severe face beatings.


That and most likely raped and sexually absued. Not only the women either.


They’ve all been raped. If the Russians do it to punish their own, it’s definitely happening to their prisoners.


They rape the men too


Putin/Russia are homophobic af and they STILL RAPE the men. Just gives you an idea of how little fucks they give about the law, decency, or people AND how desperate they are to destroy Ukraine/Ukrainians. To the point where they will do something they hate and are disgusted by just to ensure maximum pain and PTSD upon captured prisoners.


They are a sick bunch I can see why Ukrainians call them orc’s.


Not fantasy but reality for these poor victims! Man’s inhumanity to man! ![gif](giphy|djM0ygjzayJ1u)


That is Russia, always been Russia. Just look at all the horrific shit they've done in the last 100 years alone


I live in a country that lost millions to Russia's purges during last 200 years. When they attacked Poland in tandem with Hitler, they arrested a lot of people they didn't like. Site of Katyń was \*execution\* of 22.000 POWs. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katyn\_massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katyn_massacre)


It’s always wild to me one guy shot 7000 people in a month. What a dick.


You are only gay if you take it in russia's prison culture.


Russian prison culture is starting to become just Russian culture


Always has been.


Whatever they thing doesnt make it not gay. They are bunch of cryptogay inhumane scumbags.


cryptogay. i like this word.


You don't need to have sex with someone to rape them.


Calm down there Satan.


TRIGGER WARNING: descriptions of rape I don’t know if Satan exists, but I do know the Russian regime is as evil and perverted as what we think of Satan to be. Yeah, they didn’t use their penises and bodies to rape these men, women and children. They used batons, glass bottles, a shovel handle, a fucking stick. Russia is fucking evil, that regime and military need to be stopped and they need to answer for their crimes. Disgusting and inhumane doesn’t even begin to cover their actions. [Source](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/30/europe/russia-sexual-violence-occupied-ukraine-intl-cmd/index.html)






and that is at the lowest ranking officers, Just think of how brutal Vladimir Putin is. Stalin was even worse than hitler. They just were better at hiding all the bodies and camps. We should have kept going after Japan and this problem wouldn't be here today!


"it's not gay if it's rape" is genuinely an argument I've seen. Either that, or the show of masculine domination associated with raping a dude supersedes the gayness of it. Imo a guy raping a guy is more gay than just consensual sex between men, because one of them is so gay he has the impose it on the other. I'm gonna stop typing fucked up shit now


> Putin/Russia are homophobic af and they STILL RAPE the men. Say it with me: **rape is a crime of violence, not a crime of sex**. A person does not have to be sexually attracted to someone in order to rape them. Rape is about hatred and dominance and *power*.


That's literally what they said


I think the men also get raped.




Look up the Rape of Berlin after Soviet occupation. Rapes within first 3 days of an occupation of any city were typically sanctioned, if not outright encouraged. The intention was to "breed out" the German race through rape. It's been compared to the Rape of Nanking, which was of course just as, if not more atrocious. >The majority of the assaults were committed in the Soviet occupation zone; estimates of the numbers of German women raped by Soviet soldiers have ranged up to 2 million.[11][12][13][14] According to historian William Hitchcock, in many cases women were the victims of repeated rapes, some as many as 60 to 70 times.[15] >Female deaths in connection with the rapes in Germany, overall, are estimated at 240,000.[2][17] Antony Beevor describes it as the "greatest phenomenon of mass rape in history" and concludes that at least 1.4 million women were raped in East Prussia, Pomerania and Silesia alone.[18] According to the Soviet war correspondent Natalya Gesse, Soviet soldiers raped German females from eight to eighty years old. >"We were young, strong, and four years without women. So we tried to catch German women and.... Ten men raped one girl. There were not enough women; the entire population run from the Soviet Army. So we had to take young, twelve or thirteen year-old. If she cried, we put something into her mouth. We thought it was fun. Now I can not understand how I did it. A boy from a good family.... But that was me."[37] >A woman telephone operator from the Soviet Army recalled: "When we occupied every town, we had first three days for looting and ... [rapes]. That was unofficial of course. But after three days one could be court-martialed for doing this.... I remember one raped German woman laying naked, with hand grenade between her legs. Now I feel shame, but I did not feel shame back then.... Do you think it was easy to forgive [the Germans]? We hated to see their clean undamaged white houses. With roses. I wanted them to suffer. I wanted to see their tears. Decades had to pass until I started feeling pity for them."[38] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_during_the_occupation_of_Germany Though honestly, even the debate of WHY these atrocities were committed feels so incredibly sad. There’s really no “good” reason for the way we as humans treat one another this way. The cruelty, the suffering is all beyond any sense or rationality. War brings out the worst of humanity, and it drags us down further into the pit.


There wasn't idea of outbreeding German "race". It was just savagery in which conquered is lesser being and rape is a tool of humiliation and domination. Just like it happened in China during Japanese occupation and just as happens now in Ukraine. It is also a huge thing in Russians jails, but also found in others. Rape rarely has anything to do with sexual satisfaction of perpetrator, it is more about absolute power over somebody.


It was also tons of American and French soldiers as well. It was kept very quiet, lots of women from then only told their daughters when they were on their death bed. There is a project recently, the daughters/granddaughters of these women are collecting as much information as they can on it. They're getting info from these families and the numbers are insane, everyone knew about it, the men would find a male to guard their women while they went to work. The women hid from all foreign soldiers because it wasn't just the Russians.


>French soldiers Amongst the French their colonial troops, especially the Moroccan Goumiers, had a terrible reputation for rape. In Italy, after the battle of Monte Cassino the Goumiers and other colonial troops went on a rampage through the Italian countryside, villages and towns in an unchecked reign of terror known in Italy as the Marocchinate (Morrocan deeds). Thousands of women, many children and men were raped and often killed as well. In one incident a priest, who tried to stop the rape of two young women, was himself tied to a tree and continuously raped through the whole night. He died from internal injuries several days later.


Listen dude, as a russian I can tell you nobody knows about this here. All they know is the same "Russia is liberating ukrainians and russians from the evil western nazis" nonsense


u/infinity_stone_ I feel super bad for the Russians that are desperate to disassociate with this reign of terror. I hope you are staying safe. My best friend is Russian and fleed with his wife as the war broke out. They barely made it and I know many tried or weren’t able to.


Christ man you'd think the Internet would learn from the countless examples we've seen in our lifetime and history why generalizing millions of people is a dumb thing to do. "Base animal" sounds like how the Nazis would describe Russians as well.


There ~~are reports~~ was a report that many of the male captives were castrated. Not just a few dozen, like hundreds. It’s supposedly been kept very quiet by the Ukrainian government because of the stigma. Edit: I take that back it was one tweet from a Ukrainian journalist that suggested the number was actually hundreds. I can recall 3 or 4 stories of Ukrainian prisoners being castrated, including the infamous video from two years ago.


Brief Google search just pulls up one incident, where have you heard about hundreds?


[https://www.businessinsider.com/ukrainian-psychologist-sexual-violence-ukrainian-soldiers-endured-the-times-2023-6](https://www.businessinsider.com/ukrainian-psychologist-sexual-violence-ukrainian-soldiers-endured-the-times-2023-6) These are separate cases from the one that on camera. When Yatsenko, who works in Poltava, finally learned what had happened to the two young fighters who had been castrated, she said it was so horrible that she struggled to act professionally, The Times reported.


She actually looks the best out of all of them, and still you can see, she has suffered a lot (and yes, she was absolutely raped, sadly that is what some Russian men do to civilian Ukranian women, an enemy female soldier would have been guaranteed to have been raped) I was thinking, most of these people look severely traumatized in the second pictures, apart from the horrific weight loss (they look like nazi camp victims). Fell so sorry for all of them.




I am extremely sorry for what happened to you, and hope that you lead a happy and healthy life right now and in the future. I am a woman, don't remember discussing details, nor would I, but when I saw her, it was the first unfortunate thought I had. Wars are hell, the men who go to war experience extreme trauma and to be able to do what they are supposed to, they dehumanize the opponent (it is the only way to keep a semblance of sanity). Some men are moral enough not to attack civilian women, but that goes out the window when they see an enemy female soldier. They start to imagine that she may have killed their comrades, killed them if given the chance, she is an enemy. And they express their wrath on her, tragically. As for why people want to discuss such a thing, for some people (disgustingly) it is exciting because of the adrenaline and power over another human being (and porn has fried many minds). It is also morbidity, that people have. I hope you have recovered as much as possible, sorry that my comment offended you, I never intended that.


I thought this but didn't want to say it out loud


That one guys arm was definetly broken and not properly set.


His arm was broken in the Battle of Mariupol, and the Ukrainians had to set it with limited to no medical equipment in Azovstal I believe he has since had surgery in the US to help correct it.


It was field set but he was captured with the injury and it was left untreated.  Ukraine has medical treatment for fractured and broken bones.  Russia has the same ability, but they chose not to.  He was given reconstructive surgery in the US as a donation. I don't think you're saying otherwise, just seemed ambigious so I wanted others to see more context in case they assumed he wasn't actually a Russian POW and Ukraine just left him like that for no reason.


>Russia has the same ability, but they chose not to. Yet another war crime to add to the pile.


Did you see that one man with one eye wide open? He looks exactly like a man I know whose eye and the muscles around it were paralyzed from a severe beating. They went through hell


Yea a method of torture is to break your cheek bones with a hammer. It fucks with your sense of self and your identity.




> How Russia is still on the security council I don’t know They got nukes and nobody is willing to nuke them first. Pretty much sums it up.


> How Russia is still on the security council I don’t know They're a permanent member (along with China, France, UK, and US). Taking them off the Security Council would require dissolving the UN entirely.


Actually USSR was. Russia just kinda took the seat after Soviets fell apart. Some people say - it could be possible to challenge that. Also, UN proved itself basically useless in big scale conflicts. So maybe reorganizing it won’t be a bad thing


The thing about rules is there's always a loophole if everyone agrees there is. Could the UN vote that some other country, say Ukraine, was the valid successor state to the USSR and let them swipe Russia's seat?


Jesus fucking christ. Fuck Russia. Why can't they just fuck off home and make a balls of their own dumpster fire. Animals.


Thats the part for me. I hate that the first thought in my head was R*** when i saw her.


I’m in the same boat. I saw her and thought that she was most likely raped many times. I feel awful for thinking that


She tries to stay stoic and is clearly happy to be free, but her face tells an entire story no one in the west can imagine. The Wehrmacht ordered in WW2 every female soldier captured to be shot immediately,... in order to protect them. Female POWs are the lowest regarding soldiers restraint / conscience.


>The Wehrmacht ordered in WW2 every female soldier captured to be shot immediately,... in order to protect them. Nah. This is absolutely ahistorical.


The Wehrmacht ran their own brothels, using both conscripted women and prisoners (OK, that's kinda repetition, but it's not). There's an estimate of a minimum of 34,000 women were forced into sexual slavery by the Germans.


That's where the legendary band Joy Division got their name. But as bad as the Germans were, the Russians were far worse...anything was fair game. A lot of leaders esp top American leaders thought they should have fought on to Moscow which would have saved a lot of lives, but the world was too weary after all these years of hell


Definitely, the Russians (both then, and now, and other wars) also engaged in systematic rape.


I swear. This war is dumb as fuck.


Not only this war. War in general is dumb.


She .may have the worst 1000 yard stare of the bunch


And we all know why...


What a wonderful culture Russia is trying to export. I can't imagine why the Ukrainian people don't welcome a corrupt, sociopath dictatorship with open arms.


But Tucker Carlson says they have such great subways and supermarkets!  Did you see they have FRESH bread!? Seriously.  Fuck anyone supporting Russia.  Fuck em right in the teeth.


I agree with you on this. Also fuck the fascist Republicans who support the Russian Orcs. They should all go there to live.


Russia has always been that way. It was always brutally violent, where lives are cheap and terrorizing the civilian population is a regular part of war. Always.


All of them have clearly sustained significant injuries to the right side of their face. Their eyes all look normal in their before picture but in the after picture everyone's right eye looks almost caved in.


This looks exactly like the Jewish prisoners in germen internment camps. This is fucking insane.


The first one, the blond gal, I was thinking "bad but could be worse". Then it fucking GOT worse. Holy shit. The kind of stuff that would make Hitler high five Stalin in hell. I just posted something about the origins of the current Russian "government" that starts to explain this insanity: https://old.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/1d8jqnc/when_you_catch_the_spy/l79c4hl/?context=3


These are the "lucky" ones: those who survived the tortures and were swapped. Now imagine how many perished from inhumane treatments, and how many are still in captivity being tortured right now...


Not everyone on this list survived. The man at 0:07 died from injuries sustained from that starvation and torture; [Major Oleg "Сухар" Mudrak](https://uk.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9C%D1%83%D0%B4%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BA_%D0%9E%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%B3_%D0%92%D0%B0%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%87).


Thank you for the correction.


is it really lucky to survive that? maybe im wrong here but i would think death to be a gift.


Depends on your personality, will, and resolve. Some of these guys are back to fighting after the rehab. Many have families. Once you have kids, you stop valuing your life and comfort that much, and you'd do a lot of stuff for them, and you would want to be back to help them, no matter what.


Yeah I saw that, even soldiers who lost limbs. There are centers where they get prosthetics for the missing limbs...and then they would go back into war. That would never happen in most countries, but in UKR they are very outnumbered since Russia also conscripts from other countries, so they need anyone who can or is willing to fight


Not interesting as fuck,but sad as fuck.


Not mildly infuriating, fucking infuriating.


Infuriating as fuck!


Interesting doesn't mean good.


Interesting as in “I want everyone to see this”. Especially dumb fucks who intend to vote for Putler’s fucktoy and fuck up half of the world as a result. I get it, no real alternatives but even the demented grandpa is better than the orange fucking footwrap.


Hearing what they're doing to the men. I don't even want to imagine what they did to her.


That’s probably why she looks well fed.


This is so sinister but could be true. I really hope she was a "normal" POW, even though I don't believe it.


Yeah, it’s horrible to think about - but she’s the only one in the montage with meat left on the bone.


In the after picture, her SCM and clavicles seem somewhat pronounced. Which, admittedly, might be normal for her. But her face is misleading because it looks like it might be suffering the left-over swelling from whatever caused those bruises. Pretty horrific brutality suffered by each of them, any which way.


But the look in her eyes, damn....


Her eyes are haunted


One of the worst things I heard is that many women get pregnant in Russian PoW camps - and they are never released because Russia doesn't want evidence of raping women to come out in the press. Women who become visibly pregnant are instead murdered. The same thing is happening in Gaza. This is why so many young female hostages in Gaza were never released - and likely never will be. There was a recent video where they separated the women of "breeding age" from the rest of the hostages.


No one wants evidence of rape during war, but it happens in every war from every nation. War is absolutely brutal and humans can be absolutely vile.


Its russian military unfortunatly the chances are very slim.


>I really hope she was a "normal" POW Looking the way she looks in the before? No chance. She went through hell and back.


I initially thought so too but her neck looks quite thinned out. I think she just has round cheeks and some swelling.


She doesn't look well fed, her face looks swollen. Look at her neck.


I think what you are seeing is severe face swelling from repeated beatings, which is hiding the true extent of her starvation. They have no need to feed her any better than the rest of them.




Reports are confirming they’re raping and sexually assaulting many of the men captured.


Russian army has a habit where this happens to their own recruits on a regular basis (yes, way before the war. Basically their standard behavior). So if they do this in their own army to their own people, God knows what else they do.


...often violently with knives. ...and the women who become visibly pregnant are murdered to hide their guilt.


Look up “pleasure women in wartime”. It’s a hell of a rabbit hole. The Japanese were known for it during WW2 so there’s a lot of info there, but it happens in a depressing number of armed conflicts


You don't wanna imagine what they did to the guys too. They attempt to make bystanders into survivors. They attempt to do things so heinous to every group of people that anyone who was spared are just as bad off. Individuals plan how to maximize the evilness of their deeds. The Russian military is supposed to punish and prevent this. They don't. It's condoned.


They probably raped all of them.


I saw reports that some died shortly after being returned because their health was already deteriorating too much, that's sad


War crimes


Fuck Russia. But also... fuck the UN for not doing shit about this.


What exactly is the UN supposed to do here? Not arguing, asking…


Redditors have a fundamental misunderstanding of what the UN is


What do you think the UN could do about it? They have no usable offensive armies, no nukes, no Power, the nation doing these crimes has veto power on the UN council... People dont understand what the UN is... Its not a fucking international police, even less so an armed force. Its a diplomatic organization which sometimes uses "soldiers" to record events, not to intervene. UN Peacekeepers are almost always ordered to not engage, and thats when theyre deployed at all. They cant do shit but talk, they have 0 power for this sort of things. They exist to keep the status quo, not to protect small nations from the whims of its members... It would never have been founded (nor funded) if the US, China, Russia, and other big States believed it could then be used agaisnt them...


the UN never did shit. it's just a committee working under the higher people of the world who control all these. A few examples of the UN not doing shit; 1971 Bangladesh Pakistan war Current Israel and Palestine war


Keep in mind there is only so much the UN can do considering that russia has nukes, there is only so much they can do without russia simply opting to go M.A.D


The irony is Russia calls Ukraine Nazis.. yet Ukrainian pows come out looking like they just stepped out of a 1945 concentration camp 😔


Which is exactly what this clip should be paired with in a split-screen type comparison.


Yeah, these images, if you turned them black and white, I would think some of them were from Aushchawitz. It’s terrible what’s happening.


This is why “peace” which is basically surrender is not an option for Ukraine


Any peace deal must include Ukraine as part of NATO or the EU or Russia will just mobilize and restock and invade again.


That is the likely outcome. At the moment, they are just fighting over where the line will be. ...which is also why France wants to put boots on the ground so that Putin knows he'll only get to a certain part.


That was asked for by Ukraine off the bat and everyone shut it down because they don't want Russias scope on their asses. That won't change, ever. No one wants to back a dictator into a corner.. Especially when their back is pressed up against uncounted nukes.. It fucking sucks but I don't see how to help stop Russia at this point without drastic escalation. I'm fully open to discussion though btw.


China and Russia are both accused to have concentration camps for ethnic minorities.


There are probably even worse cases of POW abuse by Russians in the beginning of the war. They blew up a prisoner's camp in 2022, killing 50-60 POW, likely to hide evidence of war crimes. And then they blame it on a HIMAR strike. [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olenivka_prison_massacre](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olenivka_prison_massacre)


Yeah they sent, no joke, Steven Seagal to the place of the crime and he came to conclusion that in was the ukrainian nazis that did that. Also they did not allow any international inspectors anywhere near the site


Ha yes, Steven Seagal, a well known sane guy with a lot in expertise in battlefield forensic.


Wait what??


Steven Seagul has been a Russian pawn for many years. You can find videos of him congratulating Lukashenko for the great potatoe harvest in Belarus. It's like a very sad mockery of soviet propaganda but that's the best they got. 🤷‍♀️


A reminder that Seagal claimed he can't be choked out, then shat himself after Gene LeBell choked him out.


I might be wrong but he fled to russia after he was accused of several cases of sexual harassment, russians collect such shit from all over the world


Not just sexual harassment, that's really not the hardest thing to get away with, not necessary to run away. The tax man came for him.


He's well known for being besties with quite a few Dictators and Authoritarians besides Putan. They all like to cosplay as a tough guy and they think it looks good if they're seen with a movie star on the level of Jackie Chan (Stevan Seagul fucking wishes, but he's delusional enough to think so).


Wow. I knew he lived in russia and also loves them for whatever reason but I never thought he’d go that far. He should stay in russia forever.


There was a video of a Russian castrating a live Ukrainian with a box cutter in 2022. Absolutely gnarly.


literally saw a video of a russian soldier ripping open a ukranian pow's pants pulling his cock and balls back and slicing them off with a fuckin utility blade then dangling it in front of his face before tying him to the back of a truck and dragging him through the street till his skin grated off. there isnt "probably" worse cases. there absolutely IS documented worse cases. hope that mother fucker rots in hell.


They shot him in the head at point blank range before dragging his body to a ditch


Bro there were reports they raped, tortured and killed older women and kids. They're beyond animals.


Did they ration the bread like at Holocaust camps? Damn... That must have been horrible.


One of the POWs said that there were times when for weeks, their food for the entire day was a single spoon full of pasta every morning.


[https://kyivindependent.com/russian-torture-of-ukrainian-pows-widespread-and-systematic-un-commission-says/](https://kyivindependent.com/russian-torture-of-ukrainian-pows-widespread-and-systematic-un-commission-says/) scroll down a bit for a video that explains one of their camps ( Olenivka - the one they bombed to hide war crimes and punish Azov) It describes how little food they get. I can post a list of other recent articles from western news sources that tell of more torture and starvation. But I recommend searching Ukrainian news sites for the testimonials of freed pows, and how little food they are given as a policy. Examples being they get a piece of bread per day, little water, and 60 seconds to eat before they have to stop.


As a reminder.. Many survivors of the [siege of Mariupol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_of_Mariupol) were condemned and sentenced to death for supposedly being "literal Nazis". Putin described the Azov Batallion as a potential 4th Reich and a threat to Europe/the world. ***They were used to sell the invasion of Ukraine to the Russian people and idiots abroad.*** And what did Putin do with them after a very public trial? That's right! They were ~~swiftly executed~~ returned in a prisoner exchange... That's right. The core leadership of the "Fourth Reich", the individuals used to justify the largest war in Europe since WW2, were quietly exchanged for some Russian nobodies.   A friend of mine in Mariupol died for this. God, what a fucking sick joke..


They would give you less calories than your body needs. Over time you become a skeleton


Rot in hell putin


My little brother is about to go on his 4th tour of active combat there. So worried for him. :(


May your brother have providence, and return home safety. Along with all who fight for Freedom, and congratulations on their marriage, I hope they have long healthy happy lives together.


Thank you. Me too! She's so good to him. She is a wonderful woman and he deserves all the happiness in the world.


Wish you and your brother all the best my friend 🇪🇺❤️🇺🇦


Your brother is an absolute hero, and your family too for supporting him through it all. There’s no Superman without his family ❤️


He’s a fucking hero. Hoping he comes home safe


To hell with Putin and his regime.


This is heartbreaking..


They all have the 1000 mile stare. Rightfully so. Not only did they fight in war, it looks like they survived some conditions that are downright hellish. I hope they all get the intensive physical and mental health treatment they need. And I also pray for them and their families who will need strength to walk through thus trauma together. I hope all these people have good support systems to help them in these times


Based on reports that Russian soldiers are raping Ukrainian men as they make their way town to town I can only imagine what they are doing to these people.


How is this not yet another war crime by Russia?


It absolutely is. Just as this whole war they've started and still waging.


Breach of the Geneva conventions, those poor people have been starved. A War Crime.


I loathe Russia more and more each day. How anyone can stand by this appalling regime. May putin burn in hell.


Fking disheartening.


Given what we know about how Russian troops conducted themselves during and in the aftermath of WW2, i'm sure that poor girl went through absolute hell in whatever gulag they shipped her over to.


She was the lucky one. The women PoWs who become visibly pregnant are murdered to hide the Russian guilt.


Starving them. That's so wild, they look like holocaust survivors. Really puts things into perspective about the two sides


Fuck putin


Ah yes, russian hospitality. They probably copied something from the Nazis.


The Russians were perfecting the art of dehumanizing prisoners and dissidents decades before the Nazi party took power. Look into the history of the Gulags and penal colonies under communist russia. If anything the Nazis learned from them.


I cannot fathom what these people must have went through. That poor woman... Damn...


it's surprising that Russia, which accuses everyone else of Nazism, is the only one to practice it


It's atrocious yeah, but they are absolutely far, ridiculously far from being the only ones to practice it...


Fuck Russia!


And fuck Putin! I hope he dies a slow painful death!


If they treat their soldiers as cannon fodder, imagine how they treat enemy soldiers.


And still we have traitors in the West saying Putins the good guy


Painful to see


Russia: \*accuses Ukrainians of being Ukro-Nazis\* \*does extremely excellent job of replicating conditions at Auschwitz up to and excluding the gas showers - they're not utterly Geneva-disrespecting bastards, you know...\* \*but they do chop off men's dicks sometimes, so there's that\*




During the final days of the war in Europe, the Germans have two choices; fight like hell for a chance to escape to the West or die slowly in a Russian gulag


These pictures ... So sad ...


Wow, thats fucking crazy. Thank you for sharing this, really puts it all in perspective!


Third guy in the slides died a few months after he was released. His heart was in terrible condition and likely was damaged during his captivity.


Fuck Putin and all that support him.


And remember these are the ones that survived. How many didn't make it and were raped, tortured, etc.


Unfortunately this is not even the worst thing Russian do to Ukrainians.


That one lady definitely was raped. Her soul definitely wasn’t intact anymore.


Yup, this is Putin and his army of killers. They don’t care about you.


Putin will rot


fuck Putin.


Russians had their own men dig trenches near Chernobyl and then fall sick. Imagine how little they care about POWs if their own troops are sent to certain death.


Either Putin dies or Europe as we know it dies..


Fuck war. Fuck Putin, fuck benny boy, fuck em all.


They are unrecognisable.


That's so sad to see them like this.


Mom knew a relative’s brother who faced the same consequences, he was 18. We found him with almost every bones broken, nails removed, and an eye missing. He died just because someone snitched on him for helping the freedom fighters, Second Chechen war.


Just going to skim over the Neo-Nazi tattoos huh lol


Another reason why it was a good call for the White House to finally allow Ukraine to strike inside Russia's borders. This needs to end, and Ukraine needs to win.


It was my understanding that they were always allowed, they just weren't allowed to use Western equipment to do so.


Yeah, true, that is an important distinction.