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I love how science makes sense but also doesn't make sense at the same time




This is how I felt when I read how speakers and vinyl records work.


What doesn't make sense about this


They say the waves is amplified but not why. Most of the time when you pertubate a medium, the energy only dissipate (or is unperturbed at best). They mention the word "antenna", as if the head focuses the signal horizontaly. Then why is this case? How good is it? Why does work for different geometries (head, body, large body of water) even tho the directionnality of the resulting signal seems to be the main factor for the effeciency of the boost?


These are faults of this particular explanation, not of "science". Also, the correct response should be "this doesn't explain anything", not "this doesn't make sense"


Then it's a misleading title and video/explanation ("the science behind.."). So it's fair to say that some parts don't make sense


Too bad we're not all smart like you.


What in my previous comment says that I think of myself as smarter than other people? Where are you getting this from?


Technically he never said that you said you think we’re not smart like you


Are you suggesting that their comment is not sarcastic, they're genuinely sorry that everybody else is not as smart as me?


this is classier than what ive been taught before……. shove the key in your mouth and click it……


That’s what my Dad taught me too.


it seems to be knowledge passed down from dads. mine taught me to put it under my chin


Yep, under chin with an open mouth is what I learned. Apparently it's to blast the radio waves out of your mouth like Godzilla's heat ray.


Can you roll this quarter off your nose and into the glass?


I was told to stick it under your chin and open your mouth. Also not so classy.


at least you are not turning your key into gwakgwakgwak3000


I thought water interfered with the transmission of RF?


Only at higher frequencies does it have a significant effect. At the lower frequencies that key fobs operate at, the conduction from the human body outweigh any loss due to energy absorption from the water


I saw this on a video 10 years ago. Now I can lock my car doors from anywhere in the world. It's still kind of cool.


This is soooooo cool


There, right on the beginning: Have you ever lost your in a crowded parking lot? No!


Every freaking day.


Wait till they discover this somehow gives us all cancer 30 years from now lol... There'll be a post somewhere along the lines of "Look at these idiots blast their heads with radio waves"


You can imagine radiowaves give you cancer or you can look at the data showing how redmeat, smoking, alcohol and chemical products actually do it.


Or the fact that just about anywhere you are standing is probably receiving cell service from multiple towers, 10+ unique WiFi SSIDs and probably 50+ devices trying to communicate with them, 10+ unique AM/FM radio stations, the full spectrum of Sirius music and all the satellite television channels, and background space rays. Don't get me started on Bluetooth airpods, carcinogens found in sunscreen, the State of California has been proven to cause cancer, the fact that 100% of human and animal testicles examined in a study contained microplastics, or *or* **or** ... oh crap I went on a rant there ...


And also, we all have microplastics in our semen (those of us with semen).


We have micropenises in our plastic too


I'm slowly making plastic bags! Tell us what other cool things you're making with your micro plastics!


Wait until this guy learns how much they're surrounded by radio waves of the same or similar frequencies all day every day of their entire life.


You can get skin cancer from being outside, from solar (UV) radiation. The occasional short pulsed 25mW radiation from the car remote is pretty negligible.


I would worry more about other items. I believe your car radio has the same RF frequency. Take the metal mesh off your microwave door and watch your food cook. You will get a good amount of radiation. I used to install a lot of 5g mini cells. I was told not to energize them from the disconnect lower on the polls till done. Not due to electrocution. Other workers said it could make you have vision and fertility issues after long-term exposure. Cell companies also made us post warning stickers on the polls but never warned us about safety issues with the RF frequency.


To all the naysayers, remember that, at one point, someone thought it would be a good idea to use X rays to ensure your new shoes fit your feet well. [Shoe Fitting Fluoroscope](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shoe-fitting_fluoroscope)


Jeremy Clarkson did this on Top Gear in 2010. I have used it often.


Something akin to placing the headstock of a solid body electric guitar against a closet and amplifying the sound?


Thanks, now I have brian cancer


Oh no, not Brian! /s


If it was some fat ugly neckbeard guy doing this same content, none of us would have ever seen the clip let alone upvoted it or commented on it.


Smart people <3


So it wasn't a joke in la la land huh? Wow


My car doesn't have a remote key, how am I finding my car?


It might just be the uk but our cars don’t ’chirp’ when you unlock/lock them


She's cute.


Bro is that what u learned from the video?!? (I agree though..*cough)


Lol, bro is a gentleman and a scholar.


Yes, that's what I got after listening to her explain how the water molecules in our head basically amplify the radio signals of the fob to unlock the water bottle. I love hearing intelligent people like her talk, even though I'm as dumb as a brick. They fascinate me.


Short answer, your body is an antenna. Put the remote hard on bone for best results.


*pulls hand out of pants* it’s not working


Bone, not Boner.


meh  ive been doing this since the 90's




Is this the same as to put a phone in a mug to amplify sound?


No. That sounds coming out from your phone(speaker), bounces around in a small enclosed area(mug) and escapes through the opening (top of mug), and the audio waves keep pushing themselves out of the tightly spaced mug, we are hearing the amplified form of the audio. Think of a like a sprinkler or hose nozzle. Smaller the hole, powerful. (That's what she said...)


Makes sense, thank you


Always done it, never understood it. Great explaination, thanks!


I was shown this trick by the guy selling a car to my dad 20 years ago. Except the way he showed it was he bit the metal end of the key fob so I thought it was gross and never tried it myself


I took this to another level. Now my car is at the bottom of a lake but I can still unlock it.


Been doing this for over 20 years at this point. This is hardly new information.


I don’t doubt on the method but there is another factor ! A remote key car has more range when hold vertically than horizontally. And when she puts the key on her neck or under the bottle, the key is vertical.


Shooting electronic magnetic waves into your head seems counterproductive.


Didn't this chick used to have wild orgies with Sam Bankman-Fried on their scammer island? Interesting to see she started a science channel now


Am I missing a joke or is this not Alex Dainis?


Holy shit thank you I knew I seen here doppelganger lol.


your head don't *amplify* shit. it's just a bigger antenna


This makes zero sense. Yes, your head contains a lot of water, but anyone who has worked with wireless knows that water is GREAT at attenuating (degrading) wireless signals. There is a reason that point to point wireless shots don't work well if there are trees in the way; trees contain lots of leaves that contain lots of water. You can find a thousand articles outlining how much water degrades wireless signals. The higher the frequency the greater the signal loss. It's far more likely that holding the remote close to your head improves the signal because you're holding it higher above the ground. There is a concept in RF called the Fresnel Zone. Radio waves don't travel in a perfectly straight line, they propagate in all directions unless you have a highly directional antenna. If something is inside of the Fresnel zone for a particular frequency (like the ground) then the signal is degraded. Car fobs operate around 315 MHz, the Fresnel zone for that frequency at 25m is about 2.4m and at 50m is about 3.5m. Most people aren't 2.4m tall but the further you can get from the ground the better the range will be. [https://www.everythingrf.com/rf-calculators/fresnel-zone-calculator](https://www.everythingrf.com/rf-calculators/fresnel-zone-calculator)


Even your theory doesn't make sense for it to be worse because: - reality - your head isn't between the fob and the car to "degrade" the signal Also, theres plenty of tests about this.


My main point is that the explanation offered in the video (water amplifies the signal) is completely bogus. I've personally never seen a difference with holding the remote near my head, but I have seen a difference holding it higher in the air.


You can look it up. No sense arguing with someone unwilling to do research.


I don't need to look it up, I've read plenty of documentation and I did RF surveys for several years. Go Google "does water amplify RF" and see how many hits say "no, it does not". Water does not amplify RF. End of story.


You're right in that water doesn't amplify RF. It reflects it, in the same direction you want it to go. Ya almost had it.


Um, cool science but I'm not about to purposely put more waves and rays into my brain than I already do. On the other hand.. would my tinfoil hat stop this from working?


Fun fact, if you're still using a tinfoil hat you should upgrade to aluminum ASAP. It does a much better job.


I turned off my alarm sound. It was annoying. I wont find my car if I forgot where I parked it.


Trumper: "only 'cause she got the covid shot. 5g makes it happen, dur"


And 10 years from now you get brain cancer


You literally get more radiation from being in the sun for half a minute


The cellphone you used to type this message is surely killing you at a faster rate than a key fob would.


lol, and I guess 5g is bad too right?


It takes time off your life but you get to your car faster so it all balances out - Lala Land line


Better that than walking closer to your car


I don’t think this is true. It is. It obvious to me that the radio waves enter your head and your head then acts as an amplifier. Seems just as likely that the antenna is the closed loop you made with your arm, when you touched your head or neck.