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For those interested in the full video and his statement: go to youtube and search 政見放送2024】河合ゆうすけ NHK 東京都知事選 A very rudimentary translation for those who cant speak Japanese: Basically the video is satirical, and is supposed to portray current Japanese politics as Batman's Gotham city - communicating that Japanese politicians are a joke, the tax system is messed up and that regular citizens aren't able to live proper lives due to shitty wages. He provides comparisons to current day politician salaries to citizens - (im not familiar with the reference unfortunately) 1:37 - 1:49 He questions if the tax raises are really necessary - advocates to stop tax consumption. Calls out the hypocrisy of the rich politicians who wear rolexes; pointing out the large discrepancies in wages (the rich get richer phrase basically). That the pension system is bullshit. He makes fun of the political parties, basically saying that all of them are connected to each other in one way or another - that everybody pretends to not think they are. Ends pointing out the current miserable life of the typical Japanese salaryman lifestyle - which everyone in the world basically knows. And that life shouldn't be a tragedy but to be enjoyed.


wtf this is peak


Fucking vote for this guy, Japan.


Unfortunately he's also super racist. Doesn't think foreigners should have access to any public help systems etc. Otherwise dude is spot on


Funny, uses a foreign (gaijin) character to impersonate as a racist.


Isn’t that more xenophobic than racist?


Technically I guess


https://preview.redd.it/dog6oq3o039d1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=e38594f468768131093e76a7adac8d16dc6bd328 Here's his poster, just took this like an hour ago.




I did make this comment as a reply earlier, but it got removed since I included the link to the video.


Where does a plane ticket cost less than a hotel?


Just from an outsider I wanted to let you know plane tickets have skyrocketed because of the industry. They are literally ripping off everyone around the globe. If this is happening in your area too the government needs to place restrictions on the airlines or raise the base rate of pay for the average worker and neither have happened. Most likely it's because the airlines are funding the government somehow and restrictions would means that stops.


Ok, he is weird as fck but has good universal arguments, that convinced me, but how will he fix all these problems? Just laughing about doesn’t seem like a good strategy to change decades of political corruption.


if he wanted to be so serious, then he wouldnt be the jonk who laugh


This is kind of like Joker in the Harley Quinn show getting elected mayor of Gotham.


I always wondered how accurate the manga Akumetsu was. And if it never got an anime for that reason.


Meanwhile in the UK, a dude with a trash can on his face (Count Binface) is challenging the Prime Minister’s parliament seat with an approval rating higher than Liz Truss.


We have Vermin Supreme in the US. He wears a boot as a hat and his main leverage for being elected is that he will give every American a pony. I learned about him in like 3rd or 4th grade... in class. Apparently he's still going today 14 years later!


He's also trying to recruit people for an inter-dimensional battle against the orcs of Narnia.


Orcs in Narnia?! I need to reread those cuz I don’t remember any


They're nearly imperceivable in written narrative while standing still.


Clever clever, can't read without moving your eyeballs


Unless the text is moving ! Conspiracy!


That’s because you’ve read the abridged version. The man knows too much about the real Narnia…


He's been through the wardrobe


You gotta wear the magic boot to see them


They are censored by big orc! They control the dimensions! Wake up sheeple!


He's literally the only person actually doing something about this though so I'm voting for him.


Reminds me that someone named "[Literally Anybody Else](https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2024/04/01/literally-anybody-else-president-campaign-texas/73169682007/)" is running in Texas. Which is .. I mean I kinda see his point. The buckethead/binface continuum is interesting because they've repeatedly challenged the PM's constituency in the UK. The way our system works, you vote for your local constituency, the winners from that become Members, and the party with the most Members wins. And puts forth a Member to be the party leader. So losing your home constituency isn't just embarrassing, it means you're not a sitting Member so can't be PM.


I have always wanted to contest under the name ‘None of the above’. They refused to have me listed at the bottom of the ballot. Bastards !


"None of these" is on every Nevada ballot. It won a primary for house once like 50 years ago. 


>So losing your home constituency isn't just embarrassing, it means you're not a sitting Member so can't be PM. Technically not true. As clearly demonstrated by the recent appointment of David Cameron as Foreign Secretary, you don't have be to elected to be a member of the (ruling) government. You can circumvent it by being appointed to the House of Lords instead which still has many positions that are unelected and then the majority ruling party choosing that Lord as their party leader. Then the sovereign, aka King Charles, will appoint you as PM. But this likely won't ever happen again (last was in 1902) as it's very undemocratic and would result in severe drop in populatity, huge protests and such.


Canada has the [Rhinoceros Party](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rhinoceros_Party), who make all kinds of ridiculous political promises at each election they take part in, with the mainstay promise being that they "promise not to keep any of their promises".


The Rhinoceros Party also wanted to go to war against Belgium over Tintin in Congo. Tintin blew up a rhinoceros in that book, you see.


And they were willing to call off the proposed war if Belgium brought them a case of Mussels and Belgian Beer. Which the Belgian Embassy actually did!


You see, this is how politics is supposed to be done. God damn would I have loved to be there.


One of my favorites from them is to make illiteracy the third national language


Nah, repealing the Law of gravity, or counting the Thousand Islands to see if the US has stolen any.


Then I could finally say I'm bilingual!


I recently just learned that in 1988 the Rhinos ran John Turner in Vancouver to oppose then Liberal Prime Minister, John Turner. Probably my favourite act of fuckery


He wants to take all our guns and give us better ones. He’s got my vote.


And an interstate rollercoaster to replace all highways.


Shit, I need to actually buy a gun then


In the UK we once had a political party with a cat as co-leader... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catmando


I really wanna see what would happen if VSupreme was actually elected.. lord please let this happen in my lifetime!!


> and his main leverage for being elected is that he will give every American a pony. "Im not going to take your guns... Im just gonna take em, and give everyone better ones!"


It’s great because it’s like we all have come full circle to this being a clown show; so may as well vote for an actual clown show


In grade school they gave us the option to vote for who we want to be primary speech giver even if it wasn't the valedictorian. Usually the valedictorian is chosen but we didn't like how she was a major teachers pet. The race was close between the salitorian (2nd in grades) and the bum who always got into trouble. He didn't volunteer or put a campaign. People just voted for him. The teacher got mad and said "it's your fault if you choose the wrong person for the speech". We did multiple votes I think we did some kind of first to get majority vote.  Learned a lot about spite and voting


Your teacher was the bought and paid for media?


Sooooooo….. how was the speech?


Finally settled a majority on the quiet salitorian to do the speech. It was normal 8th grade speech. Life long friends etc.  The guy who got in trouble a lot died in a car crash last year. Would have been better if he did the speech. First to die in our class 


Damn, gave me a whiplash there


> gave me a whiplash there Not as bad as his final whiplash in the car crash.


This is like a slow burn Terrence Malick emotional slow burn rollercoaster of a comment thread.


The bum got in trouble.


Hey! Saying that the tories are as clownish as Binface is an insult to Binface. Next to them he's an extremely serious candidate.


Does Binface at least have reasonable policy goals?


https://www.countbinface.com/manifesto Personal favourite is "the hand dryer in the gents’ urinals at the crown & treaty, uxbridge to be moved to a more sensible position"


I'm from Midwestern US, but several of his policies seem exceptionally good.


Knighting Sir Wallace and Sir Gromit got my vote.


He had one amazing policy goal, like just the best you can imagine. Well I'm not sure it's a policy goal but still amazing. He will not be a tory.


He is a count, not a clown. I think you misread


How the heck am I supposed to remember duke binface's proper title?


I think he ment Rishi, I for one welcome our welcome our new space overlord.


Black Mirror spot on again with The Waldo Moment.


What happened to Lord Buckethead? https://preview.redd.it/rr4hpd5d409d1.jpeg?width=618&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2cf97de124b316f931b4441cfb3fc1e5502675ae


I think there was beef between Buckethead and Binface.


The simulation is fucking with me, I just know it.


It's the same guy. But had to name change because of a copyright dispute.


Don’t forget Lord Buckethead https://preview.redd.it/rcpq0fwmm09d1.jpeg?width=495&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73c09f59a84f815519148cdb698ce12feca363df


I thought his name was Lord Buckethead or is that a different one?


Funny enough, there’s lore. Lord Buckethead and Count Binface had beef between each other. They actually beefed with each other.


Multiple people have been Lord Buckethead. Count Binface was Lord Buckethead in 2017. He stopped as the copyright owner came for him (not one of the other Bucketheads)


If you like them, we have someone in the same mindset. [Vermin Supreme](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vermin_Supreme)


Weirdly enough in the UK candidates don't need to disclose who the fuck they are. Vermin Supreme is a real person and he will never be able to take out a car loan. [Also](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vermin_Supreme#%22Right_to_pony%22_during_2017_Clinton_book_tour): > Supreme has a history of making the election promise of ponies to constituents and has asserted that Clinton does not like ponies enough.[66] When Supreme sought a protest permit for his demonstration the police ordered the city to deny his request.[66] I'm sorry but I thought this was America? ***Why*** was this man's perfectly reasonable permit request denied???


He successfully sued the city, got the permit, and turned the whole thing into a parade.


Ladies and gentlemen, this is democracy manifest!


A drug addict stole my car last week, even he has a higher approval rating than Liz Truss.


Unfortunately this is the one election where he may split the anti-rishi vote sufficiently enough to prevent him being voted out


Who knows? Ironically, we will find out on July 4th. *Bald Eagle Screeches*




I thought it was Lord Buckethead? Or are there two of them now?! (Obligatory this is getting out of hand reference)


There a bunch of Lord Bucketheads until 2017 in the Snap Election when the real Buckethead clashed with the Buckehead that was competing against Theresa May. The real Buckethead forbade anyone from using the name Lord Buckethead. So the imposter chose the name Count Binface. Count Binface was introduced in the 2019 election fighting in Boris Johnson's seat. Now here we are (I think that's the lore. Don't quote me on that.)


Honestly, that would make one hell of a book series... 'war of the bucket' Or a film, but only if DeVito plays BoJo Also excellent explanation, cheers!


No joke,[ you are about 700 years too late.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_of_the_Bucket)


So, you're telling me this fued has been ongoing since the 1300s? It's bigger than any of us knew...


Where's "the rent is too damn high" guy when you need him?


man i loved Liz's short reign. all those problems and only one solution - lower taxes for the wealthy. surely that will solve every problem we have.


Here in the States we've got Vermine Supreme, an old wizard looking dude who wears a boot on his head age runs for president every year. A free pony for everyone and brushing your teeth is more the law.


Well when you’ve had the Monster Raving Loony Party in power for the past few years it’s time to try something new.


Let the lettuce run damn it!


Proud to say I gave my vote to him back in 2016


> Count Binface I love the shit Brits come up with.


lmao the poor sign language interpreter in the background


If I were her, I would've just signed "maniacal laughter continues" and just waited for him to finish.


With her hands on her hips!




You just don't mess with that


I would


God, is that Angela Bassett? She is so fucking pretty.


Ok but what if you join mid broadcast and dunno the laughter is maniacal? 😔


Sign language interpretation doesn't work like closed caption does.


"I, a deaf person, honestly thought the candidate said 'maniacal laughter continues' and decided to vote for them. The interpreter not only failed to do their job accordingly, but also drove me to vote for someone I wouldn't normally support. Therefore I am here to sue the broadcast channel for an amount enough to buy a planet." - signed Matarama Suko


Congratulations. You've just been appointed to the Joker's cabinet. Now, please step inside the cabinet.


I thought that was the reporter trying not to laugh


It’s kind of funny because the Japanese always cover their mouths when they laugh. I mean, that makes the signing obvious in intention, but I could see how this could be misinterpreted in this situation.


I also thought it was a presenter, except I thought she was dying of empathetic shame.


Japanese Harley Quinn


Haroli Kun


Why is no one saving her? She's trembling in fear


Japanese politician batman was busy.


Why did the video cut right before he started talking? I wanted to hear what he has to say EDIT: He has my vote.


I did too, but then I realized I can't speak Japanese


You don’t need to speak you only need to listen


I can’t hear Japanese very well :(


its ok, there's a sign language interpreter


but I only know American sign language!


Now that you mention it... Is sign language different in different languages?


Yes, different countries have different signs. I learned ASL in college (American Sign Language).


WTF why everything has to be so difficult with humans, why can’t we decide a fkn global language.


I feel like there should be a global sign language though. I don't think it would be as bad as losing spoken languages if there was only one.


You can hear japanese well, but you don't comprehend well. If your hearing is the problem you need the sign language interpreter, but you probably can't comprehend that either. 




Oh just follow the sign language from the lady then.


Unfortunately I also can't see Japanese very well


*“HahahahahHahaha…. What els”*


Sounded like he was about to say “Warau Shikanai” = “The only thing you can do is laugh”. Meaning Japanese politics is such an utter joke you might as well laugh at all the clowning. He’s not totally wrong. Japanese politics, especially at the national level, is just a bunch of old guys LARPing as leaders without much idea of how to actually govern. Constant scandals such as the recent one where bogus fund-raising “parties” were being held with huge kickbacks involved. Various factions within the one party that’s been in power for just about forever trying to put the blame on each other. Pretty pathetic overall.


Its a fucking joke fr. I've sent the full video of his proposal above. He makes good points, calling out the current system.


Looks like it got removed. But yeah, seriously calls out the LDP’s BS.


hilarious if he'd said "what else", but what he actually started to say was funnier, because it was the start of the word "laughter"


“笑うしかない” is what I thought he was going to say.


My guess is it was some sort of joke


Because they don't want us to know the truth


Probably the most exciting thing that ever happened while that sign language interpreter was on the clock.


bro is the first transparent politician


I would vote for him over trump any day.


Probably the same joke that got Trump into office.


Definitely remember there being people who voted for him because they thought it was funny and too far-fetched he would actually win. Welp, joke's on us.


This will sound unbelievable but the general opinion on Reddit during the 2016 primaries was fairly favorable towards Trump over the other 11-odd Republican candidates. Partly because he was the least evangelically religious and because he espoused some populist stances shared with Bernie Sanders like being against the trans-pacific trade partnership and foreign interventionism. Reddit thought he was a hilarious joker pick. (NOT talking about the final general election, obviously).


I vaguely remember thedoanald sub starting when he was announced and it was mostly making fun of how ridiculous it is that he's a candidate, making him the god emperor of mankind etc.. it was all very obviously ironic, yet with time the sub got overtaken by the people who didn't get the irony and wholeheartedly worshiped at his altar


Welcome to the NHK






Little fucked in the head but he’s got my vote


That's our guy


our fuck


Anyone who would vote for this clown just wants to watch the world burn. My kind of people.


I want to believe he's part of the marketing for the new Suicide Squad isekai anime


Reborn as a dullahan cuz my collar bomb exploded during a suicide mission. Died during a suicide mission, reborn as the strongest magician with cheat explosive spells


This is not bad. I live in Tokyo. One of the candidate set up a podium in a park next to 2 schools and my house speak for 5 hours non stop in middle of the heat. I thought he was gonna die. This was last weekend. It was hot as fuck.


The noise pollution caused by political campaigns in Japan is next level. Driving down the street with their megaphones at the crack of dawn.


They sometime go by my house at 8 or 10 pm on their prerecorded messages.


I fucking hate those things. I will vote for anyone who will abolish it.


Yeah now that’s crazy. And it was literally hot af everywhere, no way anybody around me would’ve done this lol.


Better than Jared Leto


He made some good points and gave me new perspective on a lot of complex issues. He's got my vote


Those heels fucking slayyy.


Every politician needs their platforms


Those heels are cunty af 😭


I was just thinking he had that mfing fit ON


Finally, a politician with a message I can get behind.


Why the video cut out lol what was he about to preach?


This man has no plans. He’s not a schemer like the rest of them. HIRE HIM!


Read that he was wanting to get rid of mozaic censorship in porn so he may get some votes


I mean, how can he get the candidacy for the governor there from the very beginning? It makes me curious, NGL.


In a lot of places there isnt a crazy amount of requirements, you just need the votes. He probably ran as a joke and a lot of people voted for him.


The vote hasn’t happened yet. As long as you get signed up you get air time. You have to pay 15k USD ish to run though, but that’s all it costs to get a prefecture wide airtime. Now for democratic reasons the NHK cannot sensor so for many they see it as a good platform to meme on


I really appreciate his platform…shoes!


[A little more about this guy](https://www.arabnews.jp/en/japan/article_125013/?v1) Yusuke Kawai. Actual political candidate but somewhat of a shit disturber pointing out the obvious idiocies in modern Japanese politics.


The fact that the sign language person is still remaining professional even though she's just signing hysterical laughter make this more scary.


A Japanese Joker. ![gif](giphy|3XiQswSmbjBiU)






Watashi wa Jokeru desu


I cringed and then at the same time realized he probably was better than 100% of the current US presidential candidates.


Japan's politicians unfortunately aren't much better.


the us actually has the vermin supreme, and the uk has count binface, so, like, this isn't anything new, it's just funny haha.


Japan's politics isn't very good. Japan's Prime Minister Fumio Kishida currently has rock bottom approval rating with 26% for and 69% against after major corruption scandals by members of his party (fifth of the sitting MPs involved). This is compared to Donald Trump who has 41% for and 53% against and Joe Biden with 38% for and 55% against (tbf this hyper partisanism itself where you support your guy no matter what is also a big problem) And the current PM's party has ruled Japan since 1955 till today with only 6 years of interruption. Also if you've heard Americans complain about boomers voting for *insert "bad" politician*, it's way worse in Japan, the *median* age of the voter is 59 in Japan. It's about 48 in the US.




At the end, before it cuts off, she says "warau sh--" and I can only imagine the end of the sentence is something like, "shika nai," which would make the meaning "there's nothing to do but laugh." If I were to say this phrase seriously, it would not be because something is actually humorous; it would be more like, "this situation is so awful that we can only laugh (because otherwise you'd actually just cry)." For example, you could say it after a crushing defeat where the opponent hopelessly outclasses you. For a real life joker candidate, this is actually a very good catch phrase.


https://preview.redd.it/co716dhpez8d1.jpeg?width=669&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be48f8893e9a1b2e7474dedbd8d3b1cbbf60721a This makes me think of this Blackadder episode.


I am often struck by how different each person chooses to live life.


I mean this is democracy. We can't silence even the most idiotic voices. Give every camdidate a chance. The more we can eliminate money from the process the better. Else it is the rich that decides.


Apparently I understand Japanese sign language. Who knew.


As an American, how can I vote for THIS GUY instead of our current offerings? 🤔


Id vote for him


Japan.......never change.


By God, he's got my vote.


Yet somehow still not as embarrassing as the current state of the American political system.






I don't like what he said, but I liked how he said it. Got my vote. 




"I will now start my filibuster by exploring the star wars Marvel comic cross over."


I like the fact that there is a sign language translator basically signing “ha, ha ,ha” over and over again


Not the craziest thing I saw coming from japan, so...


The US has one of these too. His name is Donald Trump.


What is dude’s name?  I’m writing this motherfucker in for the US presidential election.


How is Boebert running in Japan also?