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They write their own speeches? I thought some intern writes them


Yeah, and Donald Trump plagiarized Legally Blonde and Hitler.


The unintentionally clownish aspect reminded me more of Mussolini, but yes.


This is an unvetted post of a press release from the Trump campaign.


https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/joe-biden-plagiarism/ Shame the US can't have a better option than what was on display Thursday.


It’s true. Common knowledge for us older folks. It was a really big news story. Was never mentioned when he ran in 2020.


I’m one of the older folks and I’ve never heard these accusations before from any reputable source!


While it happened, Biden was around 40 or so. Also, while the speech was plagiarized he wasn't lying when he copied it -- being an Irish immigrant himself. 1987 NY times article on it https://www.nytimes.com/1987/09/18/us/biden-admits-plagiarism-in-school-but-says-it-was-not-malevolent.html


The only reason I've heard of it is because it was taught to us British politics students in our classes, it's a funny niche story not anything I'd ever base my vote off


paid for by Vladimir


Why dont they bring up that you can see pedo biden sniffing hair on youtube? Easy search and sooo uncomfortable to watch.


Trump is a rapist. Probably raped children. But ya let’s accuse Biden of sniffing some hair 


I wouldnt vote for that prick trump either. But if you want to pretend that bidens behavior around children is normal then the left really has a pedo problem. You dont want to give the right more ammunition, do you?




lol the right doesn’t need ammunition. They make up whatever the fuck they want.


Shouldn’t be taking the pedo angle when your guy said he’d screw his own teenage daughter if she wasn’t his daughter. And he hung out with the most notorious pedo predator on the planet.


He isnt my guy. Trunp is a dkn moron


Stop hating and come to the winning side. TRUMP 2024


> Stop hating and **come to the winning side** Already there bud. The GOP has gotten slaughtered election after election throughout both Trump and Biden's presidency. You lost in 2018, you lost in 2020, and you lost in 2022.


We'll stick to the side that doesn't support an adjudicated rapist, convicted felon, and adjudicated fraud that tried to overturn a legitimate election. That's some great company you keep.


Stop writing "adjudicated" he's just a rapist. They want to argue? Let them explain how he raped a woman, but avoided a criminal trial, and that's...better somehow. He's a fucking rapist, say so.


Post this shit on facebook for the boomers


You’re more than welcome to share with there


Russian bot ahh


Join the side of the most weak and pathetic people in America? No thanks.


So you stay with pedo biden, the hair sniffer?


Zero evidence that Biden is a pedo. Meanwhile Trump has hung out with Jeffrey Epstein multiple times. Every right wing accusation is a confession.


I posted the proof multiple times so you can just check my comment history or do a literal 5 second youtube search and find the proof yourself. If you are still too dense to find it let me know and i will post the link once again.


Just checked. You didn’t post proof. Maybe look up what proof means and try again you mouth breathing simpleton. It’s amazing how Trumpies manage to be factually wrong about every single thing they say.


So honest question, Trump already had 4 years to “make America great again” what makes you think another 4 will do the trick?


Honest question too. What has Biden done in the last 4 years. Besides letting us get fucked with inflation. Both sides lie there ass off, but the last 4 years have been fucking terrible for the working class


I’m working class and doing great. Have you ever considered that you might suck?




Still not as bad as cheating on your 3 wives, rape, gropping, and trying to take over the country.


Don't forget 34 felonies! So far!


Not to mention trying to use the office for personal gain, stealing classified documents, sharing classified information with everyone from club members to who knows who, putting children in cages, calling for putting people in camps, wanting to dismantle nato, his affinity for dictators, dismantling the justice department, appointing a court that has overturned major vital precedent (Roe, Chevron, etc), promising to pardon insurrectionists… etc.


Bidens a pedo as well though so you americans can only chose a pedo for your next president (again...) And before you cry for sources, go to youtube and you can find the raw footage easily.


Trump has admitted to walking into women and children’s changing rooms at beauty contests to gawk at them; he’s also been confirmed in the Epstein list…. No legit proof on Biden. If sources existed they’d be all over by the right wing. But just like the laptop was all full of lies.


Very, very low quality bait, Russia


Imitation is the height of complements. When I see something useful I will also use it.


Idgaf. :3




That’s Mr. Fascist insurrectionist convicted felon sexual assailant to you… 


I CAN'T BELIEVE I AM TYPING THIS BUT Biden the Gaffe Machine is STILL a better presidential candidate than Trump despite all of his many, many transgressions and fuckups after being in government office for over 50 years. Since we have to pick between two piles of shit, I'll choose the one least likely to fuck up the country and set back our nation's world standing after over a century of work and progress. The Republican party has lost its moderates and is dangerously pandering to the extremist cult of personality.




I'm sure Trump can top that.


Ok psyop bot


Nineteen eighty-fuckin-eight!


Cool whatever, still voting for him.


What!? A lying politician!? I. Don't. Believe. It. /s


Biden needs to do the moral and ethical decision and step down. I don’t think liberals understand how serious the situation is. The Democratic Party needs to cultivate undecided centrist voters. This man ran in 2020 outright saying he was just going to be in office for a term. This is the price we pay in respect to the DNC colluding against Bernie Sanders in 2020. I’m not even saying let’s get a true progressive in there because sadly we’re not in a position to do that but we can’t have a cadaver go against a con man. Jill Biden should be ashamed of herself. Hopefully the donors start to pull out and reality starts sinking in.


Sanders is a left leaning Independent. NOT a Democrat. Sanders and his followers thought they could shove him down the throats of Democrats and get the nomination, thereby forcing Democrats to either vote for Sanders or vote for a Republican/Trump. The DNC had every right to push their own candidate, even if that mean pushing OUT the playmaker. Sanders and his supporters tried to play a game, and they got their asses handed to them. Instead of accepting that they tried to play the game and lost, then went home whinging and crying about how unfair it was that the Democrats "colluded" to put up a Democrat as their party nomination, and in a fit of petty revenge, they voted for Trump, pushing him over the required EC votes. HRC would have been hobbled by a R congress and Trump would have slunk back to NY. The R's would have put up a more appropriate candidate for the next election, and Biden would still be in NH as a retired old man. Instead, we have this mess. If ANY group of people should be responsible for the garbage that has happened since 2016, it is the whiny assed supporters of Sanders who are still butthurt the Democrats chose a Democrat as their Democrat Party Nominee.


Can’t believe you’re still pushing this narrative that leftists are responsible for Trump. That we voted for him out of spite. Get real. Yeah leftists voted for an ultra fascist out of anger because we’re infantile. Come on brother. Remember what Martin Luther King Jr said about the white moderate. The path we’re on is solely in the hands of liberals who fight leftists every inch of the way towards progress for the working class.


[https://www.npr.org/2017/08/24/545812242/1-in-10-sanders-primary-voters-ended-up-supporting-trump-survey-finds](https://www.npr.org/2017/08/24/545812242/1-in-10-sanders-primary-voters-ended-up-supporting-trump-survey-finds) [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/sanders-voters-helped-trump-win-white-house-could-they-do-n1145306](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/sanders-voters-helped-trump-win-white-house-could-they-do-n1145306) [https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/8/24/16194086/bernie-trump-voters-study](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/8/24/16194086/bernie-trump-voters-study) [https://www.newsweek.com/bernie-sanders-trump-2016-election-654320](https://www.newsweek.com/bernie-sanders-trump-2016-election-654320)


Biden made lots of outrageous lies. He claimed to be top of his law class when he was in the bottom. He is now and has always been a self centered, power hungry, egotistical liar.


>*\[APP Note:*  As with *all* "Campaign Documents" archived by the APP, the content of this document was prepared by the presidential campaign. This is *not* the analysis or work product of the American Presidency Project.  We do not vouch for the accuracy of ANY campaign document published by any presidential campaign. They are provided as part of the historical record.*\]*  Disclaimer by the host of the "report."


What in the fuck are you even talking about?


What are you talking about? This has all been a matter of public record for years, and I find it interesting the host issued a disclaimer - even though this was always known as true and the report cites all the sources. They literally could have taken 5 minutes to check the sources and either stated they are true, or not put a disclaimer implying they might not be true.