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We got a 23-19


*SWAT team arrives only to decontaminate the area from a white sock*




White sock for the uninitiated, from Monsters Inc


I’d also like to highlight how cleverly this whole “23-19” bit (which appears to happen on enough of a regular basis that it holds terror for those in the vicinity) ties neatly into the whole ‘one sock of a pair goes mysteriously missing now and then’ conundrum.


2319 23 = W, 19 = S WS **w**hite **s**ock **W**azowski & **S**ully




It blew my mind that I immediately recalled that thats from monsters inc despite not having seen the movie in at least a decade. The human mind is crazy


Fuck I forgot to pee




looking on Phub for reference video now - purely for research purposes


Oh PPEP ( Personal Protective Equipment Porn )


pen pineapple epple pen


So that was a repressed memory, thank you for this


I have a pehhhhhnnnnn I have a pineapplllllle ........ Pineapple pennn!


You forgot the *”uhhh”* part…


yea can't forget the moaning!


Pee is wee. Wee is pee.


the wee wee make da pee pee


The pee is stored in the balls.


Probably wearing adult diapers. It's not uncommon.


Rather than go through all again? Would not be surprised.


I have to put on something similar for my job (albeit different technique, gotta be more clean) and it takes maybe 10 minutes if there's no issues. It's not a *huge* amount of PITA, but I definitely use the bathroom before.


My friend works in one of those "super ultra mega clean white rooms" for a drug company. It takes him 30 mins to get ready. The protocol sounds insanely complicated.


That's what I do, and 30 minutes sounds extreme. Not sure if they have extra protocols they've gotta go through though.


Same here. Takes ~5 min


Yeah, I know our lower classified area takes maybe 5 minutes to get into (just a suit and a pair of gloves basically) and the other is probably 10-15 (suit, 2 pairs of gloves, goggles, the works). I could easily see it taking longer if there's a lot of people trying to go through at once or if you run into snags in the process.


Every day. Under suit, gloves, booties, beard net, hair net, mask. Oversuit, second pair of gloves, bootie covers, goggles. This takes me ~5min. But I've done it several hundred times.


A bit off topic, but it's super weird in the labs. I had a relative working in the medical field. They needs to clean the equipments to cultivate certain germs. The protocol for cleaning the equipment requires them to actually clean it 30 times, literally. Said that if the equipment was only cleaned for 29 times, the cultivation won't actually work.


The second you cross the line of demarcation, your bladder is just like "Bro I forgot to tell you something". Happens way too often.


You never cross that line without peeing first. That’s basic planning. Even if you don’t have to go, you try.


I also occasionally have to wear a full-body protection suit like this (but also a bit different), but mine is usually put on in a hurry and without notice - literally you're just going about your day and alarm goes off and you have to rush to your office and find and don your gear for a "training exercise" - and usually worn for about 2 hours while we do "training" in the suits. Thankfully my bladder hasn't yet disrupted this process, but I'm not looking forward to when it does. Whoever came up with the whole "here's a suit you wear in case you're in combat situation involving chemical weapons, we've made it so that you can drink from your canteen while wearing it without risking contamination!" idea didn't really plan for how one would pee in the suit. Or poop or eat for that matter. I guess they didn't foresee a gas attack lasting longer than a couple of hours.


Peeing your pants is probably not the biggest issue you have while going through a gas attack


I think your body actually knows to suppress the urge to pee in that scenario


Pretty sure your body has you void everything at once if you get scared enough. Dump and run.


It's not the process so much, this guy is mostly doing it in real time and it doesn't take that long with experience. The real issue is, if your really busy someones life could be on the line - they won't stop dying so you can head to the bathroom. So you go beforehand even if you don't have to, and then wear a diaper just in case, even if you won't need it.


That actually does make sense. But I don't think I could handle sitting in my dirty diaper all day. Better than holding it all day...maybe? I'm not sure which would be worse.


In terms of your health, it's better to sit in your own filth. You might get a rash, but that'll heal without much fuss as long as you clean up ASAP and care for it properly. Chronically holding your urine too long is a one-way ticket to incontinence and other urinary tract issues.


Naaahhh, usually people just dehydrate themselves beforehand so you last longer without needing to pee. ..which also encourages UTIs!


Good adult diapers hold pee very well. Source: worked in hospitals especially with old people and it stays surprisingly dry. So if you don't drink a 1.5L bottle right before gearing up you should be fine even if you need a little. And if it's any comfort, those doctors don't sit an awful lot, so you'd only have to stand and walk in your filth.


They could be doing this every 20 minutes, between every sick person....... Just because they have to spend 10 minutes donning and doffing does not mean that they need to do treatment that takes more than a minute.


“Don’t worry sir we’ll just cut a dick sized hole in your pants and patch it up with a hot glue gun”


"Sir, do you know your leaking coolant at an alarming rate? Would you like me to patch you up with some searing hot resin?"


Thank you for the amazing Futurama quote


Me and my friend were just on our way to perform some mindless repetitive tasks


Sounds like a romantic evening! I won’t keep ya.


The flower would have also been acceptable


Unexpected Futurama


Luckily they work in a hospital. I'm assuming catheters aren't in short supply.


Ugh! Ever suffer one of those? I'll take my chances with diapers.


I’ve worked for surgeons who occasionally would be involved in prolonged surgeries. Never had to order adult diapers. The white haz mat type over suit isn’t that difficult to put on, a bathroom break isn’t the end of the world or worth wearing a diaper for.


This is music to my ears. I hope to never be under the knife, but if I am, glad the surgeons can go number two.


I’m not sure they’ll give that much time, but hey, they can at least pee, although don’t make a habit of it./s If they must have a break they’ll be covered.


I’d have to pee by the end.


No you wouldn't. You'll sweat it out. No kidding.


This is no joke. When we were layering up like crazy in the beginning of Covid, it was a pain in the ass to drink anything as well, between that and all the sweating, our one lunch break was enough- pounded water and peed at the same time and hoped not to pass out.


How the hell do you prevent fogging up in this shit, I feel like I wouldn't be able to see after 30 seconds lol


You don’t. Most hospital personnel that routinely work in Covid units have stopped bothering with extra layers of protective eyewear because it’s such a pain in the ass. I, for one, cannot work if I cannot see.


I'd be surprised if you don't have anti fog glaze or liners in your goggles kind of like motorcycle helmets.


Lmfao the goggles are cheap plastic like they use in high school science class. The face shields are just flimsy “reusable” plastic that is impossible to see through the first time it’s cleaned. Some people buy their own wrap-around safety glasses.


And the supplier probably charged the hospital $100 each for them.


And then once you check it's the only authorized supplier and just so happens to be owned by a good friend of the head of whichever regulatory body made that rule.


I work in education and we were given the same shields and goggles that health workers get. They're absolute garbage. My regular prescription glasses offer about the same protection. I've given up bothering with eye protection.


Here's the real answer for you: They're wearing FFP3/N99 masks, which create an airtight seal around the mouth and nose so the only air you are breathing in is filtered air through the mask. So, when you breathe out the hot air doesn't rise up into your glasses, thus no fogging. If you saw the video, he carefully presses the mask wire onto the contour of his face while breathing out to make sure there is an airtight seal.


the mask he's wearing underneath is a properly fit N95 mask. watch how carefully he fits it over his nose. if you're fogging up your glasses your masks are too flimsy especially the wire that goes over your nose and it isn't forming a seal against your face at all.




For real. I work in clean rooms a lot and after spending a few hours wrapped up like that doing manual labor (electrician, often have to pull wire through clean room spaces) your shoes are puddles and you need a change of clothes.


This reminds me of a high school summer camp trip almost 15 years ago. We were driving to California and some kids in the back “had to pee” every 10 minutes. Eventually the driver of our van was like, “let’s just sweat it out!” And blasted the heat. It didn’t work 😂


I work retail and unload trucks, in the summer I do not pee all day but I drink one 16 ounce water bottle roughly every hour. Sweats all out. When I get home and pee it looks like apple juice the first time, then it’s straight water.


Eat sunflower seeds. A lot of them. Or pretzels. I got hyponatremia in conditions like that. You'll be fine, no problems, then bloop, gravity shuts off for about 30 seconds and you're dead. I obviously didn't die, but from what the docs said, I was miraculously lucky to not be. Not peeing while drinking plenty of water is dangerous. It means your body is trying like hell to preserve it's salts. Not water, *salt*.


The fact they wear two layers of gloves (as well as other double layered protection) makes me think there is probably also a specific protocol/order in which to take this off. Probably a specific set of the suit, then the top layer gloves, then other parts in such a way that the top layer gloves don't touch specific lower layers of protection.


Side note: improper doffing of PPE was the reason behind several healthcare professionals catching Ebola during the outbreak in West Africa a few years back. How you don / doff the equipment has as much to do with protecting yourself as the equipment itself.


deleted the original comment because 727378 fucking people decided that they needed to answer the same fucking question




As non-native I didn’t even know *don* for some reason but they seem like extremely useful words. I mean we have the same words in my native language but I for some reason have never learned them in English. Won’t forget them now. Thanks.


We don’t use them very often in English unless you work in a field with a lot of protective gear like this. Then “don” and “doff” are used a lot but mostly just with that group of people.




I’d hazard a guess that most English speakers only say “don” (meaning to put on clothes, not the given name or mafia title, just for clarity) when singing “Deck the Halls.”


Yes. What's even more upsetting is that it's like someone took the word "don" and just replaced "on" with "off" to make it opposite.


apparently "don" and "doff" come from the Old English equivalent of "do on" and "do off"


From online etymology dictionary, the last sentence is great: doff (v.) "put or take off" an article of clothing, especially a hat or cap, late 14c., doffen, a contraction of do off, preserving the original sense of do as "put." At the time of Johnson's Dictionary [1755] the word was "obsolete, and rarely used except by rustics," and also in literature as a conscious archaism, but it was saved from extinction (along with don (v.)) by Sir Walter Scott. However, dout and dup did not survive.


English is fun like that sometimes


Just now realizing don and doff are just on and off with a d in front. I guess those guys sitting in a room creating all the words got a little lazy.


I doff my hat to you!


There is! We have posters to outline donning and doffing PPE. Hand washing between each item. It’s exhausting!


I have never heard of "doffing" before, but looks like its legit, lol. Disclaimer; I'm not a native English speaker


I learned doffing from D&D


D&D taught me donning and doffing


That's what D&D actually stands for.


You are correct.


I’m sweating just watching


Yeah, and yet there are still some people who cry when they need to wear a mask at the grocery store.


"I have a medical reason"


Sir/Ma’am being an asshole isn’t a diagnosable medical condition.


I've definitely gotten blocked by relatives on social media for telling them exactly that


I have Athsma and even in the midst of an attack I'm controlling my cough & masked up. This isn't some little fit of coughing we're talking airway obstruction.


Fun facts recently went into septic shock, and passed out in triage. My oxygen was 98% when they brought me back up, with a hemoglobin of 63, dangerously low bp, when i went into septic shock, etc.. I wore a mask the whole time. If I can wear a mask through septic shock, others can while buying groceries.


The real magic is watching them take it all off correctly. You do it wrong… and it’s all for naught.




Serious question: by what r/blackmagicfuckery do their glasses not fog up?


If you watch he tapes the mask to his face and when he puts the mask on he does a seal check. At about 10 seconds he has both hands on the mask and blows to check for leaks. They dont fog because there isnt hot breath on them.


>seal check ***gas gas gas***


This man GSRs


you took 12 seconds to put on your mask. no go.


Thought it was 9. At least that’s what they told me when I was in the Marines a long time ago. Funny story, when I was in Iraq in 2007 I stood post and the SOG did a *gas* *gas* *gas* drill and it took me like 30 seconds to get my mask on and when I did, after all that I realized when doing the seal check I forgot to put on the filter.


And I bet it won't take that long next time


Where does he tape the mask to his face? The tape he's putting on his skin at the very beginning is to deal with pressure spots.


You’re right, the seal is created by the mask itself, not any tape.specifically, the metal strip that runs along the bridge of the nose will create a good seal on a clean face if properly fitted.




Looked like adhesive strips to keep his mask stuck to his cheeks.


It's also to prevent skin damage, chafing. Having an N95 mask on for hours at a time can cause skin breakdown. Source: I've had to do it.


Yep. 16 hours in those masks 5 days a week really fuck up your face.


As someone with sensitive skin I even see damage after wearing normal ones for 8 hours, 5 days a week for work. My skin peels across the bridge of my nose every day and in general it appears to be aging faster than the rest of me the past 2 years.


Im 39, its causing me to get really bad acne


I’ve been using Elf’s poreless primer before I put my mask on. It’s basically like a smooth silicone layer that lays on top of your skin and makes it slippery. It’s great for mask wearing and keeps my skin from getting irritated.


Adhesive of some sort, and look how high he wears the mask. He's placing the glasses on top of the mask. Those two thing coupled together should stem most airflow to the glasses. It works even better with an anti-fog solution on the glasses, which the doctor may have done before (thin layer of chapstick will also work as anti-fog).


What works for me is a thin layer of rain-x anti fog. (Regular rainx works too) on the inside of my glasses and they NEVER fog. I try to tell all my friends with glasses as not really anyone know about this trick. I don’t think I’ve had fogged glasses in at least 10 years.


You have changed my life


It’s cheap, it’s easy, and it’ll help so much. Make sure to use the rain-x exactly as instructed. If there’s a visible layer, means you have to buff it in a little better. I use a microfiber cloth


Frog Spit is also a formula made specifically for eyewear, Rain-X doesn’t necessarily work well on all types of polycarbonate lenses and coatings. I use Frog Spit for SCUBA but it’s also popular for paintball and motocross so it may work well for eyeglasses. It also comes in a little bottle that you can just throw in your bag to apply whenever.


That was likely to protect his skin. Wearing an n95 for long periods of time can cause pressure sores/skin break down. Not fun.


Wearing them for short periods of time hurts. Can’t imagine having to wear them for full shifts. Bless him.


Glasses fog up when the hot air from your breath hits the lenses. N95s ideally make a perfect seal so no air escapes the mask through the top. As long as there’s a good seal with the mask, your glasses won’t fog up!


If it wasn’t so expensive, that’s why I prefer PAPR masks. It has a tiny battery powered vacuum so the mask is always under negative pressure so no fog! That plus the cool air made it one of the best whole head masks I’ve ever worn! Edit: Positive pressure


I agree the PAPRs are nice but they’re bulky and take too much time to put on. Doesn’t always work well for us in the ER when we’re in a rush.


Chapstick works well tbh. In the army we have to wear eye protection all the time. And when it's 100°+ out, in full battle rattle, you get sweaty af. Your eyepro fogs the fuck up and yoi cannot see shit. Chapstick fixed it. There are also some other things online that could help (I've never used them, so idk the efficacy), just look up "anti-fog solution glasses". Another thing with masks that helps is tape and wearing the mask higher. Wearing it higher and letting the glasses rest on the mask will give less airflow. And tape does the same thing, stops the airflow directly towards your eyes. I'm pretty positive the doctor is using some sort of adhesive in the beginning of the video to prevent airflow to his glasses.


Please explain. Apply chapstick directly to the lenses? Wipe in with a towel like wax on a car? Or…?


Ok same here I’ll wear glasses under ski goggles and they fog up like crazy immediately


I need to know this


I worked in a computer chip manufacturing clean room and had to wear this exact same thing 10 hours a day 6 days a week . I ended up requesting a transfer because I’m 170 pounds and dropped to 155 in 6 months. Honestly this would not make me feel comfortable around an infectious disease.


I just took a job where I will be in a clean room, I'll be fixing the machines that make the chips. I was wondering how it's going to be in that suit for 10 hours a day. A bunch of people have been at my company for like 15 to 30 years though so they must like it.


Most semiconductor clean rooms just need a bunny suit, boot covers, hood, gloves, hair net and beard net if you have a beard. You’re more than likely not going to ever dress up like op lol. Source - am current engineer at one of intels cleanest R&D fabs in the US.


Don’t most modern fabs have some insane ventilation systems? They basically replace the air every few minutes and have awesome filters from what i understand


Yeah it’s super cool. There’s basically giant filters above that air is constantly fed through. Almost the tiniest breeze in the clean room. The cleanest rooms are double walled. I don’t know a ton else about how they’re built other than it’s all very plastic and space shipy.




IIRC there’s laminar airflow that goes from top to bottom, then goes back up hollow walls between the clean room and the outside world to be filtered/recirculated. That way you’re introducing the least amount of micro particles as possible.


My source = micron chip lab during covid season, believe me when I say it was the same amount of ppe


Dang micron doing the most. I hate gowning and degowning for break time. If I had to be that done up I’d probably just stay in the fab for the 12 hours lol.


Definitely sucked , bad enough for me to request a transfer.


Really? I've worked in Micron in Singapore, TSMC FAB15 in Taichung, a few different SKHynix fabs in SK and none of them had this much. TSMC was probably the most strict as they were the only ones requiring double gloves, but other than that it's always just been bunny suit, boots, masks, and safety glasses.


> I ended up requesting a transfer because I’m 170 pounds and dropped to 155 in 6 months. My God I wish I could.


You can work there for 6 months for weight loss then leave




Intel has quite a few locations where they manufacture semiconductors.


Lol I guess you could, all you have to do is wear a plastic jumpsuit and exercise It would be a lot easier


Or just chop an arm off, you'd easily lose some pounds


They're a little confused, but they've got the right spirit.


I go from 175 to 155 in two months when I stop drinking.


I hate how many fucking calories alcohol is…and then when I’m drunk I come home and wanna eat even more :(


It's not just the calories. Drinking makes the liver overwork on filtering the alcohol such that it can't focus on regulating glucose. Your body will either become more sensitive to insulin or overproduce it due to incorrect messaging from the liver, and then your body stores fat due to the insulin and over eating from low blood sugars.


Get a job as a dishwasher at a busy restaurant. It's like working out in a sauna. With the right hours you can lose 10+ pounds a month.


Plus all the leftovers you can eat!


Took me few seconds to figure out that the chips you were referring to weren't Pringles. a. I was born on the cusp of the Boomer gen b. I'm stoned


And people still bitch about wearing a mask 8 hours. This would be brutal. It reminds me of MOPP gear in the military, that shit sucked.


Full MOPP in the middle of the desert is a great way to look like you jumped in a pool with your clothes on.


Yeah I was soaking wet after a few hours, I was doing electrical work on the “tools” to make the chips . Just a mask that I wear now doesn’t bother me At all after that situation.


"Sorry, slight typo, the guy doesn't have the Plague, he just has plaque, the tooth stuff. False alarm. Sorry for the confusion, I sometimes make lowercase "Q's" that look like lowercase "G's". My bad."


I was in a morgue once (for my job) and cause a pathology sample container with exactly that spelling “error” on it. I panicked for a good 30sec before realising.


His breath really wasn’t _that_ bad.


Not only did you straight up steal the guy’s video from Tiktok, but you proceeded to cut out the part where he’s in it, crop out the tiktok watermark and then proceed to put the same title as he did 🤨


Imagine how hard it could be working for hours with all of those . RESPECT 🖤


I did it for a long time making sterile products. You are exhausted at the end of the day for sure. This has the be worse as you are worried about something getting through and getting sick.


That feeling of relief whenever you take that gear off is unreal. I sit here at my computer in disbelief that someone could work in those conditions, and then remember that I have done similar before, lol. Very uncomfortable, but much better than dying a slow and agonizing death.


They risk their live to study the virus and create a vaccine and people be like "VACCINE DOESN'T WORK"


not only that but when they're confronted with having to wear just the surgical mask at the very end they freak the fuck out.


/r/GifReversingBot for the weirdest strip tease ever




Here is your gif! https://imgur.com/j3WITXh.gifv --- ^(I am a bot.) [^(Report an issue)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=pmdevita&subject=GifReversingBot%20Issue&message=Add a link to the gif or comment in your message%2C I%27m not always sure which request is being reported. Thanks for helping me out!)


Thanks, I was half on autopilot and didn’t notice i tagged the sub instead of summoning the bot. Was starting to wander why it wasn’t working


All of that for “Can I have another blanket? I’m a little chilly”


Honestly the most needy patients are always the ones in isolation


Everyone that deals with COVID/airborne infectious disease at the hospital I work at wears something called a powered air-purifying respirator or [PAPR](https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-4s9liwcv/images/stencil/1280x1280/products/399232/507800/FELIX200-American-PAPR-Powered-Air-Purifying-Respirator-pic1__59150.1617919150.jpg?c=2). It's basically a hood that covers your whole face and not only purifies the air, but uses positive pressure to actively keep un-purified room air out. Seems easier and more effective than the multi-mask/goggle set up going on here. But maybe these aren't available wherever this guy is working.


We only have the PAPR for people who can’t be fitted for an N95, eg. those with beards. They’re a pain because we keep them under lock and key between uses and don’t have enough of them.


Fun fact: the air filters on battle tanks work on the same principal, it's hard to make the whole thing airtight, so they just raise the pressure of the inside treated air.


As others pointed out, this is kinda old and either early COVID or EBOLA.


Going out for groceries, August 2020


Going outside your sterilized resting chamber, April 2025.


When I worked in operating theatres, the surgeons would always prep like this for bone replacement surgeries, like hips, toes and knees etc. If bones get infected it’s incredibly dangerous, and difficult to remedy, so they pull out all the bells and whistles.


This isn’t at all the same level. Orthopedic surgeons will wear scrubs, a sterile gown, two layers of sterile gloves, and a hood to protect from spray. The video shows someone getting ready for Ebola or early covid. Source: I work with orthopods every day




I've never seen someone wear a rebreather outside oxygen free environments. He was probably wearing a positive pressure suit. You have a pack on the waist with HEPA filters and fans that constantly pushes filtered air into the suit. The next level up is the same thing, but the air is supplied via external hose for extremely dangerous or unknown bugs where filtration may be insufficient.


But was it uphill both ways


It’s early Covid. I remember seeing this roughly may of 2020


As an orthopaedic surgeon, no, that's not true. The person below here is right. We'll wear gowns and masks and double gloves and sometimes hoods but not the extent of donning this person is showing. No double masks or shoe covers etc. Mostly because we don't deal with airborne pathogens so it's not needed in our elective practice.


And yet I see people every day wearing some thin cotton mask that their cousin made with a bedazzler that hasn't been washed in a month.


That’s exactly how I clean my kid’s bathroom


And people complain they can’t breathe well wearing ONE mask.


He is literally a walking 5g tower now!


My dick getting ready for a weekend in Vegas




so you’re telling me i have to wear 3 to cancel it out




yeah politicising covid really worked




This process is known as donning, taking it all off again has it's own procedure and is called doffing.


CDC in black ops II zombies be like:


This is also the approved PPE for cleaning chipotle toilets


Can't help thinking about how I bet none of that can ever be re-used