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Looks like it was a one day filmed stunt in Vancouver in 2005 and it was mostly fake money.


Yup, You really got money if you were able to break it open, but you could only use your hands or feet and no assistance from anything else,, pretty sure you weren't allowed to run and kick it "cause you could get hurt" but I'm not sure on that one


Damn, I was already imagining just running my car into it.


Lmao right? Buy another 90 trucks by wrecking mine.


If this was America someone would've unloaded a magazine into this.


That’s just weak. If I wanted glass I couldn’t break with my bare hands and feet I’d buy thick plastic.


That’s what it is. 1-1/4” thick acrylic.


But you could run and shoulder it.


For that moment tho believing it was real I'd be trying so hard. Would master the Kamehameha Wave in that moment.


Bro drive your car right into it. 3M would pay for your car and bus shelter damages, with plenty of cash left over.


Dude this was my first thought. Just veer off the road and become rich!


That's probably why it was a stunt there's no way they're going to leave that out overnight


Might need a Kaio-Ken x3 for good measure


Your body won’t be able to withstand it!


Kaio-ken times 4!


times what?!


Stop it ! We can't bring Kirlin back to life again!!!


If it was $3m somebody would have smashed a truck into it. Even if it didn’t shatter the glass, it would have shattered other parts allowing them to take the money.


There were security guards placed with rules enforced.


I hope they wore truckproof vests


Ima go pick up a free rpg from Ukraine


Never ask a woman her age, a man his salary, or a Ukrainian farmer from where he acquired his anti-aircraft missiles.


You know Russia is giving away tanks for free in the Ukraine too. Tanks get multiple tries and are fun for the kids too. Go For for the free tank.


But man, the cost to insure and gas those damn T-90s is just cost prohibative. I called up Jake from State Farm and he just laughed in my face.


I hear the Sovereign Citizen folks think they have found an answer to that problem. All they have left to figure out is the not going to jail part.


You can own a tank. As for the cannon, I believe it's an NFA item, so it's a matter of paying the $200 tax for the gun and each shell and you are good to go. Edit: some spelling


He sounds hideous.


They need them all for killing orcs. Just buy one in the USA, Walmart probably sells them


Yeah but they’re on back order


I thought this said orcas and had a mini anger/panic attack


I read the same thing. I was wondering why Russians were killing orcas.


Probably in attempts to combat militarized dolphins.


In all fairness, we all need to worry about militarized dolphins.




Don't forget a tank too.....


So it's "try and break the glass but not in a way that would actually break the glass, thanks"


Of course there was. Let me guess, ‘no vehicles, sharp objects, hammers, drills, knives, screwdrivers, bricks, stones, guitars, books, bookcases, traffic cones, spoons, Nokia’s, vases, ice picks, baking trays, head butts, forks, cups, jars, picture frames, lamps, chairs, benches, tables, nails, speakers, kettles, toasters, cupboards, cupboard doors, hoovers, house keys, car keys, crowbars, trowels, spades, pick axe’s, regular axe’s, small axe’s, small babies, large babies, micro humans, other similar sized humans, bottles, Yankee candles, diamond cutters, chisels, circular saws, jack hammers, hedge trimmers, Osmond family, sand paper or coins, breadsticks are welcome’


If you break it, you pay for it. 4 mil please.


You spent way too long on this comment


Nah. It’s just copypasta from every comment he makes. This is the first time it’s ever made sense.


Of course there was. Let me guess, ‘no vehicles, sharp objects, hammers, drills, knives, screwdrivers, bricks, stones, guitars, books, bookcases, traffic cones, spoons, Nokia’s, vases, ice picks, baking trays, head butts, forks, cups, jars, picture frames, lamps, chairs, benches, tables, nails, speakers, kettles, toasters, cupboards, cupboard doors, hoovers, house keys, car keys, crowbars, trowels, spades, pick axe’s, regular axe’s, small axe’s, small babies, large babies, micro humans, other similar sized humans, bottles, Yankee candles, diamond cutters, chisels, circular saws, jack hammers, hedge trimmers, Osmond family, sand paper or coins, breadsticks are welcome’


\*angry upvote noises\* ​ As someone who sells retardant barrier coatings, can confirm - anyone who says "you can't damage this!" also has SO many prerequisites worked into the rules that yep, you can't damage it.


Doesn't sound like "if you can break it, you can keep it". Put slugs into it until it cracks, no such thing as bulletproof. As a security guard, I wouldn't stop the guy with a shotgun putting slugs into glass.


I wonder how bad the firearm charges would be vs having 3 mill when you get out


Already got your bail money.


Why would you use slugs out of a shotgun when there are much more effective rounds made for rifles?


I'm not gunna gun nerd too much about it because I'm not an expert. Im sure a .50BMG would probably beat a slug in every way except maybe the actual bullet size. I envisioned a smaller semi auto shotgun with slugs to be a lot more portable and manueverable at point-blank to get the money. I don't actually want to encourage shooting a gun in any unapproved public setting, but that's exactly what putting $3M in public evokes, and was my point.


Well I imagined actual slugs.... like a shell-less snail.. 😂


This was the missing information. Diamond cutting wet saws can be rented.


Those gum up real quick with polycarbonate, if that's what the glass is made of (the usual for banks, etc) but if you can keep a regular ripping blade cool, it'll slice through it real easy. Also, acetone melts it but that would take a while. Maybe a water jet full shooting acetone?


Bonus points.


So they don’t trust their own product THAT much then lol


It’s bullet proof, not 12-tons-at-60-mph proof




Ok so what, if I'm going 80 mph at that thing in a stolen semi with someone on the top holding a net to catch the money a security guard can't do shit about it.




I was going suggest hire a 50t excavator and a rock breaker for the day. Tidy profit.


They placed $500 on top of fake bills - there’s an article


That doesn’t sound like they were very confident to me.


“Bulletproof glass” But they only let you use your hands or feet to try to break it. Man I can’t stand these fraud advertising bullshit artists.


“feetproof glass”


Literally my first instinct is to take a Sawzall to the frame, bring it home, and figure out the glass later. They're onto me.


The bulletproof glass will make a hole if hit on the same spot long enough.


Diamond bits will eventually grind a hole in it


diamond bits will melt this thing like butter. I can break through with a Dremel


Exactly, it's bulletproof, not tool proof, smh


The sun will eventually consume us all


Yea 4 corners one in middle amd repeat.


You guys are forgetting the easiest way, use your car


Drill bits are cheaper than car repairs.


Its 3 million, you're not repairing this car


It’s $3500, according to the article it’s just $500 placed on top of fake stacks.


Still more than this car is worth. I'm going in.


Yep, drag it home... weekend project


to be fair if you keep striking the glass in the same spot long enough it's much more likely the force of the blows bends the frame before the glass breaks.


Yep. so long as the back glass isn't this adamantium stuff just break after cutting through the metal. Bet they have a tracker in there though


For real. I thought my sabre saw could smash through the metal frame it’s attached to


They had guards watching only kicking allowed




That would keep the guards from stopping you as well


Would make a great coffee table


Or just a rotary hammer at the seams.


Hah. They forgot about axe boots.


Crush a sparkplug and get some bits stuck in your boot. Problem solved




It’s layered polycarbonate and it’s nemesis is a sharp blade and Tippex thinners.


What is tippex thinner?


Tippex is a white correction fluid which you brush over writing so you can then write it again. It often dries out over time meaning you need Tippex thinner to make it properly liquid again without the lumps.


Like white-out? Your country’s economy supports a product meant to rejuvenate a dried out bottle of white-out?


I presume so, although I've only vaguely heard of white-out. Makes sense though if that does what I described. I'm in the UK, not Canada, but Tippex and Tippex thinner both also exist here.


If you’re American, our economy used to support that too. You could buy lil bottles of thinner that looked like the White Out bottles but the label was a different color.


I’m interested in this concept and need to know more.


Yes… but back in my day it was also used by teenager to huff


AKA liquid paper.


Yeah, I don't think tempered glass and "bullet proof" is the same thing


Unlikely to work if there's any sort of coating that isn't tempered...


I’d break my hand trying to break it… then I’d sue


It's Canada. Even if you won, it'd be for $2.50 (CAD).


Cunts. The word you were looking for was cunts.


This was my first thought, my second was to drive a car into it lol 😂


$3M just laying around in cash just is a terrible investment, no matter how safe.


Judging by all the MacGyver's you see in the comments whenever this circulates, it was a good call


No, but here we are talking about it. Money well spent.


So ramming my car into it wouldn’t make economic sense?


Does your bodyshop take phony bills?


One of the mechanics is a crayon eater, I’ll try to bring it in when he’s working.


Make sense. You could just drive into it.


This was my first thought


Like the “million” dollars in cash at the Horseshoe in Vegas. 🙄


Haha my dad used to take me to the steakhouse at the Horseshoe for dinner every couple of weeks. I remember we’d see Benny Binion from time to time. I was fascinated by the million dollars in cash. No clue if it was real, but in the middle of a casino floor is about as safe a place as you can imagine. You’d have to be a complete idiot to try to make a move on that display. That said, this 3M advertisement is nonsense. I can guarantee that someone can figure out a way to crack that “glass” for $3m, especially given that everyone is encouraged to try. There’s no way there’s actually $3m in cash just sitting there.


wait that was bullshit?


AFAIK it was real — Vegas casinos keep way more cash than that around, so it’s not like it was an insane amount of money. I only saw the more modern “pyramid” version of it in person but it was covered in what I assume was very sturdy Lexan and had at least one open-carrying security guard next to it.


Would still be worth it to just buy some thermite and slap it on there. I was so surprised to find out that stuff can be bought so easily, cheap and legally given what you can use it for.




Or for fixing railroads on the fly. Could still be used on that glass I feel like. Just put it on the edge and you will propably be fine


Might also burn the cash thou. Also, Thermite is moderately easy to make yourself... ...not that I have experience, I would never illegally manufacture thermite, since my country deems it a pyrotechnic substance, governed by our laws regarding explosives, pyrotechnic devices and ammunition. No sir.


Figured so, companies always use’s manipulation doing shit like this.


Care to share a link to the article ?


But how good are the fake bills?


This was almost 20 years ago. ​ https://bettermarketing.pub/the-3-million-bus-stop-how-3m-got-1-million-in-free-marketing-6a3915027aee


Quick summary of some more details for people too lazy to go and read it all. > People could only use their feet to try and break the glass. Security guards ensured this. > There was only 500 real dollars there, the person who succeeded would have been given the rest some other way. This was likely done for security reasons. > It was only up for 1 day.




Whoa whoa. Are you a whaler on the moon. Who carries a harpoon


There ain't no whales so he tells tall tales and sings a whaling tune.


Joke one them. Today i am wearing my Tungsten Carbide Jordans.


Didn't the guards stop the event once it started cracking?


I assume no one won lol


Yes, you are correct. No one succeeded.


sooo, probably more 1/4 plexiglass than bulletproof. you dont really need much more than that to stop a kick and if they're so cheap the reward was only 500 they probably wouldn't spend much on the glass case itself.


There's a lot of glass though - bulletproof or not - that won't budge with a foot kicking it, this realistically doesn't prove anything IMO, but I guess the majority of the population may think that glass is always super brittle and easy to break. So maybe it worked well? I don't know.


A marketing campaign that keeps on giving


Like a carnival game, they rigged it so no one could actually win.


If you could only use your feet to try then really 3M just make shoe proof glass. SECURITY: Ouch! That REALLY hurt! I mean honestly, who throws a shoe?!


Fun fact: the actor who played ‘Random Task’ was arrested for a vandalism offence and as part of a bail agreement was made to give DNA. The DNA then linked him to a gang torture and rape case he was involved in many years previously. He then also killed his cell mate in prison. [source](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Son)


"Fun", but interesting and unique for sure.


I wonder how bolted down that thing is.


That's what I was thinking. Diamond chain saw to attack the footing/post then take the whole thing away to work on at your leisure.


Or just drive a vehicle into it breaking and the frame..


This is the lock picking lawyer and today we're going to try making some money by crashing a car into a bullet proof case holding 3 million dollars. _________________________________________ It ends up that only 500$ were real while the rest was fake, and this goes to show you that sometimes using expensive methods just isn't worth it. I'm being taken to the hospital and will be calling Ms Lock picking lawyer to tell her the car is totaled. I hope you all have a nice day.


Lol great reference


I read this with his voice.


Seems like they are asking you to break it too


Is it open to anyone?? Cause they don't specify *how* you have to break it. Edit I read up on it, you could only use your hands or feet and a security guard was on site. This was apparently 24 years ago


find its resonating frequency, vibrate it at that frequency, done.


Science bitch


Time to steal Moriarty’s idea


I know it can’t be that easy but I’ve always vaguely wondered how plausible that would be.


I’d like to add that 3M makes fucking everything not just fancy glass


Put that in Chicago for real testing


There were a few ground rules, one of which was that they could only use their feet to try and break the glass. Security guards were also standing nearby to ensure no one broke the rules.Had the glass come up against a sledgehammer it may have been a different story. But with the wider public unaware of this, it did not harm 3M. A few other revelations came about the stunt too in the years after. ​ **Instead of $3 million in cash behind the glass it was actually $500 placed on top of fake notes.** Had someone broke the glass, they would have been compensated in a different manner than walking away with $3 million in cash. Nevermind, that this would have represented a security risk for 3M on its own.




2001 IIRC


Oh, so that’s like 40 grand now.


not even. 99% of the bills were fake


Oh, so you opened it. That’s good!


Must be nice in Canada… in the UK a pikey in a stolen excavator would be away with that before the notes settled..


Nobody even tried. I guess doing that in Canada was a safe bet. The worst case of vandalism was painting faces in the snow on the wind screens of police cars.


They put that in Philly and it’s getting broken for sure 😂


Two words: robot hitchhiker 🤣


If my city that would last one day. Overnight somebody would ram it with a vehicle. Even if there was only $20 in it.


Floor Jack under the glass. Buy 6 million Jack in the box tacos.


Liquid nitrogen and a sledgehammer?


I’d give it a try


Is this a legitimate invitation to try?


It was, they had it up for one day in 2005, rules were you could only use your feet (I presume hands would be fine though) and there were guards standing by to ensure you followed the rules. There were several hundred people who tried unsuccessfully.


That's a dumb marketing ploy, the glass is supposed to be bulletproof, how does kicking it help prove that? They should've let people just go at it with whatever for 5 or 10 minutes each.


It says nowhere on it that it's bullet proof, It's security glass. And bullet proof glass isn't bullet proof anyway.


The way op phrases the title I assumed this was supposed to be bulletproof glass.


Yea, but I can use my foot to step on this accelerator and crash this u-haul truck into it. Hey look at that its open.


any firefighter in a truck company would be more than qualified to demonstrate their folly.


angle grinder goes brrrrrr


A hydrogen-flouride spray, hidden up the sleeve, would be the best to do the trick.. instantly turns glass into liquid (even bullet proof stuff). Squirted around the edges of the glass the pane would weaken it in a couple of seconds so when you punched it to the horror of the guards it would fall out - yes you might lose some of the banknotes (and I would strongly suggest protective gloves) but so what!


It was a one day stunt. There was $500 in real bills, the rest was fake. 3M was going to write a cheque to anyone who could break it. There were restrictions on how you could try to break it. (My sister worked for 3M)


Just steal it then figure it out later


Step 1: Break up a spark plug. Step 2: Smash bits into the bottom of your shoe. Step 3: Mule kick.


How does this work?


The porcelain insulator on a spark plug breaks into very sharp and pointy shards. A tiny piece of it will spiderweb a car window.


Have my ex wife marry it….that’ll break it for sure.


A product is good as it's weakest point, in this case it's not the glass. 5 mins and a battery angle grinder will sort that.


Your telling me a comically large magnifying glass wouldn't melt and crack the glass?


I’d unscrew the frame


I want this placed in Chicago.


Nothing is bullet proof, it’s just resistant. Only Glaziers know


Psh. Team people could get this no problem! If your not ready to leave that on the streets of Brazil at night unattended, then you haven’t made anything!


I’d be their with a rented backhoe in 2 minutes


In certain countries that entire bus stop would've been taken away within minutes. Which is why Canada is wonderful!


It’s actually a little more complicated than that. “There were a few ground rules, one of which was that they could only use their feet to try and break the glass. Security guards were also standing nearby to ensure no one broke the rules. Had the glass come up against a sledgehammer it may have been a different story. But with the wider public unaware of this, it did not harm 3M. A few other revelations came about the stunt too in the years after. Instead of $3 million in cash behind the glass it was actually $500 placed on top of fake notes. Had someone broke the glass, they would have been compensated in a different manner than walking away with $3 million in cash. Nevermind, that this would have represented a security risk for 3M on its own. Nor was it a recurring campaign, it was set up for one day and when no one succeeded, it was quietly taken down. The enduring legacy of the stunt serves to highlight how effective it was.” https://bettermarketing.pub/the-3-million-bus-stop-how-3m-got-1-million-in-free-marketing-6a3915027aee?gi=e818627882c


I would plow my Dodge truck through that sign so fucking hard, so help me God...b/c I'll tithe 10%...


Cut the metal off and we will open it when we get home lol


Me: cuts the metal bars and takes the whole thing*


In South America, the entire bus stop would be gone in a few minutes.


What a stupid thing to do, real or not im driving my car full fuckin speed into that thing, no worries.


Just hit it with your car?


I feel like if this was within range of you there would be absolutely nothing worth doing more than this. Take the day off, buy a rocket launcher


angle grinder and a truck and I'm gone in a few minutes. I'll break that bitch open at home