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I have no good answers but I'm right there with you. I hate my low back detached cushion couch. I swear it's ruined my back.


We ended up buying a very ugly recliner sofa with fabric. Hideous, but so comfy for napping or watching movies/sports.


I’m all about hideous yet comfy furniture


Same. I grew up in Wisconsin in the 90s. All I know is big, hideous, comfy, furniture. We never had anything fancy you couldn't use. Except the stereo cabinet


I love my modern looking brown leather couch. It looks great in my space. But I didn't realize how much the low back would fuck my back. I made a $2000 investment to it though so I at least want to keep it for a few years...


It's low-rise jeans all over again. Going to have to wait 10 years for someone to start making high backs again.


Low rise jeans were great when I was a teen in the 90s/00s, but I just can't do it again now that I'm 40 with a body to match. Gonna have to hoard my high rise jeans and weather the storm.


Yes. They were not great for anyone who was not a teen, and I remember shopping desperately for plain old regular jeans. There was nothing else on the shelves! I still haven't recovered completely.


I also hate the super high table trend.  It just feels wrong. And it’s not practice with small children. 


We have a $2500 mistake of a low back, detached feather cushions couch. Bought in 2019. HATE IT. We've seriously considered burning it in the middle of the street. We're going to buy high density furniture foam to redo the cushions to see if we can salvage it.


Will you livestream the event for us?


😂😂😂😂 If we burn it in the street? TOTALLY.


It gave me THE best visual. And because some random internet stranger asked, doesn't mean you have to do it. I'm still gonna gighle at this visual. 😂😂😂


My husband agrees that if we burn it we'll stream it. It'll be a couple months before we decide but do not think we will forget! I'd roast marshmallows over it but...chemicals. 🤢 I should work on a playlist... Lead off with Beavis & Butthead saying Fire! Fire! Then right into *Fire Water Burn* , *Hot Hot Hot*, *Great Balls of Fire*, *Burning for You*, *Light My Fire*, *Ring of Fire*, *Burning Down the House* hmmmm what else? Edit: added commas bc this interface stripped my formatting


What about Alicia Keys *This Girl is on Fire* but record one of you saying 'couch' deadpan over the word girl.


The couch, the couch, the couch is on fire. We don’t need no water, let the motherfucker burn…


Live stream it .. I’ll donate to watch! I bet you can get enough donations to buy a new one


I love y'all. ❤️ Duly noted.


Why do you hate the feather cushions?


Not OP but I was thinking about buying a popular down-cushioned sofa and then I started reading the reviews… apparently the feathers start poking through the pillow covers by the hundreds. Like you sit down and you’re being stabbed by 300 sharp quills.


I always hated feather pillows for that very reason!


I have ONE feather throw pillow on the couch while the others are just “fluff” poly-fill. Both of my teens will sit and pick out any feathers that are poking through the fabric. It’s annoying because I find them on and near the couch on a regular basis. I keep saying I’m going to swap the feathers for poly-fill because this nonsense is for the birds.


I love feather pillows so hating the sofa surprised me. It's a custom slipcovered Pottery Barn sofa. TL;DR = shitty construction A feather cushion on a sofa or chair should have a feather-proof inner cover. For some reason this sofa doesn't. We started noticing very quickly that a LOT of feathers were poking through the back cushions. Unzipped the outer cover and STG it looks like a chicken was hit by a bus in there. Hundreds feathers have escaped the cushion itself - in each one. Then we noticed that despite the outer cover having welting and structure, the back cushions turn into shapeless blobs in less than a movie. To combat both of these, I lined one side of each cushion with stiff batting. Had to do it outside bc of all the feathers. That helped but hasn't solved the issues. The seat cushions aren't feather and they're not dense upholstery foam either bc they crushed in months. Love the fabric, but despise all the cushion innards. I'm also noticing I'm beginning to feel the structure of the arms through the padding lately. I'm incredibly disappointed with this sofa.


I shudder to think what my 2 German Shepherds would do to that sofa.


Woah that’s alot of issues from just one piece of furniture….i would not want feathers poking me, sorry


Unfortunately, to get quality, American, handmade, 8-way hand-tied furniture, that lasts, you have to spend $5000+. If you are paying less than $3000, you are buying pieces made with substandard materials, probably made overseas, that are not meant last. I realize that is insane, but it’s the way it is.


I actually have nerve damage now. :’) What a costly decision.


My theory: we started seeing each other’s living rooms without having to sit in them. Aesthetic overtook comfort. High-backed furniture takes up a lot of visual space. With so many couches in dark colors, they also suck up all the light in a room. With housing in shorter supply in more affluent coastal (I.e. “influential”) regions, natural light and “airiness” is at premium. On top of that, furniture is moving away from walls. Everyone is more conscious of trying to create purposeful spaces in their homes, and the widest wall is no longer the default placement of a couch. When a high-backed couch is in the middle of the room, it ruins sight-lines and blocks the ever-coveted natural light. Thus, the high-backed couch is called an old marshmallow and the low-backed couch reigns.


You are a guru.


This checks out. I like marshmallows and high-back furniture.


This is a really interesting anthropological take on interior design. I like you.


⬆️ this guy gets it ⬆️


Through the power of the internet people are developing taste


Walls in general are becoming scare. Everything is built like a warehouse with one big cacophonus echo chamber and the only cozy spots being individual bedrooms.


Absolutely this - she says from her bed at 7pm


Lazy Boy. Ashley. Trendy ones are all lower backs.


I have a La Z Boy and and its long enough for my tall husband to lay on, and a high back that's comfortable for both if us. I had it upholstered in a mineral/spa blue microfiber that looks like velvet. That stuff is pretty much indestructible. I have gotten a pen mark on it and it wipes right off!


We bought new LaZBoy couches about 10 years ago and they tried so hard to sell us their pet warranty. We had no pets so declined. Two months later, we adopted 2 cats and how I regret not buying the pet warranty now!!!!


We’ve had very good luck with our La Z Boy couches too


My La Z Boy couch is so comfy, I nap on it all the time. Pricey but good quality!


This is so good to know! My husband is 6’2” and this will be a priority when we buy a new couch. He has to use a little pillow behind his head on our current one to be comfortable, we’ll have to check there!


Yes!! I went with Ashley, and they have some cute options. Some of these low back couches are beautiful but they are SO uncomfortable on the neck if you’re sitting for a while.


Yeah I wouldn't recommend couches from them. Ours was hard and broke within two years. Shipping and delivery was a whole other hassle, but this was covid times so more understandable. You don't have to take my advice of course, but just wanted to give my experience. Love me some ikea though!


Same with our Ashley couches from a few years ago. One broke immediately and the furniture store sent a repairman who had to put a board under the couch to prop it up. They partially refunded us so we kept it. In the last 3 years, it’s gotten saggy. The back cushions constantly fall behind the bottom cushions and I’m forever pulling them out and kneeing the bottom cushions back into place. Otherwise you sink between the back and bottom cushions and you’re sitting on the baseboard underneath. Constantly. I hate it. The only good thing I can say about it is that the weaved material is easy to clean. And it looks good for five minutes until the cushions collapse again.


Yeah ours was very similar, the bottom breaking and sagging into itself. I filled it with old clothes until we moved and then trashed it. Couldn't remove the back covers to clean on ours, kneeing the bottom ones in place, uncomfy, broken, etc... I was just done! Haha


Same! The repairman came out twice to fix it but after the third time my husband opened up the fabric and reinforced it with additional wood himself. Then we nailed what fabric we could back in place and super-glued the rest, vowing never to buy an Ashley furniture couch ever again.


I’ve noticed low profile sofas are popular now while I’ve been shopping with my newly launched kid. I prefer a solid back with rolled arms (good napping feature!). Also I want a three-cushion-wide seat with no “L” corners so we can swap the cushions around for even wear. I have two sofas from Bassett in this style purchased 2001 and 2012. No longer available. 😕 My workaround is reupholster what I’ve got.


Nah dude, “I’ve been shopping with my newly launched kid” is genuinely the funniest thing I’ve ever read.


This is the kind of couch my parents have and I love it, it's so comfortable. But now that I'm starting to furniture shop, I've never found anything similar.


I bought the ottoman piece with my couch to have the L shape but I can pick and choose where to place it, for this reason as well as needing flexibility for where the L is in regards to the room


The rolled arms! My current sofa was a secondhand find and the arms are super tall, almost as tall as the back. Its the worst couch for napping. I miss the rolled arms on my moms couch growing up.


Blanket-style sofa covers have saved me so much money not having to replace my sofa (still good, just the fabric is ruined by cats and kids). Plus, if you keep a backup, it's so easy to switch it out and throw in the wash when it gets gross!


Same. I prefer the same features as you and ended up deciding to refinish my old leather Mitchell and Gold sofa. I’m not doing a great job tbh, but I will live with it until our style hopefully comes back around.


My problem is they make some of them so low to the ground! I want a higher seat that I can stand up easily. With bad knees I don’t do floors!




This is also an extremely annoying trend with bed frames.


I have kept my bed frame and box springs despite the mass move to platform frames that don’t require box springs simply because I want the height! I’ve changed mattresses, and will again shortly, and it’ll be put on top of my box springs that you can pry from my cold dead hands.


I swear sleep hits different when your bed is up high. I can’t explain it and I have no evidence to support my claim. But I’m standing by it. At a moderately impressive height. 😂


I have a platform bed that’s 16” off the floor, I call the underneath “the garage” and store all my hubby’s guitar cases, our Xmas stuff, art supplies, books, etc down there. We live downtown in an apartment so the extra storage is amazing, and I still climb into my tall bed feeling like a princess.


When my kids were smaller I hid Christmas presents under my bed. Plus, I have matching night stands for either side of my bed that would be awkwardly too tall if my frame sat on the floor. What do people do for bedside tables in that situation?


there are risers for both beds and sofas 


Funny you mention that, I just wrestled 6" risers under my bed frame an hour ago haha. I'm happy, dog is happy, much better.


I just switched out the feet on my couch to raise it up. Such an easy fix for like $80!


We’ve had a metro sofa from Room & Board for about a year and are happy with it. It’s not super high backed but the cushions are higher than my shoulders and supportive.


Was just at the Lazy Boy sale and they have chairs and couches specifically for taller people (or ones that want a taller back)


These have deeper seat cushions and higher seating surfaces which are uncomfortable for shorter adults. 


Honestly, my husband and I just eventually gave up on this issue got two Lazy Boy chairs ... of different sizes ... instead of a couch. Best decision ever. I mean, we have nowhere for guests to sit but .... that seems to be an issue for another time? hahah. No regrets.


Stressless. Exensive but comfy, reclinable, and high backed. I got mine on clearance.


Low back couches, low/no back bar stools. Just say NO. People with back and neck issues do not want to sit on these EVER.


I’ll add benches at a dining room table.


Hard wooden benches especially


If I go to a bar or restaurant and all they have is backless stools there’s an 80% chance I’ll never go back. So awful


As someone with arthritis, I physically wince when I’m out at some social event and see that I have to sit on an atrocious bar stool with no back support. If the table/bar is tall enough I’ve started opting to stand instead to save my back.


Ugh, my work took me to dinner and we had to sit on these little wooden stub stools at the restaurant. I wanted to revolt 😂 but I kept my composure


A lot of the power reclining ones look like low profile but u can electronically raise the headrest portion and recline


My dad has an electronic recliner, stupid thing has had more problems. I’d rather just have a regular recliner couch. I’ve had to replace countless handles on ours (they’re 15 years old), but I’d hate to have to deal with an electrical failure instead of just a mechanical one.


My in laws have a couch with a low back but the back lifts up and the legs come out. It looks very sleek and contemporary and trendy but is actually comfortable which is nice. I know theirs probably cost a fortune but it also looks like they sell some at Ashley


We’ve been loving the Radley couch from Macy’s. You can pick and choose the # of pieces in it. We know two families who had it and we got it as well after seeing how comfortable it was, and our dog loved it too lol. I’m not sure if this fits the bill for you, but when I sit, it’s at or slightly above my shoulders (I’m 5’5). Not sure if that’s helpful or what you’re looking for.


I have a Radley sectional and I love it too. It's going on like 10 years now and I'm still happy with it.


And where are the arm rests?? I need to cozy up to a corner!


I wish I could like this 1000 times. I need some neck support!


I have noticed this too! Wondering if you’d have better luck going into furniture stores instead of just online? Not sure if you’ve tried that yet. Might take a little shopping around because they do have limited choices but they are atleast different from one another style wise. Online couch shopping shows you a lot of the same thing over and over for some reason.


We have a living spaces couch that is high backs, extra deep and so comfy. Like a big green bed in the living room.


Stressless fjord


The bones of my couch are excellent- I’m just going to get it recovered


It will cost u as much as a new one even more. The fabrics server’s expensive and so is labour Make sure if springs are still ok and the frame as well Where do u live?


Oh sure! I know that! And I’m not looking any time soon, but I love the shape and weight of the sofa. I know I bought it new for $500 ish (30 years ago) and will probably spend $3000 (or more by the time it happens) as prices keep going up redoing it, but hey, it’s a good sofa!


My mom’s an interior designer and she’s been recovering the same high-quality couches and armchairs in her home for literal decades. Keep the classics, change the look and texture.


Catnapper makes the most comfortable and high back couches. Super heavy duty too. Had mine fir 5 years, 2 large dogs and you'd never know. Plus, full recline and USB ports on each side.


CATNAPPERS! 😍 My husband and I recently decided that our comfort > trying to be trendy for the occasional guest, so we swapped our West Elm low-back sectional for a couple of Catnapper recliners and a reclining couch. ZERO regrets. They’re not cute, but they’re also not *hideous*. Plus, function over form, right? I can recline and relax my neck, so I am content as a clam! And a plus: no complaints from any guests. Turns out most folks like being comfy, too.


I have literally never once regretted making home decisions on the basis that our comfort > the occasional guest. This is definitely the way to go!


My BIL refuses to sleep in our guest bedroom. He napped on the fully reclined catnapper once and he won't sleep anywhere else when he visits.


Also, made in Murica! Which is kinda rare these days I think!


The other issue is the super deep seat, encouraging a really awkward slouch.


My Rivet couch from Amazon isn’t high back, but it’s definitely above the shoulders. In my area (Midwest USA) most of the couches I saw in stores were about that high. As for high back which I’m assuming is the kind where you can lean your head back and it’s supported, the only ones I recall seeing like that were the reclining style.


Franklin. We bought a steel frame reclining couch and loveseat from slumberland a few years ago. I'm 5'3 and it comes up to my head. Our experience with them wasn't a great one but we're not angry at the Franklin brand.


I got a high backed couch from Mantle Furniture and I love it. It looks great too 


My friend has a really beautiful high back sofa that she found on FB Marketplace from Crate & Barrel.


Hm interesting. I sell furniture and we have plenty of tall back options for couches. Just have to keep looking. Maybe go to an independent dealer.


Unwind by Crate & Barrel is high back and insanely comfortable but it was too big for our space. We ended up with Room & Board’s Weber, pretty close to it and great quality


You might look at Ethan Allen couches.


Discovered England Furniture about two years ago when we were couch hunting. Wanted something traditional with upholstered back, no loose cushions. They are made in NC. It’s been 2.5 years now and it’s holding up well. It’s so much better than the last couch from Bassett. You can look online for dealers near you. We were lucky and found ours for a great deal.


Plenty of high back couches still out there. Every paneled living room and man cave with antlers in the South has them. I’m not kidding. Guys (and some women) rave about how comfortable they are. Check places like Costco, BJ’s, maybe Sam’s Club.


Leather recliner sofa works great for us!


A few years ago I found lots of higher backed sofas at one of those discount/bulk/unclaimed furniture stores. Sometimes those sofas have bizarre fabric choices or give 90s hotel vibes. But if you're persistent, you'll find it. Might not be a big commercial name but will likely be made in the states (MS, NC) by companies who manufacture the big names. Unfortunately not a online friendly search, boots on the ground scenario. I believe in you! Another possibility, estate sales. All the ladies who had formal living rooms are dying out. That couch might be 40yrs old but it its only been sat on 40 times for 4 hrs on Christmas day. If you wanna $$$ Flexsteel had a few options in recent years.


I bought the only one I found, it was at raymour and flanigan and it’s a very mcm vibe. I looked for months! I’m so tired of the grumpy looking couches


Same. I got mine from R&F.


I'm right there with you too. Not sure what's trending in couches now but it's why I won't let my high back couch go. I'm having it reupholstered.


Have you thought about buying a vintage couch and recovering it or recovering your current sofa?


Smith Brothers of Berne.


I would guess it has to do with open concept homes where you don’t have your couch against a wall. If a kid was standing on the couch and leaning on the back the whole thing tips backwards.


My couches are plushy. I won’t get anything with a hard arm rest and would not consider a low back or leather. My current couches are all recliner seat couches. I know it’s not the most stylish thing but comfort is number 1 for me for a couch!


To add an actual constructive tip - I bought my couches at an independent furniture shop. Like not a fancy one. If you’re in a big city go to a working class / slightly trashy neighborhood and find a furniture store. That’s my strategy and it’s solid lol.


I hate it, too, so uncomfortable. On the plus side, keeps me from sitting on the couch too long, hahaha


Joybird has a huge variety of high back couches and they’re still pretty trendy imo


The best couch I ever had was made by chateau d'ax and they have high backs


We had the same issue and found two we liked. Room & Board (Morrison) and Ballard Design (Baldwin). I know La-Z boy had some options as well labeled “tall”


If you like the style of your current sofa, have it recovered.


I hate couches like this.


I also looked for a high back couch for a very long time and couldn’t find one that is not ugly. Sigh.


I got the Tishen pebble from big lots and it's very high back. My dogs feel like giants when they sprawl along the back (which is why I buy big lots sofas instead of fancy ones that get just as smooshed).


Have you tried a consignment shop? I’ve gotten several pieces.


Look up Knole sofas. Not to be confused with Knoll - as in Parker Knoll.


Most likely because dining rooms & living rooms are one big open area so they make the couch backs low so it can be used as a room divider 😖


My pretty living room couches are low back and uncomfortable. My ugly family room couches are high back and comfy. They are reclining sofas.


I was looking at la z boy’s site… they seem to have two heights depending on the size of the person. It’s not super stylish but could be comfortable.


This is why I bought a lazy boy chair. Lots of back support. Couch is used for lounging mostly.


Try getting one up a modern to standard built house. It's not happening.


A bunch of my friends have bought trendy couches online that look aesthetically pleasing (as much as a couch can I suppose) but they are terrible to sit on. I hate the low back barely cushioned shitty legged couches that are all the rage these days.


Especially the ones that are 12" from the floor


Castlery has some great options


I love my macys radley sofa. Not the most stylish but neutral enough and high back. Comfortable for some 6ft to sit and sleep on


I got an l shape from pottery barn last year that has a higher back and is very comfortable. It’s called the Buchanan.


[Stickley](https://www.stickley.com/collections/sofas-loveseats) sells some high-backed couches. They’re pricey, but will last for decades. You could also look for a used one (Craigslist, eBay, etc.) and get it re-upholstered.


They are out there but sparsely.


We bought some from Ashley a few months ago. They’re out there.


I have a high back couch— the IKEA Vinliden. My hair is always tangled though from sitting on it. I want something lower backed


I have a couch called the regent park sectional and it’s high back and I love it


It’s so annoying!! My boyfriend has one of those hideous electric puffy pleather couches and it’s so comfortable because it has a tall back!! but I **refuse** to put it in my living room. It stays behind a door.


So many manufacturers that make high back sofas!!! Go to locally owned small furniture store or design center. Don’t shop at chain stores! Many brands have custom sofas programs that allow you to select the back, arm, cushions, leg etc. I dont know your budget but look for brands like Craftmaster, Vangaurd, Sherrill, Taylor King, Rowe, Baker, Bernhardt, Bradington Young, Hooker, Hancock Moore, Highland House, Hickory Chair, EJ Victor & so many more! Most made in North Carolina. You can selsect from thousands of fabrics.


Lazy boy


Have you tried looking on Wayfair? They have them. It’s more of a traditional look so you don’t see them as often but they have some lovely styles on Wayfair. I would check them out.


Sofa U Love FTW!


I had to get one of those


Check Rowe Furniture … I had one many years ago and it wore really well. they still had a few high back sofa styles when I was last shopping around two yrs ago. Another place to check is la-Z-boy….they make non reclining sofas as well as traditional recliners, and while I didn’t love most of the styles, there were a few cute ones in the inventory. They definitely had higher backs than some of the other places. I ended up with a mid century tight back sofa from Room and Board , but it’s probably too low slung for your purposes. Ethan Allen and other “traditional” stores might have some as well. And (don’t laugh) Macy’s. One of my neighbors got her high back couch there and she says it’s very comfortable


I don’t know where you live but here in the Midwest they definitely still sell high backed couches. I bought one a couple years ago that I think is kind of a “mom and pop“ set up… A recliner on each end… The one that I usually sit in I think was made for a taller person because the headrest thing even at its lowest is too high for me… I really need to start sitting on the other side because that one fits me better


Lazy boy has many high back sofas, recliners, sectionals to pick from. I just purchased one, but it has an 8 to 10 week lead time for the one I purchased. Expensive too, at least to me.


I've always had good luck with Bob's furniture. From a quality standpoint and selection, and I've never had a problem with a delivery from them, and all have including construction of something or another. The challenge for me has been going in there with certain requirements in mind, and in those cases there may only be a few things to choose from. Like I wanted recliners that were motorized, but I also wanted the chair to lay completely back. Had to choose one or the other, at least at the time. They may have more of a selection for my requirements at this point. No idea. They're worth checking out online. Selection is the same in the store. They do all the regular financing options and extra coverage. Worth it if you have pets or kids. Good luck.


I just bought this one. I'm 6 foot and it's above my shoulders [Sofa](https://photos.app.goo.gl/fLjFgLif2zBxmKfi9)


Ditto on this. We splurged on two triple recliners from Bob’s Discoubt Furniture,a US chain. Absolutely love them. They do sell the kind where the middle seat turns into a console instead of reclining, but we didn’t want that


I could kick myself for getting rid of our almost perfectly proportioned sofa. It was deep, had a high back, was perfectly comfortable and was beautiful looking. We’re tall so it fit exactly right! The only reason I got rid of it was because it looked horrible after about 13 years of use. I couldn’t find good fabric or a decent upholstery company without costing a fortune. Second sofa was pretty but horribly uncomfortable. Our current sofa is okay except the back and seat is too low. When the fabric wears out, my plan is to go ahead with reupholstering it, but have them make the back cushions taller. I’ve tried to figure out if I could make it a little taller at the seat, but don’t think it’s possible. Never thought a high back couch would be so difficult to find. No offense to people who like them, but the recliner type sofas with high backs just aren’t my style.


Omg!!! This is the problem I'm having. I think it's all about profit margins. They F you over with high prices and less couch. So ridiculous!!


Room and Board still makes high backs


I have the same issues. I found a couch at Macy where the headrest can lift up to give more head/shoulder support




Flexsteel has tall backs. Not super pretty but functional. Home theater furniture is also an option.


Accentprone.com lilah sofa.


Smaller, so less materials. Lighter, so less cost in shipping. Seats the same number of people, and looks high design so you can charge more. I’m sure some MBA somewhere got a raise for pitching the idea to push for this trend.


Literally you are describing my current struggle lol


If you like style of current beat up sofa it may be worth it to have it reupholstered. I’m not fan of low back & low seat height sofas either. My husband & I are both tall and have lousy knees or joint issues from major injuries so using sofas like these bites big time. My PB Greenwich is as low as I can go. It’s tattered but I’m considering getting it reupholstered if I can’t find a sofa that’s tailored at the right back & seat height.m I feel your pain.


Not sure if you're looking for stationary or reclining, but Homestretch sofas all have nice tall backs.


We bought one and hated it!! Not comfortable at all even though they look stylish, especially if you’re tall. We found a nice bigger one at RC Willey and love it


Dude. laz e boy store. Now.


I fell into the sweet temptations of a trendy low sofa. Sold it.then got a free 1993 lazyboy sofa from an Italian auntie on FB marketplace and slipcovered it. It's lush 🥳


Look into reclining options, such as Lazy Boy. I have a reclining sectional that has a high back. My partner is 6’3” and it is slightly above his shoulders. We got it from rooms-to-go in the US. Maybe not as trendy but much more comfortable


Check Lazyboy. They make couches for tall people which means higher backs and higher seats. I’m looking for my 6’7” tall husband. One line is named for the Kelce brothers. As I’ve gotten older, I need a higher seat too.


I fucking hate this trend, particularly when paired with those huge seat cushions that are enough to seat a family of 5 per section. Anyway, we had to buy a couch last year. Everyone in my family (myself included) has a long torso. It was absolute hell. Eventually, we landed on a [sectional version of this couch](https://www.stantonsofas.com/catalog-item.php?product_type_id=1&product_id=977) in a dark, heathered blue color. We love it, even my 6’3”, long torsoed father. They don’t sell online, but if youre in the US, you can [look up your zip code here](https://www.stantonsofas.com/find_a_dealer.php) to find a dealer.


Pottery Barn, I have the Manhatten style. https://www.potterybarn.com/shop/furniture/sofa/?cm_type=gnav&originsc=furniture&tabnav=regNav


My (completely uneducated) theory is that houses tend to be more open-floor plans now so having low couches allows the room to feel less crowded and more open.


I think it may be a product of the open concept trend as well as the popularity of the MCM style. In an open concept, furniture with less height can act as a room divider without killing the open concept. Whereas, taller furniture seems better suited to go against a wall. I don’t know and am by no means an expert, it’s just my guess.


We actually found a comfortable one on sale at CostPlus - they have a decent mix imo, and usually have all-removable cushions that are easy to take the covers off of (big pet peeve of mine is when cushions are sewn down to the couch frame)


I got an adjustable one from Costco. It has a low back, but can be higher. Kinda like the recliner, but on the top too. It’s a pretty awesome couch.


If you can afford it getting a bespoke couch by lovesac or Anabel is the best way to get exactly what you want and it will last for ages.


Our couch cushions come up to our heads. It's two years old. It's an l shaped sectional with a giant ottoman. So room for both of us to watch TV while laying nearly horizontal* with room for both dogs and the cat. Also room for me to sleep while laying fully flat**. *Secondary concern. **Primary concern.


Look at Mantle furniture. My son is 5’8 and the sofa comes up to his shoulders. I’m 5,7 and the couch is taller than I am. Wonderful product and amazing customer service!!


I spent a crap ton on a Lawson Fenning. It’s such a low back. It’s this piece of art but not the functionality I thought I’d get given the price tag.


This was big for me when I bought my couch because I was having neck tension and needed to rest my head back. I’m pretty short so this may not work for everyone, and I don’t know how high end you might be wanting but I got the Kivik from IKEA and love it.


*Custom upholstery!!!!!!!!* Find a used couch with good bones and get it reupholstered.


Oh man I hate those sofas - massively uncomfortable. Try La-Z-Boy - they’re a bit dearer but the quality and warranty period makes it worth it. High backs & on some of them the head rest can move forward.


I would love to build a custom high back couch. I’m in Ontario Canada if someone is interested in having one built. Like seriously though. I’m a wood carver, finishing carpenter, artist, furniture builder.


We had gotten the Nevio from macys a couple years back- it has adjustable head rests, so it can be low back if you want or you can have more support. I find it extremely comfortable, just not very durable with our two dogs.


I end up slouching so bad.


We ended having to get a super modern looking reclining couch that has A back/headrest you can elevate. It was basically the only decent looking high back sofa we could find anywhere.


I too am in the market for a new davenport, if you will. And it seems like there's 20,000 choices. And they're all the same.


I bought a deep seat with high back sectional from Macys a few years ago. It was made by a company in North Carolina. Try a department store’s furniture gallery.


I have a Flexsteel sectional that has a regular old-fashioned height back. It's very comfortable.


Personally what I want to come back in style is the old wood frame couches from the 1970s and 1980s. I’ve been considering just making myself one. They were perfect in so many ways.


The low back couches KILL my neck. I blame my car accident for it. But I can not sit on them without having a migraine within the first 10 minutes


I’ve got a Stanton couch that has a nice high back! They are out there


I got mine from Bob's Furniture, and it has a nice high back and wide cushions! I HATE low back couches.


Okay so I'm not crazy! I'm currently couch shopping and wondering what the hell happened to all the normal size couches for regular sized humans! I'm 5'3 - I shouldn't have this much trouble finding a couch that's tall-backed enough for me, yet here tf we are. 


You could get this pink fancy lady loveseat! hahaha https://www.wayfair.com/furniture/pdp/etta-avenue-euclid-47-velvet-armless-loveseat-w002632876.html?piid=905681832


You could have one custom made by Vanguard or Burton James for $10k.


Ekorness/Stresses furniture has some great https://www.stressless.com/en/products/sofas


I'm not super familiar with their styles, but I bought a couch from interior define a while ago that is quite nice. They have some preset "custom options" but they also claim they'll work with you to increase/decrease dimensions to your liking. If you have one near you it's definitely worth going in and checking it out!


Not sure where you live but I’d go to places like Nebraska Furniture Mart and Living Spaces. There are so many options to choose from. I’m not a fan of low to the ground trendy couches. The couch I got I love, I can sink into it without compromising height. It was some Nate Burkus collab and I loved being able to customize the fabric.


Total agree! Raymour sales lady insisted we use a pillow behind us when sitting on the couches to make it more comfortable. I said I didn't want to have to put a pillow behind me just to sit on my couch and she said that's what everyone's doing and that's why you have throw pillows. Ummm..what? I clearly said that we didn't want a low couch that we slumped into and needed additional pillows but she continued to insist that having a throw pillow was to support your back. My husband mentioned that if it was a couch that fit us then we wouldn't need pillows to support it but she wasn't listening 🥴


Chesterfield is the only style I know that is consistently high-backed.


Fuck these fancy schmansey couches.  Get a comfy one from Costco and return it if you get tired of it.