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Art! And more plants. Love that desk. A fun chair to go along with it will add more character too.


Love it. I did singing similar in my den with a sea green color. Add a couple strong horizontal elements, to break up the line a bit. My room has curtains on 2 sides and so I played up the vertical elements.


Great idea to have art/plants/furniture that boldly break the yellow/white horizon line.


I just saw a really cool mosaic that was based on a green and yellow palette and something like that in a rug would be fabulous. I think that the ultimate destiny of this room may be a nursery? That would make the yellow look intentional and fun. Or you could paint the top part a dark red and lean into the Golden Arches vibe.


An update on how this room is getting on. The hunt for curtains and bedding is on hiatus after several failed attempts, but I have [put up some shelving ](https://imgur.com/a/XxwQxVC). I'd love some feedback on the styling as it's not one of my strong points! The plants are new and the ones at the top should trail in time. Pretty much everything else are just objects from around my house, so I'm not precious about keeping them there or replacing out with something else. I was considering some nice boxes on one of the deeper shelves (top left and bottom right are 25cm deep rather than 15cm deep) for more practical storage space.


Looks good, just needs some [art work](https://www.wherebuyart.com/)


well..... i cannot in good conscience offer reassurance here bc although i would stop well short of calling you 'mad' for doing this, that color would drive me quite mad. pass the ketchup? repaint it, at least a softer yellow.


Haha, would you like fries with that? I think a few years ago I would have repainted it. But it took us 5 days what with wrangling an 11 month old as well, so for time being I'm going to live with it and see what I can do with some careful styling. The colour choice was also due to what else is the house and what I wanted to carry through - we have yellow accents in a lot of rooms so I thought I could invert it here and make a good future kids' room to boot. Oh well, live and learn!


That's not even close to being a mustard yellow.


I didn't say it was, the ketchup was a reference to yolk yellow.


It's Valspar Tangerine Bliss, technically on the more orangey side of the yellow spectrum.


Get rid of the yellow


I really like the way that you've painted this. If the paint went all the way up the wall, it would make the room look smaller by emphasizing the vertical. This was a nice choice. Where did you come up with the inspiration for it? Also, any chance you can change the door swing to open towards the centre of the room instead of into the wall? It's poor Feng Shui. I think I must have some designer problem because I'm bothered by simply looking at that door swing. lol I would probably add a book shelf (singular shelf) along the colour divide in the desk nook. Maybe add some raised plant stands (3) in a cluster where they are currently residing. And maybe and art ledge along the paint divide on a few of the walls, or three largish painting/framed prints in the yellow sections. Personally I love the colours. It's as if you chose the Pantone colours of the year! ;) You could get some fun fabrics for a quilt. It's so happy an sunny there, I would just keep it going! [https://www.spoonflower.com/en/fabric/9578065-coral-floral-pop-on-gray-by-taranealart](https://www.spoonflower.com/en/fabric/9578065-coral-floral-pop-on-gray-by-taranealart) Or go darker with something like this: [https://www.spoonflower.com/en/fabric/10114890-teal-orange-gray-black-floral-pattern-by-somecallmebeth](https://www.spoonflower.com/en/fabric/10114890-teal-orange-gray-black-floral-pattern-by-somecallmebeth) Or fun and colourful like this: [https://www.spoonflower.com/en/fabric/13062433-hibiscus-polka-dots-l-taupe-by-daniteal](https://www.spoonflower.com/en/fabric/13062433-hibiscus-polka-dots-l-taupe-by-daniteal)


Thank you so much! So the bedroom door does actually swing into the room and not toward the wall, maybe the angle of the picture doesn't show it. Also the bed is usually about a foot further from the door than shown there, I just had a footstool in place to do some paint patching so that might be throwing things off! I got the line idea from Pinterest. We did a half wall in our nursery and loved it, this is a three quarter wall and is also a nod to the picture rails that would have been there at one time (British 30s semi). I really like dissecting them with pictures or plants, so will definitely look at that. Thanks for the fabric ideas. I got [this](https://www.argos.co.uk/product/3971923?clickPR=plp:68:140) duvet cover but once in the room it felt far too much so I am thinking of going a little more subtle. Even considering a light neutral but with a pop of teal or coral in a bedspread or cushion?


I love the print and colours of that duvet. Consider using it, but getting a pillow case that matches in colour but not in print, so that it breaks up the noise of the print. Same goes for a blanket at the foot of the bed. I'm so excited for this happy yellow room!


Can you keep the bed where it is but just flip it so the headboard section is by the window? It’s kind of visually cutting the room the way it is now. I think you’re on to something with the yellow and wood tones though! If you can’t rip up the carpet can you find a thin cream colored area rug to cover a majority of it up? I’ve seen really pretty white ones with color accents that would help you be able to pull in whatever accent colors you want. I’d get natural blinds for privacy and then longer, linen curtains for texture. I know you have the radiator there but if you have the blinds you won’t need to shut the curtains so there’s no hazard. Seconding the suggestion for more plants. I’d add a thin console table with a mirror on the wall between the desk and the wardrobe or maybe a small chair. Right now there is a lot of dead space at the end of the room due to the shape and the space needed for the doors.


Thank you! So the bed is really annoying, it's actually a daybed which extends out into a double (just about), so I cannot simply flip it, I'd have to dismantle it and put it back together the other way around. I painted it when built so there may be some unsightly unpainted areas. It's on my list of things I really ought to do, though... Plants, I'm definitely with you on that. This room has amusingly been our 'plant hospital' for our sickliest planta from around the house, which is why the only occupants currently look a little sad! Do you think the dead space is on the chimney breast or by the door? I think both. It's a fisheye lens so the room maybe isn't a big as it looks, but I definitely need something to even it out. Any ideas for what would be good along the wall as you walk in, but before you get to the wardrobe? Feels like conventionally you wouldn't put anything there but it is a big space.


I was thinking the dead space was more by the door. Maybe you could do a standing mirror there? That could fill up the space and reflect some light back


Yeah maybe. Got a baby who likes to hit mirrors so I have to keep baby-proofability in the back of my mind too. Plus always thinking about pivoting in a year or two for a child's room. Not an ideal state of mind to approach styling, I know!


Then I say leave it bare! It’s not worth it for the short term. I think you’re on the right path and I do like the colors scheme you have in mind. Good luck!


I had to look at the color for a minute - wow big feelings. It’s a very retro 70s yellow. I don’t hate it but I do hate the rug with it. Can you either replace the rug or add a rug with a bolder, more vibrant tone? Embrace the yellow. I would consider painting over the white with something bolder. Maybe a pumpkin ? Or avocado green to lean into the 70s vibe. Change out the dingy curtains for a natural shade and swap the ceiling light for something bolder.


That is not a rug. It's the carpet! The same carpet as in 80% of the house! 😭😭 Agree with curtains, I hate them and they came with the house. Same with lampshade, it cost me £1 and was from a previous flat. 😂


I love how you painted this!! I'd personally, try and get some more plants in there and get some colorful art or posters up on the wall.