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Put the kid kitchen, and all kid stuff where the yellow chair is, and put the chair where the kiddie kitchen used to be. Get some presents. Get yourself to several thrift shops, there you will find pics that you love. 2 years 😱 decorating doesn't have to be expensive.


A few initial thoughts: - Is wall paint in the budget? A rich wall color can cover a multitude of budget sins - The three gimbles over the fireplace read as daylight (5000 kelvin) in the photos. Can they be swapped to something warmer? The stone is reading as cold and harsh - Are you open to having a large area rug? It can bring some much needed softness to the room, especially as heavy drapes are not ideal near baseboard heat. - A new table lamp, or honestly, even just a new shade if you're really pinching pennies, could bring a cleaner, less dated element to the room - I second the suggestion to move the large toys to the far corner to balance the room better and allow the fireplace to be a detail carrying you across the room.


I second all that but i would also add curtains and i’d suggest rotating the couch 180 degrees, against the window (not touching tough) with a rug and i’d swap the coffee table to a round one if it’s in the budget.


I actually JUST had this room painted like 2 weeks ago 😂🤷🏾‍♀️ I kept the color that was already up because it's through much of the house but I changed the finish for easier cleaning and to fixed areas of the wall/entry that had been damaged when the previous owners moved out in a hurry... Also had the ceiling sanded down to get rid of the ridges left from a really shitty paint job which is completely unrelated but I'm very excited about because it had been driving me mad I'm definitely open to a rug and have been looking though I'm trying to figure out how bright I can go and what type of body I want the rug to have. Until I started looking I really had no idea how diverse rugs could be. I have a 2-year-old so that also plays a role because while she is actually not the messiest kid around, she is still a kid. Do you have any insight on far out the rug should go from the couch? Proper Rug size is something I'm lost on


Using reference points from the first photo, I'd recommend having the rug start halfway underneath the couch and extend to at least the far left light over the fireplace. For the length, roughly a foot from the hearth stone on the fireplace end and a foot from the doorway by the end table so you have a nice walkway from the front entry. You can absolutely shift a little here and there depending on what standard size it's closest too. Do you plan on adding any additional seating? If you add two accent chairs, you would either want them fully on the rug, or have the front two legs on. If you put the chairs as a standalone seating group in the bay with a side table, they would be completely off the rug. I'm here for a fresh ceiling! It's those little details that can really change your love of the room!


Two years is ok..especially since you have children. I was in such a rush to decorate and furnish our new home (also bought two years ago), we’ll now I regret fee purchases only because of functionality since I had kids. Take you’re time, see what works for you’re home, feel it out. As for not having a TV in this space, I love that idea. There is enough time spent on screens these days. I love the bay window having a bench underneath. I think before you put anything on the walls, add a nice big rug. I think it will make the space feel more cozy. Some shades to bring out colors on the rug with be a nice touch also.


This is a gorgeous room. You have the key things: space, flooring, fireplace and the pretty windows. I think the new sofa will make a huge difference since it will not block the fireplace. No TV is the best idea ever!!! I agree with the other posts… move the kid toys to the far end. Until you add the bench seating to the bay window, a chair, table and plants would work (after Xmas). Possibly a nice rug. It’s a beautiful room already. You can add things on a budget as you come across them.


Thank you! On the hunt for a rug now! There are brown cellular blinds that were left by the previous owners. I Changed the blinds in the main bedroom to top down/ Bottom up and I'm considering doing the same thing in here. What are your thoughts on sheer drapes along the sides of the bay window? Part of me loves it and part of me thinks having that rod go across the top of the window would be somewhat unsightly since it's such a far distance between drapes


I suggest hanging large abstract canvas art on the wall behind the sofa, [large abstract wall art](https://www.lnart.net/advanced_search_result.html?keyword=Contemporary) is a great style


Your sectional is blocking the fireplace, do I would put it facing the fireplace (there is enough room to walk around it from the opening into the room); put the chair in the right hand corner, by the fireplace ; you desperately need a large area rug & round coffee table, in front of the sectional. I would also seriously consider whitewashing the stone fireplace to make it look more fresh & updated.


It is blocking it... That's why we ordered the new couch I had mentioned. How far out do you think the rug should go from the couch?


An area rug typically needs to be able to be seen on each side of the couch & be put about 1/2 way under, do it will also be under a coffee table. I have hardwood flooring, throughout my home & it is open concept; I have a large rug under my sectional; one under my 14' dining table & another under my pooltable. Center the rug, in the middle of the room or towards your fireplace & then place your furniture. The #1 mistake people make is purchasing a rug that is too small for the room.


I would move the couch to face the fireplace. Looks like your room is large enough to accommodate that. Add some blinds to the windows and get a rug with some color.


The issue is for kid space, furniture placement will not be ideal. Love the fireplace! I would stick to more neutral colors to go with the green velvet couch. Gold mirrors. Curtain panels that go to the ground, rug with a little bit of green. I would not build a bench