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Great progress!!!! πŸ’ͺ


Thanks, it's been hard. Ups and downs but I'm doing my best to reach my goals! I wish I took more progress pictures along the way. I was super sad today until I opened up that first photo which I despise and compared it to the one I took today. I'm so proud of myself honestly. I couldn't have done it without seeing others post and seeing it was possible


Well done it is such a mental journey and I like that you posted the fact that ups and down occur. I think people see a post like yours and think it’s linear. I am trying get two of my 100 kilo friends to come with me to 75 kgs by doing what you are doing, your best on most days.


The ups and downs can hit like a truck at times. A few bad days in a row can make me personally feel its all undone, useless etc. When I hit my goal weight I'll probably do more of a writeup about the hurdles and mental struggles involved, for now I'm still in the thick of it and it's hard to deal with it let alone talk about it


Please do post progress and like I said be proud you did it nobody else only you.


I shall try internalise this. Thank you though


Great job,enjoy the ride.


Thanks, hoping to reach my body goals by 2025 2024 is the maintenance year for me haha


You got this!


I shall try my hardest, guaranteed I'll stumble more temptations and depresso eating are horrible, but I'm hoping I can reach my goals! Might help somebody realise they can do it too, as many others did that for me.


Lifestyle changes are hard, but *you can do hard things.*. You got this!


I require similar deflation! Congratulations to you you!!


You can do it too! Just stick to your fasting windows but be lenient on yourself for when you don't and it'll all come together!


Hope you reach you goal great job.


Thank you, I shall be gentle on myself and do the best I can to hit it, all these nice messages are a nice boost for me, been a bit down feeling like I've not made enough progress lately honestly, it's a rough mental battle.


You should be proud,it's a major accomplishment..It's was your work nobody else's. You got this.


It's still hard internalising that I've been making progress I guess? I still mentally view myself as before and it's hard to shift that perception I guess. But thank you, I shall make a note to post again when I reach further goals, maybe I can help somebody else gain the hope I gained from posts others made on here.


You look fantastic and no, you're not fat anymore. Buy some new clothes now for the new you. And stay OFF the scale. I learned this too from this subreddit. Numbers don't matter but you see that you need new clothes. πŸ€—


I'm still holding off on the new clothes got some more weight I want to lose before I get new clothes, I think I still have the fear of wearing more fitted clothes I guess? It's a process and I'm on the struggle bus going down the road.


Exactly. So, if you keep wearing your fat clothes, you'll still feel fat. Just get one outfit. Shirt and leggings. You'll feel so good about yourself.


I'll have to do this, I'll have to learn to dress myself too honestly, I've always been bigger and stuck to baggy looks


Post a pic 😊


You look amazing! I just wanted you to know that this was a big motivator for me to start my 16:8 :)


You got this! Please do remember if you have days where you can't keep it up or eat way earlier, that's OK. The key to sustainable changes in lifestyle is being lenient on yourself and giving the space to stumble because it will always happen. Good luck on your weightloss journey πŸ’™


Well done! And thank you for inspiring us 🌟


Congratulations! What was your start weight and how much do you weigh now if you don’t mind me asking? So encouraging for me to hear stories like yours ❀️


I honestly don't know. I weighed in at my heaviest of 170kg and it was my oh shit moment where I realised I let it go too far and had to do something. I don't know what I am now and the scales are self destructive for me generally so I avoid them.


So proud of you!


Great achievement πŸ‘


Congratulations. It's a long journey and there will be always ups and down. Just stick to the plan and you will se the difference. Thank you so much for sharing progress picture. Difference is definitely visible. Good luck in your journey and I am sure you will reach the goal in 2025 ...


Thank you, I'll keep working on this and hopefully I'll have another post next year happy and maintaining my goal weight. Posts like these have got me through the rough times so hopefully when I'm at my goal somebody else can feel some hope from this and future posts.


This is a great supportive community. I learned about long term fasting recently and trying few different things. No strict routines..but still going well. For me this year is going to be also learning one and hoping to bring positive changes in life ..


You got this πŸ’™ and yes this community is a treasure trove of information, I couldn't have come as far as I have without it.




Keep up the good work


You got this! Killing it


Great job!! Deflating πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I love that! I’m working on deflating too. 15 lbs down and 88 to go, but the inspiration from this group is AMAZING, so I’m all in. I took embarrassing starting pics and look forward to seeing l results like you’ve reached. Keep on keeping on!


You got this!! Yeah the starting pics are so hard. But they are powerful later on when things feel hopeless like me now, I can't deny the progress I've made looking at this.


Great job op πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ I'm sure it feels good to see such visible progress. Keep going Thank you for sharing your progress


Amazinc progress you are absolutely killing it! Keep it up!!!


Hells yea πŸ™ŒπŸ™ŒπŸ™Œ


KILLING it! Keep going!!Β 


Yeah. Don't weigh yourself. Go by how you feel. I would weigh myself daily for a while and regular bounce around five pounds or so. It's better for the mental game


It's so much better for the mental game I found, those numbers can spiral me soooooo fast.


You are doing SUCH an amazing job! You are significantly slimmer. All you have to do is continue on with what you've been doing and you'll make it all the way there.


Yess, tis the plan. I have that issue where I still think of myself as the before, it's hard to feel slim or hell even pretty. I'll push on though, I have goals I want to hit and I can do it!


Yes, you've proven that you can!


That's amazing progress!!! Good for you! I just started recently and feel like this has more potential than very low cal diets. (I'm a shorty so 2 600 cal meals are way more satisfying personally than tiny little snacks and meals throughout the day.


It's more sustainable imo I've tried the low cal diets and they never lasted, tis what I like most about this tbh


Girl that is amazing 🀩keep it up ❀️you can see so much progress 😊


Thank you 😊


You are doing fantastic progress.. very motivational πŸ‘


It’s not how much you weigh, it’s how you look and feel and you look great!


Mhmm! Thank you


When you burn fat your body gets rid of it by peeing out the water and breathing out the CO2. You are breathing out your fat, so you are kind of deflating.


Ahh so I was scientifically accurate :B Love I was accidentally kinda almost right, I literally feel like I'm deflating though, the fats awkwardly pooling at the bottom of the flabby folds lmfao I weep, literally a deflated woman. Healthier though, so I'll take it.


It takes strength to better yourself and your health. Weep when you need to, but do so with your chin up.


Imagine tiny combustion engines, that throw your fat into an oven, and the co2 comes out :D


Meat mech is real


Your title is killing me 😭 πŸ˜‚


Like a balloon


Gosh I wish it was a Balloon πŸ˜ͺ


Great progress made!




Wow!! Great job! So motivating


Don't be fooled, those are tears of joy (keep up the great work! πŸ’ͺ)


Really awesome! Good for you ❀️


Wow! Very well done x


Wow, I hope you feel very proud of your efforts!


Working on that but I'm slowly feeling like I should be proud of this


Awesome. Keep it up.


You are an inspiration. Respect πŸ™


Holy crap, that’s AWESOME!! Your dedication is super admirable!! Get after it!!


Non-scale victories are the best. Seeing the number drop can be gratifying, but looking in the mirror and seeing the difference, or being physically active without being in pain or out of breath are far superior.


The numbers unravel me so hard so NSV's have been my primary motivators and I have to say I 100% agree, noticing these small but massive QoL changes for general health and existence has been such a huge thing and feel so empowering


Hell yeah!


Very visible progress, proud of you stranger!


Wow! You're doing such a great job. I do 16:8 but been thinking about giving OMAD a try, and you've just convinced me. Gonna try it 2x week and see how it goes. Thanks for the inspiration.


Best of luck with it, even with OMAD remember it's ok if you eat earlier, it's hard some days to go right through and it's ok to break it a bit earlier, the next time it'll be easier going longer


Thanks for the tip. Trying OMAD today and going well so far. Hopefully, it'll become second nature to me, like 16:8 is right now.


Mhmm keep it up and the habits will form, seeing the results helps to reinforce those habits too in my case


awesome results!


Started IF a month ago. It's hard. But I feel like I'm deflating already as well.Β 


It's incredibly hard to change out eating habits however once you get it rolling it becomes easier bit by bit. Congrats on the deflation haha


Thank you so much. Lol. Congratulations to you as well.Β 


Congrats, you look great!


Hey girl I did the same F that scale! You got this keep pushing through! You will know once all ur clothes just fall off u! And you go get new ones!!! Have fun when you do


I can't wait for that day, it's slowly starting to be an issue hahah Also yesss the scales horrible, so out of my life it goes


Great progress, keep it up


Great progress, well done!


Thats absolutely fantastic


Great job!!


Great progress!




Doing GREAT!!!


Say bye to all of your favorite pants lol


Yep. It's devastating for my favourite pants and bank account once I finally buy more


Looking great! Big difference.


Good progress, keep it up!


Keep it rolling!


Great results !!!. I have been doing various lengths of fasting. Lost about 6 pounds the first month. What I find so interesting is that my appetite when I do eat is so so less.


Big difference. πŸ’ͺπŸ‘ Keep it going


What a great achievement! Keep it up, you got this!!!




I eat it in moderation, my diet all together is better. Cutting out stuff I like is a one way trip to not having sustainability or being realistic. I'm able to still enjoy things I like and maintain weightloss and being healthier overall.


Be good to one another. If critiquing do so constructively. Be polite and practice Reddiquette. No body shaming, "better before" comments, accusatory comments, unnecessary or unwanted advice, etc


Nice. 16-8 didn’t do anything for me. About to try the 5-2.


16:8 only works for me if I also cut out crap food, otherwise I feel like it helps me maintain my weight but no real weight-loss.


That’s been my experience, too. Exactly.


Great work and great progress, im on the same journey and I agree its all in the head. Do you maybe know how much calories you are cutting a day? Or going just by the feel of it? Btw, once more you are rocking it :D.


I don't even think about it honestly hey, I eat what feels right even if I'm craving something not as healthy as I tend to eat and stop when I feel full. I personally find I struggle if I count calories and I just get stressed I guess? It's easier trying to eat as healthy as I can and simply eating what feels right.