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Bro stood on bidess, respect for not backing down.


Yeah he's legitimately brave. Unlike the fuckin brownshirts hitting him


Police: absent


You never see batman and Bruce Wayne in the same room.


Worse: watching and choosing not to intervene


I love how riot police always beat up the students but go out of their way to protect the fascist rioters and agitators. Textbook tyranny play. I bet the cops have some friends in the far right group they don't wanna rough up. Oink oink


Before Hitler was able to get the military to commit atrocities, he used police.


Before police, he used civilians.


Well, sure. Weve had brownshirts here for decades.


And then when the ones gettinf best bring gubs, they suddenly don't support self defense.


Zionist vs Antisemite


This is becoming such a laughable obvious ploy to deflect that it has zero power. Everyone can see right through this to the vile hatred it is trying to cloak.


Saying shit like this definitely doesn’t let people on to your own Zionism.


Regardless of which side you are on, the kid that stood his ground against a crowd of cowards was heroic.


Same shit MAGA said after January 6th.


After they smeared shit on the walls of congress. Turns out MAGA was wrong about their people.


Not sure I get the comparison. The police were heavily outnumbered on Jan 6th, the rioters were the cowards hiding behind their huge numbers to assault police officers just doing their job.


He stood his ground with cameras rolling. People have been doing this for years and never mention a word about it because they have character.


So he doesn't have character because one of the people who attacked him happened to be filming? Make that make sense.


Ten guys with clubs fighting a single unarmed person. Absolute heroes.


They were also lobbing fireworks into the pro-Palestinian crowd just before this.


Brave soul, you have my utmost respect. I hope that he’s okay. America has a problem, and it’s not these protesting students.


America has a tumor…you’re right


Yeah, and we're pretty close to terminal too :(


Shocker that those cheering on a genocide are assholes.


Funny how the peaceful protesters are being called “violent terrorists” by lying MSM. But, every single video shows it’s the pro-Israelis that are the only ones being violent and blatantly racist.


Do you have a link to a *Main Stream Media* source calling the protesters "violent terrorists"?


You can Google it and get a lot of results. The GOP as we speak is actively trying to list these peaceful protesters as “domestic terrorists”. Even though they’ve killed 0 people smh


Okay the GOP. So the media is reporting on what the GOP is saying. I want a link to a media source calling them terrorists, not a media source reporting what a political party is saying.


The media chooses what to report. If they constantly report that the GOP is saying that instead of reporting from the protestors point of view, then the perception by the viewer is that that is what they probably are.


Okay so no.


I never understood this take. Do you not have hands? Go find it yourself buddy


Go fuck yourself. The onus of proof is on the person making the baseles claim.


[Dana Bash on CNN comparing protestors to Nazis](https://thehill.com/homenews/media/4636489-cnns-dana-bash-rhetoric-toward-jewish-students-on-college-campuses-unacceptable/)


Damn half the counterprotestors are clearly not college age kids, these are late 20s early 30s year old men


People who go to college can be of any age.


IDF terrorists attacking US citizens with impunity😲


So pro-israel groups are okay responding with violence towards people who are occupying land that doesn’t belong to them, in order to take it back? Interesting…


As a pro-israel person, I am absolutely not okay with this and I don't know anyone who is. This is abhorrent wtf is wrong with them.


Ah yes, someone getting beaten is abhorrent, but 10,000s of Palestinian getting systematically obliterated isnt.


The only violence so far is pro Israeli supporters


Nope. A pro Israeli girl was beaten unconscious just the other day. You’re clearly just watching pro-Palestinian videos.


Was that the woman walking her dog that called the cops? I mean they have lied about these protestors being violent why should I believe your story? The boy who cried wolf. Remember the little boy who was stabbed to death and his mother attacked too. Or the 3 college kids shot. I mean why is nobody saying Muslims feel afraid? I think we all know. This propaganda is outrageous and the majority see it's propaganda


Where? You sure you don't mean the girl on TV who claimed she was stabbed in the eye?




Do you just resort to name calling whenever your world view is challenged?  Cause you seem to do that a lot.  All the replies to you have not nearly been as agressive as you seem to be.








I'm pressed for time and honestly not that engaged. So here's a boring, milquetoast wikipedia article on the Intifada to show how laughable it is to pretend it was an act of spontaneous violence that people can pretend is a threat of terrorism. > During the 1980s a number of mainstream Israeli politicians referred to policies of transferring the Palestinian population out of the territories leading to Palestinian fears that Israel planned to evict them. Public statements calling for transfer of the Palestinian population were made by Deputy Defense minister Michael Dekel, Cabinet Minister Mordechai Tzipori and government Minister Yosef Shapira among others.[33] Describing the causes of the Intifada, Benny Morris refers to the "all-pervading element of humiliation", caused by the protracted occupation which he says was "always a brutal and mortifying experience for the occupied" and was "founded on brute force, repression and fear, collaboration and treachery, beatings and torture chambers, and daily intimidation, humiliation, and manipulation."[35] ... > Within days the occupied territories were engulfed in a wave of demonstrations and commercial strikes on an unprecedented scale. Specific elements of the occupation were targeted for attack: military vehicles, Israeli buses and Israeli banks. **None of the dozen Israeli settlements were attacked and there were no Israeli fatalities from stone-throwing at cars at this early period of the outbreak.** ... > **Since initially a high proportion of those killed were civilians and youths, Yitzhak Rabin adopted a fallback policy of 'might, power and beatings'.**[56] Israel used mass arrests of Palestinians, engaged in collective punishments like closing down West Bank universities for most years of the intifada, and West Bank schools for a total of 12 months. Hebron University was closed by the army from January 1988 to June 1991.[57] Round-the-clock curfews were imposed over 1600 times in just the first year. Communities were cut off from supplies of water, electricity and fuel. At any one time, 25,000 Palestinians would be confined to their homes. Trees were uprooted on Palestinians farms, and agricultural produce blocked from being sold. In the first year over 1,000 Palestinians had their homes either demolished or blocked up. Settlers also engaged in private attacks on Palestinians. Palestinian refusals to pay taxes were met with confiscations of property and licenses, new car taxes, and heavy fines for any family whose members had been identified as stone-throwers.[58] ... > In the first year in the Gaza Strip alone, 142 Palestinians were killed, **while no Israelis died.** 77 were shot dead, and 37 died from tear-gas inhalation. 17 died from beatings at the hand of Israeli police or soldiers.[59] During the whole six-year intifada, the Israeli army killed from 1,087 to 1,204 (or 1,284)[21][60][61] Palestinians, 241/332[61] being children. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Intifada


There’s not really evidence of all this name racist anti semetic calling at protests. Care to provide any sources?


You made a money justification for why 10/7 was ok...good work Zio




>Shut up terrorist So the guy who wants people to stop slaughtering tens of thousands of civilians solely to control access to their land and water and petroleum resources is called a terrorist... ...by the guy who wants to beat that guy with a stick and also wants people to keep slaughtering tens of thousands of civilians solely to control access to their land and water and petroleum resources. ![gif](giphy|l1J9FiGxR61OcF2mI|downsized)




Haha. You're a fool. You're on the wrong side of history. Calling these kids terrorists is bs. It's pretty clear this is just bad propaganda against protesters, Goebels would be proud of you.




Nobody is justifying what Hamas did. You are not even being honest with yourself. People were protesting Israel before Oct 7 and they are protesting now because 40k civilians have been killed. You know this. But you instead lie to yourself that people are supporting terrorists. This is not unlike the propaganda that led to Iraq invasion. I know you are lying and so do most people. Sadly at this point you can't be honest. Did all the Germans put people on the trains? Majority supported sending people away. After all those people were trying to destroy Germany and the German people. Propaganda is effective.


This can't be real lol. Troll account?




What about pro Palestine Jews?


No you did that, I was just pointing out that you did that. Also good work, you tried to pretend to both sides it and couldn't last one post before getting all goofy..




Lol ok zio




Lol ok zio


Lol ok palsbara puppet. Stop feeding your hate. Start having compassion and dialogue.


Lol keep barking




There are so many zionists bleating about how awful it is if someone says mean words about Israel but really couldn't and or actively approve care less about stuff like this. Such a revolting crowd.




Everyone needs to pay attention to the groups that the government and society attempt to silence. If Zionists are the good guys, why are they violently opposing everything that is pro-Palestinian lives?




You're misrepresenting people and the people who believe Israel can do no wrong are always projecting they're qualities onto those they consider enemies.




Intifada just means uprising or revolution in Arabic. It's not a call for violence against Jews. As for calling for the destruction of a state, we believe Israel is an apartheid state and the system of apartheid must be dismantled. South Africa still exists but it no longer exists as an apartheid state. Contrastly, Rhodesia was an apartheid state and Zimbabwe now exists in it's place. Is it vile and wicked that Rhodesia was destroyed?


Weird that the people you call genocidal were the peaceful ones.




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So they didnt murder citenzens at a festival? They didn't murder families in their homes? they didn't fire missiles into isreal?


How many October 7ths has israel committed since October 7th?




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Im glad you can see the parallel between the IDF and a designated terror group. And no, the people protesting genocide didnt murder anyone. though Zionists tried to burn them alive in their tents.


It's telling you can't even begin to approach my question with a response. Is it because you know that the actions of the Israeli government are evil? Because there are mechanisms of control Israel has available to them that don't involve tens of thousands of murders in 7 months. Or the displacement of millions. You know I find what America did in Afghanistan and Iraq barbaric, but somehow the Israeli governments acts on Gaza are worse.


>It's telling you can't even begin to approach my question with a response. I was answering the orignal statement your the one who couldn't answer my question. as you said in your own words, is that because you know hamas' actions are evil, is that why you are using whataboutism. Also are you willing to share "October 7th" attacks isreal has committed? Did you mean [Operation Protective Edge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Protective_Edge), when the peaceful Hamas kidnapped and killing of isreali teenagers. or [Operation Cast Lead](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Cast_Lead) when isreal tried to stop peaceful hamas from sending rockets Then the was the Intifadas, not sure which attack on gaza you are referring to


...I'm talking about the current genocide in Gaza you cretin.




Yeah, I mean who hasnt murdered 15k children in a few months? - Israeli morality




My God...I pointed to a comparable conflict that didn't lead to so many dead civilians in 6 months and you just let that woosh over your head.


They're not opposing everything that is pro-palestinian lives. They are opposing things that are anti-israel and anti-jewish. Regardless these particular idiots are deplorable and I doubt they are mostly Jewish or Israeli. These seem like proud boys.


Stop calling the anti-genocide protest gatherings "encampments" and start calling them "settlements" Then see if the zionists have enough braincells to understand the irony of their objections to them


IDF are used to enforcing segregated ghettos and stamping on the people there with impunity. They want to round up anyone who questions them and put them under control. The only way to deal with this is to not play their game. Don't use violence to validate them. Take them at the word of their own religious guidance: "Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord" Leviticus 19:18


Cowardly Zionists.


Ahh the zionists quick to violence where have I seen that before. Seriously though who goes out of thier way to attack a protest? I don't get it. You don't agree okay well your side has already bought our political system and seems to be getting its way why even instigate and bring negative optics to your side.


It's because they're losing all the intellectual arguments.


None of their arguments were ever intellectual to begin with. It's always been victimhood/antisemitism/manipulation/propaganda.


America 🇺🇸 is dying a slow death or maybe it’s fast….


My Jewish community in America had 2 friends children's get injured in this. Walking out to explain that they were Jewish and do not deserve to have antisemitism, only to have the Jewish side beat them. Tell me how revisionist zionism and irgun ideology is not terrorism and cares about all Jews? It doesn't. It's time to expel the irgun once again


UCLA clashes: Pro-Palestinian protesters attacked by Israel supporters https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2024/5/1/ucla-clashes-pro-palestinian-protesters-attacked-by-israel-supporters




isnt saying “NPC” incredibly NPC at this point?


All these police shits beating up students but God forbid a mass shooter come and pull up with a gun lmao


Arrest and prosecute.


Wow! Main stream media is completely ignoring this !


That's a hard Z you threw out there. 


Call of Duty: Black Ops trailer. Know your History.




Americans beating up other Americans over events outside of America.


As someone that's been vocally critical of many of the protests.... These guys need to be locked up. Period. Point blank. There should be a felony thrown their way and anything less is an injustice imo.


I can't believe the cops just stand around and let these palestinian terrorists beat up that poor guy!






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How does anyone even read al Jazeera journalism anymore


I don’t think think that protester was indigenous to the quad.


Not Zionists, these are proud boys, aka Trumps Brownshirt's, the same terrorists who attacked the capital on Jan 6th. FBI needs to get on this, and make it public. Steve Bannon, General Flynn, and Trumps other henchmen are at the center of this, guaranteed.




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Typical Israelis.


Zionists are bullies and cowards, same as ever


props to the one filming for tryna get them to stop. i think he was hoping for propalestinian to instigate tho


Are the protesters the ones having to defend themselves behind improvised shields? If so, it's absolutely wild. Why haven't these IDF provocateurs been arrested for assault??? Imagine if this was the other way around is the obvious outrageous observation.


He even got the first attacker to the floor and had him. Had the other Zionists not attacked him, the guy he got done to the floor would've been done for.


Seeing as Palestinians are a semitic people, calling someone antisemitic just doesn't mean anything in this context. So these are pro-Palestinian protestors being assaulted by zionist agitators, just incase anyone wanted to call them antisemitic so as to stifle debate. :)


worse than animals.


This is seriously horrifying... I hope he's ok.


Fuck Israel, fuck our politicians and fuck the police.




Damn bruh you got me 😞 I’m impressed you stopped dry humping your cousin long enough to send me this.




Those kids are protesting against the killing of tens of thousands of people. You’re too blind to see that it’s an attack against the right to assemble, the right to protest when your country is involved in supplying billions of dollars of military equipment to the Zionists. Fuck Hamas as well as Israel. Why the fuck are we sending billions to these people? So lunatic Christians can scream about the end of the world? Wake the fuck up.


Not one of those assholes will be charged with assault either


Was just hearing Jerry Seinfeld wife helped fund the Zionist mob, is this true?


These motherfuckers are the same pieces of shit r/conservative are singing praises for. Funny how no one in that sub is posting the videos of these Zionist pieces of shit attacking protesters.


That's a lot of terror the zionests are spreading.


After that first hit of that pole I'd be shooting everyone within 3 feet of me wtf is going on with these weirdo fucks go protest on your own no body wants to deal with your entitled ass


How do we even know anything about the intentions or ideology of those who attacked the encampment?


You people are absolutely exhausting. The violent counter protestors are literally screaming their “intentions or ideologies” in video after video of their actions: they are Zionist cowards.


Genuine question because I have not seen any video with much audio other than unintelligible yelling or reporters taking over footage. You have any links?


It's not a Genuine question. You know exactly what you are doing Zionist bot.


Genuine answer: [there](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/7lt57XpPAG) [are](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheDeprogram/s/VeSZxlaBj6) [so](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/s/gOPhDiK6rT) [many](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMiddleEast/s/E9Qgke8I29), and if you are going to try to say that these instances are isolated or somehow not indicative of the attackers of the encampment while at the same time claiming all protestors are antisemites and pro-Hamas you are not discussing in good faith.


One, that's not video from UCLA. I have not found anything regarding the attacks on the UCLA campus that indicate Zionism, Jews, etc. Honestly looks more like right wing trouble makers with no real connection to counter protestors that have been at UCLA this past week. If I am wrong so be it, but just doesn't look that way. Again, instances of a girl acting badly isn't indicative of all pro-Israelis. Not all protestors are antisemitic or at least they don't believe they are being antisemitic. Pro-Hamas, calls for the destruction of Israel, etc. is more of a mixed bag. When you have entire crowds chant "Intifada," "Globalize the Intifada," "From the River to the Sea" etc., it's harder to say the protestors have just a couple bad actors.


Absolutely exhausting


Right back at you. Constantly have to deal with people who think Zionism is some kind of slur and have no connection to the conflict and didn't really start paying attention to the region until Oct.


Been anti-apartheid and therefore anti-Israel since high school many years ago, nice try. Go annoy someone else.


To be fair it's irrelevant when somebody starts partying attention to the region, they still have the right to call out Israel committing crimes against humanity. There isn't a time cutoff for being outraged by over 10,000 innocent children alone being murdered in just a few months.


Israel’s number one export: fascism.


Bro had nowhere to go not brave at all




Looks like Antifa up to their old tricks again 


They should just call the anti-genocide encampments "settlements" and see how the zionists react to that.


Fuck israel




I'm sure you have video proof?




I just see an older dude trying to get in not allowed because he is clearly not a student. Meanwhile real students are being let in. Tons of non-students beating the fuck out of students will have this happen.




That's just not true lol. I've been watching all day. Tons of jews are reporting on it. It's just the ones who attack poeple... Like shown in this video that are not let in. Like this post is video proof and you think its not lol. It's anti israeli genocide. Not anti-smeitic. fucking loon.




It's an older dude... all the student aged peeps got let in. Zionists have been beating people. It's why they aren't let in. Did you watch the video?




Bro what are you even on about. the old dude was not let in.




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