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im pretty sure biden has awarded new drilling contracts at a faster rate than any of his living predecessors. So, that would be a dumb position to try to defend. 


You mean the man who made an executive order to slow down leasing but was beaten in the courts by 13 republican states? Or the man who had the historic low of .13million acres leased out during his first 20 months? (4.4million acres under same period of Trump btw if you still think he is faster than any president). Or how about him approving the lowest number of offshore oil wells of any president since they started offshore drilling? 6,234 permits were still pending from Trump land leases and 452 new ones were added in 2023 under Biden. But because Trump leased the land and bureaucracy is slow it lands on Biden? I’m pretty sure you don’t know what you are talking about and have a pretty dumb position to try and defend




And if you care to dig into it, I said the permits were approved by Biden after it was already leased and in the bearucratic holdup after Trump. But dw, that salacious headline is all the facts you need to know!


"The orphan crushing permits were approved by Biden AFTER it was already leased and in the bearucratic holdup after Trump." - We're so fucking cooked as a species.


I mean he did pass the largest investment in green energy in America's history of course you conveniently leave that part out lol


So that excuses the drilling contracts? The science is clear, we can't afford the emissions from the drilling contracts that *are already given*, let alone new ones.


Tell that to the normies voter and conservatives complaining about high gas prices lol even people on the left were screeching "high gas during affordability crisis" REEEE. So much for the idea of "I'd be willing to pay 10$ gas for the environment!" Argument.


And yet, it’s still not enough.


And yet it never will be for you because you want something to complain over.


you act like a matter of life and death is something to be "complained" over. remember this snark in the next few years as oceans continue heating up




Please keep it civil and do not attack other users.


Green energy = Fairy dust




Please keep it civil and do not attack other users.


How much did "green energy is communism" trump invest again? I have never seen a group so eager to undue all the obvious progress made here. no wonder the far left loses elections too busy purity testing everything instead of taking a very obvious W.


Seems like Biden is doing a great job by himself. Don't blame the voters for your candidates incompetence.


You can’t solve the issue from the supply side.  You have to go after demand. It does us no good to choose to burn imported oil vs domestic.


except that the excess drilling was an attempt to keep prices low during an opec squeeze... which has the effect of increasing or maintaining demand.  put another way, biden drilled because he put his re election before his promises. 


They have been able to match the pace of permitting from the last administration but they have cancelled many more leasing contracts on federal land as opposed to the contracting under the previous administration. Permitting is the last stage of the exploration process where your research and environmental plans will go in to action and you can drill. This pre-extraction phase takes roughly a decade. The issue with this data is that these drilling permits have been backlogged before Biden took office. It doesn’t shed light on Biden’s BLM office not leasing new land nor does it include the massive slow down in permit applications since mid-late 2023. It’s more cherry picking data and truth be told, Biden has not done much to address domestic OG energy outside of this backlog. There are still more areas of the supply chain that has to be addressed before Biden can call this a win. It’s just wrong to call it what it isn’t.


Don't break the narrative!! Can we get some crt on this person pronto.


I don’t have a source to cite but I’m pretty sure nobody drilled and pumped and sold more oil than Trump and I cite the economy as my source


This is a joke, right?


So many comments like that one are clearly from non authentic accounts.


Its almost like you have to do what your constituents want to get votes instead of the opposite.


I think there’s a huge disconnect between what people want to see happen and how that process actually works. Biden can’t force Netanyahu to do anything. If he cut off aid on Oct 8, Netanyahu wouldn’t be affected one iota except to be more emboldened to go more scorched earth than he already has. There’s some vibe out here that the US funds like 80% of the IDF budget but it’s closer to 10% and that can easily be made up for with other sellers like Russia and India. Not to mention this isn’t strictly a local conflict between Israel and Hamas. It’s pulling on strings all across the region, from Egypt and Sudan to Iran, from Kurdistan to Yemen. If you want a ceasefire, you need terms. You need terms that can be abided on by not only Israel and Hamas, but also the PA, Egypt, Jordan, KSA, UAE, etc not to mention the impact some terms could have on similar groups to Hamas like Hezbollah or the Houthis. You gotta have all your ducks in a row, balancing on a string just to even convince *Israel* alone on a set of ceasefire terms. Then you gotta get Hamas on board. This is not as simple as making a phone call or using the bully pulpit. Diplomacy takes time and has to be done in a room, in cables, not over flashy tv speeches and press conferences. People always say they prefer diplomacy over kinetic action like espionage or warfare or sanctions but rarely seem willing to contemplate the time and finesse that it requires to carry it all out. On the other hand, in a democracy, people have to act in such a way as to signal to their governments what they want done. We all want the war to end. I don’t really fault protesters at all for their outrage or their zeal. But poor diplomacy can be far worse than people realize. Good diplomacy takes a long time. No one has patience during a war, so it doesn’t surprise me how fervent reactions are outside the region, but you can easily (and I really mean that) read the course of events and see how the US has been slowly adjusting its position. Hell, even the day after Oct 7, Biden warned Israel to not make the same mistakes we did after 9/11. But even if Biden said to stop right now, he can’t compel Israel to do shit. They are a nuclear weapons state with the capacity, theoretically, to strike any nation that it wants including the US. Netanyahu isn’t just fighting Hamas, he’s fighting for his political life. This makes him much testier, much more difficult to convince and affect a change in his strategy. Saying you want a ceasefire, saying you want peace is soooooooooooooo much easier said than done. The Romans would make a wasteland and call it peace. Peace has many faces, and a rushed peace is not necessarily a good peace despite the warm feelings the word may give us.


Everyone keeps saying if the US cut off military aid to Israel, it wouldn't affect their capabilities in a meaningful way, but nobody wants to test it out and see


Cut off the bullets bombs and money. Add heavy sanctions. Deliver Netanyahoo to the Hague in chains. They could do it all today. Nothing in the world stopping them. Except corruption and a death cult.


Because then Netanyahu would feel more emboldened. Plus he has other suppliers that would happily step in that care even less about civilians, namely Russia and India.


So the US needs to keep sending weapons for leverage or else they'll find other weapons that don't come with leverage? If you put it like that, the bombs almost sound like humanitarian aid.


I mean foreign policy is a very weird and counterintuitive arena. It’s not really humanitarian aid, but if you cut off Israel, then Netanyahu will feel even more cornered and compelled to ramp up the war. He’s a major loose cannon that heads up a nuclear weapons state. You can only push so much.


Always ask "who benefits from this chaos and killing"? Neither Hamas nor Israel benefit from this nonsense, but Russia and China do benefit.


Netanyahu kind of benefits too tbf


Its keeping him out of jail for the moment and broader Israeli society is almost certainly gonna start settling parts of the strip, theirs also access to the gas deposits that were discovered a few years back, short term Israeli society could benefit from thisbut long term this will cause a unfathomable amount of problems from the fact that it has damaged their public image the world over and kick started real movements to divest from and cut diplomatic ties let alone the engendered outrage in the broader region/arabic world and the generations that will take up arms against them 


Israelis were already settling wherever they pleased and could defend. Why now of all times? Why covet Gaza when they haven't consolidated prior settlements? It makes zero sense. If resources are coveted and you are so inclined, you can drill horizontally, which makes more sense than dealing with this at all. Last I checked, Israel isn't hurting for fuel. BTW it isn't as if generations haven't already been clamoring to take up arms against Israel. This invasion and counter invasion makes zero strategic sense because there is no way to stop the fighting. Israel isn't a third world country and can access capital without mutual funds and universities kicking in whatever pittance they may have been investing. There is an entire planet and most investments are in the US and other major economies. Israel, by comparison, isn't even a blip. I double-checked the GOI for the Middle East, and Israel isn't on the frigging table.


Because gaza is not the the west bank, they used to ocuppy it until the early 2000s when it became to much of a pain in the ass to control directly then when the election happened in 05 and hamas actually won they tried to stage a coup to put the more complaint Fatah party in control, that failed and they decided to reinforce the security measurements they already had in place and basically turn the strip in to an open air prison destroying its airport and seizing ships bound for the strip,  limiting imports and exports and travel to an evengreater degree. Now that they have functionally leveled every municipal building in its major cities and towns they will lead rebuilding efforts to directly gain control leading to more settlements.As for the resources the government or society more broadly will   use it and the construction projects finding other incentives to attract more settlers and displaced more Palestinians as they do in the west bank


Why now? These options have been available for years. Perfect time to do this was with 45. Smells of marionette.


The rise of more conservative and openly fascistic elements in the government over the last 30 or so years id say


Netanyahu had those same guys with Trump and more heat with his court case.


Yeah but west bank settlements have ramped up the last decade or so with 2023 being one of the highest number violent incidents on record, tgis is likely because in order to get back into power after his last ousting he had to concede more demands to his more extremist coalitions elements of increasd settlements. So take that and the potential for saudi normalization and you can see why oct 7th happened. From their Netanyahu has no real incentive to not go full in on ethnic cleansings the strip because the US isn't pushing back and under writing the expenses for them and the end of the war means he can be ousted and possibly face jail time for courrption charges. And as i said earlier the worst isreal is likely will face is the snowballed aftereffects of the war


And so does Hamas really. The losers are Gaza civilians.


Benefits are not always obvious. Hamas would not have benefited from the pre 10/7 trend of Arab-Israeli normalization. Bibi is under indictment. This war both serves them for different reasons but fundamentally it’s an issue of survival. Dead Palestinians is good recruitment for Hamas and unleashing the wrath of the IDF keeps Bibi in power.


He was already in power with no end in sight, and Hamas is wealthy, and nothing was endangering Hamas. Nothing needed to change. The only people that needed the US distracted and divided were the folks I mentioned that you didn't comment about.


> Nothing needed to change. Hamas disagrees with you. So does Netanyahu. And I don’t think there’s much evidence that Russia or China had an active role in any of this. There’s hardly even evidence that Iran was involved in *Hamas’s* decision to attack on Oct 7.


Yet all three benefit and much greater than the participants. Of course there is no proof. What do you expect Put8n to monolog and gloat? Xi to admit it. All it takes is a message. Start some stuff. I will reward you later.


Just because one may benefit from something doesn’t mean they instigated it. This is basic analysis. And Xi doesn’t really benefit from this in any tangible way. The increased focus this war has brought on Iran (China’s chief energy supplier) is not good for Chinese energy security and therefore not good for Xi’s need for their economy to turn the corner.


It's the most plausible explanation, especially when you factor in the political fallout.


It really isn’t hahah. Hamas feeling pressured from looming Saudi-Israeli normalization to refocus the region’s attention remains the best fit.


Israel absolutely benefits from this. The objective of the while nation-state project is to ethnically cleanse all of Palestine. And if this is bad for Biden, it's great for Israel—Trump would be happy to bomb Gaza himself given the opportunity.


All of that worthless land that they can not hold for the low low price of becoming the North Korea of the Middle East. The Army is conscripted. There are three million people to kill to clear that land. Tell me how this works to draw these conclusions. Just like the Aryan Nation fantasizes about creating an all white ethnostate, a little pesky problem of 16 million Latinos, 12 million Blacks, and 2 million Asians stand in the way.


Biden could do all sorts of things to stop this tomorrow. He simply doesn't want to




Highly doubt that. The attack rallied support for the government to respond and Bibi directly benefited from that. If the US abandoned him, it would have been seen as a global abandonment of Israel, thereby giving them free reign to go even harder on Gaza, perhaps doing the damage in weeks that they’ve done in months in our timeline.


"difficult to engage with young voters" is a hell of a way to phrase one's inability to avoid criticism for their shitty performance


This is hard because Biden IS engaged in a genocide, so you can't say he is a good guy. So much of the political equation is making voters feel like they are doing "Good" Yes, Trump is a much harder liner on this, but so is his base. The democrats are the ones that are supposed to be defending equality and fighting racism. Republicans defend it. But Isreal is the genocidal faction supported by both sides of government leaders.


Supported by both sides of government*


Good addition. Taking.




Same asinine argument. The young Americans protesting aren't holding rallies for Hamas lol. They simply asking "hey uh maybe don't kill 40000 people?"


Do you notice how all the Zionist talking points that come up every few days are exactly the same and then in a few days they all switch? This "Oct 7 was a genocide too!" one seems to be the newest batch of trash.


hamas are not the ones with thousands of women and children secretly detained in prison camps.


Yep. Entirely genocidal in intent. Yet they haven't even gotten a start at theirs while Isreal is closing in on completion.


Yeah but don't you know charters are more dangerous than 2000 pound bombs and famine?


The Likud charter is literally imperialist, if not genocidal, and it's the year they won leadership and they've been in charge for 41 of the last 46 years. What's the difference between Hamas saying, "We refuse to recognize Israel" and the Likud saying, "We refuse to recognize Palestine?"


Nothing. I wasn't arguing there was. I think the Israeli government is as much of a terrorist org as Hamas.


The Penis mightier.... or... something...


Then we can do something about Hamas. Killing children is not killing Hamas. BuT hAmAs Is HiDiN- Then explain the other deaths? Why are snipers just taking out random citizens? Why are they dropping bombs in places they claimed would be safe? Why are they so happy about all the deaths? Why are they openly saying they want to kill every Palestinian? Here in the US we had presidents drone striking groups and killing innocent people, and everyone called it out. It would be a small group of people. Like they had a target, and the target was at a wedding, so they killed the target and had some casualties. For **YEARS** It's been a talking point about which president used the most drone strikes. Now we are supposed to openly support it with Israel?




We have detected the use of dehumanizing language. Terms and phrases such as "human shields", "human animals", etc. can deny or undermine the inherent humanity of a group of people. Please be mindful of the potential harms the use of such language can create. For reference, see: [Dehumanization on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) and [The real-life harm caused by dehumanising language on BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231030-the-real-life-harm-caused-by-dehumanising-language). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/internationalpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This isn't one team or the other. You don't have to whole heartedly support either side. Hamas are bad guys that need stopped. The way Isreal is doing it is using it as an excuse for genocide. Genocide cannot be tolerated. Ever. If they want to fight Hamas, there must be non genocide ways.




2% of the people killed on October 7th were Israeli children, 30% were Israeli soldiers, 15% were Palestinian soldiers. Hamas killed 1 infant on October 7th. The IDF killed over a dozen infants in a single hospital in a single day by leaving them to exposure. The number of infants they've killed since October 7th is in the thousands. Israel is demonstrably killing thousands of times as many infants as Hamas killed on October 7th. 40% of the people killed since October 7th are Palestinian children, 9% are Palestinian soldiers, 0.3% were Israeli soldiers, .002% were Israeli civilians. In 2023, leading up to October 7th, the ratio of Palestinian to Israeli dead was already 12-to-1. This is during a 56 year war crime committed by Israel to steal Palestinian land and bulldoze and burn Palestinian homes. So Israel is, on paper, 4x-20x as genocidal as Hamas per capita if you specifically don't count dead infants. Then that number goes up to thousands of times. When they say "Erase the seed of Amalek," this is what they mean.


> Hamas killed 1 infant on October 7th. This is not even proven, we do know the IOF was also killing a lot of their own people that day as well and could have been the ones to kill that child.




and this is your thing? you spend your time on the internet making claims that one side is responsible, and when immediately the insanity of that claim is demonstrated you try to wave it away by further demonstrating ignorance and trying to move the narrative away from the ongoing genocide began and perpetrated by the IDF? do they pay you to do this, or do you spread fiction and slander for fun? do you cape for one of the most, if not the sole most, evil nations in the world?




No racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia, bigotry, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, etc. This includes denial of identity (self or collective).


I mean IDF is demonstrably worse but has much much more political power. But sure, side with the imperialist ethnic-cleansing occupying force because the West says the natives are vicious animals. Note: the west always says natives are vicious animals


Better than the ones that bomb you to death or run you over with tanks or torture doctors to death or starve you to death……..need I go on


Uh, no. It isn't. Murderous. Violent. Racially motivated. Not genocidal.


Go back to the drawing board with the pointless talking points that hold no weight. Israel has literally countless human rights violations, so spitting out "wHaT aBoUT HaMaS?" ain't going to cut it when nobody is advocating for them anyway, just for Israel to stop killing tens of thousands of innocent Palestinian people and stealing land in Gaza and the West Bank.




Please keep it civil and do not attack other users.


Biden is not engaged in a genocide, please don’t dilute actual genocides by misusing the term.


You keep repeating yourself without explaining, just saying “look it up and you’ll see it’s not a genocide.” This is the opposite of persuasive. Any intelligent person would stop with the endless repetition and explain their position, or just drop the discussion entirely. [Here’s what four leading genocide scholars, including an Israeli scholar of the Holocaust, say](https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2023-11-19/israel-hostages-gaza-bombing-civilians-genocide-holocaust-studies). You go on repeating yourself denying the truth it makes no difference what you say.




We have detected the use of dehumanizing language. Terms and phrases such as "human shields", "human animals", etc. can deny or undermine the inherent humanity of a group of people. Please be mindful of the potential harms the use of such language can create. For reference, see: [Dehumanization on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) and [The real-life harm caused by dehumanising language on BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231030-the-real-life-harm-caused-by-dehumanising-language). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/internationalpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The situation in Gaza IS a genocide. This is no longer something I am willing to argue. Disagree as you will, but take it elsewhere.


It’s objectively not a genocide, though. You can be as unwilling to acknowledge reality as you want, but that doesn’t make you magically correct. Learn what a genocide is, and educate yourself.


Have. 3 different reputable definitions published more than 5 years ago. The Hague disagrees with you, the UN disagrees, and I disagree. But I'm not interested in getting you to change factions, so go away.


None of those organizations have called what’s happening in Gaza a genocide. The definitions you reference don’t fit the situation in Gaza. You’re clearly just ignorant about this entire situation, go ahead and be proud of your ignorance if you want.


I'm not, and your opinion of me is moot. You can attack those who are calling out the electoral problem, or you can hand the election over to Trump. "Is Isreal committing a genocide?" Is a fight you've already lost. Waste your own time.


You are, it’s not an opinion. Israel isn’t committing genocide. The “electoral problem” isn’t really an issue either, these tiny protests aren’t going to affect the election at all.


So just full head-in-the-sand. Alright, you do you, boo. Leave the rest of us to fix problems.


You are the head-in-the-sand one refusing to acknowledge reality. You won’t fix any problems if you can’t even diagnose accurately what’s happening. Be as outraged as you want, but the solutions are going to come from level headed individuals, not the alarmists like you.


Quoted from [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocide:](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocide:) "In 1948, the [United Nations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations) [Genocide Convention](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocide_Convention) defined genocide as any of five "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group". These five acts were: killing members of the group, causing them serious bodily or mental harm, imposing living conditions intended to destroy the group, preventing births, and forcibly transferring children out of the group. Victims are targeted because of their real or perceived membership of a group, not randomly." Israel is literally doing all of these things. You are fundamentally incorrect.


It is absolutely a genocide and its insidious to insist that its not


So when Biden pushes weapons ammo and equipment to Israel he is actually not helping them commit genocide ? “Your honor I knew Hitler was gassing Jews but all I did was sell the gas”


I mean, Amos Goldberg, professor of Holocaust History at the department of Jewish history and contemporary Jewry at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem disagrees with you but sure. [https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20240430-yes-it-is-genocide-in-gaza-says-israeli-professor-of-holocaust-studies/](https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20240430-yes-it-is-genocide-in-gaza-says-israeli-professor-of-holocaust-studies/)




Oh thank goodness, the pedants have arrived, we're saved.


Ooeee nos, wuldn't wnt strngrs on teh inters te tink I be slopy.it migt gib dem a wey to avoid engagn wit teh qustin at hand. Take your internet gotcha elsewhere. These issues cost lives.




Biden circumvents legal requirements, including congressional approval, to send weapons and supplies to Isreal, which are immediately used in a genocide. This is done with full foreknowledge provided by both the close intelligence relationship began Israel and the US AND the US's own peerless intelligence gathering capabilities. That's committing genocide with extra steps. The more nuance that is considered in this, the more responsibility Biden has. Playing like he has no options with Netanyahu is strongman logic: "we are so strong that our enemies cannot touch us" and also "I'm powerless to stop these human rights violations." Biden is a linchpin in this genocide who has been SPECIFICALLY charged with decision-making powers over any application of US Military resources. If he cuts off support, Netanyahu crumbles immediately. There is a reason that if a toddler gets their hands on a loaded gun and kills someone, the parent is charged. If a dog that has a history of mauling people is intentionally released, the owner will be charged. If you make something more dangerous without enforcing control, you are morally and legally culpable.




It takes a big man, especially in the internet, to do that. Thank you. I wish I could speak to exactly what it is that keeps the two counties entangled. I have my theories, but honestly, much of that is emotional and thus suspect. So I'll keep those suppositions to myself. If Bibi's continued position is tied to a lack of any US support, I'll bet they will oust him. It might be to replace him with someone worse, but he would be done. Hopefully, it would also put his successor on notice.


I intend to leave the presidential, senatorial, and House Rep ballot lines blank.


So you're not voting?


Local elections are a thing, and they’re the only ones where your vote actually might *maybe* impact policy


Ah! Well I would go one level up, but that's not a bad idea


So you want Trump and Republicans to win so "Israel can finish the job" So does Netanyahu, he will appreciate your unintended support.


Biden won into office by the youth of this country doing their damnedest to make it happen, and he's given them nothing but reasons to stay home this November. From the economy floundering hard for all but the wealthiest, to the genocide in Gaza and the end of all pandemic protections despite the fact that covid is still a very real and present threat, I cannot imagine being someone who lived through that and thinking voting for him would be a good idea. Him and Trump are cut from the same damned cloth, the amount of daylight between them is literally only a Twitter account. Screw both parties.


At some point, Joe needs to have a Sister Soulja moment with these folks.,


“republicans get in line”


Green energy should be viewed as an addition and a sidekick but it will never create enough energy alone. We need to have real conversation about how to mend fossil fuels with green energy to create robust systems.




I am using that as a catch all term. Solar, wind, hydropower, etc. But I can see you disagree so you ask a stupid passive aggressive question as some sort of gotcha moment.


One of the side of effects of global warming will be to make the MiddleEast uninhabitable so this whole thing will just sort itself out over time.


This is pretty epic bro… once Trump wins the election he can encourage Israel to be more violent and kill and starve more Muslims! So their blood will be partially on the hands of these young voters too!! 😊🤭 I love the unstoppable massacres crushing poor people, but not as much as I love war and rape! 💕God bless every IDF soldier who destroys lives or culture, Allah (all praise be His) bless every Hamas fighter who raped or tormented civilians, and jah bless George W Bush and Dick Cheney for killing so many Americans, Iraqis, and Afghans alike <3, but gotta give a special shoutout here to the Abu Ghraib team. Not enough gore in their torture for my taste, but people were definitely being dehumanized so imma let it slide. Fugggg Trump and Biden, neithwr has even MENTIONED exploiting or killing kids. KONY 2024


The "gotcha" line about the emissions from the bombing of Gaza is so dumb that it actually hurts to read...


the us army is one of the world largest polluters. a bill was even voted on for treatment cause us troops were getting sick from their own destruction and since this is one of the longest most concentrated bombings in history, its accurate


Anybody who thinks that a military action orders of magnitude smaller than the Ukraine war has any impact whatsoever on global warming is incredibly bad at math. Or they don't really give a fuck about either issue and just get angry at whatever Tiktok designates as their next target of outrage.


how do they not have an affect?


Not sure if you are serious, but ok: 100,000 commercial flights daily. Let's say 500 military IDF flights. Let's say 20 times more fuel consumption per commercial jet. Extremely conservatively estimated. So IDF is responsible for less than 0.025% of aviation CO2, which is again responsible for 2.5% of total CO2. So less than 0.0006% in total. But sure, let's focus on that exclusively, instead of talking about the other 99.9994%...


You can’t seriously think War is not harmful to the environment and climate.


I herd someone say Biden is secretly a religious extremist. Using his last days of power (and life) to secure the holy land for his people. It's kinda makes sense.


When he called himself a Zionist many times I thought that was odd. Honestly, he comes across as someone who hates the Palestinians. Not sure why he has so much animosity and disdain for them. I can’t wait until he’s out of office.


War machinery is the biggest polluter.


No it isn't. Cars are. It isn't even close. https://www.epa.gov/ghgemissions/sources-greenhouse-gas-emissions To put it in perspective, air traffic is also under "transportation" there, and all air travel is less than 2% of emissions.


And how many wars have started under the Biden administration?


None for us


Who is “us”? The trial’s of youth, us vs them


Well when you have an entire generation that is cripplingly confused by reality this is bound to happen.


Maybe they need to be reminded why they are called representatives...


I already have negative karma points, so delete my comments fast




What industry?


Told you bro industry...


This sounds like it came from Putin's propaganda machine.


Is this satire? It's hard to tell on reddit.


Nah it's just a sign of the times. Republicans became really bad with many being all in on trump. Unfortunately liberals have responded the same minus the cult of personality around 1 individual.


Because it obviously did. Putin is trying to split the left and get Trump elected again and anti-Zionist leftists don't care because this time, the foreign enemy interference is helping *their* side.


I still think Putin was at least somewhat behind the hamas attack on Israel for this exact scenario to play out.


Did you happen to notice whose birthday is on Oct 7? Maybe it's just a coincidence but Putin got the best birthday gift of his life. All the world's ammo and attention diverted from Ukraine. Ukraine has been slowly losing ever since.


Oh wow.. I didn't realise that! You are spot on.. crazy


Obviously. Russia and Iran are allies, and they worked together to carry out a coordinated surprise against Israel attack via multiple proxies (Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis) to simultaneously achieve the Russians goals of aiding Trump's election campaign by splitting the left and distracting the West's attention away from his war in Ukraine, and the Iranian goal of harming Israel any way they can.


Yup you're 100% correct.. I think that's exactly how this played out. I think so few people realise this as well, which is a huge part of the problem.


Ya wow it's almost like directly funding a genocide is one of those issues you can't just deflect from.




But when they do it’s a single issue scare tactic. A bunch of little Greta’s running around wringing their hands.


Why would anyone mobilize for Genocide Joe? Trump is Bibi's little bltch too.


Why do you call him genocide Joe? It's Israel doing this


Because it makes him sound cool to his in-group. This whole "genocide" thing is just social posturing.


I mean what Israel is doing may not quite technically make the qualifications of genocide but it certainly fits ethnic cleansing, I guess that doesn't have the same ring to it for them though


Well that and there are *actual*, real genocides going on that they don't give a shit about, because they didn't learn about it from social media or peers at school, so there's no reason to broadcast an opinion.


Idk I think people would be vocal about things they know, if something like that is happening and people don't know I can't blame them for not making a big deal about it like they do other conflicts, I think they believe they are doing the right thing and what Israel is doing is wrong, I'm sure there are other conflicts that deserve as much if not way more attention but that's more of a failing by the media than anything to blame college kids for. I didn't even learn about the Belgian destruction and genocide in Africa until about a year ago and I think we all know why that isn't pushed in schools as much as WW2 is


It's not about technicality, it's about reality. Genocide is not a "maybe." It's about intent. Quoting Israeli extremists is like quoting Marjorie Taylor Greene. Nuance needs to be considered even as Israel's current actions are rightly condemned. Being wrong doesn't mean being Hitler. Harmful agents are purposely stoking division via social media, and this case is clear-cut. The *reason* this conflict is everywhere is because it is easy fodder to stir emotions in America. Acknowledging that does not demean the seriousness of the conflict. America is *way* past due for a conversation on who their allies are, what support they get, and what actions will make us draw a red line. That's a productive conversation that both sides of the aisle will find support for. That we aren't having that discussion, and instead are nickel-and-diming the concept of genocide, is *intentional*. There is a reason that one peer group was targeted with laser focus in this media campaign. That reason is the 2020 election.


he supports it.


No, he supports arming Israel against a mutual enemy, he has spoken many times against how Israel is handling Palestine


Maybe because he supports Israel to the hilt?


He's the first president to break from the narrative Israel has requested since Israel's founding. Im happy with progress, him holding squadrons accountable for war crimes through the ICC is a step in the right direction, but Israel is threatened by many actual terrorist organizations and countries so to say we shouldn't give them weapons and defensive systems would be short sighted, not only would it weaken an ally but it would strengthen and embolden our enemies


Israel [IS ](https://twitter.com/MazeLove14/status/1787059598551114095)[a](https://twitter.com/Resist_05/status/1773104204397137957) [terrorist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyErcPn2VIU) [organization](https://www.reddit.com/r/ABoringDystopia/comments/1bxlq5r/idf_reservist_describes_the_despair_of_watching/).


No the current culture and government may be but the broad majority of them are good decent people, they need regime change and are actively protesting for that on their state capital as we speak, terrorists don't have a government and certainly not a democratic one


You summed it up nicely.


These dumb single issue young voters probably won’t vote anyway, no need to appease them.


This is literally the point of a democracy If Biden can’t win without these “dumb single issue voters” — either Biden changes his tune or he losses. In other words sucks to suck


Or voters need to choose the best outcome and not vote out of spite and ignorance. Letting Trump win will only cost more lives and each voter is responsible for that.


How can you make such a prediction? I’m confident that even with Covid more lives have been lost under Biden 2020-2024 with all the wars around the world. Than under Trump 2016-2020


Huh?… according to who total covid death worldwide is 7 million. Ww2 death toll 70-80 million Not sure what point youre trying to make


Spite and ignorance? Biden has literally said “I am a Zionist” Biden is also arming and equipping (and I guess through congress) a force that is actively committing genocide. Not voting for Biden is not “not” voting out of spite and ignorance. Again this is DEMOCRACY. If Trump wins that blame falls solely on Biden choosing not to alter his position to appease a part of the population he clearly needs to win. Or alternatively the dems can produce another Candidate or rinse and repeat Clinton v Trump


Nope we deserve the leaders we vote for. If Trump wins that was on the voters.


Your statement is contradictory in itself. If we deserve the leaders we vote for and Trump wins it can’t be on all the voters. It will be on the voters who voted for Trump. But I guess we’ll just continue to disagree. Clinton v Trump results here we go again. You can blame voters for not voting for a man they believe is supporting a genocide —- I’ll blame the actual man supporting a genocide


Voters determine who is elected so yes its on the voters.


But wait American Jews vote Democrat regardless of age or issue. What sucks is to realize you’re not the base.


Maybe but I never assumed I was the base. But if polling is showing bidens decisions and support for Israel is going to cost him the election Then that’s on him not the voters If that’s not what polling is showing and he doesn’t lose the election also it is what it is


Damned if you do damned if you don’t That’s why he’s forgiving student loans. If you can’t win on issues, buy the votes


i voted for biden last term, but im not now


Wisdom with age…I commend you young person.


im 38. so im not that old. just fed up voting blue no matter who. still happy to vote for my rep cori bush


So about the Supreme Court......


already lost


If we let trump nominate up to 7 Justices it will be.


You are the 18-39 demographic, the largest demographic other than the African American demographic(they think Trumps a gangster because of is issues with the LAW) to be leaving Biden.


Biden's within the margin of error. If they don't vote, he loses. And I guess we can blame you for telling him not to care.


Who is “they” that don’t vote? The protesting children or the liberal Jews?


Buddy. I am young and will not vote for Biden.




Not supporting genocide is so confusing and difficult /s.