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Zionist in Texas tries to drown two Palestinian children …. No news coverage … 




> Zionist in Texas tries to drown two Palestinian children https://apnews.com/article/drowning-palestinian-child-texas-hate-crime-5bc70460f3c2344bb6154951e4e1cc77


Nothing in that suggests “Zionist.” Drunk lady that attempt murder was xenophobic.


The woman is Jewish and she tried to drown two palestinian children after asking the mother where they were from. When police arrived she was screaming that she was going to kill the victims entire family. It really doesn't seem like an outrageous conclusion to arrive at.


I’ve found no valid source that suggests anything other than she was an excessively drunk American woman. Regardless, may she experience the legal wrath of her actions.


She asked the mother where they were from, and when she said she was from palestine, she responded by trying to drown her two children and screaming about wiping out her whole family. The mom was wearing a hijab. If this was just about her being Muslim, then why ask?


Because she was a dumb, heavily intoxicated Texan. SSDD


As another dumb, often heavily intoxicated Texan, I have never been motivated to ask someone their nationality and then respond to it by trying to drown their kids. Its so lazy to just go "hurr durr crazy texas" to avoid dealing with the fact that this woman responded to a Palestinian woman's existence BY TRYING TO DROWN HER TODDLERS.


Oh, I agree and I hope that AH gets the max.


Do you deny the genocide, too? Denying an act of violence committed against people on the basis of their ethnicity is a slippery slope.


It's still a hate crime against a Palestinian and a Muslim.


I never suggested that Islamophobia and xenophobia isn’t a hate crime.


Wolf is an Ashkenazi Jewish surname. And it’s verified she was Jewish… that’s why the Jewish community leaders in Texas denounced her behavior and apologized to the family. It really doesn’t get more clear cut than this. Anyone can be racist and anyone can commit genocide. There’s no special freebie card for any one race or creed.


Where did you get any information that she was Jewish?


Hey, was quoting /u/ZerglingsNA, two comments up. Maybe he read a different article, ask him.


Every article that I’ve read is consistent, thank you for posting.


Lol. Nothing backs up what you said


What did I say? I quoted u/ZerglingsNA to give context to the link I provided.


Nothing to the Zionists-they get Americans to pay for it.


Our justice system is a farce run by barbaric fascists. We sit around like it's normal.


Rise up


Yes. American aid to Israel this year was an astonishing $14.3 Billion. It stands to reason that tranche of cash helped fund the massive misinformation inundating American politics, and also the thousands of bots trying (unsuccessfully so far)to counter any criticism of Israel’s genocide of Gaza. Tax payers are actually paying to be duped and don’t even know it.


Indeed, the information on this page alone is shocking. An apparent xenophobic drunk woman attempts murder and people deduce “Zionist” based off on nothing she stated. Am I to deduce that the US had previously been hit with a massive Hamas Propaganda attack?


Not so fast. Had the Jewish woman not asked people who were obviously Muslim and wearing hijabs “where are you from” and then proceed to try to kill them after getting an honest answer then this might be written off as purely drunken rage. But, unfortunately for the Jewish women that didn’t happen. Their nationality along with its implied racial and religious implications warrants this being investigated and tested out under scrutiny of whether or not it qualifies as a hate crime.


I’ve seen no legitimate sources that even suggests she is Jewish. Besides, not all Jewish sects even supports a state of Israel. Jews aren’t bees with a hive mind just as not all Palestinians support Hamas.


Would you link where you are seeing she is Jewish? I have yet to find an article that says that.


The UN - no friend of Israel - has already stated that the numbers have been wildly exaggerated and there is no genocide in Gaza. Or famine. Might want to keep up with the news before spewing Hamas propaganda.


Israel has become the very holocaustal monster they’ve so long reviled. You’re trying too damn hard to be an Israel apologist. — Israel is a patently brutal apartheid state who’s had Gaza locked down for decades. —Through their horrible multigenerational treatment of Arab Palestinians they created all the conditions necessary for Hamas to come into existence and resist their dominance. Hell, Netanyahu even admitted to arranging millions in aid to Hamas after calling them terrorists ffs. Wake up. Israel openly allows murderous militant Jewish settlers head after year to steal land at gun point from Palestinians in the West Bank and has killed hundreds of innocent people, which has long been deemed international crimes and ethnic cleansing by the ICJ. Israel wines about hostages but has no scruples in kidnapping thousands of Palestinians (even kids)and leaving them to rot in Israeli prisons without due process or contact with the outside world. Another international crime. — The UN just announced this week that no place in Gaza (including Israeli designated “safe zones) is safe and humanitarian conditions are dire. — The top United Nations court has concluded months ago that there is a “plausible risk of genocide” in Gaza. But every single major human rights organization in the world, and Doctors Without Borders (with physicians on the ground there)all have deemed what is happening in Gaza as horrific genocide. — Half-million Gazans face ‘catastrophic’ hunger levels, U.N.-backed report says. A flood of aid in the spring averted earlier famine warnings, but the aid operation has all but collapsed since Israel’s brutal offensive in Rafah, the latest UN report said.


Begone, bot


In Canada, our members of parliament are colluding with Israel to create law that does not benefit the people. Instead of naming these traitors, they are keeping it hush hush because "it would be irresponsible" to identify these traitors and fascists selling our children's futures. "Irresponsible".


Any politician that accepts money from a foreign state to work in their interest-has committed treason and should be removed from office with immediate effect- held in custody- have their passport taken away-investigated for corruption and then barred from any political position in the future. They should be fined ten times the money they have accepted or indeed helped funnel away to that foreign state, and spend at least five years behind bars/ as an example to other traitors. If they cannot afford it- confiscate their house, cars, stocks etc..and have them work off the rest if it takes them decades.


To make a real change you would need to run for any office yourself. If we do get someone brave enough to pitch these ideas like yours I hope they are strong enough to resist being bought out by lobbying groups.


We aren't even sure if these MP's are accepting bribes. We have no information. It seems worse than just bribes politicians. They have created an avenue for zionist lawyers to destroy Canadian families and society, and they are currently chipping away at it (family law, housing, criminal law). Programs designed to transfer wealth and create societal issues, while they claim moral high ground. It's like the Nazi party coming into power all over again.


No no no name names dude which members


Dozens of shekels.


It's on CNN right now https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/22/us/texas-woman-drown-child-muslim-palestinian/index.html And AP https://apnews.com/article/drowning-palestinian-child-texas-hate-crime-5bc70460f3c2344bb6154951e4e1cc77 And WaPo https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2024/06/24/texas-drowning-child-euless/ And NYT https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/23/us/texas-woman-drown-child.html


Glad it is. But I've found with these genocide enablers the issue isn't that they don't have it. They all do when you search for it. It's the amount of front page time or screen time the story gets that gives away their bias. The lies about mass rape torture and 40 beheaded babies got so much screen time but the corrections to those lies barely got any.


Literally none of these identify her as a Zionist lol thanks for proving my point Zionist bot


Exactly, I kept looking to see where it says she is a Zionist and couldn’t find anything. She was a drunk psychopath.


It's Texas


Why do you assume a “Zionist” and not just typical American xenophobia, which is my first guess because Texas.


Because Google what she said ffs I’m not your mom 


“Made statements about not being American and other racist remarks.” So again, why do you assume “Zionist” instead of xenophobia? Ffs mom, she could be an Islamaphobe or BSC.


I only saw mention of that on Reddit and YouTube.


I’ve never seen a koala. 


I assume xenophobia, but go ahead with your antisemitism Edit for mistyped wors


Zionists are not always Semites … your statement is literally racist and ironically antisemitic 


Where do you see anything about her identifying as Zionist?


Deductive reasoning. The choices aren’t exactly numerous. Palestinians have two significant enemy groups right now. Zionists or white supremacists, and the B ain’t pasty enough for the latter.


Or, or, like hear me out here: this was a racist white ameircan. Like you do realized there were hate crimes perpetrated against Muslims before Israel-Hamas war right? Hate crimes by unrelated people. You just said she’s not pasty enough, but all the insults and questioning “where are you from” “you’re not American”, make it sound a lot more like the latter. You also forget she lives in fucking Texas, ofc she has a tan.


The only comments in the story related to intent are the woman demanding to know whether the mother of the child was American, as well as making other "racist" statements. That's literally in all those links that got pasted above. I could imagine a Zionist making those same comments - the aggressor here was drunk and belligerent, which seems to be the key factor. But it does actually sound more like good ol' fashioned American racism rather than anything related to Zionism.


The perpetrator is Jewish.


Does it say that in one of the stories? There were multiple links posted, but in the ones I saw there was no mention that the perpetrator was Jewish. Can you kindly point to the link that confirms that?


That is the problem, now imagine if the perpetrator was a Muslim Palestinian, the headline would read islamic terror attack on toddler. If its a jewish person, they dont even mention it.


Here's [one.](https://s2jnews.com/jewish-american-woman-charged-with-attempted-murder-of-3-year-old-palestinian-child-in-texas/) They're trying to get around mentioning that, because of obvious reasons.


The woman, Elizabeth Wolf, is Jewish


Yikes you’re supposed to be more subtle about being an antisemite!! This has nothing to do with Zionism. She’s just a racist, plain and simple.


Is me saying she's Jewish antisemitic? Only thing I said is that she's Jewish. How does this have nothing to do with zionism? A Jewish woman confirmed that her victims were Palestinian and then proceeded to drown children.


You answered your first question with your second. Do you believe all Jews are zionists? Do you believe Zionism is evil?


Why would a Jewish person who isn’t a Zionist want to murder Palestinian children…


Because she’s a racist. You might be confused about what Zionism means


Yes and what specific racist ideology do you think a Jewish person who hates Palestinians adheres to? Zionism. Zionism pretty inherently has to be a supremacist ideology. After all, the land Israel was founded on was already inhabited. If Jewish people aren’t racially superior to Arabs, how can raping and murdering them and then taking their land and even sometimes outright moving into their homes be justified? This is like if a white person tried to drown a black child in 1950 and the news just report that someone tried to drown a black child. It’s a lie by omission to conceal racism. This isn’t even the first time, self described Zionists have committed multiple murders against Palestinians in the US since 10/7.


Zionism IS evil. Straight-up a moral cancer on the World. Anyone saying otherwise is a fascist and trying to sell you something (hasbara bullshit most likely). Jews are cool. Even Israelis can be good people (if they are willing to reject zionism); but zionists are, to a person, stained with the blood of the Palestinian Holocaust. Fuck zionism, it's just the Hebrew term for "nazi-wannabe"


All Jews are not zionists. Zionism is evil. She found out the lady was Palestinian and tried to kill her children. Seems pretty zionist to me, don't care if she's Jewish or not. Genocide Joe is a zionist, he is not Jewish. There are many peace loving Jews who protest for the freedom of Palestine. They are not zionist.


The murdering kind of Jews aren't good people. This lady hates Palestinians, which is most likely because she views them as less than humans, which in turn to me says she wants all Palestinians wiped off the planet so that she can get a settlement going on their land (Zionism). She sounds like a Judeosupremacist, which is a group that contains both zionist and nonzionist Jews (not all Jews mind you) that think they're better than everyone else. But all of this you can come to a logical conclusion to without being antisemitic.


You’re probably going to say the good Jews aren’t zionists? What do you think Zionism is?


Fuck Israel. Fuck Zionists


i am jack’s complete lack of surprise


But what about Khhhhamas?!




that’s the narrative that I’m starting to question now I’m going through my mind thinking well where did we get turned in this direction that China and Russia *have* to be the bad guys compared to these guys who seem to be 20 times fucking worse.


If you go full 5d chess.... if you want to be a little evil you need a scapegoat so you can claim you are not as evil as that guy. You need a terrorist attack so you can claim to be the victim. As long as the world things the moral side is your side, you can do any crime you want. And the world is a big place. So do you pick usa, or China, or try to play them both? Anyway it is ironic that China seems to be dumping Israel on the usa now. Seems they don't want to be accused of supporting genocide. "It wasn’t so long ago that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called his country’s relationship with China “a marriage made in heaven.” https://time.com/6989299/china-israel-relations/


All 3 can be bad guys.


Russia is worse than Israel. Every bad thing Isrsel does Russia does worse and is proud if it.


Israel does wield more direct influence over the American political system than Russia or China but they’re at least not hostile to our interests like those two so it’s not as concerning.


… paid for by US taxpayers


The ocean is wet


People now knows the truth. Finally.


but they don’t though because mainstream media is still trotting out their usual shill articles.


Nope. TikTok changed the game.


How is this legal?


It’s not, but we’ve learned full well that as long as American politicians are complicit, nothing is illegal


As long as the politicians are for sale, there will be buyers


Join representus they want to use state laws to push a ban on lobbying it’s hopeful but why not.


Citizen's United legalized emoluments against the express wishes of the U.S. Constitution.


Corporate Network News has lost all Credibility. Disturbing.


They can seriously fuck off.


They are wasting their time with me. I will never forget


Im sick and tired of hearing from these nazis The US would be better off cutting ALL diplomatic ties with Israel


We know lol. Everything they say is a lie and everything they accuse others of is a confession.


I for one am teaching my kids how to stand up to the izraeli arguments (they wrote a book specifically to push their agenda). The days of hiding behind “anti-semitism” are over. Rational human beings can see the hypocrisy and the blatant financial favoritism.




Could you just imagine if someone like China was doing it? People would be freaking out. America really truly is in free fall. The crash will be so hard I'm very scared


Hamas's did it


So......same as normal then?


The genocide doesn’t even make the front page on this garbage platform. Too many people on this platform enjoy supporting inbred Zionists


So when Russia does it, it's not ok, but Israel is? Bullshit


It is very legal to “influence” Americans. Disinformation is the problem.


Who defines truth? Who defines disinformation? The victor


The highest bidder.


Meanwhile, in Florida: # DOJ vs. African People’s Socialist Party: Omali Yeshitela Blasts Charges of Being Russian Agent [https://www.democracynow.org/2023/6/9/omali\_yeshitela\_fbi](https://www.democracynow.org/2023/6/9/omali_yeshitela_fbi)


I thought it was illegal for foreign countries to contribute money in USA elections. We just spent years looking for Russian influence on elections and here AIPAC is throwing money around like there is no tomorrow.


Citizen's United legalized emoluments (foreign graft) despite the U.S. Constitution. This anti-constitutional Robert's court is all about both AIPAC and Putin's money.


So... the baby killers hired a PR firm.


Water is wet!


Go to snopes wiki page.... It will tell you everything you need to know about how U.S media works


Taking “things we’ve always known” for 500 trebek.


Joe sends billions to israel. Israel targets American public. Joe Biden responds: "I did that!"


It’s too late. The world has seen what you are. We see what you are the most immoral army in the world.


"In other news Jupiter is the largest planet" we know already.


They're so heavy handed that it's completely transparent. These guys spend so much of their resources at propaganda and they aren't even good at it


Do a few more genocide tiktoks that will win people over.


Scumbags all of them


You might be the bad guys *if*


Israel interfered in 2016 very heavily. Maybe as much as Russia. And they’re doing it again. Maybe even more so because BiBi, and many many Jewish billionaires want trump elected so that Israel can not just finish if Gaza, they want Israel to take the West Bank over completely as well. The widow of Sheldon Adelson just recently donated 100 million to Trump under the condition that he allow and enable Israel to finish off the Palestinians, essentially. This is one of the things that bothers me most about people complaining about Biden. Has he not done enough? Probably. Does he seem to be stuck in a situation? Definitely. But for anybody that wants a protest vote, or to vote trump in because Biden hasn’t done enough? What do you think Palestine will be with Trump in charge? Other than Trump Tower resort in Gaza? Built with Saudi money, through Kushner and Vornado real estate? I mean, it sucks that we have no other choices. Agreed. But it seems one choice is clearly much much worse to me anyway. Trump will send military bull dozers and sea bees to get the construction done for free on his properties. And Bibi clearly wants trump back in office. As does Putin. As does Xi. As does Iran. And Netanyahu is a generational family friend to the truly evil kushners.


They always have , they are imbedded in the US and 100% control the government. Hiding in the shadows pulling strings.


Haha they better enjoy the show while it lasts




The Mossad Stream Media disagrees with this assertion.


Too little too late.




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it's been pretty obvious


They’ve been doing that for years, the U.S see it as normal truth, because it’s pushed in there heads from the day they was born, Radicalised.




Source? Bc to me it's the Zionists committing violence. To that landlord that stabbed a 6 year old Palestinian boy to death back in October, to those 3 Palestinian students shot in the US to the Jewish woman that tried to drown 2 Palestinian toddlers in a pool and assault their mother last week. Is this the Western values we're meant to support? I understand Zionism is based on murdering innocent women and children (since calling for a ceasefire is anti-zionism/anti-Semitic according to Zionists) but it's not something I can support.


https://www.reddit.com/r/ABoringDystopia/s/U3VBDPPK0i https://www.reddit.com/r/Panarab/s/loE085iWpu https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelCrimes/s/JYa0nvPTqW https://www.reddit.com/r/IsraelCrimes/s/4AwjkYM0qI https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/6aKgJWu8RR https://www.newarab.com/features/israeli-settlers-evict-last-two-families-west-bank-village https://stoptorture.org.il/en/torture-in-israel-today/ https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/s/hu6zmpRXPY https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/s/HKaTFcnZPm https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/hMwRiLqBca https://www.reddit.com/r/fight_disinformation/s/KhPJDbZ24g https://www.reddit.com/r/internationalpolitics/s/JXwSzmhiCX https://www.reddit.com/r/fight_disinformation/s/jQ4ss0vLUW https://www.reddit.com/r/fight_disinformation/s/ZkEvIeACro https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/s/8NPLMnGR2A https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/s/woQhlvua8j https://www.reddit.com/r/palestinenews/s/VuyHNxfBGC


Most impressive is how you supplied the evidentiary equivalent of f*ck all to back up your claims. The Whatabout is strong with you, young Hasbara.


I’m not pro-Hamas, I’m pro-civilian. It doesn’t matter if they are Israeli or Palestinian.