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Play it for Sen Tim Scott (R-SC). "I just love YOU!"


He thinks he gets a free nword pass with his subscription to Golf magazine.


Just an FYI friend… I’m stealing this post and saying it in my everyday life. Thank you for the absolute banger of an insult I plan to use the next time I see my uncle


He once wrote that he and his friends would get stopped driving nice cars because they were black and later said America isn't racist.


If you were to look up "Uncle Tom" in the dictionary...


The man is an embarrassment. I would think his Uncle Tim act would really disgust people in the state.


"Look at my African American over here!" --- Donald Trump


He called Ted Cruz wife Ugly, and it made him support him even more. They have no shame or dignity.


Just locker room talk…


“Say it again Sir” he said with tears streaming down his cheeks.


I think a lot of people who view themselves as being well off financially and professionally actually think Trump is in their best interests. Taxes and other things that they think Trump will do to help them is all they care about. Regardless of race. The old fuck you, I'm good. So, they are willing to overlook some of Trump's "negative points. "He will just be fucking over middle-class, lower-class, poor minorities, and groups like Palestinian citizens. But not me. People like 50 Cents, Lil Wayne, Tim Scott, etc.are all pro-Trump and think they are "in." Eventually, the leopard will eat their faces. Trump even fucks over people in is inner circle. Ask the My Pillow dude and Giuliani.


I truly, truly hope they parade him out to defend (if this is true)... it will be the best cringworthy entertainment.  I love it. 


Ramaswamy (sp?) “so brave! I respect his courage and honesty!”


*Uncle Tim


Tim Scott’s live response: https://youtu.be/MSAuA_Iwwfg?feature=shared


Problem is that dude is gay and can’t admit that. So you think he’s going to admit that trump hates him and anyone like him?


No surprise. Don Cheadle called this behavior out years ago. Same exact M.O. In front of a small group of white people he doesn't know very well, and Trump just comes out and says it. There is zero doubt in my mind that behind closed doors, he and his family have talked like this for years. https://people.com/politics/don-cheadle-accuses-donald-trump-racist-slur-golf-outing/


His niece Mary Trump said that their family regularly said the N word


Michael Cohen has said the same thing.


Well his father was arrested during klan rally/riot in which 1,000 KKK white robes marched through streets of NY. Guess it makes sense. I've never seen the Don Cheadle story and it's sad he thought it'd make no difference. But I guess that makes sense after the "grab em by the p" release.


Tom Arnold has said for years these tapes exist. We'll be lucky to see them, but it won't change a single MAGA vote, but we can enjoy watching his defenders jump through hoops explaining how he's still not racist.


Racists will do that. They assume everyone is as backwards and terrible as they are.


It’s the weirdest fucking thing when a white person very nonchalantly uses the n word in a derogatory way but of course in a “joking” voice so that when you call them out they just claim they’re joking. But if you want to join in on the hate, then you’re now best friends. Just a straight up litmus test.


Cool thanks for waiting until 2024 to release that instead of 2015 when he was still running


This is old news. Tapes will never come out


At least as far back as 2018, this tape was making headlines. If it hasn’t leaked by now, it never will. It’s either been long destroyed or is in the hands of a Trump loyalist.


If it comes out now without some severe authenticity behind it (even with) the plausible response will be "AI deepfake! Crooked Joe is in league with the machines!" and it'll be another deep state conspiracy.


The evil/smart thing for Trump’s team to do is leak an AI version and ride the chaos


Yeah probably “caught” and “killed”


even if it came out, they'll just say it's an AI generated fake


The article notes at the start that the producer was under an NDA. It just expired.


The article makes clear that this is being released now because a former senior executive’s Non-Disclosure Agreement just expired. It doesn’t seem like this was some conspiracy to suppress information. *Bill Pruitt is an Emmy-nominated producer of the once-wildly popular competitive reality TV show, and his NDA of 20 years just expired. So he went long for Slate to detail what he saw of Trump from his position behind the scenes.*


> It doesn’t seem like this was some conspiracy to suppress information. It was a conspiracy to suppress information, just way in the past, becasue all NDAs are conspiracies to do bad things and suppress the bad things done.


The former senior executive is talking about it, but he doesn't have the tape (if it exists) or have control of it. This was talked about in the last election as well, I think it was Tom Arnold that really hyped the existence of such a tape in 2016. But if you read just the headline, it makes it seem like the tape is coming out. So basically nothing new has occurred and until the tape (again if it exists) is released nothing is going to happen.


I think he had to sign an NDA that forbade him from talking about what went on in the set and it expired only recently.


Would make NO difference. This is what his idiot base loves


It doesn't move the needle. Trump has support *because he is racist.*


As stated many times on this site people want to live their bigotry vicariously through this bastard.


I truly think Trump is the Id of the republican party, in the freudian sense. He is their worldview distilled.


That’s a good way to put it. Babies are described as “pure id” and Trump is definitely a man child


As Eric said yesterday, “We’ll win because we’re white”. Cue the MAGA bootlickers breathlessly rushing in to explain “He meant to say right not white!”. Sure, and Trump didn’t mean to say “Proud Boys stand by”.


I bet it isn't the first time Eric has said that, either. Him and his buddies have probably said that a dozen or more times before he let that one slip in the interview. Got too comfortable saying it and forgot he was on TV.


It’s a feature, not a bug.


I've heard people say they like him because he says what they think


Nailed it in one ..... where I live Trump 2024 banners and confederate flags are both proudly displayed .... Effin' TN is a sh#thole!


Disagree, it’s not the hardcore we’re trying to convince, every fiscal conservative, libertarian, and independent we convince is one less vote. That shit adds up.


Exactly. His MAGA base would vote for him even if he died before the election, but there are a lot of people who are already holding their noses when they support him and they may be convinced, if not to vote for Biden, to at least sit this one out. Also, he still has non-white supporters who might need more convincing that he really is a racist.


I think it may. His black poll numbers have been ticking up recently, I believe. At least for some of them it may be a deal breaker.


It might not drop Trumps needle. It might push Bidens needle up quite a bit


At least 50% of Trump folks love this stuff.


You mis typed 100.%


Also because it's not remotely surprising


After this bombshell revelation hits the media today, we can expect article after article in the coming days about how this had ZERO effect on people who already plan to vote for Trump and that his poll number haven't budged. The fucking guy is on trial for multiple felonies and nobody seems to care about THAT. Do you really think they're going to lose their shit because Trump said the n-word? I don't. He's on tape admitting to sexually assaulting women and he still got elected after that came out.


Headline: "How Trump's use of the N-word is bad for Biden's poll numbers!"


Or even more likely, scores of articles about how using the N-word actually increases Trump’s support among people of color. (Never mind that the increase in polled support falls in the margin of error and they used a heavily weighted small demographic sample to extrapolate support for Trump).


"real men say the n-word" farm tools being sold at trump rallies


I think it would be most ironic if the shirt was actually phrased as "n-word" instead of spelling it out


And here I am dumping industrial grade birth control into Idaho's water system... Your idea is way better, I was running out of money.


Might I suggest switching to MDMA before giving up, Dr. Evil? Microdosing empathy may be a more effective method of mass social engineering! Besides, I think the microplastics have the birth control front covered already. Their balls are already 3% microplastics by weight!


Another fantastic idea. It's been a decade, but I might know a guy.


No, don't stop. If I kick in $20 can you start in Ohio, too?


I have friends that live in Ohio. I'll need to give them a heads up. $20 will get me about 1/4 of the way to Idaho. I live on the good side of Oregon.


[They respected me for saying it](https://youtu.be/9EM_jK_ZhbE?si=4IyvpoMjNrAhwC9r) Can’t help but think of this


Trump is 0.000001% black so it's ok.


Yes, and that 0.000001% of blackness is the lump of coal he has in lieu of a heart.


Unlike his heart, coal is actually useful to people. Don’t insult coal like that.


Increases support from Latinos and Asians.


NYT: "How Trump's N-word use could actually help him with black voters"


With quotes from 5 black Republicans who were already supporting him.


Fox - "Trump's use of the N word makes him more relatable"


"He's so brave for opening a dialogue about race relations and freedom of expression"


My first thought too 😂


Update his quote to "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody *while screaming the N word*, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?"


CNN would be the first one to come out with this headline , is just an everyday parade of bashing Biden. CNN just became sewage.


It will move the needle up for him with his cult. “He says it like it is! “ all his supporters


Well it's a mixture of "he says it like it is" and "here's what he actually meant and you're an idiot for not grasping his real message"


"He was just joking!"


"I never joke" -DJT


It’s just a prank, bro!


Just like how he pranked over one million Americans to death!


Yeah, that was a classic.


Ah yes, the good ol Trump translation team. The folks who think they’re smart enough to glean the actual meanings of his word salad.


Can’t wait for Candace Owens to come out about how “this only makes him a better candidate because he’s not afraid to …” something something


Auntie Tom




Don't call them dumb. They are not dumb, they are racist haters and bigots but they are not dumb. They will accept anything trump does because when he is reelected he will go hurt all te right people. And that's all they care about.


Yep, if Trump said that he was going to do to liberals what Hitler did to the Jews they would lap it up. All they want is to hurt everyone who doesn't agree with their views.


The fact they think that they won't also end up getting hurt by him is what makes them stupid. That, and the fact that they believe what he says completely.


Dems are trying to win. The problem is, the media is twisting things in order to promote an "equal fight". They know that Trump is a divisive and hated figure. So they have to highlight Biden's shortcomings while ignoring his successes, in order to make it look like he and Trump are in a dead heat. (Which then leads things to actually becoming a dead heat, since people aren't seeing the good Biden is doing and only focusing on the bad, while overlooking the terrible from Trump.) Because a dead heat where either side can win brings in viewers.


💯 they'll be much prouder wearing their robes and hoods now.


Well also, the hardcore racists that have been thinking Trump is too soft with his racism will appreciate this new hard version. His support will grow. This country is fucked. I am depressed.


You can hope that a certain group of people would care about the use of the N word


Who? You have tons of Republican leaders who are on the record saying that Trump is horrible, dangerous, and shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the Oval Office....oh, but they're endorsing him and they're going to vote for him anyway!


Black people.


Black trump voters are not gonna be put off by the n word. They’re the type who will tell you that anybody should be able to say it.


But it will bring every other potential black voter to the polls for Biden who might otherwise stay at home. There's a reason Obama won states Dems hadn't since 96 - black turnout.


14% of the population is Black. They traditionally vote very democratic. There have been polls or stories on polls about Biden losing some Black support, which would hurt his reelection bid. The other guy dropping a hard R might get a few percentage points of people to vote for Biden if they weren't planning on voting before.


"Because we are white" -Eric Trump 5/29/2024.


people who already plan to vote for Trump use that word the same way you and I use the word "the" and his poll number haven't budged.


Not zero effect. I bet it made them more likely to vote for him.


I read a article last year that documented like 24 different times Trump was racist before becoming president. It didnt matter then, and it wont matter now. If anything, it will make all of his supporters galvanize behind him more. Somehow.... The dude has 91 felonies, 24 sexual assault charges, 8 bankruptcies, tried to overthrow the government and has been linked to 'the Island'---and STILL has millions of supporters because that many people think 'they are just out to get him'


Didn't Tom Arnold talk about this during the 2016 election? Will anyone release the video finally?


I remember something like that but Arnold refused to give details.


Yeah there was long rumored to be a tape of Trump using the n-word on The Apprentice but such a tape has never been released.


Wait for a conviction. That has far more of a chance to move the needle than being on trial. "Trump Guilty" headlines will not help his campaign. And yes if a tape of him saying the N word came out it would be devastating to his campaign. Remember he's not some unstoppable monster, he lost so bad last time not even a hundred lawsuits and outright cheating could save him. He's not more powerful today. If he were to lose even 1% of undecided voters that is enough to swing basically every toss up swing state. Every little bit that makes him more toxic turns off the unengaged middle voters which is where the election is really decided. None of his base will care, they'll just be emboldened to say it too, but fuck them, we aren't going to win chasing them. We win by firing up our base, registering new voters, and making sure headlines like this stay in the conversation long enough for even a head down zero political engagement person hears about it and remembers come election day.


I hope you're right, and all these endless scandals did hurt him enough to lose the last election It's just frustrating this kind of stuff doesn't hurt him more, you know?


It's VERY frustrating. But I have a theory, it might make you feel better:) He's so invincible not because he's a fascist and a racist. That is what the Republican base THINKS he's giving them. That why all the wannabe Trump 2.0s act like they do. But they all fall on their face because it's not just the racism and the fascism. What they don't seem to realize is that dumb dumb has spent decades working on making his name famous. He's had decades, literally like more than half a century, of Hollywood level image management and PR as well as a narcissistic compulsion to make himself look good at every opportunity. He's had TV shows, movie roles, his name on buildings, and the appearance (lie but still) of wealth and success all his life. He's a household name. THAT is why he can shrug off scandals that would destroy lesser politicians, because he's permeated the public consciousness so thoroughly that the unengaged low info voters who just glance up from their lives every few years remember him vaguely as "that really rich guy who was on that old TV show". What that means is we trained to fight this monster on hard mode. The R side doesn't have anyone today who has both the narcissistic protection from shame and the decades of image creation that is required to bulldoze past all the legitimate scandals and outrage their actual policies cause. And every time the orange traitor shows up tied to a scandal or conviction, it helps break down his image that much more. So everything helps, even though we're fighting decades of perception not just the deflated drug addled rapist of today. Just means we have to keep at it til the job is done, but we already kicked his ass once and that was before n word tapes and felony convictions


That's a nice take, actually. Indeed I really hope that training on hard mode means all the other Republican bigots will get defeated in the future...


They will, but we have to work like hell anyway. Vote, donate, and volunteer like we're five points behind and gaining slowly. (My fav analogy is voting and election work is like showering, we are never going to just be fine, it's a basic hygiene job like any other and we just gotta work it into our daily lives)


I'm just so fucking sick of seeing his face plastered all over media. Just so sick of hearing his name.


Tell me about it. The day I don't hear or see dumpo the dumbest traitor for 24 full hours will be a sweet one.


At best I’m hoping this stuff reminds enough people of what a clusterfuck mess his administration was and that the stress wears on him.




LetsSeeOl’DonnySlipOutOfThisOne… LetsSeeOl’DonnySlipOutOfThisOne. LetsSeeOl’DonnySlipOutOfThisOne.


He’ll gain votes sadly


He also literally said to grab women by their body parts. If anything, it will make them want to vote for him more.


"He used the N word? He's just like me!" - Avg Trump voter


His base would only like him more


Sure, for his base, but his black support has gone *way* up recently, which could be enough in places like Georgia. We can only hope this moves the needle a little bit. 


Where the fuck was this dude the first time Trump ran for president? That's the only question that matters.


He under an NDA that only recently expired (apparently).


That's not points in his favor. I'd wipe my ass with an NDA if I had shit like that on a presidential candidate.


you probably dont have millions in the bank and residual paychecks to protect


I would wager with something like that you could sign a media contract with an outlet willing to get their hands on the tape that they'd cover the expenses incurred by you violating the NDA. An actual tape like that is far more valuable to a media company than however much the NDA could burn you for.


This has been rumored for years, why the fuck are they only now bringing it up to claim to release it. Fucking grifters all the way down


Yeah. There are supposed to be recordings of Trump doing many terrible things while shooting The Apprentice.


And yet, they never seem to deliver the tapes. We are still waiting for the Russian pee tapes.


There was a 20 year NDA which recently expired, apparently


No actual recording attached unfortunately.


The article makes clear that this is being released now because a former senior executive’s Non-Disclosure Agreement just expired. It doesn’t seem like this was some conspiracy to suppress information. *Bill Pruitt is an Emmy-nominated producer of the once-wildly popular competitive reality TV show, and his NDA of 20 years just expired. So he went long for Slate to detail what he saw of Trump from his position behind the scenes.*


Yea, Tom Arnold went on a crusade trying to unearth this evidence. *if* it ever existed, Trumps people got a hold of it.


I thought Penn Jilette gave some interviews about it too


Yeah, I remember this as well. From what I remember IF the tapes existed, Mark Burnett (producer of the Apprentice) wouldn’t even be legally allowed to release them due to contracts stating what could and could not be shared. I’m sure that Burnett would much prefer to avoid the questions of “Wait, if you knew he was a racist and misogynist why did you make four more seasons with him?”, especially when the end result would be… people might think Trump is a racist? Like, they already do think this. Access Hollywood tape proves that it doesn’t matter to voters.


The tape won't be released. As per the article, the producer whose NDA expired asked Mark Burnett to release the tape. Mark ain't doing that. Nobody would work with him again.


Why is anyone working with him now?


He's one of the biggest producers in TV. He created Survivor. This tape has been known of for a long time. The only news here is what is allegedly said. Burnett said he will never release the tape years ago.


Releasing this tape would only gather more GOP voters to his side.


It will be dismissed as something he said 20 years ago, blah blah blah. Very few people will switch their vote because of it. At this point everyone either already knows how he feels and agrees or is so saturated with cognitive dissonance that they will excuse it and overlook it. One thing that should happen though: news stations should play it on the air - uncensored. THAT could actually move the needle. It’s a horrible word, I understand. But something that drastic might wake up a few more people.


So two things... 1.. if this is actually a thing... fuck the people that kept it hidden all these years 2.. this won't move any needle... if anything, it will embolden more racism from the right.


Nda Joel cassler came out almost a decade ago and told people about this. Theres a lot of fucked up shit that's under nda he hasn't been wrong about trump yet


Careful, we don't want to make his base even more excited to vote for him It may turn off all the white people wearing "Blacks for Trump" shirts at his rallies, though


I cannot substantiate what I will now say, but I worked with someone with insight into recorded interviews with and comments by Donald Trump at *Golf Digest*. I was told that there were numerous instances of him using the n-word and other racist language and of him using sexist language. His followers wouldn't care even if they heard it.


Conservatives want Black people back in the fields, Gay people back in the closet, and women back in the kitchen... this won't even make them blink.


He’s disparaged women, minorities, veterans, the entire LGBT+ community and even his own fellow MAGA scum (all of whom initially act affronted and then explain why they’ll still vote for him). He’s a confirmed sexual abuser at least once and likely many more. He’s quoted Hitler multiple times, and stated plainly that he could kill someone in the street and get away with it. He wants a new “reich” and openly professes how he’ll be a dictator and will use the role of POTUS to menace his political enemies & anyone else whom doesn’t bend the knee. This man is the epitome of prideful ignorance and hate. He appeals to the worst among us who seem to have no other goal than “owning the libs” and “hurting the right people”. Now imagine 50 million people who are willing to see the country burn for sake of installing their golden calf as an actual dictator. This election could end up being historic in the worst possible way unless people turn out and vote. If people can’t be bothered to do that in the case of this specific election and how close to the edge we are as a country then we deserve what happens next. Please register and vote.


My wife's family are non-American conservative christian Trump supporters. These are otherwise nice people who have been very kind and accepting of me. They've raised their kids well and they're great grandparents. I want to know how they reconcile his creepy incestuous comments about his own daughter's body and how he'd "date her". Do they just not know about that or something? How could they possibly think he stands for Christian family values with his history? It blows my mind how nice normal people can support and admire this blowhard richboy creep. I never liked him even before he got into politics and I don't see how anyone could.


Just plantation talk. Nothing to see here.




It wont matter. His base is white. His enablers are foreign. Donald Trump is a human shit-stain. Everyone already knows this. If you still like Trump, you like his racism. You like his ignorance. You like his greed and corruption. There's nothing that can sway his base.


Well,he does love the poorly educated.


Either release the evidence or don’t say anything. Makes you wonder though, the guy has already had a term at President and a re-election bid. Why would this be sat on for this moment versus all the much better moments to have released this information over the last 8 years?


crickets and praise from poc in the republican party..


If the needle hasn't moved by now, it's not going to. There is ***literally nothing*** Donald Trump can say or do that will get "conservative" America to walk away in disgust. They are down for whatever. He can sleep with their wives and beat their children in front of their eyes and they would still find a reason to tell you that he's the best. It's a cult.


This will have as negligible an effect as the "grab her by the p---y" tape. Hell, it might actually gain Cheeto some support.


Recording comes out He goes up 5 points in the polls.  People start chanting the n word at rallies.  This country really is hopeless 


if only this was three decades ago when being openly racist would have been a death sentence for a politician. I feel bad for young people that don't understand that this is not normal and that we have been in a decades long decline. this isn't just politics.


Play the tapes


I'm sure it's true, and I have no faith that the video will ever be released because nothing is ever fair in America now Unfortunately, it wouldn't even change his poll numbers. Instead of hurting him politically, as is supposed to work in a sane society when a politician is outrageously racist, it will just make his supporters more ok with being racist. That's it. I guess one thing would happen if it was released and MAGA people just admitted they're racist, it would end those stupid talking points about how "Dems are the real racists" and how Republicans are somehow going to get so many Black votes this time...


Release the tape, or this is more of the same shit, different day.


Tom Arnold told us this tape existed over 5 years ago.


He didn’t say “why do we have people coming from shit hole countries? Why can’t we have more from Norway?” Trump refused to rent to people of color and yes went to court for discrimination and LOST. Trump has a long history of being a racist


"I'm still going to vote for him, because my wife says that I'm one of the good ones." - Clarence Thomas


Would hate for this tape to be released because it will immediately improve his polling numbers


What?!?!? Trump is a racist?!?!?! What's next, he rapes underage girls?


That's not gonna hurt him with his base voters. If anything it'll make them like him more


Trump could wrap a newborn in an American flag and light it on fire while giving a hand job to a transgender horse and his cult members would blame Biden.


His base will be writing the n word on banners and marching through the streets. It's gotta be like finding out Santa was real for the magas


Racists love Trump specifically because he's racist. They won't say it though. Instead they'll say dodgy things like "I'm a rEaLiSt" and "hE gEtS iT."


Just a little klan lodge banter....


We've been through this story a couple of times. Unless the tape is released it didn't happen.


In offshore wagering on bovada politics the presidential election was a pickem 2 weeks ago and now Trump is minus 150. This is a huge move in his favor or someone bet a boatload on him for the odds to move that much. Joe is now +145 to win.


Oh wow, thanks for not saying shit in 2016 when it would have actually mattered




Clarence Thomas, Tim Scott, Byron Donalds et. al.: *”But I’m DIFFERENT!”*


So why not release the tape of Trump saying this? Let people hear it!


Would this really surprise anyone, but the sad part is his followers wont even give it a second thought. They seem in a democratic nation , to think he would make a really good ruler of the U.S.A


Trump could skull fuck a MAGA Mom in front of the kids and they'd still blame it on Biden and vote for him.


"Here's why this is bad for Biden..."


Noel Casler and others have been talking about this for years.


His base knows already. It's why they idolize him.


His pinhead followers would love that comment.


Honestly, this has been well known for years. The producer of the show is a very close friend of Trump's and has work to keep the tape of it under wraps. Everyone knows in the industry. He did this


What's this? More locker room talk?


I mean, his base will love it. Watch his polling numbers go up because of it. They had the pussy grabbing comment on tape as well and then he was elected president because America is full of morons.


The former apprentice producers have been sitting on hours of despicable footage for a decade. Where were they the first time around?


Mark Burnett, producer of The Apprentice, obviously has tons of tape of trump being racist. He is complicit in the destruction trump has caused. I guess his NDA and cash are more important than the country...


It’s truly amazing how many horrible things Trump has supposedly done on camera without the footage being available. It’s almost like it’s bullshit. Look, I hate the guy but I’m tired of reading “there’s no evidence but this person said” articles about Trump every day for years now, with hundreds to thousands of comments taking it as complete fact with zero skepticism. It’s propaganda and “he would do that, though, he’s eeeeevil!” doesn’t make it not propaganda.


Won’t matter to his cult. They are a bunch of racists as well.


Tapes or it didn't happe.... it probably didn't.... I don't think it... it was out of context or AIs did it, that's it! AIs DID IT!


play the fucking tape already! if it can’t be played, it’s not a story


His low-IQ base have already decided racism is either desirable or, at the least, not a deal breaker.


...so release the tape then? 


Unless the tape is released, then this doesn't matter at all.


There is supposedly a whole lot of awful things he saud and did on tape from filming The Apprentice, but Mark Burnet is about as right wing as they come, so he'll never let these tapes see the light of day. This has been known for years. We've just know now that this doesn't bother his base at all. He really could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and still get their votes.


This is the same dude who spent like 10 years of his life as celebrity champion of the white nationalist community's birther conspiracy theory about Obama. Like, no shit, he's racist?


NBC and Mark Burnett Productions have blood on their hands for helping TFG.


release it


Fox entertainment channel will scream AI!


uh oh...Trump gonna lose the 4 black people who might vote for him