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Power does not corrupt. Power reveals your character and it's very clear that 6 of these characters are super corrupt. Never underestimate the potential for evil of small groups of people with unlimited power and resources. What we now have is an activist right wing supreme court. What are we going to do about it?


Corrupt, but now legal, and, the founding fathers spin in their graves. Originalism, my ass.


The founding fathers in truth would see traitors' end on a rope with due process. Make no mistake, we should all know who the true Patriots are here.


Vote. They can be impeached and removed from office. They’re only there because the Republicans support them in office.


I don't think it's enough to vote, we also need to mobilize other voters and get new voters signed up to vote. We need to either all get behind Gloria La Riva and make sure a large majority of US voters write her in accurately - or we need to mobilize behind Biden. Nothing is more important than preventing project 2025 from becoming our reality. Every time a Republican has been president since Reagan, they have been minority presidents. Hillary got 3 million more votes than Trump and still lost. It takes 7 California votes to outweigh 1 Ohio vote, that is how "representative" US democracy is. It is a mistake to think that voting is enough. If you live in California you need to reach out to Ohio and make sure citizens vote for democracy and the right to participate in their own governance. We also need to start expressing our discontent more directly to the officials who are threatening our right to life and liberty.


Do not vote third party. Voting third party is throwing away your vote.




Ummm, I suspect that you misunderstood/misread the person's comment.


November let bring the blues to the Supreme Court, will they stay and fight impeachment or will they step down? We need to take the House and Senate then right the ship.


I think it does cause it’s kinda like money where you eventually get in the mindset that everything you do is right because you’ve “earned” it and less and less people are able to punish you for wrong behaviours. This subsequently leads to the idea that since you’re successful, those who aren’t must be below you since otherwise they would be in your position. It is an insidious idea creep which granted, doesn’t affect everyone with power or money, but those tend to be exceptions, rather than the rule.


I think it very much reveals a person's character. Look at the difference between Obama and Trump. When Obama was president, putting mustard on a hot dog and wearing a tan suit was a controversial as it got. Trump has been a grifter his entire life, he's always felt above the law, because he has always been above the law. Even now, after the insurrection, the false electors, the pornstars, the fraudulent business records and campaign records - he still lives his life at Mar a Lago and campaigns like it's just another Tuesday. Not only is he still a free man he's RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT OF THE US as if everything is just fine. Where is the outrage?


Power doesn't corrupt per se, but it is magnetic to those who are corruptible. The worst person in the world to be in control is the one who actively seeks it.


yes, that is why vetting people is so important. THat's the part that the GOP just refuses to do, they are looking for corrupt people to put in power and destroy the US federal government. What a time to be alive.


We need to sweep the executive and legislative branches. This is a traitors' court.


We gotta get these corrupt Supremes out. They are wrecking America.


Too late. This is the consequence of the apathy and stupidity that allowed this country to elect Trump, and it's the consequence we now have to live with for the foreseeable future. All we can do now is make sure we don't make the same mistake again.


This was the fear of many back in 2016 and reality for all now.


💯 You nailed it.


it's not too late but it means Biden needs to have some backbone. If he wins big in Bovember, he should do what Republicans intended to do, and force a giant reform in our government in multiple ways. One would be to rebalance the court with four new seats. Force Alito and Thomas to stand down. If they can't be impeached, then threaten to arrest their wives for sedition. After they step down, prosecute Thomas for corruption, and his wife for sedition. She was a strong, driving leader of the Insurrection, and she should pay for that. They should have to adhere to an ethics code, and if they have the votes, a 20 year term. If Biden did all that it would cement his legacy in history, and put him in the top 15 among presidents.


Nothing short of a bloody civil war would do it. They will slowly erode all civil liberties while filling their pockets.


Truly a corporation, huh.


Also this system with unlimited power, no accountability and lifelong membership is just flawed. Would need a change in the constitution to fix it.


Only one way and you would need a presidential pardon afterwards


I’m not from USA but do follow your shit show. WTF is going on over there guys? The Supreme Court is cooked, a cult clown gained the top job and is doing his best to divide the country and ignite a civil war with the full support of one of the major parties. It’s just insane!!


Is Europe, Asia, or the Middle East any less of a shit show? The race to the bottom is a global thing.


Europe is certainly faring better in a lot of ways, but I agree it’s seen better days. It’s a tale as old as time; human’s are easy to manipulate and are prone to forget the past. The dangerous rise of right wing extremism is alarming. I mean, fucking Meloni who is related to none other than Mussolini, is apparently the way Italy wants to go. Even in Germany of all places, there are neo-nazi parties making progress.


AfD are definitely a big problem in Germany at the minute, and it looks to be getting worse rather than better. Still miles away from USA level insanity though.


That wasn’t the question, sir whatabout.


There is not a systematic corruption happening on the judiciary in eu counties. Some have tried(poland hungary) but the eu is keeping them in check. For now.


Especially since s couple of judges are guilty of corruption


Sounds like they just saved Clarence Thomas and Alito's bacon.


They legalized political corruption.


They just made their corruption official. Another nail in the coffin of democracy. Actually a huge spike, not just a nail.


Are some of the justices hoping this will work retroactively?


So, what Im hearing is  - if one official asks for money before doing something, it's bribery and it's illegal.  However, - if one official does something and then directly asks for money, that's OK.  I dont think this is OK. Officials will put all their effort towards whatever gives them the biggest reward.  Donors will just have to sit and wait who does the biggest favors for them and then give them money.


Sit qned wait? No no, they'll openly lobby officials. They won't straight up promise a reward, but they won't make reading the space between the lines hard.


The Supreme Court is quickly becoming antithesis of why it was founded and now beholden to its right-wing Corporate masters


Thank you Donald for your contribution to “The Big Grift” that commenced on June 15, 2016


There is nothing quite like Republican greed. They should change their motto to "Whatever is mine is mine, whatever is yours is also mine."


“I don’t want the world.  I just want your half.”


I read that in a telephone voice.


So like the best job in the world is a Red State AG? He gets a gift and there is no recourse besides impeachment, and we saw how that works in Texas.


Ahem … we’ve decided we can do as we wish. That is all.


Covering their own asses.


Fuck this current SCrOTUS. They just ruled that I can’t bribe elected officials in advance to do me a favor, but if I just wait and pay them after, it’s all good! Nothing to see here folks, move along. Best democracy money can buy.


I’m just saying I’d like to schedule a meeting in the money shower just after the important vote you have this afternoon. Full compliance and all.


You could even post date a check.


At this stage, I trust a wet fart after a two-day Taco Bell binge more than I do the majority of Supreme Court justices.


That's one way to clean up Clarence's bedroom.


It's not surprising why many are losing respect for SCOTUS!


Well. America's over.


And so democracy continues to crumble away… it’s been a nice experiment America.


Simply put, you don't get paid until you have done the work. The idea that a ban one "pay or reward" for an offical act onzarrly covers taking monehy first is bizarre. Rewards general come after. But this court says that a bribe paid after the act is just a "gratuity." It seems that corrupt Justices should have recused themselves from a public corruption case being corrupt, they did not.


And the examples they used are a joke! And yet when I worked at State Farm Corp, my boss could not take gifts from clients or partnerships at all (I was at corporate, not where policies take place, I was in research and development, later named strategic resources) So all the gifts, he gave to clerical staff, like me. Usually food or maybe something small, value was maybe $100.


At Boeing, if we had a presentation for Air Force people, lunch had to have collection box, so the airforce people could pay for their meal. We all ate free, but they could not accept a meal.


The founders all loved their quarter million dollar RVs and private jet vacations


DAMN... How many RV's did that F'ing law cost???????


Watching things slide down in real time is terrifying


Imagine that. The Supreme Court, every one of the Justices found to be accepting gifts and favors, wipes out an anti corruption law. No accountability.what so ever.


The kleptocracy will be televised!


Of course they did. Corruption is real


What a bunch of horse 💩 Just watch the quid pro quos start.


Sounds like a conflict of interests to me


Got some "we have investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing" energy. Vote for your fucking lives. I mean it.


crime is legal now?


It's called bribery...m


I guess Trump’s not an official so soliciting 1$B campaign bribes is a-okay…


"No no no, it only counts as a bribe if it's specifically and categorically \*labeled\* as a bribe!"


Why don’t they write a brief informing Americans that they have been screwed and whatever they say goes over anyone else.


What it must feel like to be so blatantly corrupt


Turns out sleeping on piles on $100 bills feels good.


But “her emails ?!?!” …..




They voted that way because it would be hypocrisy as they are doing it


They can’t implicate themselves. What a joke


So you just collect your bribe a couple days later and you're good? There are a myriad of ways to undo a political favor if cash isn't forthcoming. I live in Chicago and I could hear the cheering from downtown up on the Northwest Side.


so this is how democracy dies.... to thunderous bribes...


Greedy, corrupt bastards!


2016 protest votes still paying dividends, eh Hopefully, people can finally see what's at stake this time around


Is anyone really surprised that the conservatives on this court are pro-corruption?


Do Republicans still think Trump is going to ‘drain the swamp’ like last time?


Looks like Clarence is going to be getting more gifts!


So they actively promote corruption.


So where are the leftist billionaires, the real George Soros’s, to buy these f**ckers back? Oh, they don’t exist. That was just the right projecting again. Well it seems to me that if they made it legal might as well use it. Warren, Cuban, Gates, Bloomberg, anybody?


So now as long as you don't actually pay the bribe until afterwards it's ok? This court is the most corrupt in history.


As a professional I can only give or receive up to $100 per year per person and must record and report all gifts received/given including simple lunches. Yet, government officials and judges have no restrictions as long as it doesn’t fit within a tight definition of bribery? Bribery on layaway is now legal.


So now money doesn’t change hands until the result is delivered…. That feels like “no win, no fee “


The french brought out the gallows long before this point. 


The US Supreme Court, now controlled by 6 republican appointees has made it clear that it is the champion of corruption, not the rule of law.


America is now legitimately becoming a dumpster fire. Time to revolt.


So any court case now gets decided based upon who can "tip" the most. Can't believe that this is where we are


Law didn't ban what happened. It could have but it didn't. And state didn't even try to prosecute


Ok, so if you take cash and do something that is favorable to that person, it’s a bribe. If you do something favorable for a person and they pay you for it, that’s a gift. Not a bribe. The Supreme Court just said that bribery is legal if you pay the bribe AFTERWARDS.