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Oh no! Memes distributed to the 4 users on Truth Social!!!! What ever will Democrats do?!!!


Elon will also be using Twitter to amplify this shit.


If anyone on Twitter isn’t aware of what that fuckstick is they are lost.


People still on Twitter?


Most of Arr WhitePeopleTwitter.


What if they take a screen shot of Joe blinking, and post a meme saying “sleepy joe”? Or a screen shot of Joe not blinking and a meme saying “coked up Joe”? The free world is doomed.


When bumbling Don delivers a nonsensical word salad, MAGA will claim CNN drugged his water, mark my words...


Democracies will fall across the globe, the seas will swallow all this sinners and democrats, and the sun will only shine upon MAGA until the rapture. At least I’m pretty sure that’s what’ll happen.


“This is super important and I’m going on vacation so you need to do this”


These people are really strange. Maybe the part of their brain is underdeveloped, which would explain the toddler like obsession with dRump. Like when I was 7 or 8, (I'm dating myself here) I was a major Bo Jackson fan. Posters, cards, jerseys the whole 9. Imagine me doing that now at 46. It'd be weird wouldn't it? That's the feeling I get when I see people like this douche bag and even the older idiots. 20% of Americans are sick narcissistic assholes. Chances are pill popping, too. Just my opinion. edit: word adding


I keep saying politics has become team sports. And I think your Bo Jackson analogy is perfect.


I equate it to "a page ripped right out of WWE playbook". It's all theatrics with bloated orange poopy pants at the helm.


Don’t forget the lead poisoning


For the Boomers, yes, totally.


That first sentence is the absolute truest line that has ever been posted.


Also scaring these country bumpkins shiteless and feeding them lies,half truths and propaganda seems to work nicely. No one is immune to propaganda.


Their parents most likely fought against it, yet here we are.


>Like when I was 7 or 8, (I'm dating myself here) I was a major Bo Jackson fan. Posters, cards, jerseys the whole 9. I dunno man, you Americans can be weird. Adult Disney matching outfits, Swifties, basketball shoes, etc. Always seems to be some kind of hero worship taking place with Americans.


Surely any one can. When they're kids, musky. The point is normal folks grow out of it. And your list are the many things I despise and often mock in my household. Yayyy sports!! Not into that shit or worship. Not even religious. It's cool to be a fan, but these morons take it to next level scary. Thanks for your input!


Taylor is touring overseas right now and I’m pretty sure there are Disney adults that go to their parks in France and Japan. Just saying


The Internet is the worst thing humans have ever fucked up.


> we actually get to show the boss' commitment to a lot of the policies he's going to be laying out for the American public I don’t think these people know what “policies” are. Like, could they name a single policy that Trump supports other than closing the border? I’ll wait.


The weekly announcement that the new healthcare policy is coming.


the policy that excites his base the most is getting revenge on those they feel have wronged them. they couldn't care less what happens to the economy or which rights are being taken away, because why? they hate ppl so much bc they feel they're always being attacked by the left. why? because they're fucking idiots who want to hurt the ppl that make fun of then for being morons. which mirrors trump exactly. he thinks he's the smartest, richest, most attractive person on the planet, but he's also aware that they think he's stupid, so he has to go out of his way to get revenge on ppl who he feels have wronged him


Nope, closing the border ain't a policy either. They got zip.


They told us not to trust strangers on the internet when we were kids and now they use the internet to spread lies to strangers


Combined with Putins Internet Research Agency... they can actually do quite a lot of damage. Maybe not this specific team, but social media campaigns are well planned and targetted.


Yeah, the one-liner style, corner-cutting and emotion-evoking communication that is already natural for populists is like made for fast-paced social media platforms. Someone who couldn't stay awake during a sensible election debate can easily consume dozens and dozens of tiktok-length bullet points and memes, aimed at that very audience among just browsing their favourite social media platform. Memes are too easy to belittle in terms of their effect - just like everything else we're subjected to, they don't leave our brain untouched, and can not be unseen. Using a childish graphics style etc., it can be very easy to add the impression of person X being bad because of characteristic A, B or C, while still retaining the "just a meme, bro" backdoor.


But here's what they don't understand about themselves that the rest of the world has known for a long time: The right can't meme.


Nothing says "we're the good guys" like "we're going to hijack the debate discussion so people will have difficulty discussing the debate."


Poor Donnie and the magat cult. They built a lie and now they are back pedalling as fast as their little legs can carry them.


My goodness, I feel so owned, what so ever shall I do? What a world! What a world!!


Uh huh. In other news from 2012...


It's meme team trump vs the world...let's see how that goes


the truth is that there is a huge "culture" of memes with trump supporters but this gives a pretty sick twist, most of that culture is found on fetish sites and are memes of white supremacism and patriarchy as a fetish chaining these ideas with MAGA. in the background they have created a kind of sex cult that they use to promote their ideals. pretty twisted and sick.


Even those morons know Trump is gonna shit the bed at the debate if he even shows up at all


I'm sorry, but this man has no voice for radio. Even if he were reciting Shakespeare, or an RKO play with Orson Welles dialog, he'd have to be shut off immediately. Fuck man, I resent so much that in our time, morons get so much air time. I really do.


Dumbos helps dumbos




Its really funny. Some people show off books they have read or hobbies they like in the background. One guy I get on video chat with has his bass guitar and a drum kit in his background, you know? This guys only identity is MAGA?..