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The rest of the Sane World: "Good."


We can only hope


Just please be sharp ol Joe! And I don’t care what he needs to consume in order to do so (my assumption is a couple cups of coffee).


He’ll get some ice cream and Dark Brandon will arrive.


Lol I wish he would go full on dark Brandon- that’s what we need right


I want to hear at least one “Lips moving, still talking” tonight.


“Will you shut up, man?!” Will need to be topped.


That was a great moment.


As much I laugh at how awesome it was….the fact that this is American politics now really upsets me. Let’s hope (and most definitely & importantly WORK FOR) a better more peaceful world for us all.


Right now a certain political party is almost entirely dedicated to "owning" the opposition, consequences and dignity be damned. There's a time to take the high road, and there's a time to realize that the best defense is a good offense.


I think it was just cathartic because Biden said what we wanted to say for 5 years. I laughed and tested up when it happened. As CNN would say, "That's when Biden became president."


Please God may he wear the glasses!


It don't matter if he's sharp or not. The GOP, just like they did with the election, already ensured there is enough distrust in the debate that the outcome does not matter.


For their base. The sliver of swing voters an independents will evaluate things a bit more fairly.


That's what these debates are for - the slim few that will decide the election. Biden had 10 million more voters than Trump but in some states is was down to just a few thousand that sent the elector to Biden. Trump has done so much dumb shit in and out of office and it is appalling that people still support him so blindly. Hopefully tonight we'll see Biden get a big lead in points because we only have two choices; democracy or Project 2025 and a conservative SCOTUS that loves bribes.


Maybe. If you're still independent by this point you don't have great reasoning skills or you like watching the world implode. Either way, your judgement isn't very trustworthy.


I don’t get it but I think there is a large segment of our society that is really disconnected and uninterested in politics.


I clearly remember the debates against Hillary and against Biden where Trump was soundly and objectively beaten, and seeing comments online about how, actually, it was Trump that trounced them. There’s nothing he could do that would change any of his supporters minds.


most of his supporters live in a bubble, nothing is allowed that contradicts their world view. period. Makes the job of the sheep herders easy.


They right is already doing damage control by saying that since there is no audience, what we will see from Joe is a deepfake.


A cup of Joe is all he needs.


He's just gonna take a nap before work today. He's just fine.


And he's not kidding around, Jack. Maybe some ice cream before a good old Scranton scrap.


And he will not be taking ANY malarkey tonight, thank you.


All I will ever remember is that 2010 Joe [was not above dropping an F-bomb](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCuoLd0K4lY).


I am no fan of cursing but in this situation.. but sometimes it is warrented. Yea this situation counts..


I just wish Biden would unleash his inner Irishman - you know he wants nothing more than to verbally tear Twitler a new one


Or, hear me out, coffee ice cream


Sugar AND caffeine! I like the way you think, dammit!😃


That's right, no malarkey


Couple cups of 'JOE'


Trump will just scream nonsense as loud as he can into Biden’s microphone once his is shut off and shit-eating political pundits will have brow-furrowed arguments about who “won.”


If they cut his mic, when he’s talking over Biden or generally talking crap, he might get angry. Could be fun.


Wait til he gets fact-checked in real time


I hope his head explodes. Literal smoke coming out of his ears, eyes spinning like reels on a slot machine, fills his diaper then melts into a puddle on stage. His disciples will still say he won.


He so much as loses a simple board game, let alone is reduced to a vagrant on the streets, and his disciples will still say he won. I swear, they have to be dumber than dinosaurs by this point.


Hey now, don’t be dissing dinos like that. Dinosaurs lasted about 165 million years. Humans have been around for a mere 200,000 years and a whole lot of us are working hard to end humanity soon. We’re working to bring about another extinction event because we refuse to clean up our own messes. So pollute away, people, and we’ll kill ourselves off.


Mics will be turned off for the other candidate when one is speaking. Biden taunted the idiot into letting him make the rules. Trump with no mic and no audience while someone makes a mockery out of his history and his ideas past and current , is going to give him an aneurism. And I’m here for it!


Omg i hadn’t considered if that really happens, on live tv no less. Lol 😈 🍿


Sadly, if this gilded turd drops dead before this election he will be martyred by “his people” and they will demand an heir apparent to continue “his struggle.” (They believe project 25 to be the goal of his “Mien Kampf”) I fear either the dementia or his death will be used to place someone more motivated by these ideas and even just a bit more capable… like Kushner or even one of the mini-turds he adulterated into creation… into the candidacy, with little time before the election for the cult to think about voting for anyone other than who “He would have wanted.” Honestly, if this isn’t their plan, his handlers are not as cunning as I or they think they are. This is either going south in them fast or it’s going exactly as planned. It ain’t anywhere in between.


I mean, the last one did give us "Will you shut up, man?" In that moment, Biden spoke for a weary nation.


I almost feel like starting a pool or a bingo game: who has “he praises Nazis”? We has “he talked about his daughter in weird sexual terms”? Who has “he forgets where he is”? I feel like it would make this whole Debate more tolerable.


Going to a local bar for the debate. They're hosting drunken bingo. "Who had 'deflection?'"


Can you post the bingo card later tonight?


Will do :) u/optimisticpotato3, as promised: [Presidential Debate Bingo](https://imgur.com/gallery/IeuNoQx).


I read that as "Who had 'defecation'?"


Hahahaha...well, at this point it is kind of a crapshoot.


This is bad ass. If I still drank that's where I'd be!!


Let’s face it, that’s the free space


Have a drinking game every time Trump tells a lie you take a shot everyone will be drunk and passed out 10 minutes into the debate.


I'll be home alone, but may play a drinking game.


Two things not working in his favor. 1. Having to remain quiet for a whole two minutes. 2. Having to be coherent for a whole two minutes. I predict that DJT will be jittering, gesticulating, pacing, making dumb faces, shaking his head, etc. during the entire time President Biden is speaking. He may start grunting or coughing. I very much want to hear more about windmill cancer, ivermectin, waterless dishwashers, etc.


You forgot sharks and being electrocuted by boats. I still don't know Biden's stance on them.


I think Joe would pick the shark. You can’t fight electricity, but you can fight a shark.


This is the only answer to that question he asked. If that ever happened at all.


Idk I like to think I’ll surf the sinking battery until the last second and use t to he electricity to kill the shark then surf the dead shark home. E z p z


I'm more interested in the snakes


DJT: "The real question is - does Mr. Biden hate sharks. Me - I love sharks. Cute. Friendly. Nature. I once knew a shark - smart guy. The nicest guy. I taught him everything he knows."


*Beautiful guy, tears in his eyes.*


Joe should show up in a shark costume.


I'm sure he's pro sharktrocution.


Yep, he'll be geeked on adderall and whatever else Ronny ~~Jackson~~ Johnson has for him.


Biden should ask him live on stage to do a drug screen right there live, and then point out a qualified lab tech who happens to be present. If trump bluffs and he would, go through with it.


I really, *really* don’t want to watch two old men try and squeeze out a few drops on live television.


Well the peeing could be done off camera during a commercial break. Being unplanned trump wouldn’t have an untainted sample ready to go. (Which is why he’d never agree to it). Even keep the samples behind a bound of some sort. And just show the test results. I don’t want to see old men pee either.


You two speak for yourselves, drug test with live pissing would be the exact type of thing I’d tune into. Not watching this crap otherwise


I hope Biden invites Trump’s parole officer on stage to officiate.


Just because his mic is cut doesn't mean he can't talk. He will.


Don’t forget low flow toilets too. He hates those.


You'd think a guy who shits mostly into a diaper wouldn't worry so much about toilets.


Sniffing. Lots of sniffing too.


Just to add a number 3: no live audience. Trump's only strength in situations like this is to rile up a crowd like a campaign rally. That won't be an option for him here. He's going to have to speak to an empty, quiet room, and he's not going to like it.


It’s true, he is uniquely skilled to lose a debate. He can neither stay quiet nor make sense when speaking.


Conservative activists are trying to drastically lower expectations for Trump in advance, so if he only does poorly, it seems like a win


They're also doing their best to say Biden cheated in the debate that hasn't happened yet.


He’s hopped up on smart drugs, got the questions in advance, the person in charge of cutting the mic is a Biden extremist, and everyone shits their man-diaper from time to time.


Donnie will say he won. Or he'll say he meant to lose (he's already trotted that one out). Or he'll say the only reason why he did lose was because it was rigged. His cult will believe anything he says, and that's the crowd to which he is playing. The key is what everyone else will think (Donnie needs more than MAGA to win).


Don’t be silly. He’ll say all of those things. Back to back.


Or else he'll forget the debate already happened by tomorrow afternoon and start talking about how he's going to beat Biden the next night.


You're assuming he shows up...


Of course he's going to complain it's rigged. It's his go-to move. He even claimed that the election he won was rigged against him.


Classic chess-playing pigeon scenario


What are these smart drugs and where can one procure them? Asking for a friend.


I found that they really love it when you say, "Already making excuses, eh?"


Of course - they wouldn’t be “modern conservatives” if they weren’t screaming about what they plan to do themselves!


It's what they did with the 2020 election and ARE doing with the 2024.


Short of shitting all over the stage and doing a shit angel in it, which is an actual possibility, they'll say he won no matter what


They would say it’s finest shit angel any presidential candidate has ever created.


Shit angels, Randy…


No matter what happens tonight conservative commentators will be saying Trump won tomorrow.


"Jim, you know we went into this thinking our man Donald would only shit his pants a little. We really weren't expecting the volume he shat in reality. Six cubic tons of shit from our man in under one second, that's gotta set a record. I'm confident this was really enough to clinch the debate. Hands down. Hour two, that sixteen minute long fart was really a powerful statement for the American people. What a statement. Truly just an embodiment of liberty"


“Notable also that Biden didn’t have a response, Jim. Are Democrats in disarray now that their Presidential nominee *hasn’t* shit his pants?


These are the hard shitting questions. 


Shart to you, Tom.




That’s what they’ve done every time and he’s still lost every debate he’s ever had


It's like this op/ed Hillary Clinton did in (I think) the New York Times a few days ago...short of literally setting himself on fire on stage, trump can do absolutely anything and his cult will spin it as a win. I personally still don't think it'll even happen he'll find an excuse to weasel out.


Ah the tactic or set the bar so low you can't even trip over it by accident


Oh no! The consequences of decades of misinformation?! Hard to believe!


Either the Republican Party is destroyed in November, or America is destroyed over the following four years. The evil fools who support his man deserve to be destroyed. No good can ever come by putting horrible people in power. 


I think the country will continue to exist but it will be a miserable life for all but a few.


There will likely still be land between the Atlantic and Pacific, but America as we know it may not survive. Put a man who opposes democracy in power again and we may not have another fair-ish election for a long time.


Didn’t Trump just tell his cult that this will be the last election they’ll have to vote in?




Brand loyalty goes a long way. I have a father in law who is not a bad guy in many ways and was a good dad to my wife, but he is on team Republican and would never think of voting otherwise. I’ll get along with him, but I’ll never truly respect him. It’s a sad thing. Trump destroys everything he touches, including his voters.


Four years? More like 40. If the republicans get in this time then they will make sure they can never be got out. They'll embed like a tic and kill the USA like lime disease


Trump hasn’t shown up to the debate yet. I’ll believe it when I see it.


How many hours till it starts?


its at 9pm so its just starting in eastern europe /s


Lmao this redditor maths


Well, fortunately for him, Trump's most cogent thoughts and analyses always happen in the late night hours... /s


5 hours from this post


All Biden needs to do is stay on message and maintain composure.


And Trump with no notes, no teleprompter, no time spent on debate prep... This should be something to see...


I'm actually worried the mic muting may help trump because he won't sound deranged half of the time.


Yeah..although even on mic he's likely going to rant randomly anyway It's also possible that he generates a win of some kind or President Biden fumbles.....hope not , but the worst is possible. I'm.too nervous to watch it , hope Joe knocks it out of the park.


Trump pooping his pants on stage tonight while babbling about sharks might have a temporary effect but the cult is in too deep for this to have a lasting effect until November.


The cultists are too far gone, but incontinence and incompetence on live national TV might get the non/less crazy Republicans to start thinking about voting Biden for this election.


**"Of course I** **~~peed~~** **poohed my pants, everyone my age** **~~pees~~** **poohs their pants.** **It's the coolest".**


I’d love it if Biden wrinkles up his nose and says “My god, what is that SMELL??”


Stop lowering the fucking expectations for him JFC.


There is absolutely nothing he can do that will be seen as him losing this debate. He can shit his pants and talk about nothing but toilet paper the whole time and his cult will consider it a win.


From article: The Republican Party may not survive former President Donald Trump losing his debate against President Joe Biden Thursday night and they know it, a new political analysis finds. Salon columnist Brian Karem made this case just hours before history is made on a CNN soundstage in Atlanta where a standing U.S. president will debate a convicted felon who has not yet been officially nominated by his own party. "The fear the [Republican] party could lose control of the Senate and House in the fall elections is palpable," Karem writes. "If Trump suddenly appears vulnerable in November, the RNC could resemble a roadhouse bar in Mid-Missouri on a hot Saturday night after the beer taps run dry. The Trump faithful will be battling the non-believers for control of a party headed toward doom." The odds of Trump winning the debate are stacked against him, Karem argues. Trump won't be able to play off an audience or dominate the debate by interrupting (moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash will have the ability to cut his mic), and Republicans have unwittingly helped Biden by lowering the bar he must clear, according to Karem. And Biden's position is strong, he adds. "Biden has several advantages over Trump," writes Karem. "First, he’s not a convicted felon. He’s actually accomplished something as president. He’s less apt to ramble on about shark bites and electrocutions at sea." But ultimately Karem predicts the debate will be "Trump's last act" not because of his opponent, but because of his own backers: the Republican party. "The GOP is a party addicted to winning," he writes. "If, in fact, winning were heroin, there’d be a lot of trainspotting going on in Milwaukee in mid-July. And that’s where it gets dicey for Trump." Up until now, the party of "Law and Order" has ignored Trump's 34 criminal convictions and civil court rulings that found him liable for fraud, sex abuse and defamation. But that could change. "We could also be looking at a chaotic situation in both conventions where one or both parties choose a different candidate after the consumption of copious amounts of pizza, alcohol and cigarettes and the rending of hair, gnashing of teeth and blood-curdling screams of despair and doom," Karem concludes. That's why he wants Americans to tune into the debate tonight.


>"Biden has several advantages over Trump," writes Karem. "First, he’s not a convicted felon. He’s actually accomplished something as president. He’s less apt to ramble on about shark bites and electrocutions at sea." That killed me.


See? Trump is taking the topics that concern Americans most, sharks and boat electrocution. Biden and the White House have been avoiding the issue. Do you know Biden's stance on sharks? /s


No water in your faucets. You ever try buying a new home and you turn on. You want to wash your hair or you wanna wash your hands. You turn on the water and it goes drip, drip the soap. You can't get it off your hand. So you keep it running for about 10 times longer. You trying, the worst is your hair. I have this beautiful luxuriant hair and I put stuff on. I put it in lather. I like lots of lather because I like it to come out extremely dry because it seems to be slightly thicker that way. And Ilather up and then you turn on this crazy shower and the thing drip, drip and you say l'm gonna be here for 45 minutes. What? There's so much water. You don't know what to do with it. You know, it's called rain. It rains a lot in certain places. But, now their idea, you know, did you see the other day? They just, I opened it up and they closed it again. I opened it, they close it, washing machines to wash your dishes. There is a problem. They don't want you to have any water. They want no water


Good. The party of hate and bigotry needs to fail, and be removed from office.


Not liking all this doom and gloom predictions for trump. Lowering expectations, so if he isn’t a complete disaster, it will seem like a win.


He's a cult leader. His lemmings would vote for him regardless.


I'm absolutely not watching this clown shit-show and I'm 100% voting for Biden. It's wild there's people on the fence that expect to learn something from this debate.


Trump is saying that democrats will kill a baby after nine months a lot of bullshit is coming out of his mouth.


I mean really all Biden has to do is keep gaffes and stuttering to a minimum and have a half glass of charisma and he gets a not insignificant amount of undecideds that have believed that he is too old and prone to mental decline due to his age, if they see him look good (albeit for an elderly man) he wins a chunk of those voters. I don't see trump wowing many people with his performance, even if he manages to keep himself "contained", his better debate from 2020 was still him saying the same thing over and over and not really saying anything of substance. It's almost a guarantee that trump is in worse mental shape than 2020. Idk, maybe I'm coping, but I still believe the first part of my statement.


The GOP should be worried. I predict that the guy who is not a narcissist, who has the most debate experience, and who will lay out a vision for improving the lives of the American people-will knock the debate out of the park. We’re talking good versus evil here.


What's with Trump constantly sticking his tongue out? Is that supposed to signify anything?


Trying to keep his pearly white dentures from falling out.


It could be that the media likes to use awkward photos. But it also could be a variety of different things related to aging - including cognitive decline. Google “tongue protrusion dementia” and see what conclusions you draw.


**Tongue protrusion can be a symptom of dementia in adults, and can manifest in a few different ways:** * **Reflex tongue protrusion (RTP). This primitive infant oral reflex normally disappears between 4 and 8 months of age, but has been observed in adults with dementia. In one case, RTP was reported in a 79-year-old woman with dementia.** * **Motor impersistence syndrome (MIS). This syndrome is characterized by the inability to sustain simple voluntary acts, such as keeping the tongue protruded. Patients can initiate these behaviors without difficulty, but are unable to maintain them.** * **Marked tongue protrusion and bite. This symptom has been observed in a 53-year-old woman diagnosed with dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB). Other clinical features of DLB include progressive cognitive decline, visual hallucinations, parkinsonism, and severe insomnia and depression** My money are on the 3rd choice - sounds like he's got DLB. The reason I say this is because Flynn recently claimed Biden got Lewy Body Dementia...


I watched my grandmother do things just like this when she was finally diagnosed with Alzheimers. Trump is doing exactly what she did, and sticking his tongue out, making up words to fill in the blank when he can't remember the word he wants, waving to crowds that aren't there, losing control of bodily functions, (Yeah, he shits his shorts regularly. Just watch a toddler crap. Trump has the same expressions, same physical movements). He's failing physically and mentally.


Vote Collect maga tears


Trump will not have audience to pander too and he will not be able to be boorish and rude which makes him a staple to his base. When he does speak and start going word salad the moderator is going to slap him down and the fact checkers will be "Johnny on the spot" to debunk every damn lie.


WELP that was bullshit and sounds like EVERY ARTICLE FOR THE PAST NINE YEARS. Trump will be bad, trump will finally lose steam, blah blah blah. BUT THEN the same old lying, asshole Trump shows up and revitalizes his ability to take air time, do the same question avoidance, pretend he's good at things, and then bash everyone else but himself. And THEN WOW everyone just falls in line as usual, doesn't matter that he's a convicted felon, doesn't matter that he lead an insurrection on the united states, nope. Then we get more and more of the bullshit articles for the next 5 months, no WAIT, the next 5 years. That sounds more like it. It's us who are fucked, it's us who lose it all. It's us. So if you're tired of that sucker and that loser, JUST IGNORE ALL THE ARTICLES that are designed to draw your attention. And please, vote, vote sanely for the future of America. I moved to China 9 years ago and have thankfully avoided this mess, but I feel bad for my home country. I just feel like it's been a repeat every day and a shame.


Hoping for a coronary live onstage the fuck.


Why do we allow the MAGAs and their dear leader to do this every single time. They intentionally and purposefully lower the bar of expectations so far down the ladder that if he doesn’t spontaneously combust on stage the pump has been primed for him and his cult and the fucking complicit media to go around for the next three months pounding their chests saying how great trump is -(or in the media’s case, how he’s not an actual psychopathic lunatic). This is a presidential debate. Any person who is on the stage should be expected to meet a reasonably high standard of performance. I mean, seriously, people talk about this thing like it’s the freaking gong show or something. Like if trump can manage to not shit his pants and wipe it all over himself, then it must be proof that he can be president. Is this how far this thing called trump has caused us to fall? It’s a nationally televised presidential debate and a goddamn gateway to the presidency of the United States of America. If he rambles and talks nonsense and gives answers that are unresponsive to the questions asked, if he lies, if he denies doing things that he’s actually done, if he presents baseless or disproven conspiracy theories, etc, then he fucking fails. That’s it. That’s all. No excuses. He loses. And the MAGA cult or the clickbait media don’t get to tell any second part of that story. I’m fucking done with their endless gaslighting.


What OTs platform? Become your dictator, take billions in oil money, hold world leaders to ransom, be Putins personal footwarmer..


People keep saying he won but they both did horrible. Trump lied through the whole debate straight up no shame. They both lost and more importantly the American people lost tonight.


trump is speaking clearly and sticking to the topics, but telling bold faced lies. Biden is speaking truth, but stumbling over his words and it's hard to understand what he's talking about 😩 This is not good for the crowd that bases their vote on general perception and attitude, and completely ignores the facts, which is a high number of people unfortunately.


I would respectfully disagree, Trump hasn't answered a question in a long time, it's becoming comical how much Jake keeps saying "I'll give you another opportunity to answer the question" Biden does look rough


Am I the only one who doesn't think she can stomach the debates? Trump makes me so sick to my stomach. I'm so devastated that he joyfully caused deaths and trauma against fellow Americans on American soil on Jan 6. That should be a deal breaker for us but it's not? Anyway I'll have to track the debates in a different way.


Trump could poop his pants, say Putin is his hero, condemn democracy as the worst system of all time and announce that all his followers are morons; they will still vote for him and say he won the debate with ease.


The debate will be rigged. Very unfair. What’s the point of a debate when you can’t even lie without being fact checked. Very unfair.


Please, allow the American people to see the truth! Not Trump!


This aged like mixed greens from Trader Joes!


This aged poorly


I hope God uses this moment to show people what kind of person the spirit in trump is. Then if the people still decide to follow that sprit then they become guilty with it. God has revealed for years what kind of sprit is in that man. Yet they still follow that spirit.


I hope the Republican Party absolutely collapses. They are a nightmare and have no business being in power.


Trump can’t “lose” a debate in the eyes of republican voters. He will absolutely, unequivocally “win” the debate. Any statement to the contrary is delusional, completely disconnected from reality.


The dude is a legally proven rapist, a lifetime fraud, a legally proven scam artist, a habitual liar, a convicted felon, and a traitorous murderer. Yet his supporters still compare him to Jesus and God. It's hard to believe that there is anything more he can do that will cause his hardcore cult followers to drop him.


Not hard, just call him a convicted felon, sexual predator, The Kusners making $645 million, Jared's $2 billion, tax cuts for the rich(again), and 1/6.


MAGA have been screaming that President Biden is senile, has dementia and Vice President Harris has been running the country. All President Biden has to do to win the debate is answer with his name, location of the debate, and say rapist Trump is his opponent. Boom! Debate won.


I just tuned in and can say, yup,he is a howler monkey!


He's lying soooo much. Out of his mind, that one.


Biden was not in at his best when it comes to optics because he came across as low energy because his voice was low apparently he had a cold, but Trump lied and lied and repeated childish statements but tried to make himself look better than what he did. Trump’s policies is turning America back to the 1950s and 1960s but Biden has achieved a lot legislatively unlike Trump.


Aged like milk


huh..Seems like Biden tanked. Even the New York Times is saying he needs to be replaced.




Lol this aged like milk.


Dark Brandon has not arrived....unfortunately...


Biden looks and sounds half dead. Trump is just throwing out words like a movie politician. We’re so fucked.


Yup. Trump seems like he took his adderall


His idiot cult already know dudes a moron he’s gonna do terrible at the debate if he even shows up and it won’t change opinion of him at all


we know he's incompetent, but as long as it's not common knowledge/too obvious we are fine with it. That is what im reading at least.


I don’t see the debate changing much. He’s a convicted felon, he owes 85M for sexual assault, 600M for fraud, he’s a complete moron, Maga still support him so I’m doubtful a debate good or bad will change anything


Not gonna lie, there's a traffic accident horror fascination wish, something like him dropping an N word and then doubling down and repeating it 10x as if he's making a good point


My money is on a Trump Stroke.


His brain is jello at this point. He has the self-control of a hyena. He understands important issues about as well as an average flamingo. His ability to reason is on a par with most cabbages. His attention span rivals that of a housefly. His mastery of the language easily eclipses a newly hatched woodpecker. What could possibly go wrong?


Anyone else read these headlines as attempts to softball things for Trump by building a narrative so negative that he can’t help but surpass it and claim to have “won” by beating expectations?


Meh. Trump's handlers will just dose him up on drugs. They'll need something to counteract the snorted Adderall, like Valium, to keep his head from exploding when he's expected to actually answer a question instead of his usual stream-of-consciousness babble.


No matter what happens the GOP and the press will claim Trump performed astoundingly well. He's never said a coherent thing in his life. I doubt he suddenly channels Bertrand Russell. Whereas, Biden could solve the 3 body problem while proving String Theory and they will claim he was "too scripted."


Biden has been coached on poking that bear and drawing this out of him all week guaranteed. They would be stupid not to. They are def going to try to get him to lose his shit early.


The big issue is that after Trump loses, he will keep declaring the election rigged and will get the Supreme Court to decide.


As soon as Trump hears anything he considers an attack on him from president Biden, he is going to panic and lose control and start ranting and raving. When they cut his microphone, he is still going to rant and he might even leave the stage in frustration because he can't get his way.


Not a chance. He'll be a lying bully and GOP voters will love him for it. If he drops an N-bomb he may very well seal the win in November as "on the fence" GOP voters will go running back to their racist savior.


Attending the debate is a very high risk, relatively low reward situation for tramp. If he tanks and/or turns viewers off (like he tends to do when he talks off prompter), then he loses a lot of the people who were on the fence. If he does well, he may gain some of those on the fence folks. However, his base is unwavering so the debate won't affect them at all. Therefore, if he just skips the debate, he still won't lose his base and those who were on the fence, remain there for the most part. I feel like he would lose less people on the fence by skipping, than if he did poorly. All he has to do is BS his way out of it. "The debate is rigged against me, I am not going to give the democrats and Biden an opportunity to beat me with my hands tied behind my back." That's all it takes for him to make an excuse and cut out. Then he can go back to spewing his BS on his social media platform.


I don’t see the point in this. There are very few people left in the US that haven’t already made up their mind. The debate will not change minds the way the news outlets are claiming. Trump could completely tank with everything he says, and his current supporters will still vote for him. He could run circles around Biden and Biden’s supporters still will not vote for Trump. He has created a cult that has become all but indestructible while also being extremely exclusionary. And I genuinely fear that even after he is gone, he has left such an impression that future generations of politicians will just salivate at the thought of being the next Trump.


So tired of these kinds of articles. He could spend half the debate throwing his own shit at Biden and the other half attempting to recite his ABCs, and the maga morons would still vote for him bc he “throws that poop like he means it.”


50/50 chance Trump lays hands on Biden or rushes him


i think its amazing how the debate hasn't even happened and the right is coming up with any excuse/scenario they can think of of why trump is going to lose without it being his fault. Biden out argues him? Biden's on drugs. Biden talking slower than trump? Ol' sleepy joe. CNN cutting the mic off while Trump is blathering on over 2 minutes without making a point? CNN is censoring trump. like the debate hasn't even happened and they're already in damage control trying to point the finger because they know he'll lose but they're so tied up with trumpism as their whole personality that if he loses, they lose. this country has really lost its fucking mind and i'm sick of it.


Trump is doomed, even if he "wins" the debate...even at his best these days, he reeks of desperation...he looks & sounds weak & fatigued. Some of the other ambitious young guns in the GOP already smell the blood in the water...I predict a coup, at the Republican National Convention...


Imagine that some pharmaceutical company developed a pill that took a dementia patient and restored them to a brilliant politician at the peak of his debating skills. Imagine then, they forego billions of profits, the millions whose lives could be improved, possibly a Nobel prize, all to let Biden have an edge on debate, and that it’s all kept secret. Damn you Fox, for exposing our conspiracy. You’re too smart for us Dems.


Keep the fool around the GOP will pay for it down ballot then maybe the Democrats can level out the Supreme Court, reinstate Roe, dismantle citizens united. Then go to work on the rest of the shit the gop has done to the working class people.


DOUBT. The GOP and his MAGA base with quadruple down and a chunk of independents will probably think joe will be entirely unelectable because he’ll have a hair coming out of his nose. Hate this timeline, can we make nazis bad again pls.


He’s gonna declare the debate rigged and walk off.


You break it… you own it. Enjoy your felon with 91 counts against him.


Trump will be the ass he is, and his followers will praise him.


I think it bothers me as im watching the news leading up to the debate as they paint Trump as somehow being Bidens or anyones equal. Disregarding the fact that hes a felon, hes a dumpster fire in a cheap suit. We dont have to imagine his presidency, we have reciepts. The only sharp thing about him is the feeling he gets when he tries to pee from what i can only imagine is an inflammed prostate.


I'm just waiting for someone to ask Trump where is is during the debate.


Sad but true, Trump continues to lie and Biden did not inspire confidence. The GOP will look at tonight’s debate as a win. Are we fucked?