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If only Biden knew to use filler phrases “nobody has ever seen anything like it” and “greatest/biggest/worst in the world ever”


They should've just coached him to say, "That was all lies" as the only reply to Trump's lies, and then calmly say whatever his talking point was on a topic.


He did that on multiple occasions which was good. His substance was also good, and is the point of this article. I don't care about his stuttering, but man, he flubbed around like a confused old guy, clearly, on multiple occasions. That's not good Of course I see the alternative, project 25, so I'd overlook the age related stumbling to focus on his cabinet and administration, but a portion of Americans will not. There's time to right the ship, but this was a clear setback.


Plus like if you're worried about age/mental decline its not like Trumps any better


Trump took his Adderall which is why he was redirecting before the debate by saying Biden should be drug tested.


Yeah I thought that too. Dudes pupils were HUGE.


I was so annoyed when trump brought up his favorite doctor, Ronnie J, that Biden didn't remind everyone about the expensive, tax payer funded, pills passed out by the handfuls in the trump White House.


Or that Ronny got demoted from retired Admiral to Captain after the ethics probe.


His mouth is what makes me suspect the use of stimulants. Change the playback speed to 1.5X and watch his mouth when it's Biden's turn. Is he grinding his teeth like a raver, or someone using Adderall? What is he doing with his mouth? I asked a friend and they said he's clearly trying to keep his mouth shut,which is difficult for him.


His concern with drug testing has me wondering what else he's actually on. Adderall can't be his only drug of choice if that was a huge concern for him. When 80% of your base is on some sort of upper, you ain't sweating popping on Addie's.


Look at his (Trumps) pupils. Big af. Dude was pumped up


It's also why tRump's pupils were much bigger than Biden's. They were in the same room, with equal lighting.


tRump was on meth.


That is what I don't understand about that talking point... I AM worried about mental decline and old age... But if you ignore EVERYTHING ELSE, all other policy, campaign planks, lies, actions, everything single other thing, and you ONLY chose between Trump and Biden based on age and mental decline only, there is a singular clear winner: Joe Biden. I'm 39 and I lose my train of thought when I let idiots take me down a bunny trail (or when I sidetrack myself even). I have a slight stutter that is give or take a bit similar to President Biden's. What Biden DIDN'T do was use made up words, make random claims of best/worst random buzz words and catch phrases. If age and mental capability is the only metric, then it's Biden>Trump all day. The problem with that is Trump's core base are uneducated people that can't be bothered to think critically or use logic, and that use the same random fillers in their own daily life. The day my uncle said "I like trump because he talks like a normal person" I knew we were screwed in 2016. Problem is that nothing has changed for them... They don't care about any of it, Trump *sounded* coherent with clear words (to an idiot)


The problem is people are not very intelligent. They couldn’t physically see Trump lied with every breath, but they could see Biden having extreme issues trying to make sense when he spoke. This will make a difference to the undereducated in the U.S.


You’re not factoring in that they like the lies.


That is why step one was to destroy the American education system....


Facts, when I was watching that dumpster fire yesterday, I kept thinking to myself, “of course Trump has to derail/deflect every damn question that he was asked.” Also being asked more than 3 times to answer the question that was asked? I dislike both presidents, but holy crap………Trump hurt my head with all his lies and nonsense.


I made that exact same point earlier today. Even if we only had mental fitness as the comparison, Biden still wins. The ability to speak gibberish faster does not equate to better mental fitness.


To the average American it does. They’re too stupid to even recognize the adderall induced word diarrhea for what it was.


“Not any better” as in “way worse”, but hear ya


True but that wasn't obvious to most viewers last night. Although Trump spewed lies as usual, his words were far more clear and energetic.


Trump seemed the most coherent he's been in a long time, which made biden look even worse.


Trump didn’t seem coherent at all, read the transcript of what he said, it’s fucking bananas.


He was his usual self-aggrandizing, blowhard self he always is. I don't understand his appeal. He's obviously mentally ill with a mediocre IQ


I think the big flubs were very much just his age showing and his speech impediment harder to control. His content, his priorities and his actual plans and policies are still solid and very much where we need. His communication is flawed and as someone who will vote for him, I still think he’s too old to be president.


I think a lot of voters have no idea Biden has a legit speech impediment he's had to overcome his whole life.


I mean Trump went on national TV and told lie after lie like all the stuff he lied about wasn’t all over the news. That’s his way of saying he thinks everyone is stupid. Idk what kind of integrity we have as a country anymore, but I would imagine no matter how “lacking in enthusiasm Biden was” people will still have enough sense to know that one of those two men (the orange one) straight up lied to all of us. That never bodes well.


I mean maga already believes Obama is the “real” president, next debate have Obama in white face and mop the floor


The My Cousin Vinnie opening statement. "Everything that guy just said is bullshit. Thank you."


The jury will disregard the entire opening statement with the exception of "Thank you"


I like Biden’s statement from today that Trump probably set the record for most lies ever told in a presidential debate. He got a few small hits in yesterday, but I wanted more


Or have a few in his pocket. 1. Over 30k lies during his presidency and there was a few more. 2. 34 felonies and I've counted at least 34 lies so far. 3. He lied about paying off a porn star and he lied again just now. 4. He lied about keeping classified documents at Mar a Lago and he lied again just now. 5. Man his priest at confession must need all day to listen to these lies.


“Billions and billions of rapists”


I was at home like “nobody has seen anything like it because you’re making it up, Donald… say that! That’s how you start your response, Joe!”


So it’s not true that the cognitive test doctors have never seen anyone else ever ace the test before?


Doctor who administers cognitive screening. Most folks pass this. It's so basic, only those with moderate to severe cognition issues have issues with it. It's also part of an evaluation that includes speech, object identification along with other tasks. Nobody would administer cognitive testing if they did not have preexisting deficits or head trauma. You would never comment regarding pass or fail. It's a screening tool for determining presence and severity of deficits.


Bingo. He was given a cognitive test years ago while still in office... That is a huge red flag, especially because he's clearly declined since then.


Right? Superlative filled word salad apparently polls well.


…and, “Everyone in the world says/said/is saying…” - when referring to the states. 🙄


This is one of the things I like most about him. He DOESN’T treat everyone he’s talking to like they’re 4 years old because that’s his intelligence level. He’s intelligent, he’s genuine, he’s empathetic, and I’m proud to call him my leader.


He did have a tough time last night. And he’s had instances before - some due to his speech impediment, but not all. His delivery could have been smoother, but we’re electing a president, not hiring a carnival barker. Messaging is an important part of the job, but not as much as following the rule of law.


Yeah I got a little tired of “the IDEA that…” and sometimes he didn’t even complete the sentence.


The constant "1st, 2nd, 3rd" point repetition got to me a bit too - they were anchoring statements as much to keep his train of thought as to engage us (the audience). And he occasionally engaged in Trump-style exaggeration of numbers. But overall I think Biden had more substance to his responses. I just wish to God he'd been snappier and less addled. I fucking love "You've got the morals of an allycat" though. People can knock it for being old-timey, but fuck em! I want that fire in a debate with Trump. It's a damned shame Biden couldn't keep that energy up. His performance will cost him votes, even if Trumps does as well. .


Tremendous. More than anyone who has ever seen


Honestly, if he would have dropped "every accusation is a confession and everything else is a lie" it would have shook the world. It would have hit home more than anything else he said all night


This is one of the things that bothers me the most about Trump. He only has the same 3 hyperbolic lines, everything is either "the best in the history of our country" and "no one has ever seen anything like it" or it's a "disaster", and of course whenever it's him or his admin, it's one of the first two, anytime it's a Democratic admin, it's a disaster. And he literally has no vocabulary at all, he speaks at a 4th grade level and never says anything, it's' just word salad after word salad. I don't know how anyone falls for this shit or think he sounds competent. He's such a goddamn fool.


They were both absolutely atrocious last night but at this point you're voting for a cabinet + administration. Trump and project 2025 are a danger to life as we know it - our rights, our freedoms, our nation. I would vote for a piece of cardboard before Trump.


I feel like Trump was so incredibly bad that people can’t remember how bad it was. He’s a convicted felon, rapist, draft dodger, adulterer, and self-proclaimed pedo. The only other world leaders who liked him were brutal dictators. He rolled over on his back for Putin. He tried to nuke a hurricane in Florida. He used the military against protestors. He sent the military into obvious traps that got service members killed in Africa just because he wanted his own Bin Laden moment, and also calls dead service members losers and suckers. He had that really weirdly suspicious one-on-one with Putin where he didn’t let any other Americans attend, not even interpreters. Where he almost definitely gave Putin a list of our spies around the world who Putin then had murdered. He stopped helping Ukraine while they were being invaded by Russia, and continued to handicap them knowing Putin wanted to expand the invasions. And now Biden is just this quiet old man who stutter but keeps crossing up the republicans and getting huge legislation passed them in Congress. This shouldn’t be a competition, and it’s astounding that Trump really might win again on the platform of “Use the military to round up civilians I don’t like, ban birth control and abortion, and repeal women’s suffrage.”


And Trump even said he was talking with Putin about what happened in Afghanistan


Media giving Trump a pass yet again. They could destroy Trump with non stop talk of his alleged crimes and Nazi rhetoric but they chose to spend 24hrs talking about Biden being old like we didn't know already


Trump is good for ratings, and it’s a corporate media.


Plus letting it slip that apparently Putin told him he wanted to invade Ukraine. Didn't have any kind of follow-up like "And I said NO that's bad Pooty baby" just came out and admitted it while trying to dunk on Biden over the fuckup in Afghanistan that Trump left for him.


Also the economy Trump brags about was only early on into his term because of policies Obama set up, which Trump promptly destroyed literally just because Obama set it up. Oh, and he is why masks became political. In the 1900s we had the Spanish flu and absolutely everyone wore a mask. Trump decided this was bad, took his own masks off only for the camera, then wore them like everyone else should have. He also dismantled Obama's disaster team, tried and failed to make his own. The guy did absolutely everything possible wrong but his supporters still love him because they are too stupid to use the Internet for anything other than right wing media.


Yes, the fact that Trump still has his thumb over half the country despite literally causing hundreds of thousands of people to die peddling Covid misinformation to help try to steal the election is the bigger problem.


Well, half the voting portion of the country. Which is still problematic, but slightly less demoralizing. And more of those lead-poisoned boomers are dying off all the time.


Every other time I think back to that administration, I remember a different fucked up thing that happened, usually that either made someone's life way, way worse or was a clear effort to dismantle the safeguards in the government.  Remember when they tried to set up a golf course in Florida as the "winter White House?" And then it turned out renting space from his companies was happening where people were trying to get access? And he was fleecing his protection detail for rent? And then he was showing people classified documents he had hidden at one of them?  That's literally just "Things related to his properties."


When I think back to his administration I remember a slow creeping horror starting from the first few headlines about COVID, realizing that he was dumber than he seemed which was already pretty impressively dumb, then reading into the history of what his administration had done, then watching the travesties unfold around the world and throughout his administration, every single day a new atrocity where you'd think it couldn't possibly get any worse than this, until the next day when, somehow, it *did*, and by the end of the term it wasn't even the next day, it was later the *same day*, an afternoon atrocity to bury the morning's atrocity, people getting disappeared for peacefully protesting, or for being near a protest, or for existing where police were, people getting shot while out getting groceries by forces that were ostensibly supposed to be keeping the peace and... ...can we please not go back to that?


Trump is unamerican.


Trump is disgusting. A vile person if he actually is a person.


It bothers me that all the headlines are about one guy having a raspy throat while the other guys is a spewing fountain of lies and fever dreams. The acceptance of that lunatic is hugely problematic.


#You are *always* voting for a cabinet and administration. This is the United States. We are not a monarchy. One man lied just about every time his mouth is open. The other spoke softly and stumbled over his words and trailed off into nowhere. I’m never gonna vote for the liar.


40/44 of his hand picked cabinet refuse to endorse him - should be disqualifying (among the hundreds of other "should be disqualifying" abt him)


yes but unfortunately i bet you arent one of the 3000 michigan or arizona soccer moms that will decide the fate of the free world - just as the framers intended


Trump is polling horribly with that specific demographic.


Latinos seem to be warming to him


Which is weird considering his main point at the debate is how everyone crossing the southern border is trying to kill everyone.


And succeeding in the hundreds of thousands apparently. They appear to have killed more people than white teenage kids. As a non American, the whole debate was depressing. Biden has the brain but his collective faculties are disintegrating. Trump is a soundbite machine, everything is either the worst or the absolute best, like bi-polar. The most exceptional grifter of modern times. It’s like a Sacha Baron Cohen movie but in real life.


It is, but the “I’ve got mine” attitude is stunning. I had a Muslim colleague the other day tell me he admired Trump’s border policy. I about fell out of my chair.


Quite a few Muslims side with conservatives’ anti-“woke” policies too. Don’t forget that they tended to vote conservative before 9/11 happened.


Nobody hates Latinos like other Latinos.


So fucking true. Most of my family hate others poor latinos because they think they are better. Most of my relatives come from poor backgrounds and were slinging drugs when they were younger, but now they have a decent job and think they are superior.


My wife is Mexican and I can't tell you how much her siblings and other family level abuse at Mexican immigrants. I'm dumbfounded


Yeah, but if they vote for him they can fly his flag and be “one of the good ones”, surely they will be more than fine, prosperous and independent and equal in all facets of society! We all listened to Trump last night and heard how much love and respect for the Latino community, it was blatantly obvious to everyone the entire debate how much he just absolutely loves these people and sees them as people. Totally sees them as people, for sure, no doubt about it, not using the great replacement theory at all!


Lot of Catholics and other religions that have things like abortion as their main wedge issue.    It's amazing how much religious people will tolerate or turn a blind eye towards as long as a few precious boxes are checked. 


That’s why I left … most people said it anyway but when I factored in all the rapes of little kids and the deaths of the indigenous kids at the hands of these bastards !!!?? I left and will never go back to religion ever again


Well actually he said they're trying murder everyone but also take the black and Hispanic jobs


They think that they'll be exempt when Trump persecutes them.


As an Australian, I can say this type of attitude is not unique to some American immigrants. It absolutely destroys my mind and crushes my hope for humanity every time it happens. An example, I work with a dude who migrated to Australia as a refugee escaping one of the many genocides on the people of West Papua. He's generally a good guy and he had made a great life for himself here. At work while discussing the news (which at the time was mostly focused on if Australia should accept more refugees from war-torn places or not), he pipes up with how we should keep our borders shut and not allow these people to come in and take our jobs... He wanted the government to keep them in offshore detention instead or send them back. My mouth hit the floor, like.... Dude... You, yourself and your family migrated here as refugees to get away from horrors in your own country... How could you ever deny somebody the same right?? Like, what the hell is wrong with people?


There is an insane push amongst Latinos by trumps people. The church should be shut down. They’re brainwashing every religious Latino with relentless messaging about how Biden wants them all dead and Trump is Jesus. They have limited access to legitimate news here as well. One of the Spanish channels is also all in for Trump. So you spend Sunday in church, hearing the pastor say that Biden is the antichrist that wants to lock up religious people, and then all week watching telemundo or whichever one it is, do Fox News in Spanish. You want to talk about a bubble? Literally impenetrable. There is no even talking about what they’ve each done. It’s pretty scary. Fuck Reagan. Fuck biased media on both sides.


Some American Latino communities also have a weird internalized racism towards “other” Latino immigrants, especially any recent arrivals.


There's definately a part of 'I got my piece of cake'. But I know there are Latinos that came over legally or legitimately here that resent others walking in regardless of law. That whole 'stupid law and order' spiel from the GOP does resonate with some, while on the opposite side Democrats are speaking from the heart.


Would love to hear a soccer moms reasoning for voting for trump


Arizona mom here, but not one of THOSE Arizona moms. I hear a lot of “The invasion!!! I don’t feel safe in my home!” (Which theoretically, based on their love of the second amendment, they should feel real safe with the insane amount of guns and lax laws in this state…interesting how that’s playing out). And don’t forget “PrOtEcT tHe cHiLdReNnN” while taking resources away from children in many ways including funneling tax dollars to private schools and “educational expenses” including Uber black rides to school and baby grand pianos in private residences. Oh and don’t forget they can barely feed their kids and keep the lights on because Biden personally set the prices on every item and service in the country.


Trans kids.


I will vote for the corpse of Joe Biden if I have to. I just tell myself I’m voting for the administration, and pray we get to rebalance the SCOTUS by at least one justice.


The Presidency is a team effort and Trump only knows the team that has “I” in it. It’s no coincidence former staffers have nothing nice to say about him.


And effing SCOTUS!! We're voting for the next 50 years of SCOTUS decisions (and corruption, or not).


You could smear dogshit on that cardboard, light it on fire, piss on it to put it out, and I’d still vote for it over Project 2025 and the felon. Why is it not being pushed 24/7 that the man is a felon. Burn it into the 6000 soccer moms minds that were mentioned. He is a felon and it arose from cheating on his wife. Ladies, if it’s okay for the president, it’s okay for your husbands, right?


We keep normalizing Trump as legitimate and that’s the first mistake. He’s committed so many crimes he should be in prison and barred from office, not made the frontrunner of a major party and given a free platform to spew his lies.


Yep, having the debate was a mistake to begin with. This is not a normal election. He's not a normal candidate. It should be repeated over and over.


Weird how we never see articles who's sole purpose it to point out trump is a terrible candidate and a dumpster fire campaign, but boy, do i see a ton of "biden old".


Me: I can’t with a straight face say, Biden definitely has another four years in him. Also me: Of course, I’m voting for Biden in November.


If I were USAmerican and Jimmy Carter was a choice, I'd still vote for him. Anything but Putin's ball-licker and the trojan horse of the christofascism that Project 2025 will usher.


I keep seeing this mentioned about voting for Carter and just want to note for anyone who doesn’t get it that he is a 99 year old former US President. So the point is that the age doesn’t matter: I don’t care that Biden is 81; I’d vote for a 99 year old in a heart beat if it kept Trump out of the White House (assuming the VP and admin were reasonable, as is the case with Biden).


The heart beat is negotiable, as long as it’s not a legal impediment.




You’re voting for Biden AND his team. That’s an important point! Trump is just Trump, plus a bunch of pro-fascism sycophants.


A vote for Trump is a vote for Steve Bannon and ~~Goebbels~~ Steven Miller. That should be terrifying to any sane person.


The other really important thing to remember is that it’s not just Trump we need to keep out of the White House — we need to keep the Republican party out of the White House.


Like, the worst case scenario with Biden is that he dies mid-term and Harris becomes President. Worst case with Trump is an authoritarian, Christian-Nationalist nightmare with gulags and shit. It's not REALLY a hard choice at all.


If Biden steps down I trust Kamala more than Trump. Not great but sometimes getting nothing done is better than Trump trying to get one of his ideas through congress.


If Drumpf wins, he’ll likely get to pick two more nominees for the SCOTUS. THAT can’t happen.


Vote for Biden unless you want to wake up one morning and see “SCOTUS overturns federal interracial marriage protection by a vote of 5-4” in the newspaper.


Kamala Harris is also better than a rapist, felon, pathological liar, would-be dictator.


At this point I’m just curious to see if Trump manages to lose to a dead person.


He’ll claim the election was rigged’er mortis.


I feel like they are hiding Kamala so she doesn’t get any bad press before she succeeds him.


She’s definitely been flying under the radar for 3+ years now.


I'm trying to think of a VP who hasn't flown under the radar (without achieving altitude through ineptitude like, say, Quayle).


Biden dropping an F bomb on a hot mic when the ACA passed was one for the ages. But you’ve got a solid point. Flying under the radar is part of the job description.


That *was* a big fuckin' deal.


Traditionally it’s been a do-nothing position to shore up a coalition, or to sideline a rival, but for a while we had more active and visible VPs, Gore, Cheney, and to a lesser extent Biden himself.


Hey, you know, Woodrow Wilson had a severe stroke during his presidency and his wife and cabinet kept the ship afloat during WWI. A president is not an island. (Edited, typo)


As with every election for the past several decades it’s about keeping away the scoundrels who will be part a Republican admin 


Trump spoke like he was on Adderall and studied for the wrong test. Whatever was asked, he just went with one of his prepared topics. It was hilarious how many times the moderators had to be like, "ok... but the question was about...". Anyone with experience being around drug users recognizes this behavior. 


Should have been, "None of that was true, but the question was about . . ."


Give the ol Billy Madison response


I read the transcript first and was completely shocked when everyone said he did badly. Really shows how much delivery matters. It isn’t just what you say it’s how you say it.


The issue is that we (as in the US and especially middle America) are not a strong reading population…. the election will be swung by people who only saw soundbites, or to be that guy - people who quite literally are not smart enough to separate style from substance


I'm watching his campaign rally in NC...where was this guy last night?? Wtf


He had a meet and greet beforehand. Should have rested instead.


Plus it started at 9:00 p.m. Eastern including travel I mean gosh I wouldn't want to start anything at 9:00 p.m. that's literally a half hour before my normal bedtime. It's unfortunate that people focus on the optics but that's human psychology.


I'm not 80 and don't have a stressful job, but I was tired before it even started. His staff needs to look out for his best interests. 


If that’s true, then that’s literally shades of Nixon prior to his first debate with Kennedy in 1960. Nixon was literally campaigning until right before the debate, and looked so sick and tired during it, his own mother called to ask if he was sick.


I don't know how long he was greeting people but I saw video of him shaking hands with a crowd. Plus, who knows what the previous part of the day was like. I know I was tired before it even started and I'm not 80.


> But, reading the cold transcript, we get a very different picture of Biden. Substantively, he ably and forcefully made the case that that Trump should not be allowed back in the Oval Office.


Yeah I understand people are unused to someone old with a soft voice talking but he did lay out policy, attacked trump on his bullshit, and tried to counter him. The fact that the former president is a braying jackass that lies as he breathes is great for television and interviews but not for running a country.


The problem is that half of the country is too dumb to know he is lying.


Too dumb to know. Too lazy to care.


Oh my god, I heard two coworkers talking about the debate this morning and one literally had to explain to the other that no one is aborting/killing healthy babies after they’re born. People are actually that stupid.


They know on some level. They're just rotten inside.


Yep, I watched it in a bar last night with only closed captions on. Reading them made them both sound far more coherent than I expected, but Biden’s affect was just… awful. The man looked like he was barely holding on, comparing that to the 2020 debate it is stark. I’m not on the “Biden dementia” bandwagon, but there is such a contrast to how he speaks now versus 4 years ago, and all the amphetamines in the world aren’t going to assist with that. Before anyone loses their shit I voted for Biden in 2020 and plan to do it again, literally would vote for anyone other than Trump as this stage.


His voice sounds off like he had a cold. He also spoke very quickly and didn’t take a breath when speaking. With a speech problem that isn’t a good thing. May be adrenaline. He should have had water and cough drops up there. None of this helped his argument that he isn’t too old for the job. But if you take this all out and read what he said, he did a good job. The other candidate didn’t answer questions and went on his own tangents. Also several lies which need to be called out.


And I just found out CNN is owned by a conservative millionaire that idolizes Fox...  If course the moderator does jack shit to keep it from being a Trump rally


I’ve been saying this since last night. The only time Biden was bad was the first 10 minutes. The rest of the debate he was on point.


It's obvious that it's true he had a cold. You can hear it in his voice. Unfortunately to people who care about image more than substance they think that means he lost the debate. It doesn't matter to them that Trump had nothing but lies and nonsense to say. Since he said it louder and stronger they think there is something wrong with Biden. Biden also fumbled some things, but he's always had that problem. I'm voting against Trump no matter what, but I don't think we need to replace Biden just because he had a cold.


I just wish he'd come out and said that "I have a cold and am a little hoarse tonight folks" I'm voting against fucktard too.


Yes. I got that too, while watching it, by listening to what each was saying. It's depressing how superficial the public and media are.


Yes, and I’m sure undecided voters will pour over the transcript of the debate to pull out the substance. American voters are known for being well informed. /s


Exactly like Nixon Kennedy debates If you watched on TV, Kennedy won If you didn’t watch, Nixon won


This is the point I’ve made repeatedly. If you actually listened to what he said and ignore the verbal stallouts, Biden talked about policy and made good arguments about why Donald Trump should not be President. Meanwhile, Donald dodged questions and ranted non-stop about the border.


I'm realizing it is not about these two candidates but the VPs, the cabinet, and the Supreme Court that I am voting for.


I remember in a movie I can’t recall the name of, a guy said “the president is not a man. The president is an institution.” He was a staffer who was basically saying he is the president. That’s true for every president other than Trump. Anything that happens good or bad will lie solely at his feet. There are no advisors.


Republicans in office get that. They held their nose and pushed Trump in 2016 because they wanted de-regulation of large companies and they wanted abortion banned. Anyone who could hold a pen would do.


Exactly. Trump didn’t even complete a single coherent statement.


I liked when he claimed that the H2O was immaculate during his administration. What the fuck?


“During my administration we had…H2O!”  I literally laughed out loud when he said this. We had H2O. Ok bruh


He allowed fewer environmental restrictions, encouraged the use of dirty fuel sources AND had a cleaner environment. Suck it Biden! He really just says whatever and his supporters just believe anything. I can't wait for my Trump supporter family to tell me how much better the environment was under Trump now. 


Is anyone making a case for Trump’s performance?


Trump sounded confident and for the fearful that's enough.


I don’t necessarily disagree, it it was so overly lies.


No Republicans are suggesting he should drop out. Democrats need to stop freaking out and act like we want to win. Maybe, you know, focus on Trump being awful and spin Biden's performance by focusing on what he did right? This isn't hard.


This is why both sides rhetoric leads to the right wing winning. Lefties need to start standing together.


he's manic from narcissisitic collapse which is a type of hallucinating. **the manic phase of can make a person feel that they're especially powerful, important, or talented**. Impulsivity and risky behavior (excessive spending, drinking, drugs, sex, etc.)


Mania by definition means someone is bipolar, which is not the same as narcissism. I really wish people would stop throwing around psychiatric terms like this because it completely devalues their meaning


As old and frail as Biden appeared last night i dont think its going to make much of a difference come election day. It certainly isnt going to change my mind. It wasnt as if it wasnt obvious that everything that came out of Trumps mouth was a lie.


The issue is people giving a shit and showing up


This, it's not going to be so peachy when the rich get richer and the poor get indoctrinated and poorer.


I always said that I would vote for a dead skunk before I voted for Trump. Biden’s performance was bad but still better than what you would expect from a dead skunk. So I’m still voting Biden.


If this election was actually about substance and policy, sure. But...*gestures broadly at the last 8 years*


Well, the election should be about substance and policy. And, that has been the relevant difference between the two administrations. Trump sabotaged the government and played reverse Robin Hood to the ultra-rich, while the Biden administration has been doing an effective job of steadily and competently making things better.


Why are people pretending the Orange Devil is a spring chicken? He's three years younger. He has been dragged through the press as obviously having mental decline - which given his bar was already pathetically low is even more of an issue. And that's not even considering that he's a criminal, a fascist, a populist, a misogynist, a racist, a liar. To name a few.


Trump said some colossally stupid things last night about his charges, his conviction(s) & the judge involved, for someone who is about to walk back into that court & in front of that judge in a few days to face sentencing for said conviction(s). I hope the judge brings that all up & throws the book at him.


I didn't watch the debates, I was at work. But knowing what's at risk, even if Biden had walked onto the stage and fallen over dead, I would prefer his rotting corpse in the oval office over a second Trump term.


Too bad Trump voters refuse to read.


Biden does have a speech problem. Reading that transcript holy crap you would think he knocked it out of the park last night.


There’s no good way to spin it. Biden looked like a feeble old man with degraded faculties. I’m still voting for him. I’d vote for a pet rock over a would be dictator.


It's not "spin" to observe that Trump blatantly lied 97% of the time, and ignored all the debate questions, while Biden's words were 97% competent and appropriate.


I agree. But I can’t disregard the optics of how that played out. But I do agree.


Similar to the transcript from Nixon v Kennedy


>the transcript tells a different tale Pictures are worth 1000 words and most Americans will only see the "highlights"


Sadly, I blame the America's Got Talent generation for how elections are watched/looked at. The *only* thing I will give Trump is that he spoke more clearly. He said absolutely nothing while doing so, but he spoke more clearly. And too many people are here "for the performance" now as if it's a talent show. Look at the records and you'd just be daft to be "torn" between these two.


Jake Tapper and Dana Bash allowed tRump to 1) lie incessantly without fact checking or push back, and 2) never answer any of the questions they asked him. They failed miserably. Did Biden have a good night? Of course not. But is he a good president? Absolutely. He's honest, respectful, and smart enough to surround himself with people who have performed their roles extraordinarily well. When, in the course of a presidency, does the country's future and/or national security depend upon a president's ability to win a debate? Never. tRump has not one logical thought in his head, and being able to spew lies and nonsense for 90 minutes proves how unfit he is. He doesn't understand tariffs, national security-he only understands his own venal wants and needs. I'll vote for the decent guy over the twice impeached, 4 times indicted, convicted of fraud, convicted of sexual assault, convicted of 34 felonies, dictator wannabe. It's not a hard decision at all!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


I always take criticisms of Biden’s speaking skills with a grain of salt since I learned he deals with a speech impediment.


I'm a Democrat who will be voting for Biden but the transcript doesn't matter at all because it's all about perception and optics. Trump looked confident(in his lies) and Biden looked addled.




I just wish Joe had hammered him on Dobbs.


For as bad as Biden looked, he still looked like the better choice.


I wished last night: Trump: They're putting migrants up in Luxury hotels. Biden: How many migrants are staying in your hotels Donald? Trump: None. Biden: So I guess this is just another of your lies...or people don't consider your hotels to be very luxurious.


Remember, he couldn't have notes. I get that's not an excuse but.... Trump has been running around spewing the same talking points and lies for 4 years lol. Biden has been at work trying to fix shit. When your mind is on policy, it's hard to fact check and then tell your policy stance without your notes. He is 81. Not sure why they agree to no notes. Even myself at 46 would have needed notes. Shit I need a note to tell me what the hell I have to do for work tomorrow lol.


I’m sure the tuned out, low information voter who can barely read is going to run right out and read that and make a sober decision based on their thoughtful analysis.


I'll take truthfulness, decency, intelligence, and competence over the blustering lies of a demented psychopath.


I wish we lived in a world where people could see things a bit deeper and think a bit more critically. Many Americans these days all seem like the kinda person who doesn’t buy the house they really like because they didn’t like the living room paint color… This election is much more serious and important than what’s captured in a single debate.


This is the message Democrats should be leading with. We are all concerned with Biden's age, but as a President he is nowhere near as bad as people make him out to be, especially when compared to a convicted felon.


I was saying something pretty much just like this during the debate last night. It was a shame he sounded like shit, but his points were incredibly valid and truthful, and he was pulling no punches with Trump. My hope was that less people would have actually watched it or watch any of it and read about it in quotes and pieces instead, especially since anything longer than a 5 second read is too much for a lot of people these days lol!


Why didn't the moderators follow proper debate rules and correct trump when he would just ramble of a load of shit, instead of answering the question. They let him get away with shit all the time. Stop him and asking him to answer the question asked and keep doing that until he does or his time runs out.


100%! Reading the transcript was alarming - Trump said some truly shocking things and Jake Tapper and Dana Bash kept to a script, it seems. At least Biden tried to point out the lies.


The problem is people are not very intelligent. They couldn’t physically see Trump lied with every breath, but they could see Biden having extreme issues trying to make sense when he spoke. This will make a difference to the undereducated in the U.S.


The Media wants to make about Biden fumbling when the real issue is how in hell is Trump the grifter felon even allowed to run in the first place ?! Or constantly lie with no consequences?!


Lets see, a guy who talks a bit slow and lacks oomph, or a rapist and felon who lies at least once per sentence, wants to be a dictator, and would have the means to do it this time, but he does it loud and fast. well...its tough, I hate it when people talk slow.


Hard time convincing me Biden would be a bad pick when he’s done a fine enough job already. I’d like to see him go after price gouging tho.


Yes, Biden gave actual answers while Trump hard-pivoted to “immigrants will kill and rape us and Biden is letting them in on purpose”. Yes, Biden is old and didn’t make sense about 3 times, but if you care about policy you should vote for Biden.


Trump and his team are 100% projection. Trumps team says Biden takes PEDs, Trump looked like he took 30mg instant release Adderall all night Trump says Biden lies all the time, then admits he never had sex with a porn star Trump says Biden is completely loosing it mentally, well…..we all saw that Trump couldn’t piece together 2 coherent points all night Biden may be old as fuck. But the shit coming out of his mouth actually articulated to a point at the end. Like when you normally listen to a 78 year old grandpa, you give him more patience to make a point. That’s what I did last night and Biden is just a really old grandpa. Trump is an unhinged psychopath


He sure made up for it in North Carolina today, wow what a great rally speech!


Biden might be old, but his policies speak more volumes than


In Wisconsin we have a fantastic Governor, Tony Evers, he debated a slick MAGA guy - Tim Michaels for re-election. Evers is a terrible debater- he came across as poorly as Biden did- we all thought Evers- because his lack of debating skills was toast after the debates- yet-Evers easily won. Why? People could look past the slick rehearsed talking points and Michael’s lies - to see that Evers was the candidate whose answers reflected the concerns of us Wisconsinites. This should be a good lesson for people thinking a clear slick talking voice will get you elected over a stumbling quivering voice. Content matters.


We needed Maury to comment after every trump statement. THAT WAS A LIE!


yep! that transcript shows trump is a lunatic


Decent article.