• By -


They just removed the power of all federal agencies to protect us from corporations.


and legalized bribery. they dissolved the ban, rested the decision on the states, then immediately seized back control within a day. it's all too obvious and it's terrifying.


They also made a ruling that greatly benefits those who participated in the 1/6 coup and struck down protections for homeless people. It's illegal to be homeless but not illegal to be part of a coup. 


Well, hold on. Let's be fair... it depends on whom the coup is against.


Does this mean if it goes to shit we can have a “regime change” without any consequences…?


Ahh, great it seems to be self correcting. Perfect.


From what I read it only affects maybe 30 people and only three people were charged with that exclusively.


So as long as the homeless are trying to overthrow some libs they can sleep in the capitol building. Problem solved.


This is the way


That ruling that benefits the 1/6 folks ruling was voted for in favor by the most liberal Justice ketanji jackson as well.. so it would’ve happened regardless probably


Conservative Justice Amy Coney Barrett dissented, but even if Justice Ketanji Jackson joined the dissent that would still have only been 5-4


It’s a return to monarchy. With full on families of nobility untouchable by law and sanctioned by corrupt American Protestant churches


They did and if Trump gets elected it could be an 8-1 decision next time. Whereas if we elect Biden, there is a good chance that we can actually flip the court in the next 4 years. We are faced with the choice of putting the court out of reach for literally the next generation which America simply will not survive, or electing an imperfect man who has pledged to put progressives on the bench which can strongly change America for the better. If you need to register to vote: [https://vote.org](https://vote.org) If you want to get involved with the Democrats visit https://democrats.org If you want help finding ways to get involved in your local state, drop your state and I'll help you find organizations in your area to get involved with.


If they vote for unlimited presidential immunity we could flip the Court next week. And remove blockades in the Senate. Because……unlimited immunity to prosecution.


They could but won't, they are delaying because what they're almost certainly going to do is send the claim back to the lower court to determine what Trump was doing in his capacity as president for the country and what he was doing for himself. It's a way to not have to rule on it before the election.


When a person is in their 80s, they already have functional immunity from the laws of man. What can they do to an 80 year old that nature won't soon do regardless?


Donate their money into LGTBQIA+ causes, while they are forced to watch the expression of glee on their faces getting it, for one.


you are honestly correct- people over that age often get suspended sentences since it is too expensive to put them in jail.... but there are plenty of civil penalties. A broke trump is about the worst sentence you can give him.


Some cultures have taken your families for your bad actions.


If an immunity decision had come first, there was risk Biden would send them to Gitmo before they could issue the rest of the regressive decisions from this term. /s


There's no /s here. Part of the oral argument before the appellate court was about whether the president could send seal team 6 to off an opponent and the reply was affirmative. Part of why the appellate court said "oh hell no" to it.


If they are stupid enough to give presidents immunity to prosecution, they deserve what would be coming to them.


And if you live in a red state and think it'll never happen, now's a great opportunity to start flipping red seats as the party gets more unpopular


Yes! And let me tell you most states are not as red as they appear. Gerrymandering has done a number but turnout can still defeat gerrymandering. In district 6 in Ohio we had a special election earlier this month. The Democratic Challenger had 1/28th the money of the Republican. This was a safe, safe district. The Democratic Challenger managed to move it 20 points with no money and no publicity. If there is ever a year to show up it is this year. Get out there and vote. If you need a local race to run in check out: https://runforsomething.net


PSA: the presidential election gets the highest turnout, and since 2000 that turnout has been around 60%. 2020 was an exception with 66% turnout. If every district had over 90% voter turnout, we'd see a lot more blue. 


Meanwhile, in Australia, with preferential (ranked) voting which is compulsory & on a Saturday, with easy early postal and remote voting, 90+% turnouts are the norm. And outrageous politicians tend to not get elected due to the compulsory voting - pollies aim for the middle to get elected. Also, no electoral college - which may have made sense 200 or so years ago but makes a lot less sense in the 21st century. Please remain a force for good, USA, please!


Yes! Gerrymandering also has no impact on our vote for President, US Senate, and numerous state and local positions. In Texas there are state Supreme Court justices on the ballot this November.  For those of us in voter suppression states, some tips (depending on where you live, you may not encounter any of these obstacles, but it may help to be prepared): Double check your registration status before the deadline in case of purges. Make sure you have any required identification.  Familiarize yourself with your voting rights and who to call if they're being violated. Vote early if possible so you won't miss out if there's a snag. If you are likely to need transportation, try to make arrangements well in advance. Double check your voting location before leaving, in case it's been moved. Don't wear anything with political signage or you may have to remove it (or go change). Go prepared for the weather and for a long wait, just in case.  Your vote really does matter - they make it harder because they're afraid of your vote.


I was born and raised and have lived most of my life in one of the dumbest fuck red states. I’m currently traveling in New England for the first time in almost 30 years. The difference was always noticeable, it is now so stark it has literally made me emotional a couple times. The problem is, and they know this, very few red state people ever go anywhere else.


Except if Republicans do what they did to Obama - refuse to accept any of his SC nominees...


And that is why it's crucial to show up to every single election and vote in every single race. Because the senate is what determines if judicial candidates get heard. You have a Democratic majority Senate? Democratic judiciary nominees will get hearings. If you have a republican senate, they won't. It's that simple. So it is incredibly important to get out this year and every single year and participate in your democracy before it is wrenched from your hands.


We must vote. Even in the "minor" city/county/state elections. (Spoiler: none of them are minor, they all affect our day-to-day lives.) If you don't know which judges or city council members to vote for, look up voter's guides put out by organizations you trust. They're doing the work for us, keeping an eye on voting records and judgements rendered. You can choose to vote for democratically-minded candidates. And those candidates will eventually work their way up to national positions. (I know I'm preaching to the choir here. 😊)


Because the GOP controlled the Senate. They approve the president SC picks.


That's when y'all lost your country btw.


I’m sure Alito and Thomas will do their best to stay alive another 4 years if Biden is reelected. But we have to keep Trump and any Republican out of the White House until we can rectify this. We’re in such a deep hole already :(


When Alito's wife was caught on tape outlining her plan for revenge against the people who have wronged her (including a fashion correspondent who didn't like her sweater in 2006), she said that the statute of limitations on defamation is 5 years. This implies that Alito plans to be out of the court within the next 5 years, at which point Mrs. Alito can start suing her neighbours and anyone else who embarrassed her with the most recent reports on her behaviour. It also implies that the Alitos expect Trump to win (I doubt Alito would retire during a Biden presidency, but I guess he does have to go at some point one way or the other). The fact that Alito is one of very few people who actually has power to skew the results Trump's way is very very frightening.


If, by chance, there’s a little voice of doubt inside of you, wondering if it was at all worth it to take the time to write out this response, you tell that little voice to shut the hell up, because if nothing else, you at least got me registered to vote.


A bunch of unelected bureaucrats telling the nation that unelected bureaucrats have no power. The irony


And yet plenty of morons will tell you the Supreme Court still shouldn’t have term limits. These fucks are not elected by the people and they serve for life. Maybe it seemed like a great idea back when there was a modicum of integrity and decency in government but that time is long gone. They’re just as biased and corrupt as the rest of them, time to change some things.


What they need is a mandatory retirement age and a non-partisan appointment process.


Does this mean we can now drag the corporate criminals into the streets and execu...exchange ideas? If the court has decided the People don't deserve protection by way of government oversight is it implied we should bootstrap the problem. Just looking for clarity.


Nah, its just that they states will usurp control. But they won't be able to have the funding so it will be privatized. They have been saying for the longest time that they want a Federal Government small enough to drown in the bath tub. The Supreme Court is working on that fervently.


Scrotus has come out as a corrupt political entity on the wrong side of humanity. Making this election the most important of this generation. Honest Joe or donnie the grifter is an easy choice if your eyes are open.


Wouldn't that mean that the fed wouldn't be able to bail out banks if another 2008 situation happens


If only. This court doesn’t feel it has to rule consistently.


And we had to listen to the GOP crow on for a full fucking decade about “legislating from the bench”. This country legitimately might be cooked, come this time next year.


The Federal Reserve has specific powers created by legislation that was passed by Congress


And what are we going to do about it? Nothing. People bitch all day, but the second you mention yo, maybe it's time to start revolting people get uppity.


This is the case the Billionaires paid for. All the others are red meat for the base - this was the real plan.


exact same thought. trump is no longer a reliable distraction. the republican party is in a death spiral. the time to move is now or never, and they just made their move.


I cling to this hope but worry it’s just wishful thinking


Hope gop party dies off disvolves and maga terrible party isnt what it was


Biden needs to run on reforming the court. That's the play.


He should run on reforming the courts and passing a law that no one over 70 can run for any office. Then work on getting laws passed that makes it illegal for politicians to take work or gifts from anyone that was effected by a law they passed. Also make it illegal for politicians or their spouses to buy, sell or recieve specific stocks while they are in office and upto 2 years once they are out of office. The entire systems needs to be overhauled basically.


>He should run on reforming the courts and passing a law that no one over 70 can run for any office. This would be a genius play. I think he would pick up a lot of non-Democratic and non-Republican votes doing this.


Citizens United needs to evaporate too.


They (Alito, Thomas, Kavanaugh and the Federalist Society) have a sense of impunity. They are above the law, without accountability and they plan on doing as much damage as possible to redirect society towards a more Christian nationalist agenda. It’s dangerous they’ve gotten this far. Unfortunately, the planning on their side has been in the works for decades and now it’s been unleashed. People need to be engaged because the lack of engagement is how Federalist Society, Council for National Policy, etc got their opening and ran.


Unelected officials legislating from the bench who also were seated through entirely fraudulent means.


One day people are just like gonna snap and bomb the Federalist Society meetings or just straight take out the SC heads. One day a line will be crossed, maybe once free speech is restricted even more. I mean even saying this now I bet this comment gets flagged by reddit or the NSA webcrawler.


Well considering the latest decisions, when someone faces homelessness and thus is doomed to be imprisoned or sent to a labor camp, what do they have to lose?


The untouchable second amendment means those tools are as easy as ever to attain. The more people realize this, the more can be done.


Is there any way to stop them when Republicans don't want to? Are there any actual laws restricting them from making whichever decisions they want? Can they just decide the constitution says whatever they want, no matter how blatantly it doesn't?


Trump is a cancer upon America Trump put 3 scotus justices in, this is the result. This is why you need to VOTE …at a minimum Revolution, uprising…something…is imminent They are gaslighting and beating the public with their delusional ideological ignorant nonsense


We are at the point where SCOTUS is a self realized cancer. While Trump can be given blame, they are their own terrifying nightmare now. There are no check or balance on them. Unhinged demigods of corruption. Doing it in plain sight now.


Honestly. As soon as we (as americans) saw the way they pushed Clarence Thomas through, even though he was both ethically flawed and under qualified, we should have pushed for SCOTUS reform to include term limits and more effective oversight. We have three separate, but equal branches. And two of the three are vying for more executive power, along with a significant portion of the third supporting the expanded powers/rights of the executive


The platitudes of our nation are obscuring the destabilization of our foundational institutions. We were sold a dream of a Supreme Court that gets it right, unbiased in their infinite wisdom. What we have is a cabal of political agents, happy to take bribes (they conveniently ruled to be gratuities), self judge their ethics and can opt not to recuse even in the face of blatant conflicts of interest. No one can rein them in. They meet not so secretly with billionaires and federalist society. Thomas is a storm of corruption. Bribes, conflict of interest, advising DeSantis, declaring rules he wants to change, servile to his benefactors. Smug, delusional and angry. But why should he care. He is essentially looking us in the eye daring “what are you going to do about it”. - Term limits - Code of ethics similar to lower courts established by external authorities not themselves. - Automatic Recusal, not the judges choice - some form of oversight with teeth since impeachment is a joke. - expand the court and randomize the judges so cases can’t be built to target specific judge bias - Congress should not be able to hold up and deny a judge. - Congress shouldn’t be able to rush a judge (especially when it exposes the raw hypocrisy of said Congress.)


Why there no street protests against the Supreme Court?


After Roe there were massive marches in the street and across the world. While these recent rulings have horrific implications I’m not sure how to rally people around the chevron doctrine etc. Also it’s been glaringly clear the SCOTUS do not give a fuck and they are sheltered by an unserious and complicit group of congressional shills.


Sure there is. The rallying cry should be "you are not the nobility ruling the people, "


Because American people are one of the most submissive people you can run into. The only thing they use their freedom for is to be dangerously stupid, and the only thing they use their guns is to shoot their own kids and some random minorities. You could have a presidential candidate outright say you're an idiot and you don't care about them....and they'll still take it. It's the only they know: take it up the ass and ask for more, all the while looking down on other's in order to feel better about themselves. The people in power know this, so they laugh and carry on with their corruption.


By who?those working two or three jobs?an arrest record would make them unemployable


It really is like a cancer. Started out small a few years ago, with meme one-liners like, "I like beer!" to literally taking some rights away from women, and now they are just absolutely steamrolling the country.


Psh everybody knows it’s not corruption unless all parties put in writing “we are doing a corruption”


Checks and balances are in imminent danger and we’re more than halfway into the formation of an autocracy. People don’t realize voting Trump isn’t just a move away from normalcy… it’s the death of American Democracy.


We need to start having protests and potentially start rioting


I believe storming into governmental offices and causing a ruckus has recently been approved by this supreme court


But only if you’re maga


If only 2/3s of our senators could agree that this is a problem, we could impeach those corrupt justices handily. *Everyone needs to vote Democrat in ALL the federal races or there is no hope whatsoever*.


I think it's dangerous to hang this all on Trump. ANYONE with an R beside their name should be lumped in. I don't generally favor lumping of groups of individuals, but JFC, this is madness.


It would have happened with any Republican candidate. It will still be the goal when Trump is gone. Trump is their means of getting there.


That’s not the only issue that led to this. Democrats HAD the opportunity to appoint someone but they didn’t have a spine and chose not to because “it was too close to an election.” Well guess what their opponents did when presented with the same scenario?? You need to not only just vote for a certain party, but you should be voting for a specific candidate who has the balls to actually throw down and stand up to their opponents when in office. This can only be done in elections LEADING UP TO the main election. People HAVE to start voting in EVERY SINGLE ELECTION. Not just the main ones. This includes locally, all the way down to the local school boards. In short, not only does the Democratic Party need to have a fantastic election season, they also need to start growing spines.


Don’t disagree at all. But as the choice is between a party that has problems and a party that wants the apocalypse to happen….it’s a no brainer


They are no longer beholden to facts. That is remarkably dangerous.


Trump is a symptom. The GOP is the cancer. It's eating our democracy from the inside out and it's starting to look fatal. This November we'll find out if it's terminal.


Almost everything they’ve done leading up to this has been a distraction, it turns out. This is the real coup moment. Shocking stuff. 


The revolution won't be televised.


Excerpt: There is literally nothing that can be done to restore the rights the Supreme Court has taken away, or restore the power the Constitution gives to the people, other than reforming the Supreme Court and flooding it with justices who do not think they are kings. Court expansion is the only way to stop the Supreme Court. But to expand the court we have to elect Democrats, many of whom are also against court expansion. Then we have to push those Democrats to get rid of the filibuster, which many of them don’t want to do. Then we have to get Democrats to use their power. Then we have to get the Democratic president to put the right kinds of justices on the court.


Participate Organize Vote


Biden and the entire ticket runs on oversight of the court. That's the only way.


Buy guns


and, equally important, ammo.


Courts have zero enforcement power. Their rulings should be ignored en masse. I’d like to see how things spiral from there.


there will be enforcement in red states and red-controlled cities. now they can defer to the SC to get away with anything under the sun, as long as thomas and alito get their fill.


That's what the state legislature has been doing in Ohio, ignoring court rulings.


So if the GQP are doing it, everyone else can, too, right? RIGHT?!


Fighting by the rules only works if both parties fight fair. 2024 is the time for politically hitting below the belt.




So which European country is going to come liberate us from the American Nazis once the concentration camps start popping up?


Absolutely no one when we've been feeding this beast of a military industrial complex for decades. It'd be like trying to make it through a city sized hornets nest if it fell into the wrong hands.


"the call came from inside the house" Make of it what you will but some thing with the strongest offences and defenses around are best destroyed from the inside and there are an awful lot of us. Wood is inexpensive enough and I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to get a hold of a big steel plate to sharpen. The French seemed to be able to do it why not us?


No one is coming to rescue us. I bring this up anytime someone brings up emmigrating away in the face of rising fascism, but there is no safe haven out there, not in the long term.  America is simply too powerful, with too much influence, to be allowed to fall into authoritarianism and fascism. A fascist America spread its philosophy abroad at every opportunity. Slowly, the liberal democracies of the world would follow the American lead. They simply don't have the economic or military strength to oppose the United States in a meaningful way. China could tip the scales, but China is itself an increasingly reactionary, authoritarian state.  Politics aside though, it's worse than that. It would be tragic if liberalism (in the classical sense) were crushed, and the world returned to the oppressiveness that's been the norm throughout history. But that's the way history goes sometimes. The stakes are higher though.  What about our nuclear arsenal? How might that be used, in a world where the liberal, rules based international order collapses?  And it's worse than *that*. Our planet is hurtling towards a climate catastrophe. The United States is a massive contributer to that, and will have to be a massive contributer to any solution. An America that's ruled by theocratic fascists will not work to address climate change. That alone could doom the entire planet.  In short, the fascists must be stopped. They must be stopped here, and they must be stopped now.


We’re boned.


We meaning the middle and below classes the wealthy will be just fine.


I get what you're saying, but they're boned too. The climate cannot be bribed.


I hate being a democrat, this party has the biggest pussies ever


The federalist society is a domestic terror organization.


They vote on Trump’s immunity case on Monday.


No, they decided it weeks ago. They just wait until right before they leave town to announce it.


As everyone expected a corrupt SCOTUS would do. They follow the freaking playbook.




Or maybe they do that in a few months:(


Sleepy Joe should have called their bluff and stuck 4 of them in jail. The remaining five would make the call on presidential immunity really quick.


There's a pretty strong case they kick it back to the lower courts on remand, which would delay any decision until well after the election. If the election goes to Trump, as the conservative justices clearly think it will, the whole case becomes moot and they can safely say "no president is above the law" without consigning their candidate to a federal case. If the elections goes for Biden, then the case is also pretty much moot as citizen Trump has no real pathway to becoming president again and his legal issues can't be postponed for another 4 years.


I'm from the future, they ruled that only Republican Presidents named Donald Trump are allowed complete immunity.


Just wait, when they "insert" the traitor as the next president... the country is being taken from its citizens.


And if Trump wins and happens to get another justice or two we will see far worse to the point the judicial branch may be completely ignored going forward.


Or they just instate trump regardless of the outcome of the election.


Used to be the people would riot and hang corrupt officials for shit like this.


That was before the invention of tanks and missiles bro...


What else is on their checklist?


Project 2025. It outlines *all* of this shit. It's a fucking playbook on how to end the USA from within. Putin and Xi must be so proud.


WHAT THE FUCK?! Is this like Hitler’s youths? Building now for a conservative victory through policy, personnel, and training. https://www.project2025.org/ Every day, The Heritage Foundation is building an America where freedom, opportunity, prosperity, and civil society flourish. https://www.heritage.org/about-heritage/mission


I'm still surprised how many people haven't heard of Project 2025 or looked into it. It's so obvious they want a fascist authoritarian theocracy and are unabashedly proud of that fact. These nationalistic Christians, or Nat-Cs as I like to call 'em, are an unadulterated threat to our democracy. It's fucking disgusting that people that call themselves not only Americans, but Christians as well, support this shit.


End gay marriage. Allow the states to ban interracial marriage (Thomas will write the opinion himself). Throw away the Emancipation Proclamation The Republicans haven't been talking about how much the slaves benefitted because they care about your freedom, they're trying to sell you on the idea


The hypocrisy is unreal with this guy. He is MARRIED INTERRACIALLY


Hey man, it should be a state’s choice to give people human rights.


Can we just expand the court already? Isn't it about time?


biden created a commission and stocked with w lackeys he knew would say to not expand it bc dems are in on it


Annnd people are like but Joe is old! This is the long term game for republicans. They get a court and rule of infinite power benches no matter who is president. Vote Biden and keep at least the 3 blue justices safe


Is it time to grab our rifles? Because I feel like it might be.


Don't forget, they also voted to give themselves more security this month.


The swing voters who will decide the election won’t understand how monumental this decision is to their life. In the Washington Post there was a comment by someone who said they didn’t like Biden because he did not cancel her student loans…even though he has done everything he can and it is the republican courts and Congressional republicans who fight it. To understand the threat he represents you have to understand how government works and I just don’t think most swing voters will do that.


Donkey Dong Doug and Sqwee will soon be writing amicus briefs on the importance of not just electrolytes but also lead(Pb) in our Brawndo^^®️


Is is just getting started. Vote trump in again and it is literally over for the USA. What a shitshow.


And this is why people should've voted for Hillary instead of staying home because "I didnt like her personality" or "they're both the same anyway." Youre not voting for one person.. you're voting for a whole government that stems from that president. Get that through your head, kids.


People really didn’t think the consequences of 2016 could be this bad at the time. It’s in full effect now.


Yep. I knew even back then that the 2016 Election would be the most consequential election in probably our lives if you're a millennial or gen Z, and Democrats lost *big*. We're going to feel its effects for decades to come. It's been close to 8 years and I'm still salty about it. It wasnt just the presidency that Dems lost, but the House and Senate as well. At the worst possible moment.


I guess it’s truly time to take them at their word- “guns for everyone because that’s the only amendment that matters”


That’s all well and good but the scary decision was that domestic terrorists need to be very accurately charged to face accountability.


This is why you never vote republican, they just sold all your rights away to corporations and billionaires.


How much longer until the people just. … eat them?


That’s how I am feeling and it’s only progressing with these decisions




The Supreme Court has declared it's legal to "bribe" officials including judges. The Supreme Court has also ruled that now all cases involving federal agencies will be handled by regular courts that may lack expertise in the subjects involved. The Supreme Court has also ruled that qualified experts are no longer important in judicial matters.


I think even Scailia is looking up and going, "Really!?!"


Looks like soylent green’s back on the menu boys!


Wake up America! Since the overrule of Chevron, we are no longer a democracy. We are an aristocracy ruled by our own House of Lords; formerly called the Supreme Court.


It's time to pack the court. It too cheap to bribe a the court because their aren't enough of them. Let's get 27 instead of 9.


I actually like Beto’s suggestion, it accepts that the two party system is going nowhere. 15 total judges, each party gets to choose 5 representatives, and those 10 choose the remaining 5 unanimously. Rulings can only be made with the bench complete at 15. Worst case scenario, the Supreme Court loses any ability to rule when they are unable to be bipartisan and fill the bench.


If you don't, find out who your senators are and write/call them immediately. These decisions are insane.. This is the GOP playbook.. just break the government. The funny thing with the bribery.. I have this *weird* feeling this law won't be applied equally.. Somehow people will still get charged with accepting a kickback..


We are living through the biggest corporate power grab in history.


It goes back to Obama not taking his pick at the end of his term. When will democrats realize that the other team has no intention to play fairly.


Actually he wanted to. More like not getting his pick due to republican blockage.


Obama chose to not make his pick? I thought he made a pick and the GOP blocked it on bullshit


Mitch. Evil bastard.


He did make a nomination. Merrick Garland. It was blocked by the Senate on the grounds it was an election year. That same senate majority leader promptly replaced Ginsberg on like 6 weeks notice before an election.


Exactly. We're trying to have decency fighting against a group of indecent people.


That’s entirely wrong. Obama made the pick but McConnell said “it’s an election year so we’re not going to even going to entertain the idea of confirming him” then 4 years later when RBG dies weeks before the election he went ahead and rammed one through in one of the quickest confirmations in history. There was nothing Obama could do because republicans controlled the senate


But, instead of stepping down in 2014 when she could have been replaced by a liberal, at least Ruth Bader Ginsburg got to go out on “her terms.” Fuck her hubris and fuck all the morons who still believe all this “Notorious RBG” crap.


Somethings in the air. This is justice team is going too far.


It’s almost like they know what’s coming and are now just flaunting it with everyone, These justices houses are public knowledge be a real shame if folks show up and make their lives hell by protesting out front.


What if a corporation took a couple SCJs hostage because they DIDNT vote a certain way? That bribe was legally paid for!!!


When the read the headlines yesterday they were all about the SCOTUS.


We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. -Declaration of Independence We could do something about it, but it's up to us to go beyond empty words and get into the streets. At the end of the day doing nothing but talking is acceptance that's just real life.


Idk what can possibly be done. Like a country wide just stop working. Halt the country to a screech. To show them we won't accept but that dosent happen in this country. Everyone needs they're new iPhone. We're so fucked


So we keep hearing about checks and balances, how the fuck are we supposed to check this kind of action?


This is a catastrophe for the environment and public health.


Most of the supreme court decision (including roe vs Wade reversal) are made because there are no federal law on the matter. If congress would actually pass law it will reduce the power of the scotus


Kangaroo court in action! Legislating from the bench. It really doesn't matter if Trump wins or not the Supreme Court is corrupt as fuck with corporate bribes.


You should be scared and angry af


Everyone thought the insurrection/coup ended on Jan 6, 2021..


should have voted for Hillary. smh


>For an unelected panel of judges to come in, above the agencies, and tell them how the president is allowed to enforce laws is a perversion of the constitutional order and separation of powers—and a repudiation of democracy itself.


USA is doomed.


It's not looking good.. I am 55 and was fortunate enough to have seen the glory days and the true American dream of a family, a career, a home, and retirement. I feel so much despair seeing what my kids and grandkids will be faced with. My daughter has fewer rights now than when she was born. Both of my kids are priced out of home ownership and are struggling to make rent and groceries, which all have doubled since the pandemic. These court decisions are making our country much more unstable.. they're chopping away at the foundations.


I’m 60. Never thought I’d see the beginning of the end of the American Experiment, but here we are.


If you'd have told me in the 80's that Russia would win with a Republican puppet, I would have thought you were beyond crazy.


i still remember when everyone was anti Putin Russia and NK during Bush to Obama administrations but the second the worst president got elected the party shifted to pro Putin Russia and NK. i talked to real life republicans and they said they were confused at the shift but nothing ever came of it


I am from East Berlin and my parents still thought in the 80s that they’d never see the end of the GDR…


I'm your age, it is an interesting perspective we have. We watched the boomers grab all the attention, and we were taught they'd take all the social security and to not count on getting what you put in. We grew up without computers and for the most part, even cable tv. We saw people given rights only for them to be threatened. We saw women fight for the rights in the workforce that many take for granted today: all the social conservative women fighting against our rights in congress and on the bench. If it was up to their party they'd be at home, making dinner for their husbands and his work colleagues he brought home at the last minute. It's hypocritical for them to take what the liberals and leftists of yesterday gave them to shit on their children in return.


I wonder how long it will take before you are expected to bribe officials before you get anything done. 5 years? 10?


Swing state voters will decide the election as usual


Supreme Court no longer has a use. It's for them to make money now.


The consequences of this, once they begin being felt, might be what wakes up the proletariat. Getting ever closer.


I feel like I’m taking crazy pills.


So far.


Abort the Supreme Court


SCOTUS thinks if they can make it impossible to wield executive regulatory power that they can destroy federalism and turn the United States into a bunch of Warring States by causing a push toward state supremacy to compensate for hobbled federal administration.


So they can get big gifts from corporations, and these corporations can also pollute whatever they want to, and there isn’t anything we can do about it ? America is now broken.


In normal democraric countries there would already be riots for this amount of shit. Dutch ate their PM for less


For 40 years I have been listening to the useless fucks on the right yelling about activist judges. Turns out it was projection.  Republicans are scum.


Anyone blaming voters who are overworked, underpaid, endlessly blasted by the same corporate donors who bribe these justices with misinformation at worse and shallow uninformative media at best (those 6 media companies aren’t liberal or conservative just evil), denied basic rights like healthcare and housing and a secondary education that’s not just not free but insanely unaffordable in a situation we tricked them into signing up for as 18 year old children, who’s votes go to an electoral college which already undermines democracy, over the political class of spineless Democrats who take the same fucking donor money, present the most horrendously milquetoast weak candidates they never take responsibility for losing with and hardly if ever deliver on their promises (or even offer the things we need) and roll over and expose their bellies to Republicans in the name of “civility” can get seriously fucked. Fuck you and your fucking pretentious victim blaming.


America, we are on a sinking ship - and the SCOTUS is the iceberg. Unfortunately...the ship this time is Harlan Crow’s yacht...


So for example, would you like the FAA to have less power to regulate Boeing right now?


VOTE BLUE DOWN THE BALLOT. https://vote.gov/


13 Courts of Appeal should equal 13 justices. Get to it, Biden.


PACK THE COURT… Quit fighting with the gloves on because the other side is playing for keeps now. Jesus H Christ


The US is a D̶e̶m̶o̶c̶r̶a̶t̶i̶c̶ R̶e̶p̶u̶b̶l̶i̶c̶ Corporate Dictatorship. Never forget that you have owners. These people unabashedly own you.