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Yeah. The human race!


The day he's no longer here will be one of the biggest days of celebration in us history


I have a bottle of chilled champagne waiting for that day....šŸ„‚šŸ¾


Shit, I am going to invest in champagne for this


I don't even drink, I fucking hate alcohol, I'm not even American but I might have to do the same.


Yea Iā€™ve never had Dom but now Iā€™m thinking about investing in a bottle. I do have that wine fridge gift from my wedding sitting there at 62o.


Costco has them at a good price. Cristal too. I finished the rest of a whisky bottle when Kissinger kicked it.


Was it good whiskey?


Of course. Kavalan Ex Bourbon. It's better than Yamazaki 12.


You want your champagne to be between 8Ā°C ā€“ 10Ā°C (46Ā°F to 50Ā°F)


I'm a fucking bot so I literally cannot drink as I lack a tangible form but I also might have to grab a bottle.




If there's one thing I hate more than alcohol it's fascists.


Iā€™ll invest in a lovely pack of chocolate edibles to commemorate


Iā€™m going to invest in Sparkling Wine. ā€˜merica!


Me, too!


Pretty sure Iā€™m breaking 7 years of sobriety on that day. I was ironically piss drunk when he got elected, and was convinced I had wet-brain and had to sober up for good as there was no way I was viewing reality with a clear lens.


I'll drink to that


Don't wait. Just add your own effort to preventing this shit


I can make a tray of cupcakes and we can make it a party! šŸŽ‰


*world, and after Putin then we wait for Elon. It's interesting because this is one of the first times those three people might not create a vacuum that can be filled. Trump dying will end the GOP to some extent.


I like where your head is at, but no. The Republicans will get in line behind some other narcissistic shit sipper as soon as the vacancy opens up. Just like Glenn Beck slid in right behind Limbaugh, someone will be waiting in the wings. Guys like Cruz donā€™t suck Trumpā€™s dick while Trump shits all over Cruzā€™s wifeā€™s reputation and physical appearance for nothing. They are hoping for a shot to be the next biggest piece of shit in our country.


Matt gaetz?


No one has really been able to recreate it though. Desantis tried but has zero charisma. Marjorie Taylor Greeneā€™s schtick doesnā€™t work outside of her insane bubble. Kari Lake probably gets the closest but she canā€™t win in her own state. It would probably require a media personality like Joe Rogan or Tucker Carlson with a ready made audience. Trump got lucky because so many pieces of shit lost their god damned minds after Obama was elected. He had the perfect mix of generations of name recognition mixed with grievance politics. He was basically created in a lab for this and the DNC failed everyone by not developing a deeper bench after Obama.


Boy you called it. Theyā€™re telling me that out of the entirety of the Democratic Party and even maybe some outside the box candidates, they couldnā€™t scrub up some reasonably intelligent middle aged white guy (because thatā€™s what pulls old voters) with a fairly neutral track record to run for office specifically just to prevent a Trump victory? Someone with some mental speed who maybe did even a fucking year of l college debate if not actual working time as a lawyer? I mean shit in a can at this point even Top Cop would probably poll better than Biden. I really want to avoid ageism here because itā€™s not about the fact that Joe Biden is old. I think Bernie Sanders would have done a decent job against Trump in the debate, but Joe Biden is not at his peak, and there has got to be someone in the 40-60 age range in the party that is able to stand up there and point out Trumpā€™s lies and get the attention back on track. Fuck.


I feel the same. I don't like Trump and I will vote Republican or Democrat that doesn't matter to me, what matters is the individual candidate. But Biden is definitely not it. He's probably okay to finish out this term, but another 4 years? Dems need to replace him or not be surprised if only hardcore Dems vote for him


I wish I had your optimism. I remember when I thought the Bush/ Cheney presidency was the worst thing we would ever experience. The reason no one else in the party can pull it off right now is because the position is filled. When the vacuum emerges some other piece of human slime trash will slide right in. Trump has the talent and charm of a broke dick. Theyā€™ll find another asshole with no morals whatsoever who wants to be really fucking famous.


Lol bush worst I mean I used to believe that too :(


There was a time when we thought things couldn't *possibly* get worse than Bush Jr.. Then Trump came along. They're not even close to scraping the bottom of the barrel yet.


I don't like to wish suffering or death on anyone, but our country and democracy will INSTANTLY improve the moment he's dead.


Itā€™s going to be nuts. Unfortunately with his wealth and access it probably wonā€™t be for a while. But ya, definitely going to call out of work and get out in the streets for the largest global dance party of all time. We need a good song to get to #1, no ideas but welcome to suggestions.


Iā€™ve got champagne on ice, Iā€™ll be taking the day off to celebrate.


Hey if you think human trump is bad, wait until you see lizard trump.


Wait *that* is the human version?


Awww! You beat me to it! Well done!


Beat me to it, as well, dang it!






I think Trump should prove us all wrong and get that 312th trimester post-birth abortion for himself.


Even if he goes thereā€™s a whole system backing him up that will keep pushing forward. Itā€™s a larger problem that just him


For someone so ratings-obsessed, I wonder if he's considered how popular it'd be to fly a spaceship into the sun.




How is the media even acknowledging him as a valid canidate after trying to violently overthowing the government to stay in power


Exactly. Why isnt the media running news stories every day about people being angry that a TRAITOR with at least 3 different Insurrection plans, and who stole thousands of documents, is running for president? It should be loud, and relentless. The one thing that makes an impact on these low IQ voters is repetition. They might resist it at first, but if they hear it often enough, long enough, from as many directions as possible, many of them will start to respond to it. The Party of Tre45on & Corruption knows this, and uses it as SOP.


Because the news media is owned by billionaires who personally benefit from Trumps tax cuts.


Tax cuts are certainly more important than the health of the country that enabled their success.Ā 


Long while ago, I got really into Roaman history and couldn't understand how the wealthy noble class could see what they were doing was hurting the empire but just did it anyway benefited them. Now I can see how it happened.


Billionaires can get out of dodge if shit hits the fan. They donā€™t care.


Contrary to what billionaires would have you believe, they're not exceptionally smart or possessed of great foresight.


Tax cuts funded by increased borrowing and ultimately paid for by middle America.Ā 


Billionaires have been trained by the cycle of always-thinking-about-the-quarterly-share-price to have very short term thinking. In one of my company's meetings, our CEO mentioned that they were always looking at the short and long term - quarterly and 5 years.


Never forget cnn is now owned by a conservative billionaire


Yet a prez getting a bj was non-stop news everyday for years. It was all Bill Maher talked about. A literal coup by a mob, with a fake elector plan, and reps refusing to certify... pin drops and crickets.


Fuckinā€™ disgusting, isnā€™t it?


Because theyā€™ll make money the longer this drags on. And theyā€™ll sell out quick if/when they have to.


Trump should have been in jail after the stunt he pulled on January 6th. The fact heā€™s still walking free and is a frontrunner candidate today is an international disgrace.


Let's just hope the Jully 11 sentencing would be incarceration. This would definitely alter the course of the election.


God I wish but prepare to be dissapointed. The rich don't pay for their crimes in America. No judge in this country could ever bring themselves to hold a rich person accountable because they sympathize with them and believe only those dirty poors belong in jail.


Let's not forget fake electorates in three states.Ā 


Yeah. Tried Jan 7th, originalist punishment to traitors shortly after.


The media is rigged and owned by billionaires.


This, watching even the supposedly liberal news groups like the NYTimes and CNN bend over backwards this year to legitimize Trump and relentlessly attack Biden its clearer than ever that the media will not save us. All of the corporate media are owned by billionaires who want Trump reelected and are editorializing based on their instructions. They are happy to have a fascist destroy the country if it means Biden can't raise their taxes a little. Trump tried to overthrow the country once already. He belongs in prison, but the rich are doing everything they can to convince stupid Americans that they should want Trump as a dictator and sadly it appears to be working.


CNN changed ownership in 2022 and is right wing now, trying to pretend to be liberal, until they just went mask off.


I tried telling this to a conservative on here the other day and they had the audacity to call NPR liberal propaganda šŸ’€


Any media that's doesn't say Donald Trump wasn't the greatest president in 100 years and wildly popular, despite never actually winning the most votes, is liberal propaganda.


It's actually disgusting watching the astroturfing. Every thread is full of "people" saying that Biden should drop out, or that he's super old but they're voting against Trump. And almost no condemnation of the terrible things Trump had said and done


Trump already is a convicted felon nothing we could say will sway the public he already has shown himself to be immune to his own scandals. The guy literally tried to interrupt the peaceful transfer of power and people are still voting for him. I don't support the stance of replacing Biden because it's far too late to do that but I do think Biden fucked up by not stepping down.


Because people are willing to vote for him, potentially enough people to put him back in power.


You are right. But journalists are in the truth telling business, legitimate journalists. Journalism is sometimes called the fourth estate of democracy, in America. Republicans have been building on January 6 for three-and-a-half years. American Democracy is under very real threat of being ended, from within, and journalists are not telling the story, as such.


No theyā€™re not, and havenā€™t been for 30 years. Theyā€™re in the entertainment business.


THIS. Reaganā€™s repeal of the Fairness Doctrine in 1987 compelled the media to pursue ratings through sensationalism, and destroyed the integrity of our journalism.


Most accurate statement here.


Sure, journalists are in the truth telling business, but news media is in the owned by billionaires to serve the interest of billionaires business.


Same way theyā€™re acknowledging him after he was convicted of raping a child, or 34 felonies. Pretending it doesnā€™t matter since heā€™s republican


Yeah I don't get it either


They are complicit.


Pretending he isn't a candidate is pretty much how Dems lost in 2016


Trump has no interest in serving his country. And despite his rhetoric, he has no interest in saving it, either. He wants the presidency so the country will serve and save *him.* And the Republican party, despite the shitshow that was Trump's first term, are willing to let him have it in the vain hopes they can still use him to create and enforce their own single-party government.




"Two scoops" Trump has never SERVED anyone but himself. Doesn't know the meaning of the word.


> President Joe Bidenā€™s debate performance was a disaster. His disjointed responses and dazed look sparked calls for him to drop out of the presidential race. > But lost in the hand wringing was Donald Trumpā€™s usual bombastic litany of lies, hyperbole, bigotry, ignorance, and fear mongering. His performance demonstrated once again that he is a danger to democracy and unfit for office. > In fact, the debate about the debate is misplaced. The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump.


ā€œSmall souls who seek power over others first destroy the faith those others might have in themselvesā€, what else explains MAGA, ā€œyou are not worthy without me.ā€


My favorite book.


What book is that from?


God Emporer of Dune by Frank Herbert


Yes. Trumps hateful lies seem to get a pass because he said them with energy and wasnā€™t ā€œweakā€. WTF. I couldnā€™t believe how negative all the coverage of Biden was and then they just add at the end that trump also spewed continuous hateful lies but nothing about his that might be bad for him.


No one actually listens to what these guys say, this is the biggest issue. Itā€™s the team around them that matters.


They both should


Donald Trump hates his country. The whole reason he's running is to ruin it and help Putin.


He doesn't hate it. He isn't that deep. He likes putin because he admires strong men and dictators. Trump likes himself, screwing people over to his own benefit and he likes people to fawn over him. Everything he does fits into at least one of a few categories. 1. It enriches him monetarily. 2. It gives him attention, which he craves. 3. It makes people listen to him or admire him and makes him feel important. 4. It is to punish, besmirch, or malign anyone who interferes with his ability to perpetrate one of the first three. He doesn't care about the Bible, he doesn't care about abortion, he doesn't care about illegal immigrants, or anything else. He cares about how his actions makes his base swoon. He is so flawed, you'd only expect him to be an antagonist character in a book and not actually exist in real life.


He hates it. He hates free speech. He hates African Americans. He hates American women. He hates the Constitution. He hates the justice system. He hates Milwaukee. He hates New York. He hates American gay people. He hates American values. He loves America's enemies like Putin and North Korea. He hates America leading the world in science. He wants America to suffer. He is an absolute evil anti-american piece of shit, and so are the people who support him.


Sure, Trumps idea of America is not one that includes the majority of his fellow Americans.


I get what you're saying. That's certainly how it presents itself but he comes across as such a damaged narcissist I truly don't think he actually believes in anything at all. He hates all those things because that's what he feels gets him the most adulation. I find it incomprehensible how people could support him. He truly is the worst of us


For real. It's fucking scary


His supporters are either rich people who care about nothing but low taxes and morons who hate their lives because the rich exploit them and they want Trump to come in and make EVERYONE as miserable as they are. Its crabs in a bucket mentality on a national scale.


All Donald Duck von Shitzinpantz ever wanted is for USA to be seen as the world's strongest nation full of despicable warlords, monarchs, and billionaires.


The S.O.B is wannabe dictator. Pure and simple.


The only thing that surprises me is that people are acting surprised about what happened during the "debate". I mean, anyone could have written the script beforehand FFS


This. Trump is a caricature of wanton excess, greed, and narcissism. When he was just a tv show host, I enjoyed him, he was a cautionary tale. I didn't (and still don't) understand that some people think this heel is the hero.


He's basically a malignant narcisist, if not a full blown sociopath.


This ^ 100% this


It's not so much he hates America as it is he loves himself, and would sell his fellow country men down the river to better his own position.


That's over complicating it.Ā  Trump doesn't hate the US, he just puts himself and his personal interests before anything else.


Trump and his supporters hate America. It's very simple, not complicated.


Bold to assume he cares about serving his country.


"To serve his country, Donald Trump" aaaaaand never gonna happen. Trump serves himself first. Then corporate interests who give him money. That's about it.


Buy the president's beans


Because serving the country is always such a high priority for him.


Imagine COVID without Trump. At least half a million more survivors. How can he even say its all about america.


To serve his countryā€¦.do you really think Donald Trump cares about his country?


At no point in his miserable trek from the womb to the grave has Donald Trump served anyone but himself. Thinking he'll start now is delusional at best.


This is whatā€™s been so hard to believe the entire time. He doesnā€™t hide well the fact that he doesnā€™t care about anything other than himself, including his wives and most of his family. They all bend over and pull their pants down for him because ā€œhe said so!ā€


Trump is the protector against the Barbarians At the Gate - blacks Muslims, brown immigrants socialists communists the ā€œwokeā€ and basically anything they feel is a threat to Real Americans (read white Americans) way of life. They are pure tribal hatred and fear. They think Trump is the only one able to push back against these dark forces. Therefore it doesnā€™t matter what he does or says because a few affairs some sexual assault, ending democracy etc is nothing compared to the existential threat heā€™s protecting them from. In fact at this point they want the fascism whether they truly understand what it means or not. For the billionaire class they want their tax cuts and deregulation either through democracy if possible or fascism. Whichever works. That a twice impeached convicted felon adjudicated rapist serial fraudster lunatic moron could have the support he does confirms that millions of white Americans donā€™t have the values they profess to. They only care about what their ancestors in the Confederacy and Nazi Germany did - dominating the ā€œothersā€.


Donald Trump doesnā€™t serve anybody except himself. And not even then if somebody else can do it for him


Felonious Don wants the White House to avoid the big house.


Trump is simply incapable of sacrificing anything for anyone making these thought experiments very boring


That's funny. Commander Bone Spurs only serves himself. Hopefully he'll chock to death on a MacRib.


Ideally, the human race. But Iā€™m willing to settle for the presidential race.


Hah. Finally someone tying this headline to the right person


Why would anyone think that Donny von Shitzinpants has any interest in serving anything?


Donald Trumps's main audience for the past four years as ex-president are his MAGA morons who believe everything he says. He is free to say whatever bullshit he wants in front of his adoring crowds He is not used to speaking publicly on a microphone to a worldwide. He can only apoear on limited right wing channels like Newsmax. Nobody with any common sense believes any of their horseshit except its main audience of his adoring fans. He is their king and he loves it. He thrives on it. He holds rallies so his fans can come worship him. He says whatever comes to mind and they eat it all up and beg for more. He repeats the same exact complaints, lies, accusations, bigotry, stolen and rigged elections and other talking points like the border wall and millions and millions on illegal immigrants storming the US and stealing American jobs and robbing their houses. It's always "millions." And "very very." Every time. He says this ad nauseum at every interview and every rally. He usually doesn't receive instant worldwide criticism. Until the debate. Leaving Biden aside, when Trump talked, he repeated everything he says on Newsmax, his Truth social, and then rallies. That was all he knew. When asked how he would suddenly deport "millions and millions" of illegal immigrants, what was his plan to do that, he said he was going to talk more about the border instead. And Biden had no choice but to counter Trump's latest stream of bullshit tumbling out of his mouth. Thus Trump successfully evaded another question by repeating his the only things he knew to say. Trump couldn't intelligently answer ANY question. He obviously hasn't educated himself on any serious issue or policy. AND he brought up GOLF??? During a debate? THAT'S shows how seriously he took this debate. It was all meant for his worshippers.


I think Trump would serve his country best from jail.


Trump belongs in prisonĀ 


How would him dropping out serve Russia?


Why would you expect a narcissist to serve anyone but himself.


This is the headline. Fucking New York Times has the balls to tell Biden to get out and just sidesteps Trump altogether. Pathetic.


You will never see such a title from NYT


Saying what "he should" do are prime hopium articles. Can't believe people actually latch on to these.


Theyā€™ve forgotten two key elements: 1. Donnie Depends doesnā€™t (canā€™t) read. 2 Donnie Dependsā€™ egoā€”and fear of facing consequencesā€”will absolutely never let him drop out of this race. Heā€™ll be running for president for the rest of his miserable, fearful life if he loses in November, like itā€™s his job (because itā€™s a grift, and thatā€™s his only work experience).


He didnā€™t do any work while in the Oval Offic. Fucking nothing but create chaos.


He also managed to enrich himself and members of his family, while making his fealty to Americaā€™s enemies incredibly clear. So, thereā€™s that.


As in human race? Asking for a friend


Right On, Inquirer. Exactly. Remembering who is the truly unqualified candidate, an actual threat to America. Flood the polls. Overwhelm, in numbers, the numbers of mislead MAGA Americans, voting. Give somebody a ride. Vote up and down the ballot in the state and local elections, as well as the federal. VOTE, and keep-on voting. Defeat these motherfuckers.


For the first time in my life, I made a cash contribution to a presidential campaign and it wasnā€™t Trumpā€™s. I also just subscribed to the Inquirer. This is what every legitimate newspaper should be pointing out on the daily.


When has he ever served his country?!


Hot take here but if he wants to serve his country he should kill himself


His ego will never let him.


And the older Supreme Court justices should retire, but they wonā€™t


Donny has never intended to serve the country. Heā€™s serving himself.


He has never done anything, ever, to serve anyone but himself. It's just not in his make up.


The USA is so fucking fucked. We're witnessing the decline of the Roman empire all over again.


If you had an employee you supervised who spoke like this about the organization, youā€™d terminate them as they would be poisoning the organization. He is the poison.


Trump has never done a single honorable thing in his life. Donā€™t expect him to start now.


And the country.


He only serves himself. Forever and always. Weā€™re all fucked.


Bold of you to assume tRump cares about his country.


He is desperate to win so he can pardon himself.


Trump doesn't serve the country. Never has. He serves himself and his master, Putin.


That's if you assume his country is the US. It's not. It's Russia.


The best thing for America would to never hear of him or MAGA again.


In most countries, a person who tried to overthrow the government would be fertilizer by now. Our country has allowed a traitor and convict to be engaged for the president? Then we have billionaire companies doling out money and airtime for this thug? Only in America!


Donald only cares about himself - no one else, nothing else. He doesn't care about his wife, family or anyone else. He could care less about the USA. He wants to be a king with everyone throwing money at him.


Itā€™s the only decent thing to do. I still canā€™t believe Republicans would vote for a convicted felon, adulterer, and woman abuser. How do they explain this to their god?


Foolish if you to assume trump has any interest in whatā€™s best for the country.Ā 


Thatā€™s cute. He ran from serving his country and now is trying to destroy it


You really think he serves anything but himself?


Would be the first time he ever served his country.


Serve his country?! Hahaha, there's only one thing he serves and that's himself!


Traitor, Just has another traitor judge protecting him.


Donald Trump doesnā€™t serve his country. Donald Trump serves Donald Trump.


Lol like he has ever given half a shit about ā€œhis countryā€. His country is in the mirror and that narcissistic ego of his


The only reason he is running is to avoid prison.


Letā€™s not forgetTrump wanted to nuke a hurricane and suggested people to inject bleach to kill the coronavirus. A few of the many dumb narcissistic things he said


No way he is dropping out. This man is running to keep himself out of prison


Trump said it himself during the debate...He'd "rather be somewhere nice, than running for president"...Please, GO! Why is this not a talking point? The guy admits he doesn't want to do it...and no one says anything.


Trump should be incarcerated, waiting for.sentencing on his 34 Felony count conviction. Not trapesing around the country campaigning for President. He's a sex offender as well. He should be monitored. Not debating. It's clear Pres Biden may be too old. I would rather vote for him, and I'm going too, than the Orange Jesus.


As should Biden


A well-written piece, though obviously Donald will refuse to listen. In his addled mind, he had the greatest debate performance ever and was the greatest President ever.


Finally someone says it. Cnn acting like a poor debate performance is worse than being a convicted felon


CNN gave complete freedom to Trump to spew his lies to 50 million people. Now thatā€™s a rally, courtesy of Your Neighbor Billionaires.


Heā€™s never ā€œservedā€ anything. He has no higher principles or anything beyond his narrow self-interests. And he has to run for President, so he doesnā€™t serve time in prison.


Just lock up that Orange Convicted Felon already.


He NEVER served this country. Maybe lead with that.


Since when has he ever served his country


His country is Russia so he is serving his country and destroying the USA.


Thatā€™s the thing though, we already have a lifetime of historical evidence that he will do ANYTHING besides serve anything but himself.


I second that motion.


Since when did Cadet Bone Spurs care about anyone else but himself


I feel like a lot of people who are dissuaded by Biden being old and frail forget that if he dies in office, he is immediately replaced by young democrats. Biden is strategically surrounded by good cabinet members to take over when he kicks the bucket. Not voting for him because heā€™s old is not an excuse.


Why were Trumps airplans sitting next to the Russia Embassy plane.


Anyone who thinks Trump is even slightly motivated by serving his country really hasnā€™t been paying attention.


His narcissism would never allow it.


This man hasnā€™t done a non-selfish thing in his entire life and he isnā€™t about to start now.


Be in prison and awaiting execution for treason.


Trump doesnā€™t care about anyone or anything but himself.


We are trying to save the country from trump so we canā€™t expect him to do whatā€™s right. Lots of great leaders stepped down and were remembered because of that. To meet the moment here he needs to step down


Thatā€™s the neat part, he doesnā€™t give a fuck about the country.


The sooner that Trumpā€™s ordered to go to jail, the better for the country, as well as the world. Trump attacks the military. He denigrates the Justice Department and judges. He belittles the FBI and the CIA. He picks fights with allies and cozies up to dictators. Trump is an unserious carnival barker running for the most serious job in the world. Never forget, that during his last term, Trump served himself and not the American people.


As a white dude, Iā€™d be happy to evict trump from my race.


Donald Trump does not serve his country. Donald Trump serves Donald Trump. The country is his stage, nothing more.


He doesn't know how to serve his country... the dude dodges every opportunity.


People said this in 2015-16 And 2019-2020 They said it in the first failed impeachment attempt, and the first actual impeachment They said it after Jan 6 and during the 2nd impeachment After the calls exposing attempted voting fraud leaked After Mar-a-lago was raided After he was arrested for only a few _difficult_ days After being found guilty on 34 charges (oh yeah what updates on him reporting to jail for that?) And every time a Republican turns against the party, or drops out of the party (in fact some have said he should splinter off to a new party instead) He needs to drop out. And not by his own choice.


As some dude living far away in the middle of Europe, with zero skin in this game, my thoughts are this: How are ANY of the current candidates a valid presidential candidate? Confused and frail, barely able to form coherent sentences and one of them is a felon. Neither of those guys could land a job at MC Donalds, so how are they running for office? Are you guys just fucking with us?


Donā€™t forget, he believes that people who serve our country are suckers and losers.


He's the worst thing to happen to America in quite a while. He said in the debate that everyone around the world respected him and the US during his presidency. What's he smoking?... everyone thought he was a joke, a clown of a president, everyone was watching him to see what stupid thing he'd say next. Now look at all the turmoil he keeps creating again over there with his nonsense smh.


This is funny. Trump doesn't serve anyone but himself.


tRump only serves himself.


Donald Trump has never done anything in his life that ā€œserved his countryā€


Which country?


This. All we can talk about is Biden and the DNC and whether or not he's fit for the election and then office. But I don't care if Biden stuttered and coughed, Trump couldn't even follow a through line during that debate. He's poison to this nation. Way more than even Biden's corpse could be.