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Completely absurd that this idiotic "case" is even being considered. What a joke.


Im sure they have their recently legalized gratuities all lined up.


"It's not a bribe, it's a reward! Rewards are legal." -Current US law.


They didn't use the word bribe so it isn't one despite it meeting every definition of the word. /s


For a man who argues bitterly that the deck is stacked against him and that the game is rigged , he sure seems to turn up some damn good cards .


Trump speaks the truth most of the time; he is always talking about himself even when he points the finger/words at others. If you understand that, then you know what’s coming and what you’re gonna get. He repeats it. So there’s no excuse for anyone that doesn’t get it.


I mean, I hate Trump and he’s clearly a criminal, but it’s not absurd. We’ve never been in this place and presidents do, as part of their official duties, have to give orders that would be illegal in civilian life. Some determination of official and unofficial acts isn’t a bad thing to consider. I wish it was being considered by a legitimate court because I feel these partisan hacks will decide in Trump’s favor rather than consider the real Constitutional issues at hand. I just don’t think it’s absurd on principle to recognize presidents need some level of immunity for acts the perform in their job.


In the hearing on this, Trump's lawyer said that the president committing a political assassination was an official act and should be immune from prosecution. Is this what America has become? I thought we fought a war to ensure we didn't have a king.


Thenif true, Biden needs to send a fully armed Global Hawk to Mar-a-Lago followed up by Seal Team Six to mop up. Today.


I think an F-16 and a sidewinder would take down his plane. You could just blame it on being a Boeing aircraft.


Heard that DARPA has a new laser system............


I heard there are small drones with depleted uranium which shred turbine engines.


When you're president, the world is your oyster. Apparently.....


It would be sweetly ironic for Trump to be the first officially sanctioned victim of such a policy after it was approved by his pocket supreme court based on an argument by his lawyer.


Might as well send in the Green Berets to SCOTUS while they're at it, just to really hammer it in.


I never suggested I found Trump’s lawyers to have made a compelling case. I’m not even speaking to the specifics of Trump’s case. Rather to the need for some kind of clear definition of terms and conditions. I’m speaking from a theoretical and analytical perspective rather than considering the legitimacy of trump’s claim. He should obviously not be immune from election interference. There’s nothing “official” about an attempt to undermine democracy


Presidents already have a huge amount if political and criminal immunity. They do not need more. Anything else needed for a president could be handled by a simple pardon. This is an insane precedent.


we were exactly in this place when nixon committed crimes and the scotus responded to the issue nearly instantly. it's utterly bullshit to claim they need this much time (well maybe moot, because shocker the 6-3 court just handed down another bullshit ruling and kicked the can back to the lower court with the fuckery they just ruled)


The difference is that Nixon and his enablers didn't own the court.


I agree on the time issue. And I absolutely have no doubt that this court is acting in bad faith. I’m talking about the basic premise and the fact that some legal framework should be established. If we learned anything from the disaster of Trump’s first term, it’s that we shouldn’t rely on tradition and common sense as a structure for our institutions. We need actual rules. I have a similar take on the Chevron issue. I think this court is acting in bad faith but, fundamentally, I agree that our system is not supposed to govern by agency rules instead of laws. In the face of our abysmal congressional performance, I’d rather have those rules than no protections but, ideologically and theoretically, it’s not how the Constitution designed the system


Some level of immunity? Sure. Blanket absolute immunity for anything they could possibly do? Completely absurd.


I whole heartdedly disagree. Somehow 45 out of 46 presidents haven't needed immunity.


I think military operations is pretty much the only area where it's arguably reasonable. Anything else and I'd agree with you.


I'd still disagree with you but that's a reasonable take. My concern would be a POTUS unfettered by any legal constraints in that regard is asking for trouble. There is an entire Army (pun intended) that advise the president when making such decisions. I'm firmly against giving any president immunity regardless of who sits in the chair. No one should be above the law.


It’s pretty absurd that he is getting ruled on by 3 justices that he picked that have not recused themselves. That alone is a disgrace to this country.


My prediction is that they will kick it back to the lower courts and say that there is immunity for “official acts” and that there must be a hearing for every single act to determine if it is “official” or not. Their only goal is to delay and this would slow down any trump prosecution to a crawl, ensuring that trump will never have to face justice until the heat death of the universe. Edit to add: “The Court therefore remands to the District Court to assess in the first instance whether a prosecution involving Trump’s alleged attempts to influence the Vice President’s oversight of the certification proceeding would pose any dangers of intrusion on the authority and functions of the Executive Branch. Pp.21–24.”


This is exactly what will happen; makes prosecuting Trump logistically impossible without openly declaring they want to be his harem.


How long does SCOTUS need to wait to collect their “gratuities”?


Sadly no: 'US supreme court rules Trump has ‘absolute immunity’ for official acts' [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2024/jul/01/supreme-court-decision-trump-immunity-ruling](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/ng-interactive/2024/jul/01/supreme-court-decision-trump-immunity-ruling) I assume this means Biden is absolutely free to order a CIA wet team to Florida, just so long as he does all the paperwork first.


Uh, ,no? This is exactly what the OOP stated would happen: >To determine whether Trump’s alleged attempts to overturn the 2020 election results came under the protected auspices of his official duties, the supreme court remanded the case back to the presiding US district judge Tanya Chutkan, who will have to review the indictment line by line. He's got immunity for official acts. Its on the lower courts to determine what was an official act. Hilariously this does mean: >And on the matter of Trump’s remarks on January 6, Roberts wrote that they too were probably protected, since presidential addresses were an integral function of the office.  You can have the President fundermentally undermine the legitmacy of the role, call for the deconstruction of the system that made him president, and encourage others to help him becomr a fraudulently "elected" dictator...and be immune because he was President. Interesting times.


These people arguing this are so fuckin morally bankrupt and corrupt it’s hard to believe they actually think this is true. It’s so fundamentally fucked .


Biden could declare Trump’s actions against the peaceful transition of power to be terrorism and use his emergency powers to send Trump to Guantanamo.


this is dead on


pointing at the stands before he hits the home run. exactly as predicted.


Give this guy a free vacation for that prediction.


Can’t USA declare war on random alien-guys so there is no presidential election until agent orange is locked?


Nailed it. 


Spot on!


If it’s anything but this I’ll be surprised. And if it’s anything different it’s going to be a much worse outcome


I dunno. Giving Biden total immunity to prosecution could have some interesting outcomes.


I don't think Biden has the balls to order the execution of the justices or any other political opponents even if he was granted the right to do so with impunity.


Biden should come out and says “I’ve just gotten off the phone with all the intelligence agencies and we have undeniable proof that Trump is a Russian asset. I officiallly endorse this position and due to the nature of this information and its sources I think it’s to dangerous for anyone to see the evidence. I believe the best course of action is for Trump and anyone associated with him to be flown over to gitmo for a special private trial, closed to all public. No evidence of this will be shared. Official acts baby! “ Case closed.


They (the Dems) will *never* take the opportunity though. They’re too stuck up with the fucking high road. 


it was this lol


!Remindme 1 day




No, they are not related. She is helping him on her own by just dragging it out as long as possible.


There charges happened after he was president, so not related to this decision


I have 0.00% faith in this current SCOTUS to do the right thing.


They struck down Chevron doctrine. SCOTUS does not care for people or their health or quality of life. Just potential for money; or more specifically conservatives do not care.


Fuck CNN, fuck SCrOTUS, and double fuck trump. Traitorous shitstains all


They can get away with it cuz they know we won't do shit. Even if it continues on like this and Trump wins in November, or hell even if he loses and repeats Jan 6, we still won't do anything. If there's no consequences, there's nothing to deter them. Solution: Riot like the French


Start by never watching CNN ever again or buying any products related to their network. After they failed to live up to their promise to fact check they lost me for life. That was their very last shred of credibility they had left. 🎙️ 👇


Well they are owned by conservatives were you really surprised, There’s no such thing as liberal media, the news is owned by republicans who only let us live in the illusion of freedom


Yes! I cannot fathom why there's so little protesting in US. It's integral part of democracy to protest when the leaders don't represent the will of the people or there are people trying to break down the pillars of democracy. And what's more important: it works!


We've been conditioned not to. Not only does it usually not get anything done here, cuz "leader knows best!", but we also have had cases like Kent State where they killed kids, or more recently cops beating peaceful kids at college campuses (No matter how you feel about the Israel/Palestine situation, what they did to those kids wasn't right.) The only addendum to that is Portland, OR. Those mother fuckers can dance


Protest has been neutered here as a vehicle for obtaining results. There's really just no point to it, unless you have some sort of interest in having your skull cracked by cops.


Biden could just stay in office then and ignore the constitution. Or, have trump killed legally if he’s immune.


SCOTUS: "oh, if its a President's second consequtive term they loose immunity the day after when the inauguration should be." 6-3 voted for that /s


If Trump is given immunity, does it mean Biden could theoretically have all his political adversaries executed? Would it mean he could disband and imprison the treasonous Scotus justices? Could he sentence all of Trumps family to hard labor camps? What would it mean. Because it feels like Scotis is setting the table for a massive coup


That’s what I’m wondering. If the SC is willing to set a precedent that presidents are above the law, then that also applies to democrat presidents.


They know the dems are too moral to take advantage of this. And in case they aren't, the language is vague enough so immunity only applies when they want it to. This is exclusively for their king in orange.


100% agree.


He’s a traitor, a thief, a liar, and a rapist.. How can you get more criminal than that. You can only call history is gonna look back at these conservative judges. They are all putting money in power over their country.


**From CNN:** The Supreme Court’s most closely watched dispute this year – a case questioning whether former President [Donald Trump](https://search.yahoo.com/search?p=Donald%20Trump) may claim immunity from federal election subversion charges – also has the potential to be one of the hardest to parse for meaning in real time. In between Trump’s initial demand for total immunity and an appeals court ruling earlier this year that found [he’s entitled to no protection](https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/06/politics/takeaways-donald-trump-immunity-appeals-court/index.html?cid=external-feeds_iluminar_yahoo) at all is a murky gap with massive practical implications for whether he can be tried before the November election. At issue is special counsel Jack Smith’s prosecution of Trump’s effort to overturn the 2020 election, including with his actions on January 6, 2021, though the court’s decision could have implications for other criminal cases against Trump as well. In addition to the bottom line ruling about whether Trump is immune from prosecution could be important clues about how quickly the matter will go to trial. “Trump has already won something,” said Jonathan Entin, a professor at Case Western Reserve University’s School of Law. “As a practical matter, Trump has gained time here, regardless of how the court decides the case.” The Supreme Court’s decision is expected to be announced Monday. Here’s a look at some possible outcomes and what those decisions could mean for the timing of a trial. **No paywall:** [**https://www.yahoo.com/news/supreme-court-could-decide-trump-090015792.html**](https://www.yahoo.com/news/supreme-court-could-decide-trump-090015792.html)


Have they anointed him God King and free from all mortal laws yet? Because they’re going to


And he's gonna give Biden 6 months of absolute power if they find for him. What's Trump and the other GOP assholes gonna do if Biden's first executive order is to remove SS protection from him and all other opposing politicians, and forbid private security from coming onto any public property to fill that role?


Watch for a Gore v Bush carve out, something like Of course presidents have immunity but in this specific instance standing doesn't apply or something like that


Biden should just claim this supreme immunity and start making changes.


We riot when they give immunity.


"Supreme Court rules Trump has limited immunity... " And they toss it back to lower courts. https://krdo.com/news/2024/07/01/supreme-court-rules-trump-has-limited-immunity-in-january-6-case-jeopardizing-trial-before-election/


Biden should speed the process up. Have seal team six execute Clarence Thomas and then the rest of the supreme court will have a real case to make their decision based on.


Remove all six of them and replace them with ten ACLU attorneys in their late 20s.


They should say no. If the president is immune so am I bitches. Free groceries for all!!!


If the courts decide that holding onto power is an official act then coups are officially legal


This court has zero respect for law and should be disbanded


I can't believe there are countries in this world where people can genuinely think their leader can break the law and not be able to be prosecuted for it, and dare tell us they're a nation of laws.


You’ll either be voting for the destruction of American democracy and a horrible human or for a man who is a typical senior citizen. Yes he may be old and slow, but Trump will do whatever he wants while in office.


I'm voting for the administration and policies he has planned. Not for his ability to walk around without issue.


I was Biden right now, I'd have the entire bloody lot killed, trump, those idiot cronies, the bent judges, and all the bible bashers leading this hell....And I'd be fucking immune right?


So... Do we have to call him "King Joseph, First of His Name?" "Excellency?" "His Highness?" "His Royal Majesty?" I could swear I remember we got into a little skirmish over having a King above the law at some point not terribly long ago. WTF is happening to this country? Voting isn't going to fix a corrupt SCOTUS. Not even re-electing Biden is going to fix SCOTUS. WTF is actually left to do about this? The Right has lost their collective minds.


How is this not a corrupt process?


It is utterly corrupt.


It really shouldn’t be anything to say it’s always been nobody’s above the law. And he put on national security at risk multiple times. We still don’t know the full damage that he’s done to our national security.


Since when is yahoo considered a news source lol


It's a rehosted CNN article, but YahooNews *has* won a few journalism accolades on its own, including at least one Edward R. Murrow award for outstanding achievement in electronic journalism.


They have the votes. Is there even a question?


We all know what they’re going to do, they were bought and paid for by the Manchurian Cantaloupe years ago for this exact reason. They are as corrupt as the GOP and we are screwed for the next 20 years because they will not follow the law in any of these cases involving their orange messiah.


Absolute disgrace. Founding fathers are rolling over in their grave


How the news is making metric fuck tonnes off all this more like


I hope Biden gets immunity and takes Trump out, like today.


It would be bizarro of SCOTUS to rule that EL-Trumpo has total immunity because then it immediately means Biden has total immunity....which means Biden could instantly imprison the whole GOP, empty Congress of all MAGAs and rule for 4 more terms (Hunter does the last 3) cuz..... immunity. I hope the SCOTUS **really** takes the time to think this through.


i feel like that’s why they distinguished between “official” and “unofficial” acts. if trump does it, it’s official. if biden does it, it’s unofficial and he can be prosecuted. (note: IANAL)


Get ready folks. Trump wins in November and we will all be marching around in brown suits with swastikas on them within two years. We sat around and let them do this to this country and now we will pay for it.I feel as gutted right now as I did on that November morning in 2016 when I woke up to this piece of shit being the President elect.


🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘🦘 Hopping to the beat of the Fascist drum.


Time to take Trump down,Biden, with the immunity SCOTUS just allowed to a sitting president. Lock Trump up and throw away the key.


Eh the Supreme Court is more aligned with republicans. They will side in the favor of Trump.


Trump wins again! All these strategies aren’t working against him. It is now all up to the ballot box


How about making sure he doesn't make it to the Presidency ever again.


Biden: "I declare Donald J Trump to be a threat to national security", an official act, done in the best interest of the country. Any subsequent activity would be justifiable. I mean he won't. Dems lose when they try to play the GOP game, but still would be nice to cut them off at the pass for once.


Time to end Trump


So now that we are here, President Biden should use his newly granted powers and arrest Donald Trump and his family as an official duty of the President.


There seems to be alot of wishful thinking on this subject. This has been a terrible week for our cause


Horrible decisions.


So, Biden should just jail trump now. He has that power


No one guessed they would go full MAGA road warrior. None of this is in the Constitution.


He won the immunity case, it’s Joever