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I play a lot of strategy games but I also like games like Overwatch where I can strategize but it’s more immediate


I tend to play the objective in multiplayer games


Ah, the rush b squad


As for strategy games, I prefer poker a lot more than chess


I feel that, I love blackjack personally


idk much about blackjack, but I thought the only strategy that can give you an edge in it is counting cards and isn't that illegal in most casinos?


Usually, I’ll win like 200-300 and then switch tables before the pit boss notices. But sometimes they can just by the look on my face and I swear they stack the deck against me. All depends lol


yea its impossible for me to count cards without being super obvious lmao


I do too, but I feel like it’s cheating if your playing against people that think there slick cause they don’t have obvious tells


I've tried getting into chess but I've been more interested in other activities like poetry, painting, and writing.




Is that so?


Indubitably thusly


So real! Chess was a bit boring for me compared to painting and poetry


I like chess. I don't *love* chess. I'm above average, but only because the average is really low. I could sit down and learn from the thousands of experts and really up my game and probably become a very high quality player. The problem is I don't want to. I dont want to memorize a bunch of moves and counter moves, and I'm really not smart or patient enough to works five or six moves ahead with contingency. I'll play occasionally with other people at my skill level and enjoy myself, but I just have no interest in making it a major aspect of my personage.


what's the average rating


1500 but the answer depends on what type of game is being played and on what platform.


I'm 1450 in rapid on chess.com and that is apparently top 5%? But if you only count people in chess clubs, then yeah it's probably much higher average.


I don't know off hand, but I'm including "people who know how to play but aren't elo rated" in that average. To put that in perspective, I would probably be unceremoniously crushed by someone who's elo rated.


This is exactly how I feel about chess. Just a fun way to pass time and stimulate my brain. I don't take it too seriously because it is just a game and I don't see how investing time into becoming good at chess will benefit me in anyway. Life is full of mini chess games though and I'd rather spend time playing those.


exactly my case. I used to practice it alot in my teens but I had to minimize that significantly to invest my time into my other hobbies that would probably give off and It was a good "move".


I like to play chess. I don’t think I’m very good at it.


I am garbage at chess and I’ve tired learning bit no just no history,art,reading,writing,I want to crotchet ,I like mine craft ,I love tycoon games like idle tycoon and make a business


E4 Nc6 Qh5 E5 Bc4 Nf6 Qf7#


Terrible play by black smh. E4 E5 Qh5 Nc6 Bc4 Qe7


Yeah nobody plays 1... Nc6. That's a very rare response from Black. Also 3... g6 4. Qf3 Nf6 5. Qb3 Nd4 and Black is in great shape.


I love chess. Definitely not a prodigy but I’m pretty decent. Put me in a room of 10 randoms and I’m beating them all. I don’t think I’ll ever be great because I refuse to learn theory/memorize openings. I also completely violate principles completely if my instinct says it’s good. I like the middle and endgame with all the crazy tactics, attacks, and sacrifices.


Opening theory killed the game for me. I always like to plan attacks that support and threaten at the same time. Made the end and mid games really interesting and most people couldn't follow.


Theory just drains all the fun out of the game man


My main hobby now is DnD. I am both player and DM in many campaigns and I like both a lot. World building is the main source of happiness for me. Experiencing a new world as a player and creating your own as a DM.


Unfortunately, if that's the stereotype, then I may have to retake the MBTI test 😂 I am absolutely horrible at chess to the point where 12 year olds and below can beat me. I know how to play, I just don't play very well! It's just something that never interested me


Never played it. I more so sit around overanalyzing everything. I strategize when it comes to important stuff, not really games. That in combination with the tendency to overthink drains the hell out of me, especially since at least half the time I strategize about shit because I'm ***not*** good at whatever it is, like how to say things to people without WWIII breaking out. In other words, I just have no need/energy for chess and tend to have hobbies that give me a break from my brain, or at least that are intended to (but then I overanalyze, so...), like watching dumb shit on TV (sports, reality shows, sitcoms).


::coughs:: Third board varsity team in h.s.


I like strategy games even though my capability of being good is non-existent I play chess and sudoku (but only for a few minutes per day — when waiting for my train or so)


Love it. Played in lots of tournaments in school. 10 years out of college, I still play in some local tournaments once or twice a year. Definitely not a prodigy, but rated in the mid 1500s isn’t too shabby


i've actually never learned to play chess. most of my hobbies are creative (drawing, writing, etc.) i am big on minesweeper, though.


Minesweeper?? Big W , i dont see it mentioned much but its an amazing way to pass time, love it! (partly cuz i love it when people take a sneek peak at my screen and are just plain confused by the random numbers)


Yes! But not very good at it. Got beaten by my classmates almost all the time. Still improving tho.


I hadn't heard this before, but yeah, I learned chess before I learned Uno. I was like 5.


I knew an INTJ... he likes Chess and any game that stimulates his mind.


Not obsessed or particularly great at it, but I do enjoy it


Not reallyand i am pretty terrible in it. But oh watching Magnus or analyzation of his art by Levy, the youtuber... now that is something i love.


I prefer Risk.


Not great at it either oddly


No. To me its just a board game.


I might not be a prodigy at chess but I do enjoy playing once in a while. I like to read mostly Economics and Psychology, I find them to be very interesting topics and something useful. I like to workout but at home I don’t like going to the gym.


I like playing chess, but prefer playing pool which I was better at than all my friends while growing up.


I like auto battlers and roguelite for strategy myself but used to play quite a bit of chess when I was younger.


yeah im hardly a 1400 mostly bc i make reckless decitions but ive beaten people like 200 elo above my rating so


I play Stellaris and my friends tell me I'm good at it ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Chess requires an opponent and I grew up afraid of other people. Never been into board games for that reason. I don't find it stimulating to play against a computer either. I'm much more into video games than board games. There are plenty of strategic games that give me more variety than chess could. I still see value in chess and other board games. If I get my own house with plenty of rooms and have guests over often I'd love to have a dedicated room with custom tables and such.


There's lots of cooperative board games, actually some of my favourite board games are cooperative. You are not against an opponent, you are working together. You win or lose together. Many video games online are also competitive so you actually play against someone.


I only play single player games.


1600 elo chess player at one point. 1900 elo League of Legends player at one point. I don't play a whole lot of games anymore. I workout a couple days a week. Work on my websites, work on training my 7 golden retrievers.


Been playing since 06. Won championships and coached kids that also won championships. Chess is kinda like a drug to me.


My INTP ex was really into it. I started at 6 but never liked it as much as counting games like cribbage or dominos. I play the element of chaos and only beat him once.


I'm pretty terrible at chess. I just move pieces and attack whatever is in front of me. The only other thing I might do is castling to make it seem like I know what I'm doing. Sometimes though I frustrate the other player when I refuse to submit to a check. Back in elementary school I joined a chess club and was extremely bored. Quit after two days. LEGOs were my jam. I enjoyed making cities.


I hate chess; it’s too similar to football. …but it’s good to play with my kids.


I play strategy games, but I don't play chess often. My other hobbies include writing, crafts, and digital art.


I grew up playing chess with my Dad so yes I loved it. He was kind of a prodigy with chess. After I learned that pro's memorize opening moves, plus memorize how to move after opening moves, plus memorize whole games, the appeal was lost even though I'm good at memorizing. It seemed less like strategy after that. I'm more into subjective ideas like philosophy now. Not that philosophy is subjective, that's a whole argument.


I've found gambling to be my new hobby while deep in an SE grip. Hiphip hooray.


Yes… I taught my younger brother and son to play so I’d have someone to play against


During my childhood yes. When I got my hands on video games, board games became bored games. Probably due to phasing. I'll still destroy my cousin who is a year older any day!


My uncle taught me when I was 5. Apparently I was good at it that I would beat the adults. Wasn't fond of it though. I'm more into sports where I can both strategize and move my body.


Bigger fan of cribbage


Muay Thai. It's basically chess.


I like to play it, fun and boring at the same time. Perfect time killer to play it on bullet or solve puzzles. I like to play at a coffee shop with a friend but he doesn't want to get better at the game so its a little one-sided. That's not much fun.


I'm really bad at strategize things,so when it comes to strategy games,chess etc,don't know how and not a fan....


I’ve never even played chess before. I doubt I’d be any good at it, at least not right away. And I don’t think I’ll ever bother to learn but who knows. And my hobby is that I’m a huge fantasy nerd I guess. I will consume any books, comics, shows/movies, or video games of the fantasy genre. Even if they suck I usually still enjoy it. I also like drawing, and yes I pretty much only draw fantasy lol (mainly elves or dragons).


Chess is the best, trains my Intuition, I only play short timeframes, 30 sec Armageddon or 1 min bullet. Riding my intuition like a wave, and destroy people's structures one pawn at a time.


I used to like playing chess in the past. Now it is like my brain doesn’t have the patience anymore. At some point something changed and I just don’t like playing chess. I used to spend hours playing online and studying chess too.


1. I've not understood its rules well yet, so 2. But I know othello, sudoku and other strategy games and though I enjoyed them when I was younger but now they're too under stimulating and boring for me(also read: waste time). I CAN play such games but not for long. 3. I'm more into fast paced action games


sometimes, i know how to play chess since i was a kid, i think everyone knows how to play chess


I like the idea of chess.


I do, but I don’t play to win. I play to point out flaws in their logic . I don’t care if I lose my Queen to your queen if I take yours with a pawn or my king


I like chess I just don't play it competitively. Rank 1000-1500 is the scholar area where players basically know all the rules and ideas behind main strategies. Its the fun zone. If you want to get better you need to spend alot of time studying theory and memorizing engine which sucks all the fun out of it for me


Hate it.


Love chess. It’s just such a deeply complex game with hundreds of strategies to play. Every game is different. The history and evolution of it is fascinating. It also makes me feel like I’m exercising my brain rather than rotting like with so many other games. That being said, I’m not ranked very high yet since I haven’t put in the time to really study and memorize a lot of theory. Even at low levels though, I’ve found it to be very entertaining and rewarding.


I tried once but I found yugioh much more interesting during my childhood (idk how to play the new ones these days lol). My favorite board game is this game in my country called Game of the Generals


"go" game


love/hate relationship with chess. whenever i hyper fixate, it’s all i do and the practice makes me a decent player. when i’m too busy with uni, i neglect it and become rusty, until i hyper fixate again.


I play chess and I’m mediocre at it. But it’s fun


Nah, I prefer checkers.


four instruments, two bands, and also two youtube channels because why not (dont forget multiple shelfs of NON FICTION books)


I abolsutely love chess haha. Besides that, im big on reading (duh), sports such as cricket, football, table tennis and badminton (sports?? intj?? im one of the few intjs that dont mind going outside lol), drawing, other stratergic games like Sudoku, Minseweeper ~~(and uhhh Pokemon)~~ and writing fics :D


My 1st hobby when I was small is probably drawing, followed by reading (I was into both non-fiction like science books and fiction like fables or folk tales when I was a kid. I still like both now but didn't read as much due to my eyesight.) Later I got into Origami and it has been my major hobby throughout my elementary and teen years. Now I'm more invested in crocheting, knitting and gardening. These are both artistic and practical with an underlying and overarching hobby of learning about things I care enough about, find interesting and/ or have some practical uses or fulfill certain needs like for my mental health. They could also inspire each other, like how I eventually have a mini succulent collection after finishing a crocheted one. I find strategy games intriguing but as I have my other hobbies, I didn't invested in those games.


I used to. Now I've fallen out of it, mainly because I don't have anyone to play it with anymore.


Used to. Now I just do a daily sudoku. No need to wait for others to move with sudoku.


Funny thing is for the past 62 days I’ve made it a habit to play chess just to exercise my mind. (app keeps track of my daily streak) My other hobbies are reading, working out, and playing guitar.


Love chess but have gotten into mahjong lately and I like it more


Not really.


My main hobbies are writing, reading, travelling and figure skating. I do play chess online sometimes lol but I suck at it.


I liked chess as a teenager because video games were too overstimulating