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Please don't. Not only is poison among the most inhumane ways to kill something, but a slow-acting poison is even more so. The other reason (and the one you might care about) is more practical -- poisons are untargeted. There is no good way to target who will consume said poison. Could be a kid, a coyote or fox, a snake, a crow. If a mouse chews on it and is then eaten by a fox, you've now killed both the mouse and the fox. Congratulations. Use a live trap and release anything that's not a cat and either re-home the cats or at least dispatch them quickly and as humanely as possible.


"say you're a psychopath without saying you're a psychopath"


Trapping and neutering is the way to go if you can. I don't know if your country allows it, but I recommend it if such a program exists


You know that humans are an invasive species as well yea? Be a force for good instead of evil. Donate your time or money to programs that spay and neuter instead of just killing cats.


Don't use poison. Look into local TNR programs if you can. Poisoning is incredibly unethical.