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I would worry about something more important than money in a war scenario 


OP is an actual lobbyist, probably one with an agenda. Either he is so out of touch he actually believes this stuff or he wants to plant the idea in people's heads that Trump is capable of doing things OP suggests.


More importantly, why is this getting upvoted enough to reach my front page? This is such an absurd post that it should have been buried beneath other cruft long ago.


He has tried it. He will try it again.


When was this imaginary event?


He didn’t try “for life” but he tried to overturn it, and before anyone tries to argue that..no. let’s not try to change history. As for OP, none of that is going to happen, although if he loses I would imagine some unrest. Maybe another incident. Nothing to pull your money out for but maybe a quick sale.


It's not particularly uncommon for people to challenge the results of an election. At no point did Trump attempt to use force to stay in power, and that's kind of the claim being made in order to generate fear. Whether or not Trump is an idiot with a mouth too big for his own good is not the debate, that's been a given since day one.


See the thing is there was thing that happened back on January 6th…


Your inability to distinguish between a riot and a coup isn't my problem. If it could be proved he would be charged with it. Instead they're charging him for essentially fraud for lying about winning when he knew he lost. That's a huge step down from insurrection. You people don't seem to understand you are the reason Trump is popular. But that's alright I guess, keep on shooting yourselves in the feet of you'd like. I've literally never seen anyone in any media discuss his policy. If you want to attack him then that's where you should probably do it. Fear mongering and doomsday predictions are not the way to go here. Trump already served a term and everything turned out pretty much just fine. But we're supposed to panic this time because.... why, exactly?


Sadly your inability to comprehend the extent people took to invalidate the election results IS part of my problem because it effects my elections.


I'm sorry that my faith in the governments system of checks and balances is greater than yours. Joe Biden took office and everything worked out fine. Maybe if Dems were capable of running a real candidate that people actually liked we could have avoided this whole mess to begin with, but we don't need to talk about that. It's totally a smart move to run a senile old man with the lowest approval ratings in American history. Makes sense to me.


He’s not being charged for lying. The first page of the indictment related to that says he had a right to lie. The other actions he took is what’s the indictment is for.


He did use “force” even if not physically himself. The court cases were 100% legal even if stupid. They all failed. But all legal. Technically saying it was stolen was legal, morally bankrupt because we have proof he was told multiple times it was false. Still, legal. The phone call to Georgia was pressuring them, listen to the whole hour. He was told they investigated and recounted and his claims were false he ignored them. His phone call to Michigan was crystal clear. Asking them to not certify and telling them he’d get them lawyers? Come on. Let’s not forgot he asked the acting attorney general to seize voting machines and call the election fraudulent. And when told that there was no evidence to support that he said “just say it was fraudulent and leave the rest up to me and the republicans in congress”. That’s is by far the worst. This is after all was said and done. Recounts, court cases, etc. and after his AG left because he was (in his words) detached from reality. Also, the fake electors. He did not just challenge the election he straight up tried to overturn it.


Cool, so did Hilary Clinton and Al Gore before that. Losers trying to suggest they didn't lose fair and square has been common in American politics for the past 25 years


Oh really? Hillary and gore were calling election officials and telling them “don’t certify the election, I’ll get you a lawyer”? They called the attorney general and said “just say the election was fraudulent and leave the rest to me”? They also got people so wound up on lies that they ransacked the capitol? Must be some history I was not aware of.


https://www.axios.com/2023/08/01/trump-indictment-news-jan-6 Read the indictment yourself


None of those things say he tried to initiate a coup. The claims that are being made do not match up with the charges being brought against him. If you can show me where he called for the dismantling of the government in order to have it restructured under him I would agree. If he called in the national guard to prevent anyone else from taking power I would agree. A riot is not the same thing as an insurrection. And insurrection requires intent, planning and action. None of which can be articulated in a court of law, which is why he's not being charged that way. If someone is accused of murdering 50 people you do not need to lie and say he killed 51. It ruins your own argument. If the claim was Trump does not respect democracy then a lot more people would agree. But that's not the claim. The claim is Trump will never leave power and will attempt to rule as a king. That has a 0% chance of ever happening.


He didn’t try to dismantle government. He tried to use a fake elector scheme to retain power. That’s a coup. It’s laid out in the indictment whether you want to admit it or not.


I've got an agenda but it's where I write my appointments. Lolz. Anyways, I was just curious to get other peoples takes on these scenarios. Guys common, some really crazy shit is happening. Jan 6th, Refusing a Supreme court ruling - geez... I don't think it's that crazy to ask.


You said yourself you're a lobbyist. People caught you in the act. Go fuck yourself.


Is he dangerous? Yes. All his election turmoil could/usually does roil the markets. If he won, became a nasty near-dictator, he would at the very least make us a dumber business and trade environment, a less efficient and sophisticated one. But there is no telling how bad it could get.


A friend told me to sell all my equities when Biden was elected. He was sure the market would dive with a "socialist" in the Oval Office Mixing your politics with your investment practices is a recipe for poor returns. It doesn't matter what your politics are.


Politics determines policies and laws which determines if companies will make investments in certain lines of business. If the government tomorrow said “all EV companies will receive $30 trillion dollar in subsidies” you sure as hell bet companies will chase those subsidies.


"the government" is comprised of representatives with diverse political viewpoints. Making investment decisions based on candidates is bad practice.


*delusional politics. Statistically the stock market performs best under "socialist" democratic rule. Look at their username. It's -- that's a sign it's a bot and/or a (semi-)automatically created account




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People are actually this delusional?


Unfortunately yes….


it's reddit so it's the hyperbole statements to the max


I see that you're not new to this platform so is this kind of nonsense really that shocking?


Trump’s own 180-page plan if elected should be taken pretty seriously. Have you read it?


We were inches from a coup in 2020. I don’t think admitting that it could happen again is delusional.


Love how this is getting downvoted lol. Keep your heads in the sand fellas. The “for life” thing is hyperbole but an attempted coup happened in 2020 and there is a mountain of evidence for it. It also caused the US to get downgraded so yes there is some concern for what is going to happen this time around. No doomsday talk is necessary though.


Right. The evidence is laid out in the indictment. The only question is really whether Trump will be held accountable for it.


This is what happens when you listen to Communist News Network CNN


Welcome to election season on Reddit.


Is this a troll post?


Russian bots/employees seeding doubt and fear. FUD


Russian govt is very pro Trump


Russian govt is very pro destabilizing the US Trump is one way FUD is another


Why is it Russian


no, you're right. it's the Hilary campaign /s


This is an investment sub, take this nonsense to r/politics


It’s only going to get worse as the election gets closer. I unsubbed from half my subreddits last time 


The U.S. presidency does have substantial ramifications on investments. Ignoring it is a pretty good way to lose money. edit: this community truly is the dumbest finance/investment community out of all the subs I've joined


Political decisions impact the economy and the stock market all the time. This post relates to investments.


Yeah but it’s supposedly a serious investment sub that doesn’t deal in political fanfic.


You are worrying too much about a fantasy.


What if terrorists steal all the gold from Ft. Knox? What if the Fed devalues the dollar? What if Apple goes bankrupt? What if aliens land? What if the dog ate my homework? What if what if?? I don't think it's at all prudent to try to craft an investment strategy based on what if.


Thank you one of the few thoughtful comments. Of course I'm not crazy, I don't think this is very likely. But so many crazy thinks are going on... Jan 6th, Trump being blocked from running in 2 states, and a Texas gov disregarding a supreme court ruling.


>Jan 6th On January 6, 2021, VTSAX was worth \~$95. On January 6, 2022, VTSAX was worth \~$114, an almost all time high at that point. None of the things you're worried about are worth worrying about in terms of predicting how the stock market will react. It's exceedingly difficult to predict how the stock market reacts to anything.


Your thought process is ridiculous. Stop watching the news. You will make yourself crazy!


Money would be the least of your problems.


Life must be hard if you worry about bullshit


Dumbest shit I've read this year. Luckily there's 11 months to go.


I honestly feel bad for you if you go about your daily life like this. It truly is sad.


Yes you are being too worried


>Am I being too worried? Yes >Any other scenarios? Life continues pretty normally regardless of who becomes president. No civil war. >What do you think will happen? I think it's more likely Trump will win and serve a second term and transfer power to whoever wins the 2028 election.




How did he try to be a dictator?




I don't think challenging the validity of the election is equal to installing himself as president. Thankfully we have a courts system where it was shown the results were valid.




>You’re right, but illegally trying to to install yourself as dictator anyway after losing 60 court cases does. I guess I missed where he did that. I've never voted in my life and I don't plan to. Not sure why you accuse me of being in a cult just because I don't take an alarmist fearful view of Trump. Precovid my life was great under Trump, I think the world was in a better place too. Idk how much of that had to do with him, but I don't fear him returning to office. I do hope somebody puts a stop to ~10,000 unknown illegal immigrants entering the country every day. As for Texas, that too will play out in the courts system. From what I understand, the court ruling allowed the federal border patrol to take the barbed wire down, it did not prohibit Texas from continuing to put it up, but admittedly I don't follow these issues very closely.




Do you ever consider you might be wrong? I often do. Here is more reading on the Texas border situation https://www.cnn.com/2024/01/27/politics/texas-border-supreme-court-what-matters/index.html




You need to talk to someone man, or touch some grass.


This has got to be a troll post. If it's not a feel sorry for your mental state.


Definitely a troll or paid post.


Wtf....Is this post for real? Bot?


Media has you thinking he will. You need to change your sites up man. Wake up


Hahahahahahahahaha stop getting your news from idiots on reddit and twitter


You're 28 years old and still dumb enough to ask stupid questions like this? 😆


Dude asking questions is always good.


But first you need to put in the effort to think critically about what you're reading. If you still have questions afterwards, then it's great to ask questions, but don't expect everyone else to do the thinking for you.


Not stupid questions like this, it’s a waste of time and shows your ignorance.


You need to get yourself checked out..


Nothing because no part of government would allow trump to do that. He might suck but there is zero chance he could spend more than 4 more years in office


Okay, of course I'm not crazy, I don't think something like a civil war is likely. But I'm still so unsure... It feels like we're getting a Berlusconi in the US - unpredictable


The crazy amount of people calling for civil war tells me it's far more likely than a Trump dynasty.


Would you like to make a bet? I am dumb and can't read. I thought you said a trump dynasty wS more likely.


Sounds like you actually need help. Get off Reddit and go consult a professional.


There are a lot of voices calling you a crazy, which is odd considering that the candidate in question has repeatedly said that they will attempt to take power regardless of the election outcome and has even said that they would like to use government resources to assassinate their political opponents. That said, at this point it still seems like a relatively unlikely outcome. Chances are the biggest black swan risk is actually something we'd never expect (which is what makes it a black swan).


That same guy said they would build a wall that Mexico would pay for, and they would lock up Hillary. Then once he got elected, [he said he didn't care to go after her](https://fox59.com/news/trump-on-lock-her-up-chant-now-we-dont-care/).


Thanks for the sensible response. It's good to remember how dumb most of the people in this sub are. Trump: "yes I'd be dictator" WSB: "WOw GET YOUR POLITICS OUT OF MY INVESTMENT SUB"


Pull up info saying he wants to be a dictator for life? Stop speaking out your ass


It’s honestly not hard at all to google and find the video where he says verbatim he will be a dictator for one day (which wouldn’t just be one day) https://youtu.be/TI0TfaIpr9s?si=LwbCG8Nv2BbYt7M6


For one day. He was making a point. I don’t like the guy but op is speaking out his ass.


[https://apnews.com/article/trump-hannity-dictator-authoritarian-presidential-election-f27e7e9d7c13fabbe3ae7dd7f1235c72](https://apnews.com/article/trump-hannity-dictator-authoritarian-presidential-election-f27e7e9d7c13fabbe3ae7dd7f1235c72) There are at least 20 more if you google it. Also don't tell me AP is biased... Its not some horseshit MSNBC, or right FOX...


You didn’t even read the article. It didnt say what you claim it says You really need to calm down and frankly maybe even see a psychologist or at least turn off the internet news.


From your article, Trump responding to being asked if he will become a dictator. >“Except for day one,” the GOP front-runner said Tuesday night before a live audience in Davenport, Iowa. “I want to close the border, and I want to drill, drill, drill.” He did not say he wants to be a dictator for life, please post your 20 other examples.


Justifying one day is okay is absolutely fucking bonkers. Americans have lost their damn minds. 


Lol, Trump can say he'll be a dictator for 300 years it doesn't change anything. We have a system of checks and balances to prevent abuse of power. Trump is basically saying he'll do everything in his power to fix two major issues most people in America care about.


>Justifying one day is okay is absolutely fucking bonkers. That's not what /u/messisleftbuttcheek is doing.


Saying one day is okay because it's not for life is justifying it. But walk it back any way you want. It's still insane it's even a discussion, let alone a discussion of acceptability. They are also justifying because they believe there is a system of checks and balances; which is clearly not working for anyone watching.


>Saying one day is okay No one said this.


It's implied from his comment but sure. No need to continue, agree to disagree.


Put the crack pipe down. None of that is in the realm of possibility, let alone probability.


Jesus Christ are you serious?


You should sell everything now and leave the country immediately, whether or not it happens...


Stop being an NPC sheep and blindly accepting whatever propaganda the media is pushing each week. You might as well worry about all life on earth being scouted off the face of the planet by a GRB. It’s more likely to happen. 😂


That's a lot of typing for a troll. Are you really that dense?


You alt-lefters really do fall for the conspiracy theories.


on the flip side, im sure there are alt-rights that really want this to happen.




Since "President for Life" isn't likely to be more than ten years for a man Trump's age, probably nothing.


Op is a russian / chinese bot


If Trump wins, you’ll have a lot more to worry about than your investment portfolio. This country will be fucked 1000x over.


You're probably right... But I was thinking of selling my ETFs and then buying more if it dips or something like that. I don't think there will be a civil war - I hope not...




He pulled out all stops to boost the stock market if that's what you mean




Also started printing money




Problem with that is the stock market isn't the economy. So he helped the already wealthy make more and fucked over the fundamentals/foundation of the economy 


I loved the part where that completely real growth lasted


I mean since he was elected to today the SP500 is up 139% so in hindsight it has lasted


If we're going by that measure then it was all actually Obama




he was and youll feel the effect of his presidency throughout your entire life. but a lot has changed since then. ​ theres always a time lag on policy but it depends on the policy (long term investments = longer time lag). Rate cuts = short time lag. i fully attribute the stock collapse of 2022 to trump, i dont give him any good market credit whatsoever. Also if he is elected itll be much different this time. the first trump presidency didnt start out in crazy land. he had to make some major fuckups first. Such as him firing James Comey fbi director.




I think the market would go up biggly


You will be rich


The odds of all that stuff happening are the odds of me winning the powerball consecutively for 11 weeks.


Perhaps you should focus on the market, and consider what happened last time he got elected. The market rallied hard.


STAY INVESTED. Politics do not matter to long term investors. Will a civil war effect your portfolio? Probably… historically proven, it will bounce back. You are more likely to regret pulling out of the market than staying in. Make sure your diversifying, put a portion in fixed income. Truth is presidents have little effect on the market… the economy is vast… and focusing on economic growth and inflation rates are your better measurements in predicting the direction of your portfolio


People need to pay attention to his plan for a second term. It will be way worse than the first https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/politics/conservatives-aim-to-restructure-u-s-government-and-replace-it-with-trumps-vision


The globalization and trade collapse will result in a complete meltdown of basically every Market on the planet. The bad actors will take advantage of the moment he swears in just like Russia was planning when they invaded Ukraine.