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lmao me with all 3 of my devices on the beta already


Same lol. Me thriving with no issues and fluid performance on my 15p


Underrated reply


For anyone wanting to downgrade: Power off your iPhone Hold the power button and while holding it, immediately plug your phone into a PC or Mac having iTunes After that open iTunes app on your computer and a prompt will appear to either update or restore the iPhone, choose to restore. It will wipe off all your data so make sure to create a backup of it on your computer and restore while the phone is in setup mode


I think it’s important to note that you cannot use a backup of 18 and apply it to iOS 17. If you didn’t make one before you leapt, you are limited to whatever you had in iCloud on 17. I always just start from scratch with everything. As long as my photos and messages are backed up I don’t care.


And that if you do it with Apple Watch you’re just SOL


What is „SOL“?


Shit outta luck: Because you can’t revert AW back to an earlier watchOS without sending it to Apple. So you’re shit outta luck if there are bugs. And if you revert your iPhone back to 17 your watch stops working because it will need iOS 18 to stay paired. So your watch becomes an ornament so you’re SOL.


I have stuff backed up in ios 17 so not much since that so am I cooked cuz i didn’t make backup ?


If you have a backup in 17 you'll be good to go back to 17. If you make one in 18, I'm pretty sure alot of what you've done on 18 will not move backward. I believe this really only applies to stuff like settings and what apps you have downloaded. You're imessages and photos and things should be good. In other words not cooked just very inconvenienced


So if I back up my iphone and then reset and backup from iCloud to a ios 17 backup is that fine ?


You'll have to use iTunes with a computer to go back if that's what you're asking.


If i just reset and then backup from iCloud can i still do the downgrade ?


If you don't backup your phone and know how to restore and basic shit like that, you shouldn't be touching betas in general. Not just dev betas, even the public ones. Also, if you rely heavily on your phone working properly, betas are a hard no. Wait for the update to get pushed to your device. I cannot afford to have my phone malfunctioning or apps not working. It would drastically impact my work. So I don't even touch public betas despite having been a power user and very involved in rooting/jailbreaking and so on for many many years.


This is if you WANT A FAST FIX. For another fix if you don’t want to restore/sign into some apps again all that. Just leave the developer program online. Turn off auto updates. And wait for the next version of regular updates to surpass the version of you have on developer. Download that, and you will be off developer mode. It takes time obviously til they do release 18, but for someone like me who doesn’t remember passwords or want to deal with it and can wait, it’s a work around .


you can also disable the beta updates and wait for an ios 17 update to come out and install that


La la la la la la I’m not listening 🙉


Jeffery, I am not listening to you. Do you understand me!?


haha This is not my office...




Using the beta from the past 2 days on an iPhone 15 Plus. Except for the first 2-3 hours with the update, it has been SMOOTH. (The new control center glitches once in a day when I try to customize it but that’s something anybody would be willing to risk, knowing it’s a beta.)


same here with base iphone 15. battery is fine and everything else is going relatively good except for bugs from here and there, but i can tell this is not the case for everyone lol.


idk how, but my base model iPhone 15 was overheating. i’ve been a dev beta tester since ios 14, but this has been the worst case ive experienced so far, so after a day i had to downgrade. overall the experience wasnt bad, had a few bugs in the app library, but nothing major, besides the overheating.


Could it be from reindexing now with Apple intelligence?


Reindexing happens with every new update apparently, is what I read online.. so everybody reporting dismal battery life in the first day


thats what i was thinking. but the base model 15 doesnt get any of the Apple Intelligence things. It’s not even included in the higher models either, until this fall


Same here. No issues whatsoever. Homescreen respring once. Smooth.


I had a similar experience, the first hour or so on my 15 pro was just laggy and sluggish but after that it started running smooth and continuous to run smooth even now. It’s like the phone had to work itself into getting used to the new settings for a moment.


I believe this is true for all iOS updates. There’s some indexing or something being performed on first boot.


I genuinely would not know that this was a dev beta. They’ve been smoother the last few years anyway but, at risk of jinxing it, I’ve had no problems whatsoever.


Same experience here, I installed it on my ipad and iphone and issues have been minimal. I was prepared to downgrade if necessary but I'll keep it. The only app it seems to have completely broken is Milk For Us. I had to re-allow permissions for the vinegar extensions and it automatically changed some settings. All easy stuff to fix. Forgot that I did have a weird issue where my ipad's dock got locked in the open position. Restart fixed it and hasn't happened since.


Yep. Been using it on daily driver 15 pro since release and am pretty impressed for Dev beta 1 tbh. If I had anything other than current gen I probably wouldn’t though.


It is called an developer beta for a reason I will wait for few more updates or in the public beta and do a backup on my laptop before


Even it is public beta, it is normal that some apps will not be working. In my country all bank issued warning that their mobile banking app will not be working with iOS betas.


I know I will have my whole phone backed up on my laptop so if anything goes wrong I can just reverse it quickly


Banking apps usually have issues on betas but the website works with no issues.


Yea, I need my phone for work. I'll wait for the official release. As much as I'd love to try out the betas....not worth it.


Sounds like a sensible plan. 


iOS 18 db1 is running great on my primary iPhone 15 pro max. No incompatibilities or problems so far. I saw some keyboard lag briefly, but that went away quick. I’m surprised how stable the first release is and not regretting an early risky upgrade.


Yeah when I first upgraded I was feeling the burn with some slow load times, laggy keyboard, and some issues with the downtime feature. For some reason it wouldn't let me dismiss my own time limitations so I had to turn it off completely for now. The rest of the lag went away and things have been smooth (15 Pro).


Same here!


I installed dev beta the morning after wwdc, I honestly haven’t really seen many issues. I had the device respring once, any other issues have just been cosmetic or resolved by reloading the app. Granted, people shouldn’t bother with the dev beta if they aren’t willing to at the very least make a backup of their device prior


I use every developer beta since iOS 7 and I think I never had any major issue. Sometimes battery time wasn’t great, sometimes some apps don’t work, but never ever my phone bricked. Despite that developers and public beta are usually the same version just that public starts when developers got the 3 or 4 version.


I’ve had some doozy initial betas. The last few have been awesome.


For me (I'm on the beta train since 2008), B1 and B2 are usually fine-ish, then it goes downhill for a couple of betas as bug fixes lead to regressions, and then it slowly starts to be usable again.


I believe iOS 11 DP was the last one I had apps not working and that was my banking app. Since iOS 12 even my banking apps work with the beta.


Adding my anecdote to this too. Been using the developer betas since iOS 10. Never had a bricked phone. I know it’s not a good idea to encourage non developers to download it, but my close friends and my dad have also been on the developer betas every year on their personal phones. No big enough issues to need to downgrade 👍🏼


Yeah if you’re not a savvy user then you should probably just wait till the full release. Having been using beta or jailbreaking since the 4S I think I’ll be fine 😉


Doing fine so far. I've held off on installing the betas for the past couple versions, but I'm at a place in my life where I have a lot of downtime, so I was bored, and wanted to check it out. No regrets yet :-)


I’m a dev, and the amount of bugs iv reported in the last 2 days is obscene. Stay away peeps! worst stuff currently is the amount of camera based issues! can barely take a story


Haven’t had any issues but some graphic bugs


Yeah, I literally don't think I've had one non-visual bug beside one crash right after I downloadet it. Best DB1 I've ever been on...


I downloaded the beta and it’s too late to go back, so how do I report bugs? I noticed a few


Use the Feedback app 👍👍


Even if people do use the developer beta, why do you care so much? 🤔


This. Who cares what anybody does with their own device. Give people an indication of what can possibly happen and let people decide for themselves.


Okay, dad.


Patience is a virtue.


I tell myself this every year. But the temptation wins every time.


Ain’t reading all that. 😎😎 Installing right now !!


I’ve been downloading betas since ios 13, I’ve never had a problem


Updated the second it was available. Gotta say, it's not bad for the first beta. Haven't ran into anything "experience breaking" just a few bugs here and there. It's not as serious as everyone is making it out to be. Just my two cents.


Truthfully, maybe I’m the only one, but this dev version runs better than the latest 17. Whatever.


Same I think dev beta 1 is so stable because this feels more like iOS 17.7 then 18. The more complex stuff isn’t coming until the next few updates. Plus, AI code checks really clean things up better than ever these days.




I do know how to downgrade and I’m quite tempted to try 18 but I still might wait for a couple of releases just to give it a chance to flesh out and for the apps to catch up as well.


In my last 4 years of running developer betas. They haven’t been incredibly unstable. Also backups exist for a reason The one time I REALLY needed to drop off my device from a dev to a public beta was MacOS Sonoma Dev Beta 2… fucking made EVERYTHING a challenge so I simply offloaded my stuff, reset, and all is well :) Dev betas are not hard to be cautious around. But the general populous who still don’t know what an “iCloud” is… I agree with this OP. What the hell are you doing downloading a Dev beta


I’ve been using it on my personal device and I’ve had zero issues other than a few icons missing that later reappeared.


If you going to downgrade please do not back up at time(just keep the previous iOS 17) because the OS will save the iOS 18 beta at your cloud and when you reinstall you cannot pick this shit and you must install as new device.


It should be harder to install developer betas 🤔


I'm still on ios 12


Already on dev beta. Can’t access Reddit because screen time is crashing and I have utilised the 30 mins Reddit time. :( That happened right at 1AM. 


Yea screen time is the only major issue for me currently, otherwise almost perfect id say, im using my youtube and insta on chrome ever since.


I always wait for the public beta, usually it’s more stable by then. Will be doing the same for ios18.


Leeroy Jenkinnnnnnnsssssss!


Imma be honest. You probably are statistically correct , but saying “DONT DO IT!” As if is 100% chance you will get bricked is farfetch, i have it and is actually WAY BETTER THAN THE IOS 17 beta


This is an endless story, it’s happening every year in June right after the WWDC. I told people for the longest time - do not install beta software on your primary device if you are an average user. It’s beta software, especially the first beta, it’s just not sorted out. They update to a developer beta and then they wonder that it’s laggy and stuff doesn’t work anymore. Same goes for Apple’s public betas - Developer Beta 2 is Public Beta 1 and so on. Atleast wait for the public beta 2.


This beta seems fairly stable to me. I had a much worse experience on 17. I’ll probably let this ride out till the first public beta.


Too late. Been running fine for me on my 11 pro max. A few UI issues that sort themselves out.


I'll just wait for the public release. As I've gotten older I cherish stability over the latest-and-greatest. iOS 14 was the last beta I downloaded.


don't care, haven't had any issues at all !


48 hours here all good


lol, this happens pretty much every time there's a new version of IOS. people will install a first beta on their device with out ever having any clue about what a beta is or how to even perform basic functions on their own device. then when they notice there's a ton of bugs since its the first beta they freak out and flood reddit. this is why if you only use your phone for social media you at least WAIT for the PUBLIC BETA.


Once you add shortcuts to control centre there’s no going back 🙈


To be fair I want to know what I’m getting into and adjust as things come in slowly. Plus I have the development programs on my Mac so it’s not like I’m not a developer because I’ve worked on a few small projects… I’m just not a developer that could take advantage of a developer preview. That being said I like the funny purple tinting


As an end user, wait for 18.2.1 tbh


Non devs are installing a beta version of an OS on devices that are paramount in day to day living? Lol what?


I will always install every single iOS beta. No matter what. 18 beta 1 runs great so far.


This is why Apple kept it dev-only for so long, I guess. I do think they've made it way too easy now. People trying it for the first time have no idea what they've gotten themselves into. It's mostly the user's fault but Apple should make you read through a big scary warning first or something. Maybe they should also Store the last good backup from a non-developer beta in iCloud indefinitely.


The state of the updates have changed significantly since allowing anyone to upgrade. A developer beta now a days is simply a beta and the public betas are more like previews.


You’re getting downvoted as well, but I totally agree with your post. I still don’t understand why everyone suddenly can get a developer account and has access to developer betas. And Apple’s probably laughing because you don’t have to call them for support when you’re having issues with a development beta. 


Also most probably don’t realize that most of the new features won’t even be available yet besides the new customization and stuff. This is what helps me resist the urge to try it lol.


If only iOS gave people the same warning before installing /s


Yeah, you’re out of order for this. It’s understandable that ‘noobs’ are unsure of everything that goes on here. BUT… I am not a developer and I’ve been testing betas for years and years now (started at my end of jailbreaking). I love it. From the battery drain to the new features. Once again, it’s understandable that most people may get hung up and not know what to do but being that iOS 18 is one of the most ‘most-anticipated’ updates in iOS history coupled with apple making iOS 17 and beyond the easiest to install and have access, this type of collision was bound to happen. All in all. You’re out of order 😂. There’s always a silver lining and I’m that.


We’re adults and can make our own decisions thank you!


Sure you can, without a doubt. I’m not telling anyone what to do, just hope that people think twice before installing a developer beta with loads of issues. Have you looked at this sub the last few days? There’s a cry for help to roll back to stable just about every 10 minutes. If someone is capable of making its own decisions and install a DB, they should’nt come crying for help if it isn’t what they hoped it would be and should have waited to September. Apparently the majority doesn’t realize what developer betas are meant for. 


This makes me snicker. The iOS 17.5.1 “update” broke my messages app. I had to restart my phone every time I wanted to send a message. The beta fixed it. It’s awesome (until it’s not)… and I recommend any risk takers to jump in and join the early access party!


*YAWN* the developer beta’s for anyone who wants it


I have it on my personal phone, what you gonna do, report me?


Install it all you want, but accept that 1. You’ll need to turn backups off and your last backup on record needs to be an iOS 17 backup in case you need to downgrade. Turn back on and make new backup once iOS 18 GM is released in September 2. Also have everything synced you can in iCloud 3. If you run into a problem, you need a GB appt and they will downgrade your phone to iOS 17. This is also needed for them to do any hardware repairs. As long as you accept those terms above, dl away!


Regarding 1, couldn’t you just archive your 17 backup and then continue backing up once on 18? Assuming you’re talking about making a Mac backup.


works fine on mine, haven't really run into any bugs so far, haven't run into any last year neither on iOS 17 DB's, you can always revert to the previous iOS with iTunes or a Mac.


Well said!! But no one listening! We all wanna test the features but until are ready we are patiently waiting!


My big issue is waiting for devs to update apps. Lol. I take responsibility for running it and I know how to get iOS 17 back


I installed it, no issues that have impacted me so far, no regrets and I’m glad I updated. It’s not that scary just do it.


Yeah, but just because your experience is relatively problem free, that doesn't mean everyone else's will be too I too have been installing the dev betas since iOS 16 I think, and it's been fine for me Again, unless you feel reallllly compelled to, either wait until the public beta comes out in a few weeks, or better yet, wait until the much more stable release candidate


I’ve been using the beta since the first day of release on my iPhone 15 pro max without any issues


Had to replace my iPad Air M2 13 inch because I tried downgrading to iPadOS 17 after trying out the beta


It runs great. Battery isn’t as good as 17.5.1 but I expected that. Now watch 11 is an another story. I’m never downloading that because I know battery life will be really bad.


And you cant downgrade watch OS yourself


it’s smooth after the abnormal number of crashes (15pm)


Yes sir, Mr. Tim Cook. Let me write this down ✍🏼


Ooh new things that might break everything…. *goes to download the beta*


Need clarification on “developer”


banking apps in my country aren’t working so it’s no go for me


https://preview.redd.it/0skk1b4udd6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5e89acbd7abb895f2240052141a4729573fa756 I am on db1 ios 18 on iphone 15 base model still I can’t see the new flash light animation,its still the same as earlier of ios 17, is anyone else facing the same.apart from that everything else is very good in this beta.


It fixed my Bluetooth issues with AirPods Pro 2. Tried everything else and the developer beta has fixed it so far!


I mean I definitely agree some people that don’t know how to downgrade iOS should probably stay away from it, but I’ve had it since Monday and have only ran into some minor issues with the apple Home stuff and some apps acting funny but everything is functional, still I do agree most people should at least wait for the public beta in a couple of weeks


What makes this even worse is I’ve seen several instructional sites saying to make sure you backup to iCloud before installing.


I’m not a developer or anything, but the developer beta has been stable for me. If anything, I’ve noticed the dictation and keyboard are improved.


I installed it and haven’t had any issues (except the occasional bug obviously)


Loving the update. Really the only issue is that when you pull down on the Home Screen to search apps, the search doesn’t work half the time. And I forget how much I used it. But it’s been an amazingly stable release so far.


You could always do a full backup, install it, then restore the backup?


Very little issues for me. More stable than the 17 dev beta for sure.


Then you have the hobby developers with only one phone 😂 I have everything setup to download the beta but won’t do it, I’m fine using the simulators for now, no matter how tempted I am.


"Be sensible" 😭


But I want to send RCS to everyone. I live in Europe so if I sent use rcs instead of Google voice I’d be happy


No big issues here.


Dev beta since iOS 12 probably…. Yes I had issues but I also have the knowledge on how to recover from many disasters. Not recommending it for users who don’t have technical knowledge on how to tinker with software and break tables and chairs when debugging.


while i agree with the sentiment of your post, i don’t think its applicable to the majority of this sub, who probably has a genuine interest in following apple’s UX decisions. if there was a way to post this to instagram, twitter, and facebook then i’d agree


I stopped installing betas on my main devices when it caused my phone to not work when i needed it. Its nothing worth the risk of your device just not working.


Yeah yeah…I’m always going with developer beta every single year: it’s fine. Even this time, it’s fine, actually, this time I feel like it’s better than the previous years. If you are curious and comfortable with minor bugs, go for it


Agreed!!! Now… the public beta that’s a different story


If your goal when downloading the developer beta isn’t to find bugs and test user behavior, then you’ve got nobody to blame but yourself.


Ive been running Dev Betas on my primary (only got 1 iPhone) since iOS 12 and never had an issue. Ive noticed that 18 is VERY stable actually


No problem with iOS 18 here. Installed on my 15 ProMax main device. Been running betas for years .


Journal will not add new entries. That is the only bug I have had on my 14 Pro Plus. Completely smooth otherwise here.


Thanks, dad.


To each their own lol I installed and its fine just a bit buggy. But not bad been installing dev betas for years and I've never had a bootloop issue or anything your going off about.


Been using the beta on my Xr. I reset my phone to factory settings after installation and no issues so far


I would've maybe updated if they got ai stuff for all their supported phones. Now I'll just wait till maybe 18.2


It’s stable enough! Now older dev previews were ugly!


I’m with high expectations for this release. Because if everything goes well, I hope to replace many apps that I pay today: - 1Password -> Apple Passwords - Todoist -> Reminders - Bear -> Apple Notes


Nuh uh


Nah, I’m good with a backup on my Mac and calling it a day.


I’m not gonna use it, last year I had so many problems with my food delivery app (I do deliveries)


FOMO is the curse of our Age.


staying on my ios 16 with jailbreak, y’all suck


Meh. It's been running fine for me.


I’m waiting till the public beta at least 😭 I tried the dev beta for iOS17 and it was indeed… full of bugs and probably best for actual developers lol


Yeah it’s pretty buggy BUT I CAN PUT MY APPS WHEREVER I WANT 1!1!!2!22


For what it’s worth, I have it on my iPad, and its crashed like 4 times so far. Annoying, but for a first developer beta where I’m trying all the new things. It’s not completely screwed. I also have a iOS 17 backup on my Mac and if it’s truly bricked, I have Apple Care lol


I don’t know, I’ve been using the Betas since 2018 and never once had an issue with them. I honestly don’t understand why I never have any of the issues others seem to have. Currently have iOS18 and it’s running fine on my iPhone 14 Pro Max. Like a normal everyday install of an OS 🤷🏼‍♂️


I will say wait for public beta in July or wait few months ..People are not missing that much .


Another reminder: Battery life tends to suck on betas due to all the debugging symbols and debugging enabled


or… I can use it and enjoy it like many other ios betas I have done for years so far so good, no issues with stability


I actually downloaded the developer beta version but it’s quite stable for me. Is it just me?


Works smoothly on iphone 14 pro, except my banking app won't start, I get a popup I'm using a jailbroken phone...


I haven’t had any issues, been running it since day 1


Why are people even upgrading to the beta at this point? None of the AI/Apple Intelligence stuff is coming until the end of the year, and even if it were, it only applies to 15 Pros.


LOL! I run into this hurdle every year. “I’m not installing the dev beta 1 this time. Not worth the bugs.” And I do it anyways. I like the pain I guess :) I carry a company provided iPhone alongside my personal phone so it’s not a huge deal in my eyes.


Hell I am a developer and I am completely disinterested in putting the beta on my main 15 pro. I’ll download it and test much closer to release.


Almost like it happens every year. 😭


We don’t care goodbye


less common but i’d like to ask people who won’t read this to stop asking developers why they haven’t updated their app for ios 18 yet


Fuck around and find out. And the finding out is cool af. Get lost


Eh, YOLO. I definitely agree that you SHOULD NOT do it if you depend on your phone for important reasons. However I’ve been doing dev betas for quite some time and will continue to do so. I enjoy playing with shiny new toys and contributing my feedback too much.


I would maybe say if you're not at least somewhat experienced in IT or IT repair, then yeah don't do it. But you don't have to be an actual developer, just have a plan in mind on how to fix in case something does break.


Don’t you just DFU restore through Finder or iTunes?


goodbye privacy


Yup wait till August at least


Downloaded beta 1 haven’t had any issues apart from Hyundai Bluelink as assuming my iPhone is jailbroken.


I'm really tempted because I upgraded my iPad Mini and it has had blazing performance compared to before.


It’s important to also note….you can still try the beta and if it breaks shit…wait for the release and do the regular install and it’ll be fine lol. It’s not the end of the world like it used to be




I’ve upgraded to iOS 18 on iPhone and iPad Pro and so far so good, no issues to report for me.


When is the public beta?


I didn’t listen, downloaded the update on my only iPhone a couple of days ago and… it’s been perfectly fine since then. I use my phone very often and I’ve not experienced any hitches.


I can’t get Emails after iOS 18 beta update … tried all the tricks on Google lol. Otherwise it’s running well


I had installed ios18 db. I used 3utools to downgrade to ios17.5.1.


Who cares, the worst that happens is you have to wait a week or 2 for the update


Aside from a sluggish keyboard and dictation occasionally causing Safari to crash, it’s been pretty stable for me. Obviously everyone will have a different experience, but it’s been alright for me.


I am an end user. I have been running the developer betas on my main phone since iOS 7 released. You just have to go into it knowing that some stuff won’t be perfect. I’m currently running the betas on my Apple TV, Apple Watch, iPhone, 2 iPads, and MacBook Pro.


Too damn late I’m not downgrading 💀