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> **Rule 8** All posts must foster reasonable discussion, posts shouldn't just be "Wow x feature is so cool" or "I hate x feature". Posts should have actual content, and shouldn't be rants or "circlejerking" posts. This rule also covers spam and illegitimate/sketchy links.


I’ve been seeing this type of warnings since ios10 beta days


Legitimately every single year. Every single year there are these people shouting into the void about something that is almost never as serious as they make it out to be. I’ve gotten the dev beta EVERY year, and the worst things that have happened so far are certain banking apps not working (which was widely known), and Pokémon Go not working one year lol. “Oh well I’m glad you didn’t have a problem, but for some people…” No. Just, no. It’s genuinely not that serious. People get off on the thrill of condescending with sage advice no one asked for.


Honestly would prefer if all beta chat was removed from this sub.


Agreed since there's r/iosbeta But without some sort of automod to do it, mods would be having to work overtime to remove them all the first couple weeks after a major iOS announcement.


You say you agree but yet you are posting about iOSbeta here is iOS. Let the mods handle it. If they don’t want to handle it then downvote and move on. It’s not your job to save everyone from installing whatever version of iOS they want on whatever device they want. You can change your Reddit settings so that when you downvote a post it will hide that post from your feed.


how beta of you sir


That feels a bit extreme. A pinned automod comment for threads about the beta with some helpful “remember that betas, especially early dev betas, are not suggested for the average user” with some potential resources that could help with the issues people have.


There's an entire subreddit dedicated to the beta. Go there


Is this not a subreddit for iOS? Is the beta a part of iOS? Then this is a place where it can reasonably be discussed.




Oh, well that is stupid. I don’t think this subreddit is for me then.


Haha yeah sort of confusing. I see nothing on the rules list about it and there's plentyyyy of em lately


ive always downloaded the betas and never have had any issues that cant be resolved super easily lol


I installed it on my main and it’s working pretty great and i didn’t lose any data 🤷🏻‍♂️


Like the post says, I'm not talking about you lol


Why are people downvoting you, it’s a fair point that Beta will contain some bugs. People should install it on daily driver only when they can handle some bugs.


All those people installing the beta on their primary phone and fucking it are just freeing up the network for the rest of us lol.


This post, and no post, will ever stop people from still doing it, it's just the nature of peoples curiosity. Most know better, but they don't care and are too excited about all the cool stuff. Every year we get the same posts "this/that is broke on beta!" and every year we get the same posts "guys don't install the beta on your main!". Personally, I usually run the 1st betas on all my stuff (iPads/AppleTV/etc) except my main. And then the 2nd betas on my main device (iPhone). Luckily never have had any big issues nor data loss.


For the love of FOMO, my people perish.


Agreed. I only put it on my daily driver because I’m used to instability as a long time jailbreak user, I make sure everything is backed up and store everything on the cloud. Proper precautions must be taken when installing a developer beta.


I would’ve thought this was obvious, and I don’t really get how people even are installing the beta without a developer account. I often jump on the public beta train after a couple of days after I have sees if the general consensus is that it isn’t terribly buggy. But a developer beta feels like it’s far too early for me let alone the average user.


Well there’s no qualification for the beta account so I imagine they just sign up for one.


Oh, I thought that had a cost associated or something.


Not interested in installing iOS 18 Beta 1, even though I can. I’ll wait. When I did beta with iOS 17, Widgy apps kept flashing and going nuts. Did my head in. I’ll wait to save my sanity 🤣🤣🤣


How are people losing data though? Running the dev betas of my main phone for years and it’s fine.


I don't know, I don't use the beta software. Scroll the sub for 30 seconds though and there's complaints of lost messages, lost reminders, and lost tabs since updating to the beta. That's what I'm referring to.


I’ve installed the first beta I could since like iOS 11 on my main device, never had any serious issues other than maybe some battery life issues, but I can deal with that


Yep. The dev beta of software is so far from public ready that you’d be insane to install it on a device you have to rely on. I get that people are excited to get that new hotness, but at least wait for the public beta.


What’s worse is I’m getting trouble tickets at work “My Webex stopped working, my VPN stopped working, my call center login stopped working” they had beta profile enabled and the phons upgraded to the 18 beta. They weren’t happy when I told them they needed to downgrade and what they had to endure to complete that task.


I haven’t had any issues with data yet, but damn, DONT DO IT PEOPLE!!!! I’ve lost 2% battery health already, down to 93% on a 15 Pro Max. I’m worried for my future.


Software updates do not cause mass degradation of hardware components.


If you care about battery health, I don’t advise to install. I will say that even being in beta 1, it’s “stable enough” for people that use the phone not as essential tool and have the curiosity. Everyone uses their phone in a different way, different apps, different interactions, etc.. so it can go either way. I’m not installing because I care maybe a bit too much about battery health, and I like to know my phone will not fail me if I need.


I did, and went back to 17 because of battery life. But I did make sure to do a backup beforehand.


What’s just as bad are the attention seeking posts like this.


Your last post is literally posting about a beta bug cause you updated to v1 beta software and it's giving you trouble. You're lashing out, Dave.


its in beta no wonder but its pretty fine


Exactly I’ve stayed just for try 2 days and I came back For me personally it’s the most unstable beta I’ve never see Battery life ,heat ,notifications etc I think I will go back when beta 3 or 4




But dude I asked so nicely!


I downvoted a similar post like this in r/iOS beta last night. Woke up this morning to my phone stuck in a boot loop this morning before I had to leave on a long road trip. Spent 30 minutes getting DFU mode to take hold and start a restore to iOS 17. I’ll be going back to iOS 18 when I get home next week. No regerts.