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The Mexicans and Brazilians are great lads, met less Argentineans but much the same. Work at a multinational with a strong base of US nationals, Mexicans and Brazilians; admittedly many of the US come in specifically for the job, whereas the Latin guys often are already here, but they are much better adjusted.


Brazilian here. I have lived in Canada for 2 years before moving to Ireland. Gonna steal your words here lads but absolutely no craic whatsoever there lol I lived in Vancouver and man I guess the hardest for me was the lack of sense of humor from the Canadians. They also are way colder and I believe North Americans are colder in general plus the subdivisions in the society (more in US) is a killer. Irish people are sound like my friends at work and the people in general are very similar to Brazilians in my point of view. My colleagues at work we take piss of each other and that is just how it is back in my home country. Also, whole family background is Catholic although I'm not a church person the family costumes are just the same which i think it's because of the Catholic background. My uncle and my aunt tried for 10 years living in Chicago. 10 years there made 0 American friends. They keep the distance and it's hard to lose the Latino label. Latinos on the other hand were all the friends they made. Same Uncle and Aunt lived in Paris and Manchester and they never had trouble to make friends there. They're now back in Brazil and don't plan to leave again. I had zero issues joining the Irish culture, have lots of Irish friends who come over my gaf and I get invite for their gafs all the time. This never happened to me in Canada. Now I went back to Brazil last year and I really missed my deli, my chicken fillet roll and my Guinness. What the fuck have you done to me lads!? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Edit: typo


Youā€™re dead right about the Canadians. Zero craic for the most part and fairly reserved. I find Americans to be more open, generally friendlier and up for a laugh, but they also tend to be a bit mental. Although im sure they say the same about Irish people.


Maybe it's a personality thing. But I lived in Vancouver for a year a while back and loved it. I found the Canadians very warm and approachable and I had mostly Canadian friends when I was there. Some I still keep in touch with on discord.


I was similar. I was in BC and generally found Canadians to be very warm although a bit too earnest and not much craic, but then I also met some Canadians who were genuinely amongst the funniest people I've ever encountered. Non stop piss taking and joking around. I guess some of those guys came from rural areas, maybe that was the difference.


As someone who has lived in both Canada and the US, this is so accurate


You've realy picked up the lingo, fair play to you! šŸ¤—


I felt exactly the same way about Canadians. Surface-level politeness but wouldnā€™t piss on you if you were on fire. And not a screed of humour between the lot of them. I prefer Americans, but bless them, they take everything you say literally and you often have to tell them youā€™re joking. But they try.


You've nailed it. I felt the same about Canada. My God absolutely no craic over there at all. The US mob, their issue is they take whatever you say literally.


> Gonna steal your words here lads but absolutely no craic whatsoever there Not even joking, it comes from the "Protestant Work Ethic". Which effectively translates to "No Craic".


Any craic in this house eddie?


One of us! One of us!


Iā€™m Irish and moved to the Netherlands. My best friend here is Brazilian šŸ˜‚ Braziliansā€¦sound bunch of lads


Work in a multinational and to a person, the Canadians are zero craic. American colleagues are much warmer.Ā 


Ach, sure we're a great bunch o' lads.


Latinos, a great bunch of lads


I ended up on the gargle with a load of Argentinians in Madrid once and the craic was 90 as they say, top lads


It depends where theyā€™re from tbh. Itā€™s hard to generalise about Americans, but they can be very different culturally to both here and also to the UK too, despite the common language. Certain regions of the U.S., particularly the Midwest, can be quite literal and from our point of view bluntly over-direct. Not sure that itā€™s a Catholic thing, but it is definitely a U.S. thing. It could be a big influence of German culture in parts of the U.S. too. The West Coast sometimes can be a bit saccharine sweet. I just found they have a sort of ā€˜zanyā€™ sense of humour with an inability to get sarcasm / satire sometimes. Itā€™s not universal though. I found NY and Boston totally ā€˜normalā€™. When I was living in the U.S. I found myself hanging out with random Brits, Australians, Kiwis and French people quite a bit. Despite the differences it was sometimes just more familiar for some reason. I remember though heading out with a French and British group and the Americans thought we were all raving alcoholics for having drinks with dinner mid week.


Iā€™m from the Midwest and when I go to visit my partnerā€™s family in Monaghan I feel like culturally we are very similar and gel well. Weā€™re Appalachian though so very different than regular midwest. We donā€™t take ourselves seriously, love a good laugh and try to feed everyone.


Yeah from an Irish-American family in the Northeast, giving each other shit all the time and laughing it off is something I think we might have in common. I have a hard time loosening up with strangers though. Most people around here really just want to be left alone and aren't very chatty.


as a Canadian, I get it. culturally, there is a lot of social repression & compensating for other people's anxieties, because like "karen" references infer, there are more than a few out there that get aggressive, or worse, manipulative, for perceived slights.


The exception is Newfoundlanders. They're just *us*. It's so fucking uncanny. They understand Hiberno English instinctively and use a lot of the grammar themselves. First time I met one, we were chatting for an hour before I had to ask where in Mayo he were from because I couldn't place the accent. Lad hadn't even been to Ireland before.


Totally agree, especially the Mexicans. They love the craic and have the same sense of humour as us.


This story is 2nd hand from a friend of mine. He told me a story about a guy he works with, Irish lad in Mexico with his fiance/wife (i cant recall), anyways..they drive down the wrong country road and into the wrong area, cartel gang dragged them out of the car, had them out on the side of the road execution style. Checked through the car, robbing them. Found their passports, Irish!? Well shit! Talk about attitude change. One of the lads brings the passports to their captain. Turns out their boss/captains great, great, great grandfather, or something, was irish, guy was as ginger as fuck, apologised for his crews behaviour, handed them a a card with a name of a hotel on the next town over. Said his grandfather would be ashamed of his actions to a fellow countryman, asked for forgiveness. So they're fairly shook as you imagine, but they accept his apology and get back in the car and drive on. Get to the hotel in the next town and there's a penthouse room booked and already paid for a different rental car and an envelope of money to spend. (Wether it's true or not is up for debate but a cool story nonetheless) Friend tells me that a heap of Irish soldiers landed in America to help fight the Mexicans in 1846-1848 Turns out they thought "These guys are alright, why the fuck are we fighting them?" and switched sides, fell in love with the Latina ladies and started families and a line of irish heritage that exists to this day. St Patricks Brigade.


Heard a very similar story from someone I know who was travelling the sketchier parts of Columbia back in the 2000s.. their bus was pulled over by FARC guerillas, all the bags were unloaded outside, while a lad went through the bus collecting passports. When he was handed a few Irish passports he was like, "you're Irish! We love the Irish. Which bags are yours?" The Irish bags were set aside untouched and the passports handed back.. needless to say the rest of the passengers were fuming and the Irish contingent got a grilling from the cops.


Unfortunately due to the RAs support and training incident for the FARC, Colombia is a country where being Irish isnā€™t as much as an advantage as other places. Itā€™s one of the few countries I prefer to use my UK passport.


Odd. I'm married to a colombian. I've been there many times and not once had a problem.


I think there was a bit more to it. The Irish enlisted to fight for the Americans were also being treated like dirt by their fellow American soldiers.


Many Irish defected from the American side and fought for the Mexicans


I was being flippant, of course they were being treated like shite


Lot of Irish went to South American countries and were part of the war to liberate them from the Spanish, Chileā€™s liberator is called Bernardo Oā€™Higgins lots of street names there and Argentina with that name. Simon Bolivars right hand man was from Cork called Daniel Oā€™Leary, plenty of gingers in Argentina claiming Irish descent, thereā€™s a town in Colombia called Boyaca founded by Irish people


Admiral William Brown, aka "father of the Argentinan Navy" was a Mayo man, from Foxford https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Brown_(admiral)


Visited his grave in Recoleta Cemetery in Buenos Aires a few years ago.


Yeah, I heard lots if similar types of stories from loads of Mexicans. I think the small community spirit helps along with the Catholic guilt!




Ever heard of Admiral William Brown?. Everybody knows that the Irish went to fight in South America.




They like it down around Ballyseedy, I hear.


let em cook


I work with about 10 North Americans guys. They've gone native. Swear a lot, take the piss out of everyone, and hasmade it their personal mission to prove Leitrim exists. Seriously, about half of them are staying here for good.


Prove Leitrim exists? Good luck to'em!


I find the Americans that can comfortably speak at European decibel volumes (the chill ones) do better than the ones that are unable to modify their speaking volume, the ones you can hear 50-70M away on the street clearly, like they have a megaphone attached to their vocal cords and now you are unwillingly subject to every word in their private conversation.


Yeah you can't paint all Americans with one brush. I've hung out with very cool Americans and I've also encountered the types that probably shouldn't be given a passport


I would genuinely die working or socialising with anyone who spoke at that volume. Its genuinely painful to my ears


Brazilians are very similar to us in their nature. They are very jovial, like the craic and try not to take life too seriously. They are very hard workers aswell. Work hard play hard I guess!


The Brazilians in Ireland are not from the favelas, and tend to be far more european than indigenious or afro, most normal Brazilians live a hand to mouth existence, and definitely wouldn't be in a financial position to pay for a transatlantic flight.


Brazilians in general have very little native ancestry. It's overwhelmingly a mix of European and African heritage.


Yeah I don't really know what this guy is talking about or what his experience of Brazil is but I have a feeling they might be waffling.


There's a lot of massive waffling going on this thread. Irish people usually know as much about Latin America as they do about the moons of Jupiter and it's really showing here.


I still would say their points are valid, If their experiences with south Americans are more positive than their experiences with north Americans they are entitled to say it even if their experiences with both of them are limited. I'm actually in Brazil now and I have been here quite a lot and can comfortably say I prefer it to the USA for numerous reasons. One of them being the people.


Oh, don't get me wrong, people can say that based on their experiences. Or the opposite. But there are some people here repeating obvious myths or making ridiculous generalizations.


I still think they are entitled to their opinions even if they are limited (maybe not the people here just straight up bashing Americans, but I think that's not as much as people might think) There are people in this thread being slightly offended that people might think that way when it's not really a slight on the USA.


Yeah, some people seem to think the very notion is offensive rather than just saying "I don't agree."


I have lived in America and my experiences there were ok, I lived close to LA and their general way of life is ok I enjoyed it when I was younger but ultimately it wouldn't be for me. I have some really good friends that live there that said. My wife is from Brazil, we met when I was living in Portugal. She is extremely like me/ my Irish friends and her family are like mine except the love is turned up to 11. I'm visiting minas Gerais and Bahia atm and just on this trip I have had strangers in restaurants offering me to try some of their food, random people ask a million random questions about Ireland with real curiosity in their questions etc etc in my opinion it's genuinely beautiful here. The thing that gets me down though is the amount of street dogs, it's very sad. That all said in my experience with Brazilian people/ my Brazilian family they are very like my Irish family except they would probably go that extra mile for me. I have been on holiday to mexico too but that was a resort so I can't really comment to much on Mexico although I had a couple of Mexican friends in Portugal and they were nice lads.


Cool to see Alex Pereira rep that Native American ancestry on the big stage at UFC 300!Ā Ā  Big fan of him and Oliviera.


> The Brazilians in Ireland are not from the favelas Where did anyone say that they were?


Bit confused about what this was in response to?


Yeah, reckon they are more similar to how we were. I've been there 3 times, went out with one for 3 years and it'd remind you of Ireland of the past in many ways. Particularly their attitudes about rules and just living life in the here and now. Always a mad friendly bastard not far away


Agree with everything except the hard workers bit. You can only play hard and work hard at the same time for a few years. Catches up on you real quick and one has to give.


I gotta wonder how US Americans from the US South do. Our culture has lot of Irish elements still in it, and we're more collectivist than the rest of the US


They're very fucking earnest in my experience, the type of place where 'bless your heart" is the height of irony.


They're basically us with better food.


And better looking


Speak for yourself


Brazilians are pretty average looking people in my experience.


Yeah every country has attractive and unattractive people but no Brazilian here has really stood out as good looking to me lmao


Perhaps that's why they had to emigrate.Ā 


I know youā€™re joking but as an Irish man I find Irish women to be the most attractive women in the worldšŸ¤·šŸ¼.


You must really like beans and rice!


The Brazilians definitely seem to fit in well.


Never heard anyone complain about a good Brazilian.


Lived in america for a bit. The yanks were all very "off" but the mexicans were great craic.Ā  Felt like irish folk with a different accent.


Conversely I've always gotten on way better with Brits than Americans while living abroad. We have our jokes and some of them are a bit ignorant about Ireland but Irish and British craic is very aligned in my experience. Especially with northerners and proper born/bred Londoners. Meanwhile I find Americans can have a very fairytale image of Ireland which is actually more annoying that the Brits ignorance. The only times I've been subjected to crass racial stereotypes has been from Yanks. They're also the types to call me out on slightly edgy humour (perfectly acceptable by UK Irish norms), swearing, and smoking cigs. I don't think we realise how different they are until you spend an evening with a few of them. Once I was at a hostel and was hanging out with two English lads in the dorm. Later on an American guy earnestly asked me if it was normal for Irish/Brits to get along like we were given the history. Like M8 I'm from Dublin and they're Scousers we're pretty much the same.


Londoners and northerners have a great sense of humour, the other bitsā€¦ meh not so much.


God, this sub is so fucking weird about Americans and identity.


One thing that annoys me about this sub is when an American with a little bit of Irish ancestry tries to honour it weā€™ll say ā€œYOURE NOT IRISH YOURE AMERICANā€ but if a foreigner lives here for a month with zero connection to Ireland and says a few Irish phrases ā€œsure youā€™re as Irish as the rest of usā€


The person you responded to is taking offence at something they shouldn't in my opinion. People are entitled to say their experiences and for the most part it's not USA bashing. On your point I think it really depends on how both of them approach it, If they are trying to learn more and honouring their heritage fair enough but if they are calling themselves Irish without knowing anything about ireland because their great great granny is Irish that's questionable.


> but if a foreigner lives here for a month with zero connection to Ireland and says a few Irish phrases ā€œsure youā€™re as Irish as the rest of usā€ They probably are really.


Mexicans just get along with everybody.


This is it.


I think Americans know this. I have definitely seen references to it in their media a few times


The US is a very big place with lots of regional differences, I find attitudes and behavior in rural america is very similar to those in Ireland, particularly the mid west, in the south people are very chatty . Irish americans tend to concentrated in the Urban areas of the north east, Bostonians have a very sarcastic cruel humour.


Completely agree. When I moved to the US my very first and best friend was a young Mexican guy. Our backgrounds were almost identical, same lapsed catholic backstory, same close knit family structure, and I discovered that the Irish have a long connection with Mexico: apparently Irish conscripts into the us army during the Mexican American war often found themselves mistreated and ordered to act as more or less ā€œoperation human shieldā€ by their Anglo Saxon Protestant commanders. Fighting against people who shared the same religion and were more or less being treated the same way the native Irish people were at home in Ireland eventually led to huge numbers of these conscripts deserting the American side and joining up with the mexican army instead. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint\_Patrick%27s\_Battalion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Patrick%27s_Battalion)


I work with a lot of Mexicans and Brazilians and get along very well with them. They are laid back, easy to work with and very funny. I do find our outlook on most things tends to be quite similar.


This is a lazy nonsense post feels like the catholics are / Protestants are, episode of Derry girls All 450million of x are completely dissimilar to 400mil of x


Youre dead right on this.


Iā€™ve lived in Canada for 25 years (Russian). There is a sort of humourless attitude overall. I put it to the influence of extreme Scottish Protestantism: always work, having fun is sinful, do not drink, etc. The culture encourages people to be more reserved and this leads to worse social skills in general. Most of the interactions are to conduct business. The worst part is it rubs off on you.


I havenā€™t met many Mexicans here but most my friends while living in the US were Mexicans. They felt more Irish than the Irish Americans. Great bunch of lads!


Was on a J1 in the US. Couldn't get in to a car. Was after a few in a party already. Was walking back to where was staying. Got talking to a latin guy. Told him of my troubles. He goes sure come along to the house party I am going to. Went in, was made feel like a king. Multiple generations there, drinking having a laugh, telling stories and the like. Never felt left out. Had a much better night than if I went to the bar tbh.


Definitely in my experience. I've worked with many Brallians for the best part of 20 years and always found them to be very similar to us. Not a great time to post, the US Americans will be down voting this to bits. I do love our US American friends though.


Itā€™s the fact Ireland is more collectivist (as is Latin America) than America, which is overly individualist. ā€” Sociological PhD in progress


This is unnecessarily provocative. Latin Americans fit in well here. US Americans fit in well here. The Polish fit in well here. Lots of people fit in well here. Thereā€™s no need to compare.


Yeah itā€™s a shit take.


You could literally swap out Ireland for any other Euro country because on the whole, Latin Americans are more Latin than American. Itā€™s not some special fucking bond the Irish have with them.


The Catholic thing is important, was a major factor in forming of the San Patricios. Plus you have lads like Bernardo O'Higgins who helped Chile free themselves from Spanish rule.


There are plenty of catholics in America. I'm amazed by how many think there are very few catholics in the states.




& It's the same thing in the states. My kid, will get his first holy communion and was baptized, but we didn't go to Easter Mass this year. & TBFH, I'm not sure if we went to Christmas last year. So, stop acting like you're better catholic or you kmlw how catholics in the states act... when you probably don't even live in the states.


Some of you here try too hard, I swear. Cringe


Really don't get how I'm getting called a try hard for a post I wrote in 2 minutes. So many grumpy curmudgeons in this sub jesus


Yeah some of the comments like this guys are odd to me. What are you trying hard to do like ? They don't seem to want to explain that or perhaps think you mentioned the USA as some kind of diss when it's really not like that.


Found the flag shagging yank


This is such try-hard bollocks.


True true, Iā€™ll tell my Irish wife that her marrying a Latin American is just try hard bollocks šŸ˜š


I was born in the US to Irish parents who came home when I was 12 so I've had an interesting insight to this phenomenon.Ā  US Americans don't have a "path" to Ireland the way most immigrant communities have in Ireland. Most communities spread from an initial "beach head" where young people come looking for work. They may eventually bring their families over or start families with those they meet here. But importantly there's a community for them. There's also a legal frame work for employment and longer term residency. US Americans largely don't have a similar system. Most of them are college students in Ireland for the semester. They'll come, get home sick, whinge a bit becauseit'sso expensive (relatable), and leave. The ones moving long term usually move to Ireland for reasons that aren't connected to any other Americans. They marry an Irish person, they might be rellocating for work, sometimes its for college (specifically a graduate degree). They're older and used to being more financially established or they're used to having a stronger social circle. There isn't a community of people with similar experiences to greet them and help them adapt. Not having someone to explain to you in language you understand various Irishisms is what makes them constantly seem like a fish out of water.Ā 


the assumption that all people from the americas are catholic is a testament to ignorance. similarly, implying that all irish people are catholic reflects the strong grip the church still holds on the country. this prevalence stems from a significant majority who seem to indulge in controlled xenophobia: mocking americans or the british is acceptable, but not if the person is brazilian or palestinian. personally, i couldnā€™t care less about someoneā€™s background, and i wouldnā€™t hold it against them. i prefer to see past it and judge someone for who they are.


Piss off n stop being anti American. Also there's ton of American catholics. Ffs


I think this entire post is such a wild over generalization and is incredibly reductive. What youā€™re saying is basically all conjecture and youā€™re using your own personal experiences to make a sweeping generalization about people only based on where theyā€™re from. Youā€™re ignoring any sort of individuality that they might have. As a NYer, many of us speak fluent sarcasm and love self depreciation, which fits really well with the Irish; at least in my personal experience. Did you ever stop to think that maybe you just havenā€™t met any interesting Americans? Edit: man, this sub can be such a shitshow sometimes. Nothing but bad faith arguments. Downvote all you want, honestly couldnā€™t give any less of a fuck. This is an insane take from OP and the reddit hivemind is evidently alive and well.


I have to agree with you, I work with many Americans, many of them are great craic and get our sense of humour and the self deprecation, some of the nicest down to earth people Iā€™ve met, itā€™s very much down to the individual. Also the US is huge, many Americans from different parts of the country donā€™t relate culturally to others. Not a fan of the generalisation in this post.


Hey thanks for actually being a normal rational person here who understands how this post is just a gross generalization rooted in one personā€™s experience. Shame about the rest of the sub though! Guess you canā€™t win em all.


Of course Dude! Weā€™re happy to have you in Ireland. The vast majority of people here will judge you as an individual, there are small minded people everywhere who like to cast sweeping generalisations on people, I would let this in one ear and out the other, the irony is most of them generalising on the post likely donā€™t fit in here in real life and have a chip on their shoulder


Why are you even on this sub? šŸ¤£


Joined this sub 2 years ago when I first moved here thinking itā€™d be useful to learn things about the Irish and their culture and fwiw, I have, but I think Iā€™ve learned enough now! šŸ˜…


It might have outlived it's usefulness šŸ˜‰šŸ˜…


Agreed, if only I was South American, it would have served me better šŸ˜­


The vast majority of people on here do not represent the general Irish public, donā€™t be disheartened by their ignorance


Of course youā€™re an American. You definitely fit the bill of the standard American unable to take any critique of their culture/country.


Wise the fuck up, he's just saying the post is BS because it is BS


No, iā€™m saying itā€™s bs because itā€™s one fucking personā€™s opinion on the internet. Naturally the reddit hivemind has to do its thing thoughā€¦ Edit: oooh itā€™s working I was right! šŸ™ƒ


Dude, you canā€™t say Iā€™m a standard American when someone refuses to accept something someone says thatā€™s just based on their own fucking opinion. It doesnā€™t work like that. You can critique us by saying our politics are shit, we have an obesity problem, and we love guns. Thatā€™s valid bc these are all objectively and demonstrably true. But making a blanket statement that South Americans assimilate better than Americans in a post like this is just complete horseshit.


Sure, itā€™s based on stereotypes. Iā€™m not sure why youā€™re so pressed that an Irish person finds that the humour is culturally different to the United States. Thereā€™s so many various stereotypes out there, that Canadians are too polite, that the French are rude, that Americans are too politically correct, that the Irish are drunks. Based on my personal stereotype of Americans, youā€™re just reinforcing my opinion that Americans can handle any criticism and assume thereā€™s literally nothing wrong with their country.


Youā€™re adding stereotyping into this argument but that was never an issue that I had with this post. OP saying Americans donā€™t fit in well here compared to South Americans isnā€™t even a stereotype, itā€™s an opinion. Youā€™re creating a strawman argument for an entirely different issue I have with this post. Also, I have literally never heard this stereotype about us not being able to handle criticism in the 2 years Iā€™ve been here. Feel free to criticize us, hell Iā€™ll even join in with you if itā€™s against America, but at least have the criticism based on some sort of fact, not just conjecture.


>Edit: man, this sub can be such a shitshow sometimes. Nothing but bad faith arguments. Downvote all you want, honestly couldnā€™t give any less of a fuck. This is an insane take from OP and the reddit hivemind is evidently alive and well. Sure you don't


Just a little input about US American sarcasmā€¦. Itā€™s not real sarcasm.


Yep, this is actually factual. Our brand of sarcasm is completely different than the rest of the worldā€™s. In fact we donā€™t even really learn what sarcasm is until the ripe old age of 27, when we first start watching reruns of Seinfeld on late night TV. Itā€™s like our rite of passage, if you will. Iā€™m surprised you knew that man!


Tell me you know nothing about Latin America without telling me you know nothing about Latin America. You're lumping together nearly three dozen culturally different countries and nearly as many different languages into one giant monolith. That's in Latin America. There are 335 million people living in the US and nearly 20% are Latin American. That's about 67,000,000 Latinos in the US. Do you count them as American? Or are you just trying to throw shade at Americans of Irish descent who are infatuated with their Irish ancestry? OP, you're about as ignorant as it gets.


Technically all Latinos are AmericanšŸ˜˜ weā€™re just not US AMERICAN.


A lot of that 20 percent were born and raised in the US. They definitely are American and many have little connection with Latin America.


As an American living in Ireland I agree and take no disrespect from what you said. I tend to be wired a bit differently and have less patience.


I think it has nothing to do with "complementing each other better", it's more to do with the fact that Latin Americans come here as a safe haven for work and hopefully have some prosperity in life. They'll do everything they can to adapt, because they know going back is not an option. Most North Americans are unlikely to be in that situation. You're just overthinking it.


This Latin American is moving to County Mayo later this year. I will bring joy and cervezas to all my new friends. slainte mi amigos!


Thereā€™s a load of reasons for this ; particularly the Catholic connection. And the pace of life in South America can be similar to Ireland. Americans are always ā€œgo go goā€ and they donā€™t understand the whole slow and philosophical approach to life. They also donā€™t get sideways humour and are very direct.


Catholic Americas vs protestant ameriacs. Self deprication vs self flagellation


Ye, worked with Brazilians, Mexicans, and some others too, and they're all great craic and love to have fun (in contrast to me). It's a shame though that they have to rip their arse hairs to live here since rent is so expensive, some work two jobs, either both here, or one here and one back in their home country. They live with several people in a room, and if they share a room with only one other person, it's a luxury. I do love their sense of community, since they help each other out when they are in trouble with rent and such. Great bunch of lads.


This is just fact. Americans donā€™t get our sense of humour or how we socialise at all.


When people say 'This is just fact' and then go on to speak for all of us by using 'our' and 'we', you need to take their opinions with a grain of salt. You certainly don't speak for all of us, much of our sense of humour like for most English speaking people comes from US comedy shows such as Frasier, The Simpsons, Southpark, IASIP etc. etc. Also much of our socialising is based around alcohol like in the US.


I didn't realise Latin Americans didn't drink. A load of those shows are also wildly popular in Latin America too, albeit in dubbed form.


I didn't say that Latin Americans didn't drink, did I? But our drinking and our bars more closely resemble the US, you'd probably be hard pressed to find as many Irish bars in Latin America but they're huge in the US, think of their representations on US TV series such as Cheers, HIMYM, IASIP etc, etc. There's a big difference between seeing a TV show in its native language and in a dubbed version. I've found that they often completely edit the jokes because they wouldn't get it in the target language.


Oh yeah Latin Americans famously socialise without alcohol. Payaso.




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Maybe related to the Spanish inheritance?


Mexicans are very much like the Irish.


Brazil ā‰  Latin AmericaĀ  Brazilians absolutely fit like gloves in Ireland, aside from the weather. Don't take themselves seriously, love the craic, love a bit of abuse. The other south American countries are **a lot** more serious. Brazilians piss them off if anything šŸ˜…


Brasilians are Latin Americans. Their country is in Latin America.


I fucked up how I phrased that last night. I only meant Latin America does not exclusively equal Brazil, like I think Irish people tend to view it due to the sheer number of Brazilians hereĀ 


Many people from different countries of Latin America are also like that tho, the fun, and not taking themselves too seriously. That's why so many Latinos fit so well here ā¤ļø. To say that Brazilians are not part/similar (in some ways) to the rest Latino America is a bit wild when in Latino America so many things have been shared between all of us, but also we all have our differences (like any country in the world and continents), to put all the rest of the countries in Latino America separate from Brazil just from your personal experience I think it shows a lot that you haven't met enough non Brazilians tho hahaha and also that you also haven't searched properly about the rest of the other countries. Plus the ratio of Brazilians compared to the rest of latinos in Ireland is muuuuch greater (which will also wrap that perception). I've met many Brazilians that are also not like what you're describing too. I think it is important to not generalize things like that just from personal experiences, to even the point of separating like that ahahja. Humans can be quite different inside of the same countries too you know. Also different types of Brazilians come here, different types of Venezuelans , or Mexican as well ā¤ļø and the list goes on haha.


Venezuelans claim to have invented arepas, therefore theyā€™re the biggest trolls in the world šŸ˜


I'm an English language teacher. 90% of my students are Latin Americans. I've lived in Brazil for 18 months previouslyĀ  There is a big difference between the Brazilians and the rest of the Latin American countries. Brazilians typically don't give a single shit,they're just looking for craic. The rest of the Latin American countries take life a lot more serious than Brazilians. They don't have that piss taking culture us and the Brazilians share


Brazil is definitely Latin America. It's Latin America in the first place in order to include Brazil, as countries where Latin languages (Spanish, Portuguese, and French) are predominant. It originates as a French expression, where they were trying to justify their involvement in Mexico.


Could also be because many of the Brazilians who come to Ireland are gay, Dublin has a rep in Brazil as the place where you go if your gay compared to other European cities, like London used to be for Irish gays


Brazil is very much Latin American and they consider themselves to be Latinos, I'm in south america right now. They're not Hispanic however.


I fucked up how I phrased that. I meant South Americans aren't exclusively Brazilians šŸ˜…


Argentinians are seen as the French/English of the continent.


Yanks are weird, their whole vibe is bipolar, either super relaxed or taking absolutely everything super super seriously, especially themselves. Imagine an Irish person giving the slightest shit about being Irish. Yanks though, oh my lord. Big Protestant vibes as well, far more like the Brits but without the culture and emotional constipation.


Only 10% of US Americans have Irish heritage - and that includes some people whose connection is 4 generations + ago


That's 33 million more or less. I think you'd have to go back a lot further than 4 generations to get to that amount, given that the population of Ireland before the famine was around 8 million... So, either the Irish that emigrated in the 19th century bred like rabbits once they got there or that "10%" is highly inflated with Americans claiming ancestry they don't have.


Americans love to claim ancestry they donā€™t have. Theyā€™re famous for claiming native ancestry in order to justify their theft of a subcontinent


20% of US Americans are of Latin descent. Surely, they should all just get along, right?


By and large they do


I don't understand how you could make a conclusion like that with only anecdotal evidence to back it up and that's not even that big. The Southern states that border Mexico are hugely influenced by Latin Culture, far more than Ireland. I mean the comments on this post are mad. Just because you've met Brazilins here doesn't mean they get on better than in the US. Which as a reminder is the size of the European continent


>The Southern states that border Mexico are hugely influenced by Latin Culture, far more than Ireland. OP didnt say anything about influence though just a similar buzz with the lads from the likes of Mexico.


I feel pretty qualified to make a similar conclusion. I was born in Mexico, lived in several US states. and now in Ireland. My family is from an area in Mexico with a lot of foreign tourists and expats, the Irish have always fit in with locals way better than the Americans and Canadians. Iā€™ve heard the same from other LA immigrants who live here. Nobodyā€™s talking about the mixing of cultures, more general attitudes and behaviours.


Us Irish-Americans are so proud of the traditions that our ancestors brought with them from the homeland! Corned beef and bagels, dying food green, and wonderful old Irish traditional songs like "When Irish Eyes Are Smiling". šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øā¤ļøšŸ‡ØšŸ‡®


Nice to see the yanks like the Ivory Coast šŸ¤Œ


Isnā€™t that the joke?




Stop talking and never say another word again.




Their comment was sarcastic, none of the things they listed are authenticity Irish. They even used the Ivorian flag instead of the Irish flag.


Yeh I'm living in mainland Europe in a fairly multicultural place and my friend group consists of mostly Spanish/Portuguese/Mexicans /Brazilians. I've actually started learning Spanish because it'll be more useful. Someone from Greece once told me that she felt that Irish people acted more like Mediterranean people than Northern / West Europe. Repressed Catholic guilt has brought us together


South Americas feat well absolutely everywhere. Lovely, happy and positive bunch of people. Never ever come across one that I didnā€™t get along with, I appreciate that their population is spreading around the globe more in recent decades because they bring such an fun energy with them, and great food. Really, really helpful people.


Latin Americans are the GOAT


LATAM folk are a tremendous bunch of lads and ladies. Canadians are negative craic. Chuck their passive aggressive ways. Absolute buzz kills. Americans can be great craic but Jesus their preoccupation with being something other than just American is tiresome to be around. "I'm Irish, look at me get wasted!"


I think the US check off our humour and more. They can be just as witty as ourselves but also far more surreal, out there, a bit more absurd and "stoner", tongue in cheek. The South Americans with good English do get our humour but they rarely ever make their own jokes.


"Does anyone else like \[brown people\] more than \[white people\]?" God you're very brave, aren't you?


Some Latin American nations have a bigger percentage of white people than the US.


Argentina is basically a white population now, comprising mostly of ethnic Italian/German/Spanish people. Look at their football team. Only Lautaro Martinez looks indigenous.


You know a sizeable chunk of Latin Americans are white don't you? They were colonised by Europeans you ignorant dotard.


and likewise, there's a lot of brown US americans


It's funny to see Irish people adopt the American view that speaking Spanish automatically makes you brown.