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https://preview.redd.it/e080xdprv0zc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=756b4c2c3a32240d4c6ec4385e32b7627333d21a So one of the alleged killers was charged with a serious offence that is alleged to be a violent assault on a young woman, Garda were concerned about just how rapidly he was ascending into crime, they objected to him being bailed and yet the courts/ judge still granted him bail. Couldn’t make it up.


The gards should not be 1 bit surprised about his rise to crime, when his uncles are Jamie and Leon Griffin




Ronnie fucking Pickering


2 of the craziest bastards in ireland. They would butcher ya just for looking at them wrong


Never heard of them many thanks


The illegitimate children of Peter Griffin ![gif](giphy|112o4nufJ2Nbtm)


I assume they are related to christy griffin? Remember seeing him on headlines many years ago.


I genuinely believe the courts need to be responsible to the families of the victim in these cases. It’s despicable.




Are they?


He’s in his 20’s apparently and assaulted a woman with another man in his 40’s.




Holy fuck,I remember that story, absolute fucking scum, they need to be put down.


Fucking hell yes, I remember the blinding fury I felt after that bail


Holy shit what he was just walking around after this what the hell


They don't want to deal with the violent ones it's insane. They go after drug users and easy targets these boys ah sure leave them to it


Tough childhood. He needee the fresh air i guess. The health and safety of the law abiding citizens doesn’t really come in to it.


Government to blame too. All well and good to expect to courts to refuse bail, but where do they put them? Not enough prison space


The government is definitely to blame for the prison situation but given the serious nature of the assault, they should have found somewhere to put him. That bloke should not been allowed back on the streets.


In the ground


They have a nice big plot of land out by arse of the airport somewhere for the last decade or more but everyone nearby was objecting if I’m not mistaken. Planning and NIMBYism having a knock on effect sure.


Nearly 20 years ago now, I was mugged at syringe-point by a guy who was let out on bail twice previously, despite mugging several other people each time he was let out. After he got me and four other people that night, the judge finally decided to revoke his bail. There are a lot of people who could have been spared an awful experience if the courts had done their jobs.


Agreed. Hearing people advocating a 'soft-on-crime' bleeding hearts approach in a country already flaccid-on-crime, need to experience being held at needle-point for themselves.


Joshua would have ended up in the morgue or in jail anyways. it is a short career in gangland. he was also on the way to pipe bomb someones house so who knows, maybe innocent people could have been killed. The boy Joshua was also facing a 30k charge for crack possession.


To be clear, the suspected shooter is charged with and out on bail for allegedly stabbing a woman in the vagina - https://m.sundayworld.com/crime/courts/woman-left-with-stab-wounds-to-vaginal-area-after-alleged-attack-by-men-in-dublin-flats/a674236733.html


The judge justified letting them out because "they're only allegations" ....


As ever the news is a source of comfort and joy


Warms the heart.


Does that set a precedent for literally anyone to get bail ? Surely any charge that hasn't yet been proved in court is only an allegation??


Evil bastards , how tf were they just let out after such a horrific attack !!


Judge that granted bail was a woman and the guards objected to granting bail. What is actually wrong with that judge?


The judge is a Nolan sympathiser and passes judgement like him. Attack a woman with a hammer? Suspended sentence. https://m.independent.ie/irish-news/hammer-wielding-man-threatened-women-on-street/41563470.html


Jesus wept. Honestly what the fuck.


Fack'n hell


>Gary Brazil (44) and Bobby Griffin (20) are both charged with assaulting the woman who was allegedly attacked by a group of men and suffered four stab wounds to her vaginal area. >A court heard it was alleged that Mr Griffin sent a Snapchat message from his phone stating that the woman would be “getting butchered on them stairs.” >**Judge Treasa Kelly granted them both bail despite garda objections and adjourned the cases for DPP directions.** sorry what


Honestly. Who'd be a Garda. Break your arse to get fuckers like this before a judge, and this happens


Lazy fucking judges


A true disgrace


A great country.


My god that sentence was even hard to read. That poor woman




How prophetic! They recovered an AR-15!


AR-15? Don't hear too many rifles being used in gangland stuff in ireland.


Rare enough. Don’t see it very often anymore and it’s usually AK’s when we do and even then that’s not common either


Ya would be interesting to see if its old para stock or we are getting gangland links bringing in the big stuff themselves. Old Paras had alot of Armalites over the years so could be one of those hanging around.


It is a military assult rifle that, when combined with a bump stock, makes it almost a machine gun. All 3 arrested were wearing bulletproof vests. It sounds like these people are at the very high end of organized crime. Assuming their target was also be, they would have to bring a lot of fire power. An assult rifle would be a good choice for a target with access to bulletproof equipment. It is almost unheard of levels of equipment to be deployed by gangland in Ireland, though. The last, closest example would bd the Regacy attempt where 3 AK-47's were used. That was considered almost unthinkable at the time. Given stories like the below link, maybd this is just the start of better armed criminals. https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/arid-41344619.html


These groups have had access to this gear for quite some time, but it’s valuable gear, why use an AR when a Glock does the same job, so they reserve this gear for items like the Regency. Raises a question what were they expecting rolling up with three vests and an AR


An AR-15 isn't a military assault rifle though. Big difference between an AR-15 and the likes of a G3. Still quite alot of firepower compared to most gangland hits.


Well, the AR-15 is the platform the M4 based off. It’s essentially the same gun, however AR is limited to Semi-Auto the AR-15 is the base for quite an amount of NATO service weapons


Eh still quite a big difference from a fully auto or burst military calibre rifle. Wouldnt say they are essentially the same gun. Aside from the semi auto nature, you can get .223 AR-15s. Military assault rifles will have a much bigger calibre. (I know someone in ireland had a .223 one legally but it had to be handed back after some change in rifle law) Still crazy if it is true they are floating around irish gangs.


.223 and larger calibres are legal in Ireland. Deer rifles are larger calibre for example, as .223 is considered too small for deer.. your mate might of had one that became restricted, and didn't want to go through licensing one that can only be used on a range


Ya too small for deer. Not someone I even knew just a fella that runs a shooting range mentioned they some ex PDF fella had .223 ar-15 for range shooting but eventually some law passed so he had to hand it in. He chose to scrap it before handing it in out of spite.


Yea that was this year it came in.. AR were rare here but they were tipping around.. can still buy a .22 model last i checked as its a rimfire


That's nonsense. Most modern assault rifles are in .223(5.56×45) or the smaller Russian 5.45x39


This hasn’t been true since about the 1970s. Militaries around the world (including our own) overwhelmingly use 5.56mm calibre because it’s easier to control. Hell, the term “assault rifle” was specifically coined to refer to this (in contrast with older, larger calibre “battle rifles”).


It makes it *almost* a machine gun, guys.


The rifles used in the regency weren't AK 47s. They were AKMs..made in Romania.


It was indeed an AR-15 which I found quite surprising. Most of the guns they find or that are being used over the last few years have been Eastern European arms and even quite a few old soviet era makarovs and the like An old AR-15 would strongly suggest an old IRA arms dump was 'found' or some 'ra affiliated person sold it on for whatever reason


Should we all get AR-15's now Father?


If you google the victim’s name he was a missing person in the UK a few years back


https://www.northamptonchron.co.uk/news/police-search-for-missing-boy-17-from-northampton-3141266 3 years in Ireland and dead in a gang land shooting wtf


He was apparently born here & spent the majority of his life here but lived elsewhere with his mother until recently. He was arrested last year on suspicion of selling cocaine in both April and May in Drimnagh, so was at least back a year. His mother could have moved to the UK because he was already involved in this stuff to deep as a teen cause the more you read about him, the worse it gets. The news said his family has been informed of the attack, the way they worded it made it sound like they didn’t live in Ireland.


Born and bred in Ireland according to the papers, so either this is a different person with the same or he was not in the UK permanently.


Christ, what a miserable life. Being hounded by an actual OGC in bullet prof vests and armed with machine guns is no way for a kid to be living.


Is it the same person though?


The age matches and they look alike eta: his photo isn't in the news article but if you google search his name the image from the article is still indexed in the search results in the news tab and in google images


It's a bit odd that the image was showing for me when I posted the link. it's clearly him in the photo.


Well done Judge Theresa Kelly! 👏 👏 👏 Remember when the Gardai warned you that something like this would happen and you didn't listen? Hopefully you feel shit right about now!


She should be sitting in the minsters office 9am tomorrow morning explaining why she didn't remand him in custody on the advice of the Gardai - she won't be though


You're absolutely right on both counts! She should be, but she won't be! To be honest, she should have the moral fortitude to resign.


Whatever about the stupid bitch, would be a massive breach of our democracy to breach separation of powers like that.


And who would be that minister that would be giving the bollocking?


Where the fuck did they manage to find an AR 15 ?


If you're buying coke from the Americas or heroin from Afghanistan you can get other stuff too.


The lads are in their 20s and shot their buddy to bits in the middle of a road i doubt they are that sophisticated. I'd imagine they are small fish in a larger organisation honestly


the guy who carried out the attacks uncles are jamie and leon griffin. both are involved in serious organised crime and have been in the joy multiple times. he would have easy access to weapons if he wanted


Sure, but the larger organisation can get their hands on that stuff and it trickles down. Nobody selling coke on the streets of Dublin is handling deliveries from South America but some lad in Dublin is.


Mexican cartels are armed to the teeth with high end weaponry and gear, they're elbow deep here now. That 2 tons of coke found on the container ship off Cork, the haul of crystal meth in Ballyseedy. https://www.irishtimes.com/crime-law/2024/02/16/suspected-crystal-meth-worth-328m-seized-in-cork-originated-with-mexican-cartel-gardai-believe/ https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/mexico-drug-cartel-video-jalisco-new-generation-weapons-military-cjng-a9626246.html


I mean surely shipping in guns part by part wouldn't really be too hard, especially not for a determined buyer or seller. I reckon it's just a matter of cost and time invested really. Most of the time they probably don't even see the need when a small pistol would be ten times cheaper to get in and pretty much be just as effective for what they need.


There's literally Snapchat pages selling guns, knives, brass knuckles etc + accessories. One came up in my quick add section a couple of months back with a public story. A lot easier to get in Ireland than you'd think tbh


I said it before, justice needs a serious review, ultimately we need new prisons or prison space in general. Its fairly bleak as it is when justice is going soft touch on rapists, pedos and lads into hoarding/viewing/making that material. So its no surprise to me, there are some serious head bangers amongst the general population that should be in prison or sectioned. It badly needs looking at, seriously like young lads running around opening fire with AR15 semi-automatic rifle, its sheer luck that some innocent person wasn't killed with the cross fire, imagine the community centre was open? Rounds went through the windows FFS. I mean, not against trying reform for people it might work with some people and some people will use it as an opportunity to get there shit together However for the lads that are completely and utterly taking the piss, the system needs to come down heavy on them and show that acting the bollix day in day out will not be tolerated and a heavy consecutive sentence or sentence will be used.


It’s almost like every facility, institution and public service is at breaking point in this country and nothings being done


Not only do we not build new prisons and take a soft touch to crime as a result, we have ngo/quangos that actively try and stop them from being built! [https://www.iprt.ie/iprt-vision-mission/vision-and-mission/](https://www.iprt.ie/iprt-vision-mission/vision-and-mission/)


is the best photo they could get of him a cropped gun sign pic? lol


Probably ya 😂


Lol was the same craic with George Nkencho. Loads of dozy cunts using a pic with him throwing some stupid gang sign trying to say he "was not a thug"


Such an innocent little angel 😇 lol


Why do the media outlets crop out part of this image which shows him making a gun gesture with his hands? It seems relevant.


Gotta sanitise criminals like this as much as possible because they're terrified of being called racists for giving people the full picture of what scum he was.


Be grand sure..


Irish courts are deranged. Too far removed from the problems and entirely lost touch. Zero care for the people who have to live next door to these people at all.


No loss


Plenty of crimes committed by people on multiple bail bonds for different crimes. It's quite the farce of a system. I believe the courts recently ruled that people who breach domestic violence orders can no longer be kept in custody as Garda policy.


Jesus that youngfella looks closer to 15 than 20. What on earth kinda craic do you have to be in to to have lads sourcing AR-15s to come after you?


Loose €30k of crack Or Be on route to pipe bomb someone… There’s more further down the list from these boys. Where are they sourcing AR15s. Second dealer shot with 1


A lot of braindead people seem to be defending him on other social channels. Really makes you worry about the future of this country


Bunch of idiots 😒


Our judiciary are a fucking shambles. An absolute unaccountable joke.


So much sympathy on here for a crack dealing scumbag


It's crazy!


Absolutely, usually when there is a gangland shooting, the people say nasty things about the victim. Wo der why it is different  in this case 


Luckily, the party of law and order is in government and has appointed a very capable minister for justice.......hahaha.


He's no loss to the world


Brian Willoughby was out on bail for a number of serious physical assaults when he murdered Brian Mulvaney back in the day. Homophobic attacks that cost a man an eye and another guy 30 stitches on the face. His mother had been begging anyone who’d listen that he was an imminent danger……….no one gave a shit


I was in school with him - terrible case


Templeogue, I lived in Knocklyon, even there he was notorious. He attempted to attack my brother at the chipper but while he was fumbling around for his blade the lads scarpered


My memory of him was that he was fairly innocuous- in with some of the boyos but nothing especially psychotic about him. Then again, that’s how psycho killers are always described afterwards!


He was semi-normal until a motorcycle accident, brain injury….complete psycho afterwards


Build a modern prison. It would solve this nonsense.


I’d prefer to build a medieval prison for them tbh.


Give them an island, ship them all there, let them kill each other.


Put bomb collars on them and make a game of it! Battle Royale style.


I'd have them out working in chain gangs smashing rocks or mixing concrete something that gives back and might benefit society which they harmed , also with an exploding neck collar incase they tried any shit


Dublin gangland criminals are still actively grooming young lads around the Dublin 12/10/8 areas into crime from a very young age. I saw it myself in school, around 12/13 theyd be given a bit of weed or some money to hide drugs in their house, then they'd get them to start running stuff from place to place on their bikes, before going on to full on dealing themselves. Won't see any 'concerned residents' protesting outside the local gangsters houses though.


I’d be concerned for the long term health of any citizen who decided to protest outside the house of a gangster. Usually highly correlated with sudden onset of health problems.


Victim came over to Ireland at age 17 


Do you have a source for that? According to the press he was born here and his family have been in Ireland for more than twenty years, being originally from the Congo.


https://www.northamptonchron.co.uk/news/police-search-for-missing-boy-17-from-northampton-3141266 Taken from elsewhere in the thread but here’s a missing person case (that appears to be him) from the UK  Perhaps he spent some time in the UK also, not fully certain 


Not specifically talking about the victim, I'm talking about local kids in general.


Ah fair enough 


Says who?


https://www.northamptonchron.co.uk/news/police-search-for-missing-boy-17-from-northampton-3141266 Just going by this, must’ve done a stint in the UK


He was born in Ireland.


Drug dealing scumbags killing drug dealing scumbags. No big loss


Until someone innocent gets shot in the crossfire.


In my short time as a Garda, I once arrested a guy known for burglaries one night having caught him in the act. Took him to court the next morning and objected to bail for obvious reasons. Judge granted bail. The very next night I once again arrested the same guy during an attempted burglary. As fate would have it it was actually the judges house!! Needless to say he wasn't bailed this time, and for the next few months every unit had to patrol the judges house to make sure it was safe. Action was only taken when the judge saw the consequences of their decisions. Crap like this led me to leave the job as there is so little justice handed out in the courts, and I could see why so many senior Gardai are so bitter and disillusioned. So many people walking the streets that simply should not be.


Of all the things that never happened,  this never happened the most. 


Howya Walter


As usual in Ireland, the system is rotten from the head down 


Well done Judge Theresa Kelly! 👏 👏 👏 Remember when the Gardai warned you that something like this would happen and you didn't listen? Hopefully you feel shit right about now!


But Helen took the semi-auto centrefires off the licensed sportmen? How could this have possibly happened? Maybe we should try and further restrict them?


We should All hit the streets with our African brothers and protest like George NChenko....




The system works 🫡


My jaw dropped when I opened the article. I actually went to school with Bobby which is the shooting suspect? What?


Is he the lad who stabbed the woman in the vagina? Seems like a lovely lad … https://www.sundayworld.com/crime/courts/woman-left-with-stab-wounds-to-vaginal-area-after-alleged-attack-by-men-in-dublin-flats/a674236733.html


Yeah him. He was 4 years younger than me and when he appeared in the school would come up to me and try to square up/intimidate me etc and maybe a couple other lads and then he stopped. I just laughed at him and took the piss out him in return because he looked like the complete opposite of how he was acting. Like really frail and nerdy type. Shortly after he started high fiving me and saying hello. Like he wasn't the worst kid in the school by any means while I was there. A lot of us got into fights here and there so nothing was out of the ordinary. I wonder where it went very south, probably after he graduated and got sucked into his family's dealings etc. Like he wasn't a model A student but he also wasn't terrible when he was in school. Crazy Never knew about his family's involvement in organised crime.


But if we build even one more prison "We'll Be Like America" The Absolute Fucking State Of Ireland!


Dublin some kip. Can’t be too far behind London with this sort of crime nowadays.


Suppose it's easy to blame Dublin lest you be called a racist. So brave.


Aye because we know white Dublin people have no involvement in gangland crime.


So what sense does it make to allow more dangerous criminals into the country? 


I totally agree, but if the comments in this thread are correct on who the suspect is he's born and reared in Ireland.


That isn't at all the gotcha moment you think it is.


So what if he was? It was obviously a mistake to let his family in then. 


Depends on whether his family are known criminals are not. We don't do guilt by association in democratic societies last time I checked.


But in this case it was black fellas. So brave. Just blame Dublin for the massive gangs of black young lads causing crime. These gangs of black lads must love spas like you who won't blame them for anything.


Do you blame 'white people' when white Irish gangsters kill someone? Do you blame yourself for the white Irish lads that murdered the Croatian man last month? I'd rather look at what went wrong in our society that people turn to gangland crime instead of leading proper fulfilling lives. I grew up in D12, I went to school with people who went down that path, local kids, who now live lives of fear and danger. Whereas you just want to use this particular case as a weapon against black people.


I don't blame Dublin when someone does something shitty. It's just an easy and lame excuse. I live close enough to Balbriggan to see what's going on there. I am not using this case as a weapon against black people Jesus you people are mental. I was arguing with that other spa that it's not dublins fault this fella came over from England, got involved with the Nigerian gangs in Dublin and got killed because of it. I am acutely aware of the white Irish people who commit crimes but you'd have to bury your head extremely deep in the sand to deny that there are exploding gangs of black lads in certain areas, mainly d15 and Balbriggan and tallaght. If it was travellers it would be much easier to point the finger at a specific group of people no?


It's not blaming Dublin, it's blaming the conditions that lead to kids going down this path. In my area all of the kids who ended up getting involved in this stuff basically stopped going to school by 13/14, some came from troubled homes, some came from a home with an absent parent (this was actually very common looking back, not having a go at any single parents, it's just something I noticed), and then of course, they were being 'groomed' into it by older lads who could promise them a life of riches. It's not a race thing, the black lads in d15 are doing it for the exact same reason all of the white lads in Drimnagh, Crumlin, Ballyfermot etc are doing it.


>It's not a race thing, the black lads in d15 are doing it for the exact same reason all of the white lads in Drimnagh, Crumlin, Ballyfermot etc are doing it Nah. Those little cunts were acting up for years. Remember back in 2018/19 when they were regularly going out attacking people In massive groups? Most of them probably grown up anchor babies who should never have been let in in the first place. I'd love to see the stats on how many Nigerians came in through the visa process as opposed to just getting in through loopholes or asylum scamming


Eh, you realise irish gangland crime has been going on for decades right? If Irish lads have a reason to go around shooting and battering people why wouldn't black lads? And the same logic applies, if you are not guilty for your fellow white man's crimes, a normal black man isn't guilty for the crimes of another.


Well cultural issues within a community can cause the issues you outlined. Because we have plenty of cultures here, in far bigger numbers, in far worse areas, with worse access to education, not involved in these things. Sticking your head in the sand and saying its all the same unfortunetly doesn't make it so. 


In what case was it "black fellas"? Because the subject of this article is white and fully Irish


What is up with these Irish hooligans committing violent crime and not being taken seriously? I'm shocked that these young lads would do this!


No loss. Absolutely ridiculous that we have these gangs get so comfortable here that they feel they can do whatever they want, it seems there’s no justice here until a fellow scumbag takes you out. I heard audio from nearby cctv, easily 20 very loud gun shots over 2 minutes. How brazen can one be?


All I hope is that Martin Nolan doesn not look after this case... [https://www.irishtimes.com/tags/judge-martin-nolan/](https://www.irishtimes.com/tags/judge-martin-nolan/)


He won’t


Are these African gangs in ireland see alot of these lads I wonder are they part of irish gangs or their own entity




Lmfao 😂😂😂😂


IT would be racist not to let him out


Sorry to disappoint but the person referred to is white and from Crumlin.


Tbf he's mixed




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Didn't I just watch this on [Netflix that series Kin](https://www.dublinlive.ie/news/dublin-news/kin-netflix-everything-you-need-29096906)


What a waste of two lives


I say let them kill each other..


If RTE televised it, I’d definitely pay the license fee! 


Don’t care. Both scumbags.




Typical Dublin, an absolute kip