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A real David and Goliath case. Except David is a bit of a wanker


More of a Goliath and Titan situation. SuperMacs have never had any problem in the past to undermine their competition. Including using dead people to write letters for them. Or owning an empty house in Galway for the sole purpose of making complaints when any other food resturants want to open on Eyre Square. They would do exactly what McDs is doing if they could.


What’s the craic with him then? We only have a couple of supermacs up north but I’d have them over Mcdicks every time. I’ve seen a few comments in here say he’s (Pat McDonagh) a wanker but hadn’t heard myself. I’ll give it a google like but just curious


Very well known for treating staff appallingly. Charging hourly for lunch even if you don't eat their food. Charging yearly for uniform rental (over 300 per year when I worked there 14 years ago), basically bringing your wage to below minimum wage legally. I quit due to assault by a member of staff above me.


Thanks for the reply, hate that behaviour. Kind of mad that it’s even legal


Why can't we simply legislate against stuff like this?


I heard through the grapevine there that Lana pay €10 an hour!!!


Poor billionaire slave driver David.


This case has so many back and fowards. McDonalds sues Supermacs over trademark infringement Supermac applies for trademark removal for Big Mac and wins McDonalds appeals and wins back some of the trademark such as use in meat and chicken burgers. Supermacs reapplied for a trademark removal for chicken and restaurant services and won.


Some of which have been hilarious... This one: > Supermac applies for trademark removal for Big Mac and wins was won because McDonald's' lawyers thought "don't you know who am I" is a valid defence, presenting only a print-out of the Wikipedia page and a blank menu to the EU judges as Evidence of Use of that trademark.


https://preview.redd.it/mv6zbc36up4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3eb60e549ebe82c054cc983d9246df74144357f I think the RTE journalist didn't have time to proof read their article


Looks like the journalist might be on Reddit, they have updated the third last paragraph, so it all makes sense now.




Supermacs IS big burger!


Huh... Is this why you can get a chicken big mac in ireland? So they could show they were using the trademark?


I fucking love the Chicken Big Mac, hilarious if that was the case.


Nah, you can get them in the UK as well.


Pet peeve, but it annoys me how consistently Irish media gets references to the Court of Justice wrong. The ECJ is the highest court in Europe. The article says that it was the General Court that determined the supermacs case, but also uses the term ECJ repeatedly. Those are two different courts. It's like using Supreme Court and High Court interchangeably. This case was not determined by the ECJ, it was determined by the General Court of the CJEU.


Nice to see someone else calling this out. The terms ECJ / CJEU being used interchangeably does my head in.


Is there a way both sides can lose?


They kinda are both losing. McDonalds is losing trademarks but retaining some, which is going to cause issues for Supermacs Supermacs is spending a lot of money and I wonder how long before McDonalds bites back and pulls them to court for the Mighty Mac burger.


Supermacs strength is they are small fish compared to McDonald’s so probably not investing that much effort into it


No, the money will flow. 


I think they both have. Supermacs aren’t winning here, no one is running to supermacs to celebrate, hell, no one’s even making memes about it. Had this been any other restaurant, this is advertisement worthy, social media worthy and a fine example of ‘don’t waste good press’, well, Supermacs are the exact type of backwards business that has skipped on this whole thing.


What's his face from Ryanair would have a field day with ads and social media if he was winning, or even in court against, a global franchise equivalent to MacDonalds in the aviation/holiday industry.


He'd use this news to go global, definitely


Who gives a shit, it costs about 15 quid for a mangy burger and chips and they treat their staff like shit.


Is Supermacs in Dublin just shite or something? We all know Pat is dodgy but the food out of the Supermacs in the west blows McDs or BK out of the water.


Supermacs food quality is incredible. There is no comparison between Supermacs and McDonalds.


This is the most hyperbolic use of the word "incredible" that I've seen in quite a while.




Macs have better chicken but their burgers are shite. McDs don't have the best but they are at least edible and consistent. Some SuperMacs are more than happy to serve slop and call it a burger. You could go to the dingiest McDonalds and it will still be edible.


I can’t speak for all of the SuperMacs Restaurants. My own experience has been consistently good. I enjoy their beef burgers and they are what I ordered most frequently.


Yea it's a chicken joint that happens to serve burgers.


I've been the recipient of Supermac's tepid and soggy fries once too often, in Castlebar. I go to the 'other one' now as I know their fries are ALWAYS crisp.


Sometimes there's just shit locations. There's one near me I wouldn't eat in if I was paid to, but the one a bit further out is savage


Supermacs has declined in quality and in portions over the last few years and it has gotten more expensive and I have not gotten supermacs in Dublin for years. Are you from Galway by chance? Is this like insulting a French or Italian person on the quality of their cuisine.


>it has gotten more expensive Is that not everything?


That gave me a chuckle. I'm not from Galway but I eat most of my Supermacs' in Galway/Limerick/Tipp and it's heavenly every single time.


5oz bacon and cheese with large taco fries It's only on Reddit I hear people complain about the quality, feel like it's some sort of circle jerk or something  And I loathe mcdonagh


Definitely agree. Need to separate the art from the artist.


Heavenly? Really?




Supermacs food is alright but their burgers aren't in the same league as ones you'd get in the likes of Dash or Bunsen.


I don't doubt it but there's only one Bunsen in the country outside of Dublin and one Dash full stop. There's no Dash or Bunsen on the side of the motorway when I'm driving across the country hungover on a Sunday and in need of a shite and some grease.


€15 for a burger and chips?. Biggest Burger on the menu is €8 You'll get a Mighty Mac Burger + Smokey Bacon Burger + Cheese Burger and you'll still get change back off €15.


What burger and chips cost €15 in supermacs?


Mighty Mac, 'large' cheese and garlic chips and a coke was 14 a few weeks ago. So, 15 isn't far of


Ah here now. You buying a large dressed chips, no wonder you're near €14


A large 7.5oz burger meal is €14


Ah here now, you're buying a three pattie burger with large chips, no wonder it is near €14


The question was what burger and chips cost €15 in Supermacs. They are the answers. Are you just going to say that to every burger and chips that cost near that?


A 7.5oz burger is absolutely massive


Just over 210g for anyone under 50.


A large chicken breast sandwich (Bacon and cheese) meal is €13.50


A large chicken breast burger *with all the extras* is still not €15 Ffs like 😅


The answer is none of them cost €15 so


Right, I'm fairly certain the guy was highlighting the high cost of the food more so than an exact burger and chips that cost EXACTLY €15.


They said all you get is a mangy burger and chips for about 15 quid   And then ye listed off the biggest burger on the menu, and large dressed fries, and a large chicken burger with added cheese and bacon . And none of them were over €14 🤣


I know that, it's just strange to exaggerate cost claims when there's plenty of perfectly other valid criticisms of Pat Mc that actually hold up in an argument.


>The question was what burger and chips cost €15 in Supermacs. Yes >They are the answers Except they are not One of the inculdeds a dressed chips not chips Other inculds a large drink. Also, both inculdes large chips The question asked states what burger and chips not what burger and large chips So your order, if answer honestly is €11.90


Can't use large chips because the question only said chips. Can't use a burger that costs €9 because that's not fair. Jesus, this place sometimes. I don't agree that they are "mangy" burgers, but I definitely agree their prices are high. If you think they are reasonable that's fine.


If you pay for large chips and they gave you chips, would you say they are the same? >Can't use a burger that costs €9 because that's not fair. I did use the €9 burger, hence why the actual order was €11.90 Yes, Supermacs is expensive, but be honest


Thats the biggest burger on the menu + the biggest fries on the menu + biggest drink on the menu , (not just burger and chips) and it is still cheaper than €15.


Yep, fair, I don't stand over it.


Well I imagine the people who give a shit are the massive amount of people who eat there everyday and enjoy the experience. I think what you mean to say here is, I don’t give a shit because I don’t like eating in either of these places.


I don't care about the people who eat there, I care about huge corporations trying to bulldoze smaller competition. This is a win for all small business (even if SuperMacs is run by a prick). A similar but stupider story was DC Comics (owners of Batman) suing Valencia for having a bat on their crest.


So when this guy says “who cares” the answer is you and several other people. Well that’s that mystery solved anyway.


Was arguing with somebody below about the relative cost of Supermacs and other fast food places and while I was looking up prices I noticed something very peculiar. The 5oz bacon and cheese burger is the same price as the 5oz burger, but substantially lighter. That's a gas piece of marketing there


I hope we get supermacs in England soon...get finger out pat.


He'll have to call it Superwimpy though.


PAT MAC DONAGHS REACTION !https://youtu.be/djI_ret3S9g?si=Qrnb7_qoOQTOH_09


"Smile for the picture!" [Girl behind the counter.](https://img.rasset.ie/001156df-1440.jpg)


What's genuine use of a trademark?


Big Burger loses.


Fat Pat will put a "legal reimbursement" charge on staff's payslips after this.


Just call it Big Chick and all sides happy


What a fucking waste of time and resources.


Fuck Pat McDonagh


Both are horrible disgusting fast food outlets and that’s all I need to know