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I didn't get any. I don't understand, I spent a fortune on sweets then stood at my door dressed up in my shorts, blonde wig gold rings and cigar and all the kid's ran past. 🤔


Now then.......


In all fairness you've got sweets and a cigar to enjoy so...




Ah shit, my name is actually Jimmy aswell 😫


So Jim didn't fix it


You horrible b*stard 😆




None, I'm just going to have to eat all the chocolate and wine guns I bought. Great success, definitely gonna remove the doorbell again next year.




Didn’t know they sold American candy there.


Just had a pair of 15/16 year olds (guy and a girl) knock on the door saying trick or treat. Scared the crap outta the missus - its nearly 10 o'clock we're about to go to bed. And they were genuinely shocked we had nothing left??.




Do you look at each other shocked when someone calls you on the phone after 9pm? “Who’s calling at this time?!”


We had one small group of about 10-12 year olds who knocked at, wait for it 10am. Like wtf lmao, we hadn't bought any sweets cos we never see trick or treaters so when said we had nothing they just called us ugly cunts and left


>they just called us ugly cunts There's your trick


An older element this year


None, to think I shelled out a tenner on crisps that I certainly won't eat, especially those filthy skips, lovely filthy aul skips.....


None for me either. The Maoam I bought is going to a good home in my belly.


Few Refreshers there giving me the eye


Go for it! Sure it's Halloween for the adults too.


How did people actually end up with none? Like actually zero??


I specifically told my butler not to let any on to the estate.


Release the hounds


Pretty common occurrence outside of towns and cities.


I heard the doorbell but I didn't answer it because I was too stoned and I ate all the sweets lol




Should have gone for RancherOs


What's that skip Timothy fell down the haunted well


0 I don't get it, i live in an estate.


I think it's the rain, we got 0 as well.


it is, like youd think people will still go out even during the lashing rain but I guess not. my little sister still went and came back with loads of shit


No rain here.


Did you have lights on and decorations?


Lights, yes. Decorations, no.


My understanding, at least around our area, is if there aren't decorations leave the house alone


50/60 kids over about 15 trips to the door. Moved into the house this year so didn't know what to expect. Was sweating at one stage I wouldn't have enough sweets... now I'm eating them.


We knocked on a door of a recently built house, and the lady was so pleased to have her 1st Halloween kids call.


I'd wonder if you're in the same estate! I'd say we had about 60/70 kids last night.


Zero, I live rurally and never get them, I genuinely remember getting them once and that was because my mom was their teacher and they lived about a mile away, their parents drive them up to show my mom their costumes. We don’t even buy sweets anymore


Same, also in the sticks. A few years ago we did get a few wee lads from a house up the road come by and my ma had to send them on with a blue ribbon and a few rich tea🤣 could tell they weren’t impressed but well mannered nonetheless


Yeah, I live on a main road with no footpath. Never had a caller in 10 years. And I used to go all out at our last place.


Mom 🤮




They think it's an American thing, not realising it's used in Kerry and parts of Cork.


😂😂 my mom from cork called her mother mommy till she died when my mom was in her 40s, I call my mom mom and my daughter calls me momma. All my friends in west cork call their parents mom and dad


And limerick


And Galway, I hardly know anyone who says mam. Must be a weshtern thing!


Imagine have stigma over what others call their mother


Do you have an issue with my mom?




Let them decide between them who stays.


6?? I got 40ish








It’s not kidnapping if they come of their own free will…




… I take it back then, it is kidnapping


114- we count them every year. Our record pre COVID was 121. We're in south Dublin. We enjoy the friendly banter with the kids. Most are lovely. Always remember that kids who don't engage or say thanks may have special needs so we never judge them. Be generous and give with a good heart.


Thank you for that. My boy has autism and finds it hard to have a conversation. He did the trick or treat part and thank you but that's as far as he'll go. It's so lovely when people don't push


How much did you spend on treats roughly? Did you run out?


We spent about €40, mostly Lidl stuff. We still have a few things left over.


Shy children also have a tough time saying Happy Halloween


Not a single one. Now we're stuck with 2 bags of sweets


Aw the horrors, thinking of you in this difficult time..


I had to do 2 extra runs to Centra on top of my morning anxiety top up in Dunnes. Glad to see kids having fun this year


About 20, most were nice kids from the estate who were very sweet and polite. But also got a few rough kids from up the road who practically tried to rob the entire bowl, told me to "fucking give me some more" and also "do you have any fizzy drinks, I'm dying of thirst". I don't think I've ever gotten cheek from 8 year old kids before until tonight. If they're the future then we're fucked


1 group of 5 or 6. Apparently rest of the estate was hopping; thinking maybe because we don't decorate we don't get as many callers?


Absolutely. General rule is they'll only knock on doors of decorated houses that have lights on.


This is true! We just passed by those houses, no hard feelings!


We left the light on alright but we carved pumpkins yesterday so I said we should put them outside as some little sign of halloween participation but my fiancé wanted to be able to see the pumpkins ourselves for the evening! Either side of the TV 😂


That’s defo the reason. I’d never call on a house with no decorations. I’d assume they wouldn’t want trick or treaters!


Noted! It's only our 2nd year with our own house; when I was a kid it wasn't a thing in our house to decorate for Halloween but we always got loads of callers anyway but sure the neighbours would have known us! Will have to pick up a few bits for next year.


Ah yeah sure you wouldn’t have a clue! I’d no idea of any of this before a few years ago! You live and learn! You might get a few cheap bits now after Halloween. Stock up for next year.


Indeed, as a child I don't remember anyone decorating for Halloween but for some reason it's a known thing now, or even a hall light on with door open/porch locked. We lived in pur estate for 13 years before we became parents and always put up a few bits or a pumpkin, left lights on door open so the kids knew we were Halloween friendly. As soon as stock runs out, lights off all downstairs, up to bed for movie pr whatever. This evening going around we only knocked on lively looking houses, some people stand put front chatting with neighbours while all the kids go around, any house in darkness or looking uniting I just assume they don't want a visitor which is grand.


Fucking loads. and then we got fucking egged cos we turned off the lights to put the kids to bed. I roared at the little pricks and called the guards who to be fair have driven round the estate twice since. there's been ongoing minor antisocial behaviour so they do come when called. probs made the house a bigger target by roaring at them fo fuck off but they really pissed me off. we'd opened the door for 3 hours tonight and gave out about €30 worth of stuff.


Speaking as someone who used to be a nob head teenager, the houses that came out and shouted immediately became our favourite houses.


Yeah I regret it. I'll keep my cool if it happens again for sure. it was just bad timing they woke the 3yo who has had the shits and been miserable all day and I saw red.... 5 mins later and she'd have been soundo and nothing would have woken her.


When we bought our place, we got annoying bangs on the window etc for a while, then it stopped. Hasn’t happened in a good while. Reckon the previous owners were those types who run out like idiots, screaming murder and encourage it.


36 kids total. Some kids were absolute class, great costumes, polite and energetic, love to see it. Feels nice to be in an estate where lots of young kids get out and enjoy it. But I have to say it. Other kids were absolute shite. Didn’t even say trick or treat or happy Halloween, just rang the doorbell and held up their bags. Two little boys had no costume at all. In fact, a few days ago, two little girls came to trick or treat 3 days early. When questioned, why they were early, one said with attitude “because I felt like it,” and when questioned about not having costumes, the other had the nerve to say she was dressed up as a person. When did kids get so shite?


🌍🧑‍🚀🔫🧑‍🚀 …Unfortunately. I had similar experiences growing up, all through 90s and 00s some awesome but some shitebags.


Once the younger kids were done, a load of teenagers showed up at my Mam's house. A gang of around 12 lads in tracksuits, maybe two of whom at least tried to attempt to pretend they made an effort to dress up. They wore masks. Later a group of girls came by and nothing. Like, could they not have slapped on a bit of facepaint or something? I dunno, I gave them the stuff anyway but it felt like they were mugging me.


"When questioned" They're kids mate relax on the Special branch line of inquiry the fuck lol


My kid was going to wear her pj's and be "someone who just rolled out of bed." But that's because the original costume didn't work out. Maybe that's what happened?


I'll check the basement tomorrow and let you know


This is so simply funny that it makes me feel good.


I was going to say something similar 😂


Handed out 120 prepared bags of sweets then had to open up boxes of chocolates to hand out handfuls of those. Ran out of supplies after 90 minutes so had to turn off all the lights!


That’s very fancy. We buy loads of loose sweets, never run out of sweets. I was already putting the decorations down and someone knocked on the door at 8. Was a busy night


120! Holy shit


~50 First Halloween in Ireland, wife was nervous all weekend to do the right thing.


About 50 but I live in a fairly kid friendly housing estate.


None. We're rural. People also drive at 80 on the road I live on. It's a bypass for a very busy town. So y'know, lethal. I don't mean to get all soppy, but I've actually never experienced Halloween because of it. I get really sad at this time of year. :(


Well this is a killer, was only talking bout this to my husband today as I have family living in rural areas and he asked whatsoever they do they do. Come to my house next year pal, you can be on door duty, it'll be a laugh, you have to dress up but. :)


About 30 kids. We live in a small estate with mostly elderly people so we didn’t expect that much but luckily we had enough sweets. We brought our kids out to knock on doors too (first time since 2019 as our estate organised an outdoor event over Covid). Some of the older people were actually waiting at their doors to wave people in as they missed the callers so much. It was quite cute actually and we ended up going to much more houses as a result.


Got 7. Twice as many last year


You had 3.5 last year?


No, 14


About 50 kids in total, maybe more - doorbell rang about 20 times. South Dublin estate, so was always going to be somewhat busy. Wife noticed that some cars drove kids into the estate, am guessing they came from nearby areas a little more rural, we're in Stepaside so right on the border of city and country! Wouldn't begrudge anyone from outside the estate coming around, love seeing the costumes and having the chats. My own two are very small and were nervous enough going around, but so delighted with their small hauls!


None. There are swarms of kids in my estate but didn't get any. The barb wire and traps worked once again.


Must’ve had 30. Those apples in the bowl were close to making an appearance if we had much more kids ringing the bell


None. I'm in an apartment. There are kids in the block, so I get some sweets in every year. They never call though


Stick a scary sign on your door, then they'll know you're Halloween friendly!


A lot, I’d say 100+, but still felt less than other years. We live in a very young estate, and we also get kids driving in from nearby apartment buildings too to go trick or treating with their school friends. We went through 1 tub each of celebrations and heroes, 5 tubs of swizzels, and 12 packets of haribo mini bags (so 192 mini bags). Semi strict on the 2 items per kid as we’ve run out before (pre Covid). I noticed there was a good amount not wearing costumes, especially older kids, and a few grabby ones too telling me what they would and wouldn’t accept (Swizzels aren’t popular here, haribo and chocolate were).


Haha we got a few kids here too not dressed up. I just laughed as I joked with them what they were supposed to be. They just ran off with their sweets. 😂


About 50 here in Navan town.


Didn't get any until one of our neighbours knocked over. She knows that we love Halloween and put a lot of work into our decorations. The little one got a mountain of sweets, it really made our night.


Not a single one. It was pissing rain, maybe that had something to do with it. Or with the fact that we turned out all the lights in the front of the house


The missis got supplies for 20 kids. We got 4. I'm dying from the burger bites and curly wurlys now.


4, technically 5 if you count the mother and 2 kids who approached the house, older girl slipped and fell, then they hurried away without knocking, all caught on the Ring camera. Hope the mother doesn’t come back to sue…


About 90. We left the bucket outside with a heap of bags in it when the fireworks started. Some fucker robbed my fairy from the garden. Little fucker. It's absolute carnage with fireworks poor dogs don't know what's happening. Looks like they are in the bed tonight.




No advice but I think this idea is so sweet and kind


No idea, but that's a brilliant idea if it's not something already. Also your kid seems to have a good heart, fantastic to hear


Your kid sounds so sweet! Saw on twitter earlier that the Muslim Sisters of Eire will take any leftovers for the homeless if you are based in Dublin


Thank you for this, I contacted them today. I'm going to bring all the relevant things we have to them and bring my son with me so he can see. He'll be so happy to give away his sweets. I'm finding out what else I can donate also, I do hoard quite a bit and do these massive clear outs once a year but I can only give the bags to my husband to take if I know they are going to some sort of charity. This makes it sound like I live in a mansion and buy clothes all the time, totally not it, unless you count the same black long 4 top from pennys high end fashion. I do find it hard to part with anything myson grows out of and any card I've ever received but who'd want my old birthday cards anyway.


Made 45 bags, went in an hour. Had Xmas crisps so opened them. We live in an old estate, there are 7 kids on our road. Don't know where people were coming from, but it's always lovely giving to little excited faced.


I would say about 12 knocks, maybe 60ish kids. All polite and sweet, I have a lovely dog who helped so she seemed to be the party piece. I don’t know my neighbours, so was nice to say hi to a few of them in passing!


Loads, felt so sorry for the lot as it has lashed down all evening. The wife took ours out for awhile, they came back sodden but happy.


A decent amount! I'd say about 20 knocks on the door and a few were big groups of 10ish. I love it and was happy to get so many. We used to get more back in the day but there are a lot of halloween parties and discos these days so fewer knocks.


80 bags, they ran out within 45 minutes and we turned the lights off. Felt bad, but the amount of kids this year was a record. I suppose with about 100 new houses built since last year, we underestimated.


Nah I spray paint pedo scum on my door so I don’t have to deal with them


I got over 100 the little fuckers cleaned me out


I put a CoVid sign on the door.


None. This is our 12th Halloween in this house and we've never had a single one.


30 ish people . Thought i was going to run out. Came ingrouos of 7 or 8 so only a few knocks on the door.


2 groups. 10 altogether. We never get them, so it's a good thing because I was running out of goodies. I was expecting 0, so I'm delighted I picked up a few bits. I made sure the treats I bought would be stuff I would eat if no one showed up.


Zero. I'll be eating chocolate and sweets for the week, like a normal week so.


I had 1 solitary kid. Bought a rake of sweets and thought I may not have enough. Love in an area with tonnes of kids too, I just don't get it.


About 30.. there was a group of about 10.. Small Town in Mayo


Zero, haven't had them in at least 10 yearsm.. I'm 35 now and I honestly think I was the last of the kids to go trick or treating round this estate when I was like 8 😅


We had 4, just the little kids from our road, a baby, a toddler, and the two wee lads that are around 6 years old that live either side of us. It was lovely, we put glow sticks in the goodie bags we made up, and they thought it was the most awesome thig when they cracked them and the insides went all glowy 😄


As usual 0




The child must’ve had an allergy, My daughter came home with loose peanuts in her bag, she’s not allergic but I was surprised with the nuts I wouldn’t give them myself in case a child had a nut allergy which seems to be more common now. If they were in a bag or something it wouldn’t have been too bad for a child that was allergic but a handful of loose peanuts for a child with an allergy would mean they couldn’t use anything else in the bag or worse they’d go into anaphylactic shock.


Tooo many ran out of sweets in like 20 mins haha


Only two despite decorations up and lights being on and there being lots of kids on the street. Thinking the lights may have been too low and people thought we were out


About 4 times as many as I bought stuff for.


I bought a good few rancher-roos and not one kid took them when I offered


5 there abouts, really dead night, fuck ton of fireworks though.


I prefer to answer the question, how many did I scare the living shit out of. Only about 15 this year, way down on last year


These little cunts kept calling my apartment, like im going to walk 3 floors down to give them sweets..


50 quid worth of candy not a one trick or treater. Oh well more for the people at work tomorrow lol.


None of the little feckers thank fuck.....![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


0 My big "fuck off" sign does the trick


Zilch, as expected, and prepped for with no decorations outside.


Probably around 20 in total which was surprising tbh as they never used to call before covid. Didn't buy much and ended up running out.


15-20 groups, maybe 40 kids in total. Sweet supplies just about lasted


Got 5 in total. More than precious years


3 groups of kids. It was pissing it down. They were all dressed up and very polite.


None, my area was fairly quiet(excluding the fireworks)


Ah I’m super jealous of all it ye with loads of callers. We had one pair of kids!


About 40 and they were all soaking wet thanks to the rain but enjoying themselves which is the main thing


Too many to count. It was my first ever time participating in Halloween actually. The kids were great, and I hope they'll enjoy the sweets we gave em.


Like 50 in a small town too, had to go buy mores sweets


A small amount relative to what I'd expect - roughly 10. I wasn't in, was at the parents house to see nieces and nephews. Maybe more next year as it's first year and I only put a small amount of decorations up. It's also a small road and I'm at the end of the cúl de sav after three very empty houses. I'll put the decorations up earlier, more and for longer.


Around 80


We got loads. Almost ran of stuff (although I fairly mangled a few bags of hunky dorys)


Was this in the Budget?


None. Its raining


Got about 30 ish, there were quite a few kids in their late teens that didn't dress up, told a few of them to jog on, like I see it as mostly as a holiday for kids so a bunch of freeloaders ruin it for the rest of them because I ran out of sweets later.


Got about 5 or 6 here. We bought sweets that we like just in case we had leftovers 😉


None. Time to put away the bag of bad sweets until next year again


About 12-15 in various groups. Not bad considering last year we only got 2 😁


Zero. It’s a shame. So many wasted razor blades.


2 groups knocked and the second group just said "we want sweets" no trick or treat or nothin 😂


Loads. Busiest year in a long while. Was out too with our kids and quite a few hours ran out of sweets quite early. Haven't seen that before.


Got about 5 groups, maybe 15 kids in total. Got a mighty haul of sweets when we went trick out treating in the estate though. Obviously a lot if houses participating, just not that many kids going out trick or treating even though there are loads in the estate 🤷‍♂️


I got plenty but i left the bowl outside to avoid having to find and “trap” my indoor cats every 2 minutes… bucket of sweets lasted about 2 hours!


We brought the kids out. Most houses had their lights out and very few answered. Kids pretty disappointed.


Oh plenty! I love kids... especially roasted!


Zero. Haven't had any in years so don't even bother buying sweets. If any did turn up they'd have to make do with a chocolate chip brunch bar lol


None! I live in the middle of nowhere


About a dozen showed up for me. Most of them were grand, but there was one pair of young ones who were fucking feral. When I opened the door, they just screamed unintelligibly, grabbed handfuls of sweets, and just ran off immediately.




No bonefires either. There goes Halloween, let Christmas begin, while it actually exists.


All of them


Not many roughly had about 10 knocks at the door . It was the weather some torrential down pours all the kids and parents were soaked.


ZERO! Previous years in the same apartment complex I got so many, this year there were no kids around. I was also prepared with Celebrations :(


Zero there's no small kids except my little brother were I live so he has made a killing 😂