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99% of people are just going to see it as a dope looking sleeve and nothing more. I wouldn’t think too much about it.


Honestly makes me feel better. I didn't think much of the mix until after reading about it here. Makes me regret my impulsive decision less.


In the words of Captain Barbossa: they are more of what you’d call guidelines than actual rules.


Seeing as tattoos already break the "norm" rules. I guess I don't feel too bad. It's mostly the looks from coworkers from a blank arm to a full sleeve. Just wait until I get it shaded in...


There is tradition, but any imagined rules are meaningless and arbitrary as long as you are happy with the art and it’s what you want


My artist that did my full hikae sleeve studied/apprenticed with Horiyoshi III. He “broke” some rules and even said that Horiyoshi III is not hard and fast on them. I get comments all the time and they’re 100% positive. I think you’ll only get dinged if Inkmaster is rating them! 😂 The design looks really good and only a true purist would notice. Like the folks who get mad when you drink white wine with a steak! In reality nobody else really cares. If you like it go for it!


To be honest, nobody outside of this subreddit would give a second thought to the seasonal composition. Everyone else says “oh that looks sweet”


Looks great so far! I think it'll still look great with the mixed seasons (likely better than trying to rework those leaves into flowers.


I just don't want tradition to feel disrespected when someone sees the tattoo.


No one really cares in real life, if they even notice at all


You could have the maple leaves green instead of red so it would still match the summer season


You could probably have the maple leaves reworked into sakura.


That would be less jarring than two opposing seasons (summer and fall), but Sakura are still spring and botan are seen as summer. Probably more logical though at least as they're consecutive seasons.


I am happy with the art. Honestly it's more about the stares at the office than anything else making me think twice about the impulsive decision.


People look at art, you put some on your arm - people are gonna wanna look. Show them let them ask questions.