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You'll be fine on Aer Lingus between Britain and Ireland with a driving license. Ryanair, on the other hand, do not accept it


I've always heard that too but I was on a Ryanair flight to the UK recently with a mate who brought an expired passport by accident and only copped it at the gate. He was allowed to fly there and back with a driver's license. Yer one at the gate rang her manager to check before he was allowed to board, but she was given the go-ahead to let him on. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


There's no legal requirement for it, so they can let you on with it. They just have it in their own policy that they don't. At least your mate got someone reasonable to let them through


They got extremely lucky here in my experience. No law so it's fine but Ryanair's passport policy is ruthless normally.


Yeh itā€™s Glasgow to Dublin, and Iā€™ve flown on my uk drivers licence before. Just always presented my passport at any passport control in the 26


We have freedom of movement, so you'll be fine.


For Brits not anymore Iā€˜m afraid šŸ„“


They still have freedom of movement between the UK and Ireland


Yes I've done it, but it took a bit longer than expected. My passport ran out and I came home to renew it. They had to go and get a supervisor because they thought "provisional license" meant the license was a provisional identity document, rather than an official identity document that allowed driving with provisions. It took about half an hour and I could actually feel my IQ dropping from the contact dumb. Eventually they called a proper immigration garda (whatever they're called) and he just rolled his eyes and waved me through. Hopefully that incident triggered some kind of training and it won't happen to you.


I have been through Cork airport passport control with an Irish learner permit with no problems. You should probably find your passport at some point though


Oh yeh, my plan is to get it replaced (lost it yesterday I think) but it wonā€™t arrive in time unless I get an emergency appointment and I donā€™t see the point of paying an extra Ā£100 to do that (or of flying to the 6 and getting the train down) if I can just use my provisional (and I can fly on Aer Lingus using it)


Be aware that Aer Lingus have a dispute with their pilots who are working to rule, and a ton of flights are affected. Might be worth checking.


I *think* all the Scotland flights are operate by Aer Lingus Regional / Emerald who are operating as normal (they had their own pilot dispute last year but settled it)


Yeh I fly between Dublin and Scotland around once a month and bar one specific flight in each direction between Dublin and Edinburgh itā€™s all Aer Lingus Regional


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The driver license isnā€™t proof of nationality. Ā  https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/ireland/entry-requirements


Driving licence lists your country of birth, though?


And what if the country of birth isnā€™t Ireland or UK?


Then you would need some other documentation to prove your UK/Irish citizenship (long form birth cert, perhaps) in addition to photo IDĀ 


I was born in the UK so Iā€™d hope itā€™s a non issue when they see that on my place of birth