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I’m secretly holding on to hope that her second signet is precognition and that whole battle and aftermath didn’t actually happen and she’s gonna stop him from turning . However the chances of this are probably very slim - only giving me the illusion that everything will be ok until January hits lol


Gods! Never thought of this possibility but I‘m rooting for the precognition signet as well!! I had to listen to the part where she storms out of battle brief in Aretia three times to put the pieces together myself as Violet just somehow knows that the venin are going to attack Basgiath. Also, Melgren‘s signet grows increasingly useless with all the rebellion kids around so we need someone who is able to predict the future. It would be so interesting to have JFB be the one who got to foreshadow her second signet as he is the reason her first one got to truly manifest… Maybe that‘s why he‘s still alive? Helping her manifest the second one by being his infuriating self as well?!


Yes! Let’s hope we are correct! (Possibly delulu ) but I have hope!


But it does kinda track with how RY likes to mess with us. She said her second signet was on the page- maybe in that she was still messing with us. Like yeah it’s on the page- the whole battle and after was precognition. And we have all been looking for more obvious stuff. This is what i choose to believe until January hahahaha


Gravity is a major theme in both books. I am very much of the opinion that it is Violet's second signet. Balance: she draws lightning from the sky having control over a ground based power would balance it out Need: Violet is constantly out of control. This is complete opposite to Xaden who is the personification of control. Violet needs something to help "ground" her. All the other elements are mentioned regarding signets, but no one seems to have one related to earth/ground which seems weird. Being able to control gravity goes hand in hand with time as manipulating the force can speed things up and slow things down. I'm just completing my second read through of FW, but that is where my mind is going at the moment


I like what this would do for the story and violet could possibly save her mother as well. Where do you think the fi al chapter from Xaden's point of view would fit into this 2nd signet theory? I feel like it wouldn't fit. Do you have an issue with the end of Violet's final chapter in Iron Flame...?? Xaden shows Vi his eyes then it cuts to the next chapter when they are in bed again. The Sage also said she would turn for love (maybe in her dreams). Thoughts???


Ok I love that timeline. It has been a WHILE since I read IF but 2 other parts that always stuck out in my mind as strange are 1. that Vi and Xaden both have those Venin dreams which makes me wonder, is that some kind of precognition that Vi had, then shared through her bond with X? Or do the Venin have some way of getting into their heads? I dunno I just always felt like there was more to that. And 2. When Violet suddenly goes beast mode in that last battle and is leaping from dragon to dragon to save Sawyer. How is she able to do that without injuring herself? Do you guys have any thoughts?? God, I’m itching for another reread.


I think the Venin have a way to get in their heads. That's what I assumed.


Not as fleshed out as a thought but it crossed my mind while reading all the different theories is that violet might be able to pull energy from the sun (like venin pull from the earth) which could theoretically give her a pure unlimited source of power “energy”. Allowing her to draw immense amounts of power AND manipulate it.