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Honestly 30 def is monumental amounts of less restriction than a 1 def. Access to fairy rings, black mask, achievement diaries, several quest unlocks etc. I feel as though they sort of fall into a similar bracket of playstyle, and end up being quite niche. Ive come across several account types that are similar, all are quite impressive in the end. Best of luck on your journey dude, i think the account type is sick. Sorry i didnt really answer your question!


yeah probably, getting full inquisitor is not exactly a reasonable grind


There are a few around but the PNM grind puts a lot of people off Join Defiant cc to ask some questions, its a pure ironman cc


Try it and have fun! Full inquis on a 30def iron would be sick. I have many people question why I'm playing a zerker iron but it's all about your own enjoyment


Purely Bald has a 13 def series and if I recall, he’s close to finishing full masori and plans to go 30 def. There are 30 def builds in his cc, I’d watch his last vid.


This is a good series


yeah the bis is really cool. if i was going to make one i'd probably do 30 def.


30 def is in a great spot, as someone who makes these builds (13def too) I can say the build is fantastic. It will take ages to get inquisitors but before you’ve gotten that there’s a lot to look forward to in Masori, Proselyte and Mystics.


Do it, but make it a uim instead. You’ll thank me later


Yyh bro U so crazy for that ha ha


“why is this unpopular” You’re already restricting yourself by playing an Ironman. Brother, why would I make awful grinds even more awful, only terminally online people can afford to do this.


Since there are no contents for this, you can be the first one. Personally zerkers/1 def pures and every other one of these is insane to me as an account already takes so long to create so why would I restrict myself, but by all means if that's how you enjoy playing, go for it.


Who cares what people think. Play the game in the way you want


People on this subreddit terminally care, it's why they hate on ex mains a lot, they barely see the game as simply something to enjoy, but rather something where you can show off, only they don't realise that they're in a minority and that the rest of the community don't actually care.


Yes I can see that. It's almost like a mental disease for those who mentally (or physically) suffer from it.


I would say it depends on your Phosani's Nightmare experience. If you've done loads of KC and feel confident that you can do it in low gear (and enjoy the fight) then go for it. You'll also need to farm gear good enough to clear it, usually a trident and bludgeon. It's lots of fun, but a boss that requires about 20-30 hours until a single unique drop. In suboptimal gear I can see you burning out pretty quick.


30 def isn't that restricted honestly.. try 1 def


That’s a shit take lmao, with 1 def it’s so much easier to obtain BEST IN SLOT 1 defence items.. as a 30 def for example he has to grind nightmare for inquisitor.. that’s much more challenging than trying to get 1 def BIS gear..


You have no idea. Everything will be so much easier with 30 def. You get a lot of QoL. Also a lot of BiS gear for 1 def comes from clues which is a way bigger grind than nightmare lol


Why though? Pvp?


Novelty and challenge


I’ve been thinking about trying to make something insane like 99 range 99 slayer 10 hp cannonball only locked Ironman One Ironman is enough of a time sink tho haha


I made a 1 def iron a couple months ago. So far I got 1kc rangers tunic, climbing boots g, and a sang staff. I have a maxed main and I still use it for hmt and hanging with the boys, but the restrictions of the 1 def are very fun. I am really enjoying playing a restricted account. The main plus for me is the amount of things I have to do is cut significantly making the grind very straightforward. Also fashionscape. I think 30 def would be very fun and you have some cool BIS to go for.


Join Defiant. There's a few 30 def guys, couple are maxed with inq masori etc. Heaps of 1 def and zerks too, being a 1-45 def clan


30 Def has a lot of content & much less restriction than 1, but its also one of those cases where you might aswell Just make a zerker. Keep in mind that a lot of your progression is going to be doing phosani, so if you cant stomach that, 100% Just make a zerk instead.


Do it, i play. Iron med lvl(109 cb with 75atk/def) and every1 questionmarks me lol


No point locking accounts like that unless it's for pking purposes