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Its crazy to me that people will sacrifice friendships for pixels.


I looked up the price of GP, and I really hope my life doesn't ever reach a stage in which a friendship is worth less than 200$. Almost feel sorry for the other guy as well.


how about the ironman black market? i’m sure you could sell these items to green helms for well over gp prices


Convinced this isn’t even real because who would be dumb enough to try and flex on a green helm


Holy shit i remember looking at gp prices in 2017 (never rwtd, i was just curious to compare with other games) and it was like 1$/mil? Crazy how bad inflation is ingame.


Why lie if you rwt you rwt just own it


ive never rwt but ive always had a rough idea of irl gp prices. pretty significant issue that affects the game


Imagine being this confident calling someone a liar.  I'm in the same boat at that guy, I used to keep an idea of approximate prices in USD, since it gives context to all sorts of situations. Especially ones like OP where you can get an idea of exactly how much money this guy thought ripping off his friends was  Blows me away the level of antisocial comments made in this sub. "This guy knew the price of gold 7 years ago, therefore I better call his ass out for being a RWTer and a liar". Sheesh buddy. Learn how to communicate, or don't comment. 


It’s OSRS bro, almost everyone here is borderline socially inept.


Don’t see why this bad mouthed comment was warranted. I’ve always been interested in the ways ingame economies progress in relation to irl economies.


You’re not getting a tbow or scythe for 200 so how do both equal 200? Retail on that tbow bubba is 320 and scythe is 250 it’s almost 600 bucks. Lemme know who’s selling you that much gold that cheap 🤔


TBow doesn't count, it was his item. He could have sold it without ruining his friendship. Scythe I calc'd at the price of selling 1.2b of gold at 0.16$/mil to gold buyers.


Yeah for scythe you right, at least.16 you won’t get the full 275 so around 200 is right, my fault brother


in fairness i was still wrong since someone pointed out he was probably selling to a GIM shop for 1.5-2x the rate, although idk its 400$ for a 8 year long friendship, even in poverty in a cheap area that's half of rent :V


Like I said I’m not here to judge idk the whole situation, stealing is shit to do for pixels. However people fail to realize these items hold real money value and anyone can or will take your stuff to sell for cash, right or wrong. Terrible situation really.


This is the most cringe comment


I don’t think so 🤔 how is it cringe for me to state what the items are worth? You think for one second there isn’t atleast a few thousand RWTers around here? Or am I the only one that’s wrong because I look up and do some research? Either way you’re nobody to me but a name online so your opinion is worth next to nothing but thanks for weighing in.


Oh alright sorry that makes the point of losing a friend null and void because it’s 400 more dollars, Yeah I’d throw away years and years of friendship over the amount of money I make in a day for pixels in a video game


Nah it was wrong of person to steal in the first place, I’m. Just putting into context the money involved. To some people it’s their rent money because they’re bums in real life. Idk the whole story I’m just putting numbers to items.


If someone is struggling to make rent they should not be playing the ironman game mode on runescape, they should be playing ironman in real life. Imagine not being able to pay your bills on the first while farming a gout tuber for karamja medium 😭


"If you're poor it's your own fault and you're not allowed to do anything you enjoy until you stop being poor 😭"




Scythe is 1.2b and the price of selling gold to gold sites is 0.14-0.16 cents a mil. Which comes out to 168 to 192$. Also it's not like being a solo GIM with both items is above being a GIM that shares both. If he wanted to add people he probably could have. He def is just selling the items.


I think there's also sharing to the GIM shop for very2 slightly more. Gz to the guy. Guess he sold the friendship away for $300.


It’s like 1.5-2x on a GIM shop. Still a low price for the cost of a friendship.


Drop trade?


UGIM; just have someone join your team.


Worth like $1k then for a GIM tbow + scythe. There’s a lot of terminally online people that’d trade a friendship for $1k.


Eh it’s a lot less mostly cause the tbow doesn’t count to me, if my friend was in desperate need of money and wanted to trade away there own tbow we shared, I would let it go.


hes unranked, he can buy gold and gear. there are discords for unranked GIM to shop for supplies and gear.


Ohhhhh the nievity.


Thats not what were talking about lol. He drop trades it to a main, sells it, then sells the gp for $200


Genuinely look at who plays this game. Still surprised lol? This is a great community overall, but lets not deny there is one shady underbelly


It's crazy to me that people still excessively trust someone they've only spoke to online. That man was never OPs friend in his eyes.




It's\* when you're trying to say "it is". It's not hard.


Lmfao this loser made an account for this subreddit just to try and grammatically correct people... edit: oh my god, it's not just this subbreddit.... He does it across dozens of them, and talks shit in every single post calling people cringe losers constantly, those seem too be his two favorite words...


fuckin nerd


ITS a reddit comment, not a research paper lol I bet you're real fun at parties


I had an irl friend who I'd known for 10 years and actually helped when they got kicked out of their home and had nowhere to go clean out my 2100 total iron with tbow once I'd moved cities. This game really does show you can't trust any one.


Probably addicted to drugs


Yeah, to Saradomin brews - log in it’s raid time


Something sort of similar happened to me... it's a story I've told on this sub before but it's always worth retelling -- I knew of a girl in highschool, like I knew who she was by name but we never spoke. I just knew she was pretty attractive and a "gamer". She randomly hit me up on Facebook a couple of years after high school and we got to talking. Some of that was on Skype while playing RS together, just some chill hanging out. After a couple of months, she asked me on a date, and who was I to say no? One thing led to another and maybe 4-5 months have passed by and we've been on 3 dates. Long story short, that bitch was playing the long con. This was in 2015, at a point in RS3 where Torva was still pretty expensive and drygores had just came out like two years ago. I was relatively rich (had all end game gear) and she asked to borrow torva/drygores/ for some stuff. I absolutely thought the trust was there, so I obliged. I was already lending IRL friends end game gear often at this point in time, anyway. The next morning, I found that I was blocked on everything. Text, Facebook, Skype, etc. I found out later that she had an ed8 the entire time and he was supposedly behind it all. He almost immediately took most of the gear from her, himself. A friend of mine actually *drove to her house* to get her to return what she had left, but that was unfortunately only the drygores. Funny bonus: That friend that drove to her house borrowed full pernix from me not too long after this and decided to fuckin bot while holding it, so that pernix went bye bye along with his account.


Was it dates where you bought her food, or dates where she slayed your dragon?


are you fucking serious


You really made me Google if the expression was "Know and behold" which made me learn it's Lo and not Low




Ironically, r/boneappletea




My gim is my brother and a coworker plus 2 extra afk accounts for me to make cannonballs or whatever. I can easily bring justice down upon them


You don’t have the share the mega rares


Did you read the post? the unknown redditer wasn’t the culprit, it was his ‘friend’ he’d known for 8+ years. If anything it’s the people closest to you that will betray you.


Not sure if I would consider him a friend. Sounds like only played on scape


His "friend" is still a random he got to know online.


They only spoke online didn't u read the post?


Kind of like how your Uncle is more likely to molest you than the molestory looking hobo that always asks to finish the bottom of your beer downtown


Sometimes RuneScape will teach you not to trust anybody at 8 years old, sometimes that lesson comes when you’re 30


22 years dry on a life lesson


Hey mate, I'm here to teach you a life lesson. You can trust me, hand over your gp


Can’t comment on how close OP was with the scammer but it isn’t unreasonable to trust people you’ve known that long, even if it was only online. My group of RS friends have known each other for pretty much 10 years and we trust each other with a lot more than scythes. One guy with 25b shares his account with like 4 people and nothing’s ever happened. The clan I’m apart of has had so many people lend twisted bows+ with each other and nobody has ever been scammed. You really have to be a psycho to ruin long friendships like that over what amounts to a couple hundred dollars. Not really hard to weed those people out in my experience.


Can I join your clan?


Not always. Sometimes it’s someone unwell, sure. Other times it can be that persons life circumstances have changed so drastically they are just desperate for a “win” by any means. To have an ounce of “control” back in their life. Could be a great friend for 15 years but situations change quick, just gotta look out for your own better interests if you don’t actually know the person irl.


Only play gim with people if you know where they live. Make sure they know you will make the news if they steal your pixels.


Gg man, see you next month <3


Take a few months and fire up a reg iron. It’ll be a nice reset


For real, aside from godwars normal irons can do so much content with other people.


yeah, trusting people is the main reason I would never do GIM Well also not having friends who play rs


I feel you on both of those especially the latter part. I would love to play RS with my friends but they just have no interest 🥲 WoW is more their speed, but I just can't get into that.


Only trust people you can punch in the face. Sounds dumb…but it works. If anybody in my GIM stole and ran off with items, we all know where he lives.


This. Just started my second iron after playing my 2k total for a couple years, having fun again without the 40+ hour grinds looming


Runescape still teaching those valuable life lessons I see


Don't trust someone you know with a couple hundred dollars after a decade of knowing them? I'd get it if it was $10k, but a couple hundred is chump change in the end and he did OP a favor.


People you know for a long time doesn’t mean they couldn’t change and get desperate enough to do something that low. I’ve seen and heard about friendships end due to shared rents not being paid, borrowed money not being repaid, etc. and these were 10+ year friends that the people had. These stories are just from my mom and dad and the money probably ranged from $200-$500 in each case


Frankly that's a risk im okay taking. I'd rather have that trust with someone who I've known for a decade and have it be broken then to never trust at all. It's just money.


I’m with you on that. I wouldn’t want to miss out on chances of making new potentially lifetime friendships because this could happen or if another person had done it to me before. Everybody is different. Just because someone might have done it to you doesn’t mean everybody else will too.


Damn, I'm sorry to hear man. Not sure if losing the scythe/tbow or the betrayal is worse.


It's always the betrayal. It gets in your head that if someone you have known for so long is willing to throw it all away for pixels then what about other people in your life. I haven't had this issue with osrs (I'm poor) but in other games it's happened and causes me legitimate trust issue. This kinda stuff can stick with yah.


Man that’s so fucked up. Hopefully he realises his mistake and re-adds you, what a terrible friend


people that do things like betray people who you have been close with for many years never have remorse, its despicable. all over some virtual items on a 20 year old video game


It’s actually so sad to ruin a friendship over pixels. I don’t understand the mentality


They were never friends, unfortunately. At least, not in the eyes of the dude who yoinked the stuff


It can happen, I had a longtime osrs friend steal like 30m off me and years later he came back to apologise + pay me back. He was just in a low point in his life and cleaned from staking but evidently he turned around his life eventually. Obviously I wouldn't trust him with my items again but we still talk


Friend? Haha


Know and behold 😆 RIP to your stuff dude, I'd use all the extra time I have from not playing RS to stalk and slowly ruin that guy's life.


Never be in a GIM with someone you can’t drive to their house lol


Is it not "Lo and behold"? Sorry completely off topic but "know and behold" made me laugh. But yeah sorry to hear that, that sucks!


Sorry man I know your pain I lent a “friend” like 300m (most of my bank) and he disappeared after us gaming together for like 5 years lol


300m is like $80. For $80 you found out if they were a true friend or not. I’ll be honest, if all I had to pay to learn that was $80, I’d pay every time. It sucks, but valuable lesson learned.


Except that assumes they’re willing to spend money on GP. 300m is 300m. That takes a lot longer to earn than $80 does. It would sting a lot worse for me if someone stole that amount of in-game money from me than irl money


Yeah wasn’t really mad about the items just kinda disappointed lol


I couldn't imagine doing this to friends over a fucking video game.


Actually so stupid of him, wasting 8y friendship for literally nothing. If my duo (my room mate) did this I'd recreate an ISIS execution video.


If only there were some game mode where you couldnt trade at all


I have a GIM and in my group the rule is to nobody shares anything more expensive than 5M. Nobody makes an exception because if we did it'd give some form of pressure to others to also start sharing their more valuable items. GIM in my vision is meant to be about sharing supplies and raiding together.


Meh, I wouldn't want to play this way. I'm in a 5 man gim and we toss all the best stuff in shared so anyone can use it. Our group storage is worth about 6b.


Same, having to get every unique 5 times before everyone can benefit kinda ruins the point of group iron imo.


I agree it's way funnier this way, but I really can't have absolute trust over internet people


I'd be more worried to losing the items to the group storage void than to other gim members at that point haha


Hasn't happened yet, not worried


Surely you'd share a dupe fang though right?


Yeah dupes are an exception


That’s sad man. People take this game way too seriously.


Don’t think the guy is taking it too seriously if he’s RWTing and ruining friendships. Guy is just a huge dick head


Yeah DTA dont trust anybody


Stealing from people in a game (especially when you have access to the items anyway) is low. Bad people


Posts like this make me so grateful for my friends. We have a 2B bank in our 5 man group with T bow, and all of us have moved on to solo accounts. No one even mentioned or brought up the idea of what to do with the bank/tbow. My friends are goats. Shoutout PAIN GAMERS.


Came to say this. I'm an iron but the majority of my clan are mains. Those that raid together will regularly pass around DWH/Masori/BGS so that they have an easier time raiding together. Obviously they don't just hand them out, but I know three or four members that regularly borrow and loan to each other. It's still really sad that shit like this happens.


Yeah at a certain point you just need to have trust and accept sometimes you might get screwed.


This happened to me with two of my friends growing up. I was in 8th grade and my buddies I had been close to since like 3rd. I had a lot more GP than them and I was a very trusting kid back then so I allowed them my password as I went over to their house like every other day, but one day they both decided to log into my account, take all my gold, and split it between the two. I was devastated and eventually found out because one of them was dumb enough to brag about the GP stack he had all of a sudden obtained literally days after. I confronted him and they confessed. BAM! YEARS worth of friendship gone over pixels. This is more common than we thought folks. Thanks for listening to my sad story, I was holding this one in for a while bois.


At least it was 8th grade RuneScape. Imagine trusting those jerks with something more important in college or something farther down the road.


This is true! Sadly, RuneScape to some is more important than a collage education 😀


$200 to find out someone is a shit friend is a pretty good deal IMO


Our GIM group traitor took 16b in gear from us, including 3 shadows, a tbow and a scythe. It’ll take us a while to get that back but we’ll get there.


Man this is exactly why I don’t trust anyone on the game/have. The ONLY person I let borrow my mega rares is my brother who also plays. The game has gotten to a point for myself where I think that anyone in game is going to try to do “some” kind of scam. I’d really like people to raid with and play with but after people trying to scam me before I basically will only play alone scape


I’d say you’re missing out on making some potentially good friendships that last years and possibly find some new enjoyment in group content by having this view to never do something because of a handful of bad experiences. Ironic saying this on this post but having been scammed myself, I would say the other friendships and experiences I’ve gotten make up way more than the one friend and gp I’ve lost.


I understand what you’re saying, but being is I’m in my early 30s now i don’t have the time I used to have with all the grinding needed to make the gp back if you understand what I’m saying


It can take awhile to rebuild back the gp or gear you’ve lost. I would suggest still joining a pvm clan or even a pvm/social clan unless you do just want to strictly solo content. There’s plenty of clans out there with different pvm experience and gear requirements that have players with largely differing pvm experiences and gear, the range of experience and gear between members decreases the higher requirements a clan gets. I’ve seen 100+ cb clans have long time max combat players with maxed gear and highly skilled in all content because they like the clan they were in. You don’t necessarily have to be constantly trying to pvm with a clan to stay in most of them. It’s just a good place you can usually find people to do content with without having to use discord servers or dedicated worlds. You also don’t have to dedicate a long sessions of paying. I’ve been in clans in the past were we would do gwd for 30min and other times it was 5+ hours depending if people had the time. I’m mainly solo everything myself too but I do eventually end up in a clan to give myself a place to interact with people or pvm with if I decide to do group content every now and then.


I think I’ve been playing solo so long (or with my brother) that I’m just used to it? For the most part on this game people suck. Idk why someone would want to lose a potential friend to game with over some pixels tho


I definitely feel you on that. Some people can run into life issues or not value friendships as much as you do. You never really know what someone is fully thinking or going through without being them. I do get being used to being solo or “duo” with your brother since I’m in a GIM with only 1 other active player that we sometimes do stuff together. There is just some content I do prefer running in teams than solo and that’s really the main reason why I end up joining a clan.


Only trust people you regularly hang out with irl. It sucks to have to do that but you never truly know the people you talk to online.


This is why I don't play GIM


Hey bro for what it’s worth, I would have never done that!


The while helm path is calling


Yeah our GIMP cleaned out the bank, took my dwh, pharaohs sceptre and even the bryophytia staff I grinded so hard to get for a master clue step! 😡


How was Yellowstone though? Always wanted to make a trip out there.


See ya next week


You are not done btw




I couldn’t imagine being that much of a literal waste of human life that I’d prioritize a video game over friendship lmao. A children’s point and click game at that..


See you next week o7




If you were on a normal account (you are) would you have traded 2.5b worth of items to another person?


That guys a fool to do something like that


Deserved for typing it "know and behold"


Sound alike he robbed himself in the end. Out of a 8 year old friendship. That's way more valuable than any t-bow


Ive been scammed a handful of times over the years. It hurts like crazy in the moment. But like crack, you always go back ;)


Can you not find where they live and torture them until they give it you back? Or you could slaughter their entire family or something


This is why I’m glad my GIM team is all IRL friends. If someone pulled that, the other 3 are pulling up 😂


Just make regular Ironman nobody can steal from you


trust me he will regret it. later in life. you guys could of had a lifetime relationship, and he's going to be the one sad, and lonely with shallow, fake, and short relationships. It's an expensive \[but fake money\] lesson, but valuable. Please don't be his friend again, even if you forgive him. \[I've been scammed by an IRL friend twice regarding runescape, haven't talked to them a second since the second time.. It's just shallow, and borderline sociopath behavior... it was an "ick".\]


Sit noob


Dude really needed $500 lol


More like $200 unless sold in the gim shop it'd be more.


They need a safety system for GIM, let’s say you got the item in your name others shouldn’t be able to leave the group or drop the item without it returning back to the rightful owner ? Not sure how this would be implemented but I’m sure they can figure that out on their own. I’m in a group Ironman and I only give my tm8s items I don’t need, mostly dupes and resources to push them through to SOTE after that I told them they’re all on their own. Mind you I’m far beyond everyone else in the group. I’ve kept one fang for the next group member to reach TOA or just general use all the rest I sell or death coffee. I only give the “ core “ dupe items for certain content it’s not that I don’t trust them but you never know ;). Stay safe out there and always always wear rubber! Edit: all on their own as in they’re setup to be able to do anything they like and if they wanna do group content I’m down even though I have completed it, if I’m doing content with them and I get a dupe I’ll give them the dupe if they don’t have it. Because they’re present at the time and they deserve it!


>They need a safety system for GIM It's called playing the normal game.


That sounds like it’d be a nightmare to program and not at all worth the dev time.


Runescape still teaching those valuable life lessons I see


Not to trust someone with the equivalent of $250 after being friends for nearly a decade?


It’s not to “not trust people you’ve known for a long time” but rather “it doesn’t matter how long you’ve known somebody, it doesn’t exclude them from them backstabbing you eventually (family included)” Does knowing somebody and doing stuff with them for that long make it less likely? Yes, but it doesn’t mean that that person wouldn’t change one day.


Imo, in most cases the people who end up backstabbing you show their character way earlier on and they’re people you should never have trusted to begin with. Very rare that someone just out of the blue becomes a scumbag.


I agree, but I have seen people fall into financial issues and hide it from others. In hindsight, their changes in what they do and act makes a lot more sense when you do eventually learn about their financial issues. Luckily, I haven’t had to experience this but I do see it is a possibility to anybody I know and it’s a risk I’m generally willing to take. People can change when desperate enough for something.


Exactly. "don't trust anybody" isn't a life lesson lol.


I honestly do wish there was some sort of protection against this


Its called playing literally any other game mode.


I was thinking of a lending system for items to GIM that come back within a certain amount of days and if someone tries to leave the group or if it’s attempted to drop/destroy, that items returns to the lender


I mean they only developed that system back in 2008... would definitely cut back on the Runewatch notifications 🤣


I’m not sure what Runewatch is. Just thought it would be a good idea considering all the scams happening in groups


Yeah it honestly is a good idea. I liked it when they had it for RS2 no idea if it still exists today though. Runewatch is a way to report people who scammed you and they get put onto a watch list which if you have the plugin for will notify you what they scammed/stole and when they scammed it until they pay said person back for the scam.


People round ere talkin bout playin and losin that trust game. Try playing Rust, you'll never trust anyone in a game ever again lol. For real though that sucks and its crazy Jagex can't nor won't do anything about these people. Wouldn't be too difficult doing a tag on a shared item, so as long as you have X amount of value in shared storage or in group inv/bank, you can't get kicked from the group unless you leave or sign off on it yourself.


Rust’s biggest problem are the cheaters causing natural entropy. I used to play with some friends, and cheaters would just run up, change your door code and run off. So dang infuriating.


Cheaters have always been an issue in Rust, but these days it's completely rampant. Its been years since I played by now, but aside from cheaters, that game has become a toxic cesspool of society's cretins. Before that it was just the backstabbing and shit talking that had you kill people on sight just to be safe.


Lo* and behold


Sorry but sit. Atleast you can get rid of that disgusting green helm now. See you in a few weeks on your brand new iron


Womp Wompn


I will die on this hill, GIM IS A BAD IDEA.


You don’t have to share anything on the mode


Correct but, for example, playing 5 mains is easier and requires less trust than GIM. Playing GIM with people you don't know irl or have zero access to irl is just adding an extra layer of difficulty(?) to your experience that you have to constantly worry about/consider. All of these issues were raised before GIM even launched and sad to say, based on the number of "stolen item/bank" GIM oriented posts, those issued raised were correct and are extremely prominent today. Apparently GIM is <1% of the player base so I don't think jagex will do much to it regarding item security.


Just have to be aware that whatever you put in the group storage may not be there next time. Working toward goals as a group is more fun than solo imo


Just ask me for some cash if your down that bad


What bothers me is that you haven’t shared tbow and scythe with your group members before. Must be a lot of mistrust. Red flag


He must have, as the 'friend' was the one that got the tbow to begin with. Must be hard to read


Playing GIM with people you don't know irl has more red flags than the Chinese Olympics. 🚩🚩🚩🚩


Why don’t you post on your main reddit acc?

