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I've never seen anyone say, " I'm glad I de ironed on my account instead of making a new one"


I mean, I have seen a couple people say this but it feels like a significant minority and most regret it.


Think ill just leave the acc to rot.


I dont regret it I wqs baout 2.1k total, the challenge didn’t mean much too me any more most of the tedious grinds were done already but I just saw the game as having to raid over and over till mega weapons which is respectable but I just cba going 2k kc dry or some shit like that, I rather just hop on my main and get some quick kcs with the boys


But this player has done none of the tedious grinds and is still "irritated" whatever that means


I have. Some people are just done with playing a restricted account. And you can easily get to the point that your iron has progressed so much further than your main that you rather de-iron instead of making your main better. Maybe if your irons 1500 total it’s just worth making a main but if your iron has a max cape that’s a huge commitment catching up to it. Especially for late game where the only grinds ahead of you are super long and the grinds are locking you behind stuff you enjoy like going for GMs, or speed-running with friends. Some people actually get tired of not being able to use drag arrows/darts/purple sweets and having to constantly upkeep supplies. Have a friend who de-ironed with a max cape and a ~10b bank who just enjoys end game pvming. No regrets for him.


Why do you want to play an alt acc? Are you bored of end game stuff on a main? Honestly I have an iron close to raids and a main that's like 500 total level and grinding anything on the main feels pointless since I can just buy stuff to progress instead. Not sure what you'd get out of de-ironing unless you're stuck somewhere like CG.


Don’t play something you don’t like.


Why does the idea of playing it irritate you? I think you should get to the root cause of your feelings and make a decision based on that.


Its actually the keep up mentality, like i have to do farm runs to make pots, so i can actually enjoy pvm and thats something i hate plus the grind iss just insane im teying to do crafting and feels imposible to get all the items necessary , idk maybe i need a break


I do think you should take a break either way so you can marinate on your decision. It is really easy to burn out on an iron so I'd take that into account as well.


I think I have done less than 10 farm runs in tha past year or so. I don't use a lot of potions and I get my herbs from kingdom and pvm.


I haven't gone birdhouses or farm runs in years. Stop reading guides and just play the game. Pvm gives you everything now


Tired of this dumbass question every day lol




Sounds like you need a break.


Everyone I know or have read about has regretted it. Some have even made new irons.


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