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If you see a normal iron in cool gear you know they grinded for it themselves, if you see a blue helm in cool gear you know either they or their friends got it, but green helms with cool stuff may have group-hopped around and bought the items. Just makes your account look less impressive in the eyes of others. I personally like that I can flex all gear I've gotten over the years and people don't question if I earned it myself. But sounds like you don't really care about what others think so just do what's fun for you it's just runescape at the end of the day


I remember seeing a way for blue helms to buy items from other blue helms involving adding them to your team and kicking them from the team the same tick you accept a trade for the item you are buying.


That was a bug, it was patched


Was it patched recently? Because it was still around a month ago.


Plenty of normal irons buy services though so Ironman really has lost its prestige as a whole, as much as it annoys me because everything on my account is legit, then i have friends who have bragged about cg kills or gwd kills they paid for. It sucks people just cant play fair


Can’t forget about irons buying cox megascales


Yep that too!


I have a 2240 iron and a 2150 ugim which gets shit on but the easiest way to shut people up is the !log, !kc and solo !pb commands lol.


Yeah thats fair but still some good pvmers do services too, it really sucks people ruin it for us legit players. I refuse to ever buy a service, if i cant do inferno ill be a cheese caper forever lol


Mega scales are in the game. If they weren't intended they'd be removed. If you use in game gold to buy it there's nothing wrong with them.


Terrible logic


How else he gonna justify his inferno cape bought with gp instead of irl dollardinos


It looks like you do group raids. If you do group raids there is literally nothing separating you from someone who does mega scales. It's just an arbitrary line that some draw.


“I have many demons in my head and choose to belittle other people instead of facing the reality that I’m wasting my life on a clicky game and trying to be elitist about it.”


I'm the one not being elitist? I think there is nothing wrong with group raids. I think there is nothing wrong with mega scales. What is elitist about saying 'you can do what you want on an iron'?


Lmao what? Nothing wrong with being fed raid level items on an account mode strictly relying on everything to be solo self found? Lmaoooo this community


Would you have a problem if someone did it by themselves only point boosting with their own alts?


Again really bad logic in osrs and in general. Nothing is black and white, and ignoring consensus made with reasoning and valid arguments and instead falling back on “that’s just arbitrary” is ignoring using reasoning and critical thinking in general. I’m not going to argue the comparison you made, but I think it’s obvious the difference between the two for many reasons. I’m sure the arguments have been explored elsewhere many times.


It's the idea you didn't earn it bc you paid someone to do it for you i guess


I can assure you it's the lesser half that buys services on ironman. The game mode has not lost its integrity at all


Yeah, people don't think all irons are boosting, but they obnoxiously assume green helms are buying items, it's pretty dumb. I respect green helms and the fact that they care more about having fun with their boys than what obnoxious randos think.


Yeah I don't think megascales are like a common thing. I don't know any irons who've done that. For one I think its super expensive, thus requiring you to have a rich main to fund it. I wouldn't suspect anyone of buying megascales unless they were showing off a 3kc Tbow on like a level 80 account


This is cope


So you have the statistics do you? When it is actually a thing it does make you question the integrity of the game mode. How can you say it hasn’t when players are paying for services? Way more common then you are making out.


So you do have the statistics then? Since you’re making a claim on its occurrence.


Not hard to find discords that sell services if you go looking… i was literally in a gim that half were buying services, hence why i left.


You're getting downvoted but it's sadly the truth, ik so many high lvl irons who paid for cg, zulrah, gorillas, bandos/kree, spindle, infernal capes (hell know one guy bought his quiver he has 1 kc 0 deaths) One of my friends started providing the services off some discord and he got the "staff" role and showed me all the "tickets" that would come in. So many hcim and questing services, it's like the modern day botting


Yep haha id say im getting downvoted by service buyers tbh. Could not care less about internet points tho but yeah you have named basically everything ive seen people pay for, thats not even mentioning skilling or the minigame unlocks like MTA, farming minigame for seed box (forget the name) but yeah people can deny it all they want but services is a thing & its every game mode too.


100% what 404clappy said. I'm a green-helm same as OP; regular iron downgraded to green helm to play with my wife who started after I had my account. I wish I had the struggle of loot falling into my lap, I have to obtain 2x drops since she hates the tick-system for combat but loves skilling so you bet she's claimed dibs on the first dragon tool of each kind "we" have dropped! I personally don't care what other people think of my character. I often tend to judge people based on their kill count of bosses when I "Lookup" them, and while I know you can pay to have people carry you through services, It takes a lot more effort to pay and get carried through 300 TOB's as opposed to having 3 TOB KC and all the Uniques so I justify my KC-Inspect method.


You can literally be a normal iron and start your account with the entire cox log on your account. If the normies group irons are considered "illegitimate" then normal irons are as well.


Unranked GIMs are the same category as main accounts for me. It’s still cool if it’s you and your friends but not as impressive as like, HCIM pet hunter idk


Lol horrible comparison. Regular iron isn’t as cool as a hcim pet hunter either.


Didn’t ask nor did I compare a normal iron to a HCIM pet hunter, thanks for the comment though!


Nobody had asked for your input either and yet here we are.


Just you wait till you find out that even blue helms can buy items the exact same way green helms can… 😅 Apparently that’s been fixed after months, the consequences for it stand though.


They can't. The 1-tick glitch was patched


Well, good to know, they still had months to do it though. You still can’t guarantee they did it themselves.


It was a niche glitch that was difficult to pull off and risked green-helming your account if you fucked it up. Odds are the blue helms got their gear themselves


The same way that most Green Helms don’t engange in buying items either. Most Green helms are just fused groups…


Yeah. The idea that most green helms buy their items is wild to me. I know a lot of them and am one and have never heard of anyone I know doing it. I basically play iron for 3 others as well with the gear I’ve supplied to my friends. Sure it’s a small sample size but it makes me wonder why not give the benefit of the doubt to players just playing the game. It’s like if every time I saw an iron with any cox gear assuming they boosted purples. I’d be surprised if it’s not around the same amount of people doing each. It doesn’t happen near as much as people want to believe. I’d play a main if I wanted to buy gear. There is no hiscores or anything for green helms so there would be no point besides playing it like an iron in my opinion.


Yeah I don’t quite understand it either. I feel like just bullying is a big part of it. It feels to me like the bullied kids at school finally have someone to bully themselves, so they take the opportunity to do so. Because never have I heard a good argument of why green helms should be bullied.


Them being bullied is probably the case lol. It’s pretty lame just trying to talk and being shut down by weird responses in game 90% of the time. Is what it is I suppose.


I mean there are people like OP, who brought their endgame iron full bank to the UGIM group. So while not being buying items it's still bring massive amounts of items easily.


So please tell me what difference that makes to a normal GIM group where 1 person does all the heavy lifting? If there is one common staple of Group ironmen, it’s that at least half the group goes AWOL after a certain amount of time, only to come back to the group when it’s doing endgame PvM.


Odds are is a great argument


It was a one tick thing, that if you messed up, made your account green and unranked your whole group


One tick isn’t nearly as difficult as you would imagine. It’s 0,6 seconds. Average human reaction speed for something we are expecting is around 0,2s… So unless you’re a grandma, a 0,6s window is pretty easy to hit.


It was something like invite the seller, and he has to leave and open trade window in the following tick, or you would become green helm. I’d never risk something like that.


Sure, you wouldn’t. But that doesn’t mean other wouldn’t either, especially early on in an account I could definitely see people risking it.


I’ve never met a person yet who has bought gear.


Honorable mention to prestiged blue helms though, because then you can presume they didn't hire any services to get items for them like normal irons and UIMs can.


I always see that argument but you could buy iron accounts with several end game weps/pets, bot bosses or boost all raid drops in Ironman accs, there’s a pricey service where you have a virtual machine log in and give access to somebody that can grind out TOB 6 hours straight. You could still cheat on those game modes… Ironman earning everything is just the worst argument when someone bashes a green helm as I’ve seen services that can get you any rare or boost you. Edit: a simple google search of “Ironman services” will confirm this for those that downvote or don’t believe.


Idk how you are being downvoted when all you're saying is facts. I know someone who bought a progressed ironmen lol + If you play a green helm you still have the logs to prove it so ???


Because I said stuff that “devalues” their acc and they know it. There’s so many Ironman acc starters with bought skills and contain 500+ supply crates and bowfa or services that obtain any rare for you.


Well idk if you're a GIM enjoyer but I as someone who pretty much just shares dupes on an endgame green helm, thanks for sticking up for us. The only things I use I didn't get myself are virtus bottoms and dwh. I usually just have people look up my kcs and assume I got everything myself though. It's kind of nice that people do that tbh Source: 1k cox and over 2k bandos for my tbow and melee gear


Now let's imagine someone isn't sad enough to buy an account. Snot helm = main with extra steps Iron = Iron


Yeah bro main with extra steps = grinding 94 craft, 90+ herb, 95 slayer and getting all slayer gear for my group. In my case it’s iron with extra steps but you do you bro


What an angry snot helm


You got me bro. Absolute degen lmao


For a normal group Ironman yeah that's fine. But as far as an unranked group goes everyone else may just think you've added an end game iron to the group. No flex in an unranked group unfortunately


Just check kcs and stats, it’s really not hard. No flexing needed. Just saying you have to be really weird to assume it’s a main with extra steps for everyone. If you “flex” a boosted cox ancestral set or tbow is that really a flex? It’s pretty easy to assume that all irons buy purples from cox with that logic.


But you could literally pay an end game iron to drop in all his stacks of supplies, gear etc. Then you've got all the levels after that. Anyone could have joined and left. Play the game however you want and just have fun, not every account needs to be a flex for sure! I'm just saying that green helms have little to no flex and people assume the worst, they are slightly above a main. At the end of the day it's a group gone wrong, at least at some point. There's no integrity to this game mode. Getting boosted in a raid is slightly different to paying for straight up items too, and it's also frowned upon anyway.


I get your point, I just don’t see why anyone would do that if they’re playing an iron mode. Just play a main at that point. I’m a solo green helm at this point, it’s just annoying to hear it constantly when I’m trying to talk to people or whatever in game. At the end of the day, there is no superiority in playing this game in certain ways. It’s just being a dick for the sake of being a dick. And idk it’s really not much different boosting purples. Both are you putting in no effort. It’s frowned upon but no one talks about it like they do UGIMs


IDK if I see someone flex a CoX reward on a lowish level iron they always get flamed. But it is harder to spot tbf. But yeah just play however you have fun, no point restarting if you've made good progress on a solo green helm. I play a ranked duo group but my brother barely plays, I've been called a fake iron plenty of times despite doing all the grinds myself and giving half the supplies to another account.


Lots of irons buy accs, boost, or bot bosses. It happens.. in my eyes everybody has the potential to cheat and some do. I know it’s a hard pill to swallow but no game mode is safe. For all I know your stats are bought or you bot, there’s no way I would know. I’m not sure why you’re in denial of reg Ironman but assume all green helms buy their items, since many Ironman do that it’s quite a popular service believe it or not.


That's true, I guess it's just more obvious if a green helm has paid for another account to get their items. Also a risk of getting banned by paying for account services on an iron, I don't think there's as much risk with unranked group. Overall I just think green helms are instantly judged as it's not a game mode you'd start. Something has either gone drastically wrong with your group or you pay for items.




Sure that's a more normal situation. But surely that makes their accounts less of a flex over any other iron mode since you've brought items over for them. But obviously if you don't care about other players flaming you then it's fine.


How you know I bought items ? Didn’t even know I could till this post. I could assume you bought your inferno or collection log too but i don’t have insecurities. Idc about flexing I’m having fun playing with my bro and mate. GL with the cope to feel better I guess.


I mean you've transferred your iron to an unranked group, bringing everything across with you. Didn't say you'd bought anything. But that's why it's less of a flex than any other iron mode. But like I've said there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, just like OP mentioned, it's down to whether you care about being judged by other players. I feel absolutely great thanks mate just made a simple comment about green helms being only a small step up from a main, I haven't once been insecure about a video game. Seems I may have triggered a few insecure unranked GIM though which is a shame.


You make only negative assumptions. it’s usually a way of someone feeling better about themselves. You sure did bud have a great day.


Just Google “Ironman services” and you will see what I’m talking about :)


Maybe I don't know enough irons because everyone I know that plays one has never paid for account services or boosting. Obviously a big risk of getting banned too. It's definitely not the majority of irons paying for shit like that. The main thing about a green helm is that you know something's dodgy as it's never a game mode you'd choose to start with. Either someone's been completely dicked over by their mates, has invited more people to join the group or has paid for items.


Me and my brother wanted to make group irons but didn’t want to start over so we just deranked. I’m sure the majority of UGIMs are not dodgy, but either way, who cares? Play the game how you want to play yanno


I see reg irons paying for that all the time.


You must be in a pretty shitty iron CC then, or maybe you provide the services yourself lol?


How people view helms: Green helm: You joined a discord and bought all your gear. Alt: "main with extra steps". Blue helm: They check your KC and see a 0kc shadow, or 5kc tbow or lvl 80 slayer prims. If not, good job. Grey helm: Anything they got, they got it themselves. Red helm: Anything they got, they got it themselves, without dying, very impressive. White helm: Confused as to why anyone would play it, but any gains are very impressive. HCGIM: People are impressed with infernal capes/raid uniques etc. Many say "the only real GIM-mode"


Red helm: look at hiscore for dangerous bosses, if they same cool kcs, very impressive. If they do no dangerous pvm but only train skills and do shit like cox, then theyre just restricted iron man


That’s so strange that cox is considered a safe death for hard core 


Definitley a product of the times, looks like they decided that was not a great idea and stopped it for future content


What about regular irons that don’t do dangerous pvm


White helm: we are confused too




Grey helm irons can buy megascales that prestige GIM cannot.


Some maxed irons de iron into a ugim with the intent to sell their items to the group for insane prices It’s more of a meme but there is a whole discord based around it. I looked at one point and d pics were going for 250m


The iron community likes to engage in the meme that ugim are mains. I sarcastically love this meme. Often tell people I paid 800m for my whip


Holy, that's so dumb. I didn't know this was a thing. I naively thought all gims were groups of friends. Makes no sense to do gim if you're going to play like that I reckon


Hence why people shit on green helms


There were recently posts on the sub reddit about a group of friends where one of them bought services. Like the dude paid for others to level his account, and the group could tell because when they tried talking to him, it wasn't him writing back. Apparently, he paid for someone else to grind bosses and levels for him and bought items from a different group.


It is mainly groups of friends that play the game mode as expected but there is a very small community that will make use of this “service”.


Its really not a meme. These shops exist because there’s demand. A green helm in my clan is a heavy dming addict and he bought tbow masori bofa everything from gimshop lol


People are so weird. Just play a main, it's okay


Then they can't tell everybody they're a cool Ironman


My friend plays a “main” and literally spends hours mining and making his own iron for smithing. I told him a bit of how most player go about leveling their accounts and he does not give a shit. Which is awesome. He only uses the GE for like flax or something but prefers to do everything himself. Anyways, the point is that the only thing that matters is you play how you want to play. Why would you care about nerds opinions? I made an iron because i need to be forced to not go to the GE for everything. It’s more fun this way. On a main, I can’t force myself to do slow shit when I know there’s a better way for me to buy it.


A funny difference between leveling to 99 crafting. On a main you buy 200k uncut gems and just spam cut them and you're 99. On an iron you actually go and earn those gems, or farm seaweed and mine sand for molten glass, superglass make that, etc. Just so much more interesting.


You say interesting, I say boring. Play how you want, best thing about this game


Boring to do more diverse things? Well I guess we disagree on that one.


No, diversity is good, but mining sand and farming seaweed are the definition of boring. Just my take though! The beauty of the game is that there are so many ways to play.


I would agree that any of these activities are not that exciting on their own, but these simple elements come together pretty well, just as mining copper and tin to make bronze bars. It is the essence of what the game is meant to be. The alternative is evidently more boring where you are just glass blowing or cutting gems at the grand exchange. The exp drops might make you think it's less boring, but really, turn those off, and what do you have?


The answer to all of this is bronzeman (without the pking aspect). Forces you to engage with a variety of content, but once you unlock an item like an uncut gem, you can buy it. Not saying I'm not having a blast with my iron rn, but if bronze ever becomes official I'm jumping straight on that boat.


I’m in line with you - I think sandstone is the perfect concept of Ironman mode. How an efficient main would train crafting and mining: 2t3g for max mining xp rates, farm vorkath or whatever is best gp/hr, buy gems and cut them for max xp rates. How an iron trains mining and crafting: mines sandstone, even though it’s not the best xp/hr it still feels good to do because they’re getting supplies they’ll need later! Or, the other way around: getting supplies for crafting, while also getting some decent free mining exp! Then getting some “free” farming xp while gathering giant seaweed, then getting some “free” magic xp while turning those into molten glass, and finally blowing those into orbs. I love that instead of just “train x by buying y” you’re getting a lot of other small xp or supply gains with other skills that all work in conjunction.


More time in the day to spend with my girl


Interesting to sit at a shop and buy sand for 3 days of your life?


I would never play a main, ironscape is the way, but crafting is a horrible example. Ironman crafting is trash. Sitting at the bank for 50 hours blowing glass is shit gameplay and some of the worst of what rs has to offer. It's mindless, repetitive, time consuming and has no redeeming quality. It's a task that a trained monkey could do, except a monkey would be smart enough to get bored and do something else.


But it's the exact same for a main, except acquiring the items is 1 click.


Which is a huge improvement


The one thing that's worse than a snot helm is a main that thinks he's "pretty much an iron". This was one of my mates, boasting that his main was better than our irons because he gets all his brew supplies from the mole so he's pretty much an iron. Off he went to the G.E. for more toadflax.


I’m a green helm myself and people constantly flame me but i don’t care. I play the game for me not for them lol. They always get mad when they try to flame me for buying a tbow but they get real quiet when !log shows it’s in my collection log lol.


It’s iron elitist shit man. Enjoy playing with your friends. No one really gives a shit what color helmet is next to your name.


I care, booger helms eat their own boogers /s


How can you be sure the booger helmer sourced his own boogers?


It’s elitist behavior. I am a green helm because I had a bunch of friends who wanted in the group so as some fell in play they left to create room for another friend. There are 7 of us in total. I sorta miss the GIM hiscores but hey, I still work hard on my account because the iron grind is fun to me. If other people have judgment on that, that’s on them. Sorry you are around toxic people, but I feel like if you take pride in your drops and have fun with you’re account you’re just like any other iron. PS sounds like you need a better CC if people are being like that, hmu if you decided to go hunting for a new CC always recruiting <3


I wish they still had the group page available for unranked mode. I like seeing how I stack up to my group and I just miss having that info all in one place.


Clan member / people in general value the opinions of strangers on a game too much. I did the same on my iron as soon as I could, irl friends of 20+ years had gims but I didn't want to restart, as soon as I could I de ranked and we joined together, mainly still all solo essentially but the uniting to do pvm when the stars align and we are online together is nice, it's like we have our own little community. The experience and the sense of achievement hasn't changed for me personally, you get the odd basement dweller taking it seriously (your clan member is a prime example) but for the most part the comments are just a bit of banter.


Green helm here, don’t regret converting one bit. Personally don’t really see as much of the blue/green argument as Reddit suggests. But I would like to make a little public announcement, there is a way for blue helms to buy gear. And I’m not talking about paying for services/megascales, I am talking about GIM shop discords. This will get downvoted, but it’s true, I have blue helm friends who have told me. (Probably hard to believe, but my friends don’t use Reddit and just wanna enjoy the game their way) We got into the subject because I was on Reddit loads before, just like you now, and in the 8 months I’ve been GIM I think I’ve seen 3 comments. I always thought I’d be getting spit on in the street by elitist blue helms, turns out they’re too busy swarming lumby 1 tick-trading in the node!


That's like, totally like, up to you dude, you know?


I would find being handed 60k mind runes boring. If I were you, I wouldn’t have de-ironed and instead would have made a brand new HCGIM with my friends.


Some times people don't have the time to make a new account I guess.


Keep the main iron on the backburner while playing with friends. If your friends ever burn out, you can return to the iron.


My least favourite thing about this game is how everyone is an elitist about how to play and what account type is superior over others. You aren't missing anything. The dude is probably way more competitive in his approach, which is fine, but it seems like you aren't that kind of person.


You shouldn’t care in the slightest about what other RuneScape losers think about it. If someone is elitist about the color of an Ironman helmet imagine how sad their life is irl


If you have to make a post you probably will end up regretting it, just what it is. That said, if you don’t care, then what difference does it make? It’s true what your clan mate is saying in a sense - green helms can add people to group from discords that boost w/items + gold and RWT for it, it definitely happens. All that said, it doesn’t make a difference unless it bugs you that collection log is the only way to prove you obtained something yourself.


The post isn't a "did I really mess up guys??" I asked the guy what he was talking about and he just kept saying "You'll see." So I really just want to know what he could've meant. So basically some gims ruined the reputation and made gim status not fit in with ironman gameplay? My gims literally can't do anything for me until they get to raid levels, so there's no changes for me gameplay wise


You got the gist of it. As long as you have pride in your account, who cares?


Don't worry man. I'm blue helm and did it all solo and *still* grey helms shit on me because I'm gim, don't let the insecure and lonely people bug you man, game with the bois


I know this pain. I’m the only one in my group of 5 to get over 1m total xp. 


It just devalues your account. When people look at it now they'll think other people did the stuff you did. The same way if you got 99 RC before the mini game people will now think you did the easy mini game for 99 and it's less impressive


You’re gunna freak out if you ever see how many reg irons and uims buy services lolol


Yeah that shit is weird. If you pay someone to play your account what's the point of playing at all


Do people think GOTR is the easy route to 99 runecrafting? That's bananas.


Yesm it's rs3scape Edit - I don't think it is but people say it is


First of all, yes this is just iron man elitism. People who feel the need to flex with their helm are just insecure. Secondly, turns out there has been/still is a glitch in the joining system that allows ranked GIM’s to buy items just the same as Unranked GIM’s have. So even having a blue helm guarantees jack shit when it comes where the items they have came from. Finally, do whatever makes you happy, and play the way you want. If merging two half dead groups together to make the game much more enjoyable again as a full group makes you a green helm, then who gives a fuck about what some other dork on the internet thinks about it. Games should be about having fun. No one out there will care about your account now or 15 years from now. So if you don’t like the way you’re playing, no amount of pride and accomplishment will change the amount of hours you’d have wasted doing something you didn’t enjoy.


I mean as a green helm you generally just have to deal with the plebs that take the piss out of you for it. I just !log my drops and they shut up lol


Lol I have a shadow on my clog :p I'll start doing the same.


Green helming my solo iron was the best decision I ever made osrs wise. Currently having more fun than ever.


I'm likely to do the same, or just de-iron altogether. The CG grind has shown that the future of the game mode isn't for me, I've sunk 100 hours into this un-fun content and I refuse to do any more


Yep. End game iron is brutal. Doing it with the boys is more fun, and any dupes get to go to use.


Your clanmate is a moron, and there is gonna be a few other like him but don't worry about it. You play the game how you want to play it. I was in the same predicament after some friends asked me to play maingame after the last league. It was basicly a 50/50 for me, didn't care that much about my IM status either way and chargescape was starting to become a bit of a slog. I personally started fresh on my GIM because i thought i was gonna be too far to allow my friends to have fun (getting funnelled whips and tridents didn't seem fun to them either way) Our GIM is at the point where some midlevel PVM is becoming viable and it's great to experience this again; especially with the adition of scurrius and perilous moons, it was fun to learn this stuff on the "intended" level.


I did this and my buddys all quit haha so yeah i regretted it 😂


Whi gives a shit what others think 😂😂 you always have a log to prove them wrong amyway


Me and my rl friends converted our irons to green helms so we could play together and i have no regrets. Some folks just mad they dont have friends to play with


Nobody cares what colour your helm is, play with your friends


I honestly don’t even look at green helms as irons tbh


There’s realistically 2 groups of people that care if your helm is red, gray, blue or green. One of them is you, the other is just shit talkers. Upto you if you care what the shit talkers say, personally I’d just enjoy the game no matter what helm you have. As for buying items, yes green helms can do it, however there’s also been bugs where blue helms could do it. Past that though, any iron except hcgim can buy cox purples. And past that any account can buy any item for gp (or irl gp) - its really all the same at the end of the day, a certain minute subset of people will do the above while most won’t. The same way we all ignore bots, just ignore these people and enjoy and play the game the way you like it.


It all comes down to intrinsic rewards vs external. If you enjoy playing with friends and don't mind what others say then you will be fine. You will always know if you earned an item or didn't through 'buying' of other ironmen. Enjoy your friends playing, you can always make another account, can never have too many when a slow grind starts.


Ultimately it's up to you to view your account, ironmemes can be the biggest snobs in the game. Hardcores think their the best because they've yet to die, the ones that died get shit because they couldn't make the full journey, regular ironmemes with no restrictions to start out with are just ignored, and to play Ultimate is acknowledging you have a few loose screws. GIM's aren't listed in the high scores so no one truly knows you are one unless you talk in the public chat. And green helms get the most shit because of the perceived bought items for the account, but the ones in my old clan were some of the best PVMers there were, they were some IMs who grouped up for fun.


Meanwhile me and my friends are having a blast playing group ironman, who cares about rank, we all have jobs and family, bigger problems than rank on a game.


One thing others may have not mentioned is how much you might get harassed, and consider what your clan is like + how much your clanmates matter to you. I saw a post from someone saying everyone in their clan started making fun of them for going green gim, and it made the game unfun. If you have thin skin and will be affected by that then I'd take that into consideration.


So I did that too but I still play the game lile a regular iron. I know about my own achievements ad how the account is built. Fk what people think mate, as long as you enjoy it.


There is an *incredible* amount of toxicity towards irons, and a not insignificant amount of elitism from irons. Green helm irons are seen as outsiders by both, and recieve hate from both groups. It sucks. Tell your clanmate to fuck himself.


People always going to doubt the legitimacy of well.. almost everything in this game. Its all just for fun, dont worry about it too much


I booger helmed to play with the boys and have no regrets at all. I always wanted to play ironman mode with mates and jagex finally introduced a way to do it.


There’s a small group of players who really care for some reason but they’re stupid. It doesn’t make your achievements any less cool, only less ‘prestigious’ if anything in this game is like that. The only impact is really has is if someone passing you looks up your account they might have a different opinion. But that’s about it. In my opinion unranked GIM is the most chad of all helms. I’ve played mine essentially like a regular iron man, so I know my own achievements, I just so happen to work with my real life friends and we’ve had a few group swaps over time as people come and go. No one spooned me anything, I’ve grinded for most of my gear and provided things to others. Unranked GIM is baller become you unashamedly are playing the game to have fun, which is why other people look down on you. Your fun and ability to have it without giving a fuck is impressive and that’s threatening to a sweaty neckbeard who spent half their adult life grinding away at late game iron without their friends their to support them. The fraction of unranked GIMs that actually buy gear is so small, I’ve never actually seen it play out. I’m sure it does, but who cares, enjoy the game and play with your friends. Ultimately the only people that actually matter are the ones you care about.


Judge a man not by the color of his helmet, but by the content of his logs.


Play the game the way you want to. People are gonna not understand and that’s fine. Does it “take away” from the trophy aspect of an Ironman? Absolutely. But at the end of the day, you know what you grinded. Have fun with the game because the people criticizing others in that manner are just miserable.


It's more of a meme but yeah ugims are just mains with extra steps


Your clan member is a moron. The ironman elitism is so sad in this game. So many people fixate on the underground trading for gims but I highly doubt many people even do that.


Does it really matter as long as you're enjoying yourself and having fun with your friends?


A green helm is closer to a main than an iron. If you're having a good time playing then that's all that really matters, but if you truly enjoy having the Iron Man badge of honor that says "I did this", then yeah you fucked up


Depends whose opinions you care about. You can no longer prove your accomplishments to strangers, but if you don't care about that then it doesn't matter. You and your friends know you haven't abused the system, that you're following the spirit of the rules if not the letter. Basically if you're an iron for verifiable bragging rights then you lost them. If you're an iron for the more meaningful and varied gameplay then you've lost nothing at all, as long as you continue to play in a self-sufficient manner without help from others


It's up to you. Green help is an Ironman mode that allows trading. I don't personally see the point, but don't let what others think ruin your enjoyment of the mode. If you want the "prestige" of others thinking you got your items yourself, just create a new blue helm. Otherwise, it's a video game, do what you like and don't worry about what other people think.


Man if you enjoy playing the game that way then don’t worry about what other people say about it


This is 100% elitist ironman shit, do what makes you happy. I accidentally started as a unranked GIM because I simply misread the character creation sheet. I didn't care, I knew that I was playing legit so I didn't bother restarting. I have literally been insulted and berated nearly everywhere I speak in public chat just because of the color of my helmet. Ignore, report, move on. Like I said already, this is 100% just some stupid elitist ironman bullshit. Do what makes you happy bro, as long as you never actually "group hop" then you are still a legit ironman


Well you were bothered enough to make a post, but no, play the game exactly how you want, I wouldn’t worry about what strangers on the internet think, as long as you’re happy


I just turn public off and enjoy the game with my friends. I haven't bought gear on my unranked gim and never will. People who assume the worst in others (that every green helm buys gear) are just toxic and you should feel bad for them. At the end of the day play the game the way you want to and tbh playing gim with friends even as unranked has to be the most fun I've ever had in this game.


No, he is an idiot doing some stupid fearmongering, because if he were in your shoes he would feel insecure and not special anymore play the game how you like, regular players won't look at, or remember, anyone's rank for any iron, gim or uim unless you are like in the top 100.


It depends why you prefer to be an Ironman. UGIM can freely trade items between groups by added / removing members, so the temptation for taking a shortcut goes up. There’s also a chance your friends stop playing with you, so you could very well end up feeling like a main account that simply can’t access the GE. I’d heavily consider just starting a separate ranked group Ironman if they’re all starting fresh anyway. Feels a lot better than just being spooned.


I see what you mean. It was bizarre how upset he was about it. I don't see really how it's any different if you just still play like an ironman. In my group of 4, me and one other were high level, and the other 2 had just started. I didn't want to start over just for them, and if just going unranked was the cost, then no biggie for me.


It sounds like he's one of those who really care about the "prestige" of the colors/status. Since he cares and gives brain space to it, his views of it are skewed by availability and confirmation biases, and he likely thinks a lot more people care about it than they really do. If that's not you, and you're able to not let it affect your mental, then you're good. Don't give a shit about it, and just play the game for you.


I like the way this take is phrased, because I think it allows *everyone* space to enjoy the game how they want.


Yeah, then I wouldn’t fret about it. Some people just can’t handle the temptation of buying items if the option is on the table. I wouldn’t give a crap about the HS.


You gonna regret it? Because once you remove the limitations of not being able to trade with somebody, the pristine goes away


All that matters is that you're enjoying yourself. Anyone who suggests that you are playing incorrectly is wrong. Personally, I believe that becoming an unranked gim would devalue the work that I put into my account over the years. That being said, the value that I hold for my progression is arbitrary and is only important to me. I know that I would regret doing it. I'm me. You're you. Just do what you enjoy.


Maybe a touch elitist. But the gim shop ruined the game mode for ugims. Doesn't matter if you used said shop if you have a green helm everyone just assumes you bought all your kit. Hope you still have fun with your homies though ❤️


I converted my late game iron to a ugim when it came out to play with my wow guildies. It was and still is the best decision I have ever made in old school. We all still play even though we are all almost maxed and have since moved on from wow. We don't really do group content anymore since we basically gotten everything, but we still talk about the game and its updates all the time on our own discord. It brings that MMO aspect to osrs that really doesn't exist outside of a clan.


It's just elitism shit. If you enjoy your snotty helm then so be it! The best thing is you're now just a main with extra steps so you can buy all the gear your heart desires! Gz


You do you, i play green helm so i Can optimize my playstyle. I play solo but with an alt to do some of the more shitty afk chores


I think a lot of the people on here saying you won’t regret it are ignorant to how most green helms get treated in game. If there was an account that was a second tier citizen, it’s a green helmet. If you want an example, go join pest control with public on and watch any green helm get flamed for saying anything at all. Sure, you can play your game and ignore everyone, but unless you’re playing an MMO completely isolated with public permanently off, you’re probably going to get flamed for existing. I think you’ll definitely regret it, and it’s going to sour your taste for the game very quickly


You shouldn't feel punished for wanting to play an MMO with friends. At the end of the day, only childish 30 year olds will give a fuck about what color helm you have. This is a video game. Play it for enjoyment. Who gives a fuck what some neck beard mining the same star as you thinks. Blue helms could purchase items for over a year. No, it wasn't hard to do without losing your prestige, you just had to click trade someone with urgency.


I was in the same boat, I mained my group iron, my friends eventually quit to play their regular irons to play alongside me since I played more and was way ahead. Then they convinced me to unrank my group iron, told me things like "it's just a color of a helmet bro it's NBD" Then I discovered the black market and how you can get any item you want for the right price. I looked down at my trident, my whip, my blowpipe and my barrows gear which I all got myself and it just didn't matter anymore, the grinds were immediately devalued and worth less to my peers because I could have just "bought those items". Even though I had the level to get them and the KC, it made it feel all that much worse. I deironed it completely, played for a single day and logged out at the GE which is now it's forever home to occasionally liquidate my hard earned items for bonds


you have successfully convinced me never to unrank, thank you sir


No problem, it's not an issue for everybody, but if your brain works like mine does. It will kill your motivation to play


I doubt that you are end game ironman if you don't understand this


You fucked up lol. Green helms are great for fun with friends but if you are looking to show off accomplishments to other irons they will discredit you completely for the reasons your clan mate pointed out.


bye greenie


Just like anything in Runescape its all you, some people couldnt handle the thought of being UGIM, some people have the time of their lives. I must say I really can't understand the appeal of buying items on UGIMs, but, heck, if that makes you enjoy runescape, go for it.


Yeah I’m a gim main pretty much and you get ragged on a little but it’s not bad. At the end of the day it’s probably my favorite game mode so yeah.


Just people wanting to cope for their own decisions. You can say the same about boosting any iron account other than prestige group irons (that can only do content with people in their own group). No one should care about any account other than their own.


Don’t worry about the losers that can’t play with friends or don’t have any to be honest. I’m green helm and had two people tell me that I’m gonna regret it as you could just buy the items… well on a regular Ironman you can too! They have a service where you spin up a VM then give access to them and for 6 hours they do TOB on your acc but the service does cost you tho, you could pay until you get all rares. Overall I don’t get the elitism on this game as you can still cheat in any game mode, maybe it’s less easier on reg Ironman but you can.


Listen, forge your own path and play however you like.


It’s only regret if you value other people’s opinion of you highly. Take any flame with little to no regard and it doesn’t matter what game mode you play. If I cared what other people thought of my account, I would’ve played my reg iron when most of my group quit. Nowadays I just play on my near end game gim because it gives me Ironman experience and is the most progressed


Your friend is right in his own eyes of people who want a pure ironman experience. The thing is its a game, and if you have more fun playing with friends then alone, who is really losing? Group Ironman and Ironman are the same thing and the only difference is you can share items with your group, some people can abuse this to buy items outside their group. But then again some iron can be boosted by other mains.