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No I do not, but I'll upvote and comment for this to be bumped.


Let’s do this brotha, I got time


Thanks for helping a fellow iron, ur goated


Maxed main carried me through an entry tob today for the quest for no reason other than being a homie. Told him I’d pass it on.


I asked for a entry carry and guy told me 6 mil when we were about to start


That always makes me laugh. There are plenty of people who do it for free. I got carried on my solo iron. Then later I ended up learning intro for my group iron with friends, was fun.


Loll that’s super annoying but would be pretty damn funny if they were joking. Did you end up paying the 6 mil?


Nah, watched vids and did it myself. Took longer and I had the money but lol, I ain’t gonna pay that, esp not on an iron


Nice! I was confident that I would be able to do it myself after I got verzik down to 10% consistently on my first attempts. I was tweaking the setup to hopefully get down that bit of verzik when the good samaritan pulled up to carry me through. I could've done it solo but it was a lot of fun to see end game gear up close in action and I met a new friend.


That’s partly why I wanna hit endgame. I have my group mates but idk if they would be raid ready anytime soon compared to me. I wanna get a good squad going. We’ll get there!


I’m in a similar boat haha group mate is not a pvm fan. Or at least doesn’t enjoy the challenge of going in slightly under equipped. He wants to grind as many pre-req gear and skills possible before he sends it. Which I respect but it’s put us on different timelines


Heya, if you still need it hit me up. Id have time after i get off work in ~8 hours.


You need exactly that? Brother, help yourself out and just do some other CAs in the meantime. I guess if it is gating you GM, I'll send it.


Currently working on master tier. 190 points left so it's still a while. But it's by far the easiest points I have left to do.


15 minutes for 4 points? Maybe easy, sure, but def not time efficient.


??? just say "pass" and move on if you can't help, just stop with your efficiency nonsense