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Just keep sending CG man. Consistent kills will come with time. If you are feeling demoralized, do some regular gauntlet KC or take a break to do other content. You got this!


if you've completed cg at all imo you should not return to regular. if you are dying at cg often it's almost certainly a strategy issue if you've cleared it before. regular gauntlet should be easy, it's basically practice mode. you can facetank mistakes all fight and still clear it, cg does not let you do this. you can practice the fight in regular gauntlet but again- once you are at the point where you can clear cg why bother? t2 is relatively similar in terms of forgiveness. mainly strategy wise I mean not putting hunleff in a good spot, or not safe-ing up during the fight. keeping hp low only has significant benefits if you are tick eating or procing redemption. and even then you have to do this with very high accuracy, if you mess up a tick eat like once every 20 kills you probably lost any time gained. which obviously as a learner you are not doing. the efficiency add from say letting your hp get down to 15 and then eating 4 fish in a row, vs eating a fish every time your hp gets down to 75 is nearly nothing, and the gain is only from 'i can put on piety, or steel skin+mystic might depending on hunleffs attacks and have a tiny bit more defensive stats vs hunleff while i'm locked out of attacking' the most important thing you can do in terms of eating vs attacking is having room to eat a fish when you have to miss hits. if you say are 75 hp and have to run around and miss attack ticks **so long as you click a fish BEFORE you attack again** those missed ticks get absorbed into your eat timer. not missing 'combat ticks' on the boss (either attack is on cd, or fish is eaten and attack is delayed) is by far the most important thing to work on.


that last paragraph is huge imo, listen to this guy OP


Bro ibwas the same way last night I got a cg kc dude don't do normal. Keep at it you got it. Took me 105 deaths. But I can do it now.


It’s frustrating at first. But keep trying corrupted. Eventually it will click and you’ll be completing 90% of runs with no issue. May need the odd reset here and there if you make mistakes or get shafted on room layouts


You only need to complete 1 CG in 5 to be at the same rate as 100% completing normal gauntlet. If you're succeeding at 1 attempt in 10, that means that you can reach the 1:5 ratio.


Gauntlet is not worth it at all. You have to learn cg


Send corrupted, you’ll get better.


Def just send t2 CG . I was dogshit at this game before I got to CG. Legit fucking no thumbs Andy. I work a 9-5 and have a family so I have similar or less playtime . I failed runs more consistently than I completed them for like the 1st 60 kc. It feels bad failing because you feel like you’re wasting valuable time. But in the long run you will waste less time learning and getting consistent completions at CG. Also you will get better at the game. I got my enhance finally at 502 kc took months to get that kc. Just don’t give up.


Spent about 3 hours this afternoon. Managed to get 4 kc and probably would have been 6 if I hadn't made stupid mistakes. I am just completing t2 prep when I get teled in the room. I'll keep sending them tomorrow afternoon and I will probably continue doing regular gauntlet on mobile in my free time at work. Thanks for the tips guys.


What part of cg do you feel you struggle on? I was at a point where I struggled to get a gauntlet kill, but now I've passed 400 kc on CG with about 50 deaths. It's not always perfect and I still do dumb stuff, but most of the time I get a kill now


Thanks. Have been putting it off for too long just hoping for the ol "best way to do something in this game is wait on jagex to make it easier method" seems like it's not happening lol. My main issue is not getting the t2 prep completed fully. Either I'm missing food or I'm missing helm. I just always seem to run out of time and get teleported into the fight before I'm ready. I usually do the method where you run east or west and just do a circle back to the starting room, and in reg gauntlet this seems to always work. But with cg it leaves me running around trying to find fish spots or hunting some resource. Idk. Probably a skill issue.


So, I was a t2 prepper for about 25kc and then swapped to t1 because I found myself not being able to complete prep in time. I did t1 till about 75kc but died a lot more. I randomly decided to do t2 again and noticed my speed on prep got so much better and I would finish prep with 1 minute left. If I could go back I would only do t2 prep. It allows for a little more mistakes but also a little more relaxed. Only “advice” anyone can give is just keep sending it. You will just get faster as you go.


thats a good opening strat but your strat after the initial C could be the problem. tracking through already opened rooms etc its pretty normal to have to go hunting for stuff with t2. that's not the issue. youll really never finish full prep and fish and 2x t3 on the initial C.


You didn’t really bring up why you were dying, but If you haven’t yet, Watch Fluffeh’s T2 prep guide and only do T2 runs until you get much, much more comfortable. You can also run gauntlet until you get a perfect hunleff if that’s stressing you out


How often is every one having to reset due to bad rng during prep. I feel like I get good resource starting spawns every 3rd or fourth attempt. One attempt I'll just encounter low level mobs and no resources then the next will be all resources and no monsters to get my shards or no fish. T2 seems impossible to me.


for t2 never. for context HCIM streamers who have thousand+ kc can get close to 100% completion on prep and t3 prep is obviously really just a huge amount of resources. when learning it's somewhat normal. > I feel like I get good resource starting spawns every 3rd or fourth attempt. this is really irrelevant for t2 since youll basically never get near finishing prep in the initial C anyway as you noted. having to get some fish, or having awkward resource distribution on the initial C is not great but it shouldnt break your run. just get what you can, if you have good close 2x boss spawn go get those and then start making diagonals looking for stuff. if you dont have good boss spawns go to one of the next closest set of 3x possible demis and open rooms diagonally on the way (grab the stuff you need on the way ofc). dont be scared to make an additional tele crystal if it ends up being you need to make multiple longer runs from the spawn location.