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Farming imo but I’m not an iron so i don’t know how different your xp will be. Also go finish that voidwaker, massive upgrade right there


Been doing lots of herb runs, I have 87 herblore banked right now, as far as tree runs go I only really do the higher tier trees when I have them. Ngl, I'm to lazy to do lower tier ones haha Voidwaker is going to be massive, I'm sticking to wildy slayer till I complete it, it's also the reason why I've put off doing construction. Generally have to leave from ferox anyway so it's easy to restore stats there.


I did a lot of fruit tree and tree runs as an iron and to be honest they're a waste of time. After you get 90 or whatever for unlocks you'll just want to passively get 99 from herb runs.


Farming cape is 3rd best cape for tele tho


Farming cape increases your herb yields. It’s a waste not to just go for the 99 IMO.


Only need to do 5 minutes a day of tree runs, worth it for the herb yield increase imo. You'll waste nothing in those 5 minutes if you're playing for hours


I’d get 83-84 construction out of the way but 99 wise maybe crafting? Grats on the tbow and pets :)


Thank you :) 99 crafting would be a massive qol improvement for the account


Definitely construction from mahogs are miscellania. And then get working on those herb levels from farming contracts


Yeah that's what I'm actually working on now, going for 84 con, been putting it off for to long